What are your fanfic author pet peeves?

Lol, got bored and was surfing AFF for something to read and I thought I would do one of these for the first time in a while. Let's be nice but honest here, and I would love to hear some good answers.

My personal author pet peeve is when an author posts tons and tons of extremely short chapters (like 250-500 word chapters) and posts about 300 hundred of them, even more when they post all the chapters all at once and don't use the wonderful ability the internet gave us to build suspense for the next chapter over some time. I get tired of the pressing buttons and it is hard to keep track of the events of each chapter, plus many of them lack creative writing points that I deem essential (e.g. internal thought, descriptive actions, suspense, narrative hook). It sounds awful because I'm sure that very many of them are great reads and that the author put in effort to write them, but I immediately scroll past them when I see them.

Tell me about yours!
8 months ago
How do I best explain this? One of my top pet peeves are 3rd person pov in which informal diction is primarily used. Prime example is slang such as "friggin." And I don't mean in dialogues. I mean, "she was friggin mad at her parents." Contrary to how the writer might feel, it does not add personality to your MC. It lacks inspiration and creativity, and I won't read on if it sounds like the writer is talking at me.
8 months ago
@Dot4Dot7Dot It’s definitely not too late, thanks for replying!! I understand that one because I also have trouble reading things that slack on the punctuation, just because it gets on my nerves a lot. I have also read a lot of them that had some questionable punctuation skills and loved them too, so I can definitely see where you’re coming from
8 months ago
Dunno if it is too late to post a message here, but one of my pet peeves when it comes to fanfic writers is when the bunch all of the text into one giant paragraph and leave out punctuations. It's very common to see among younger authors and some of them are good reads, but when I come across those, I realize that it is very easy to get lost in the text and forget where you were at.
9 months ago
@inamoka I get it though, readers don’t always know how tall characters are, especially in fully creative works, and I really like to read stories where height differences are involved (and described) ;)
9 months ago
@inamoka Thank you for answering! As an author, I totally understand. I try not to use that until I have overused their name or pronoun for the exact same reason. Every time I use them, I just hope that the person reading knows about the height of most EXO members, lol.
9 months ago
Dang, I missed clicked and it entered but I know fanfic as a concept is that everyone knows how the characters look and act hence why it's just a lil pet peeve I don't often mind but I wish people play around with build up using small little details more... it makes rereading fun.
9 months ago
I wonder if it's too late to answer? But personally my pet peeve in fanfic authors are when they don't establish how characters look for their narration and jusr expect everyone to know who "the taller" is. Just a pet peeve, I don't mind in the grand scheme of things but it's wasted potential if they do not play around with it.