Chapter 31

Of All The Odds

Chapter 31




The kiss deepened. I want to kiss her softly but I just can’t. The urgency I am feeling, the warmth that I’ve been wanting, the emotions that I’ve been restraining is consuming me. Consuming us. 


For the past 8 years, I’ve been wondering will I be able to see her again. Will I be able to kiss Sandara again; will I be able to hold her this close again. Will I be able to have a chance with her again. Against all odds, here I am, living with all the wonders and questions I had in my mind. 


Kissing Sandara again felt like a heavy weight has been lifted— the heavy weight of what ifs, the heavy weight of pain and questions, the heavy weight of regrets. I thought that those heavy weight that I am feeling is normal, that it is part of loving; that having heavy feelings of pain and suffering is part of loving her. Boy, I was so wrong. 


Loving Sandara will always be calm and home. She is… my safe space. And I want her to feel it with me too. That despite all the things she’s done that led us to be apart, I am her comfort. I am her safe space. That I am her home. 


I closed my eyes tightly after the intense kiss. I am caressing her chin as I rested my forehead on hers. I can feel her slow breath, I can feel her warmth. I don’t want to open my eyes for I am afraid that I am hallucinating; that this is just one of those dreams I have. 


“Jiyong…” I heard Sandara whisper. Our lips were barely touching as she said those words. 


I opened my eyes and I met here eyes full of questions. Of love. And of lust. 




Her tears starts to fall again and my heart broke. I kissed her tears away. How I wish I am not the cause of those tears. How I wish everything is okay. 


“I love you. I still do.” She whispered with trembling lips. 


Damn it. I know what she felt for me was real, I’ve always knew; hearing it right now coming from her lips, seeing how her eyes speaks truth , I am now sure that it is true. She told me before, that she loves me, but I have doubts. I have doubts that they were lies. I have doubts if she’s even sincere. But now, I knew it was true. She loves me, before and even up to now. 


She bit her lower lip as she lowered her head and closes her eyes. I felt the sudden urge to kiss her— and I kissed her, hungrily. I kissed her right. I kissed her like how I kissed her the very first time. 


“I love you.” I said in between kisses before I lifted her. 


Sandara shrieked at the shock but then she giggled. Ahh, I’ve been longing to hear her giggles, her laugher and her… moans. 


“Where’s your room?” I said in between kisses and whimper. 


Sandara groan but said “First door.” 


Her legs were wrapped on my hips and her arms wrapped on me as she hugs me tight. I didn’t stop from kissing her as if stopping means I will stop from breathing. I put her on her bed and we both know, we both anticipated what is about to happen. 


I removed her clothes and she helped me remove mine. There was rush in both of our movements. We were now both . I am staring at her, admiring her body. . Sandara is so ing hot. So beautiful. 


“Beautiful…” I whispered as I kissed her neck. 


Her hands trailed from my cheeks, down to my neck, moving towards my abdomen. And boy, I felt goosebumps. I feel like I am electrified. Her cold fingertips bring shiver down to my spine. 


She pulled me close to her and kissed me. There was gentleness, urgency, lust all at the same time. I gasped as she kissed me on my neck. I need to restrain myself. Sandara is at the peak of her emotions. I need to slow her down. 


“Ji…” I heard her sultry voice call my name. 




I kissed her chest, kissing every inch and every corner of it. She arched her back giving me more access. I slowly kissed her abdomen, down to her navel. I went back to kissing her lips as my hand reached in between her thighs, playing and caressing it. 


Sandara reached for me as I hear her soft moan echoes in her room. She bit her lower lip as she felt the rhythm of my touch. Slowly. Then, fast. Circling motion. Her grip on my arm tightened as well as her moans became louder. Her moan is so ing y. 




“…” I mutter as she convulsed. She’s soaking wet in my hands. 


Sandara smiled as me. I pull out my hand and them. Her eyes widened upon realizing what I did. I laughed. 




“Stop. It’s embarrassing…” 


“Nothing to be embarrassed, babe. I love you…”  


Her eyes darkened, again, she’s consumed by the lust. I placed myself on top of her. She gave me a knowing smile. We both know, we just know. 


“! So… tight.” I whispered as I entered her. 


We moved to the music only me and Sandara could hear. Hot bodies, sweat and moans. Skin to skin. 


We both came at the same time. And it didn’t ended with just like that. We aren’t satiated. It wasn’t enough. , it will never be enough. We felt like we need to get closer, closer than this. We made up for the lost time. 


We lost track of the time. Maybe it’s nighttime now. I don’t know. And I don’t ing care. The only thing I care about is her— her soft moans, her touch and being me inside her. Damn it.


I wrapped her on my arms, still underneath her sheets. I can feel her skin. I can feel her warmth. She’s really here. Sandara is real. 

Sandara buried her face on my neck. There’s a tingling sensation as she breathes. 


“Ji…” she said. 


“Yes, babe?” 


“What are we now?” She asked. 


I hugged her tighter. “Isn’t it obvious? We are now a couple.” 


I heard her giggling. Ahh, music to my ears. 


“I thought you’ll say ‘We are happy’. Like a typical boy.” 


“I’m not a boy anymore.” I said. I kissed her temple. “The moment I realised I love you, the era of Jiyong the boy is done. And yes, we are also happy. Happy couple.” 


She kissed my neck and looked at me. “I love you.” 


I bent down as I reach for her lips. “I love you more.” 


She chuckled as she kissed me back. “I’m so happy that you’ve waited.” 


“Even if you told me not to wait, I still waited.” 


She nod. “I’m happy that you’re not dating Nana.” 


“Nana is marrying my cousin.” 


“I’m happy that you didn’t get her pregnant.” 


“As I was saying—“


“And I’m happy that it’s still me.” 


I cupped her face. “It will always be you.” I said in between kisses. “You really bewitched me huh. I can’t date anyone else than you. I can’t unlove you anymore, babe.” 


Sandara laughed. “As what you’ve told me before, I am an angel in disguise.” 






“Please don’t leave me ever, again.” I look at her in the eyes. Her eyes moistened. Her lips trembled. I traced my hands on her lips. “If you’ll leave me again… I-I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive again.” 


“I won’t. Never again.” 


“I trust you. I will trust you again, babe. Please don’t… don’t break my heart this time.” 


Sandara nods as she cries. I cried too. 


My love for her is so great, so vast, that not loving her will drown and kill me. For the last 8 years without her, I felt like I am just surviving for the sake of my family. I survived the last 8 years at the thought of our painful yet happy memories. I survived but I was not happy. If one day she’ll decide not to love me anymore, I don’t know what will happen to me. I never thought I will love her this… deep. I know I love her but I never thought it will be this hurting and healing at the same time. 


She kissed me softly. 


“I won’t break your trust and your heart again, Ji. This time, I’ll stay true.” 


I hugged her tighter. I know this is not a dream anymore. This is the reality. She’s here. She said she won’t leave me again. And I will trust her. I will trust her with all my heart. 


“Babe…” I said as I closed my eyes. 




“Let’s get married.” I whispered as I tried my best to stay awake but too tired and fell asleep. 






I WOKE UP feeling better. I smiled as I remembered what happened last night. Me and Sandara. It was wonderful. 


I stretched out my hand and reached for the other side of the bed and I felt the empty bed. My eyebrows furrowed. She woke up pretty damn early. 


I sighed and got out of her bed. Even though I want to lay down on her bed so much because it smells like her. The scent that I want to smell everyday and for… hoping, for the rest of my life. 


I went out of her room and the silence welcomed me. The unit’s interior is the same as mine. I look at the wall clock and it’s already past 11. More importantly, where is she? 


Did she… oh no. I don’t want to entertain that ing idea but I just can’t help it! Did she runaway again? Heck, this is her condo so why would she runaway? And she told me she won’t leave me! Where the heck is Sandara? 


I was about to panic when I heard her voice from the balcony. I sighed. Everything, the emotions and tension, subsides. She’s here. She didn’t left me. I slowly walk towards her. 


“Yes, mom. I’m in my condo right now. Sorry, I forgot about the dinner.” 


I wrapped my arms on her and kissed her bare shoulders. Sandara is wearing her thin lacy nighties. The night is cold so I hugged her tight. 


“Yes. Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.” 


She ended the call and faced me. Oh, her smile that can heal all of my anxiety and fear. 




“Mom called when I didn’t told her I won’t show up on our dinner date.” She giggled. “Damn. How could I wake up… I’m was so tired…” 


I grinned and kissed her temple. “Sorry. But not sorry.” 


She chuckled and hugged me tighter. “Are you going to sleep here?” 


“Can I?” 


She giggled again. Damn it. I will do anything just to hear her giggled everyday! 




“Let’s order something. For dinner.” 


She let go from the hug. “I ordered already.” 


She went to the kitchen. I just noticed the food that was prepared. Damn it. I was overthinking and so anxious that I didn’t even noticed it earlier. 


“Tomorrow after work. Do you want… to have a movie date?” Sandara asked. She looks like she’s nervous as she munch her pasta. 


I bit my lower lip as I try my best to hide the smile on my face. Oh, boy! She looks so cute while asking me! 




“And after that, uhm, dinner date?” 


I smiled. “Sure.” 


“And then after that… uhm, coffee date?” 


I nod as I held her hand. “Sure.” 


She giggled. “And then after that, uhm, drive around the city date?” 


I kissed her knuckles. “Sure. Everything my babe wants.” 


“And then… go home with me?” 


I grinned. “Of course.” 


She smiled at me. I pulled her closer to me. Since we are both sitting beside each other, I can easily kiss her temple. Damn it. What will I do if this is just a dream? A very vivid dream? I don’t want to wake up then. I want to be trapped in this dream. Forever. 


“I love you.” She said as she placed her hand on my jaws. “I want us to start again, Ji.” 


I nod and kissed her forehead. “We will.” 


God. What more could I ask for? 


We ended up doing the dishes together. I slept on her condo and just told her that I’ll go home before going to work to change. I don’t want to leave her again. Now that we are on the same page, I want to be with her every time. 


Ahh, at last. We are now a couple. I am dating her for real. 


. I am so ing happy. 



“I’ll drive.” I said as I got to the parking. “We’ll use my car.” 


“But I can use my car too—“




The argument about our car arrangement took us minutes but I won. I don’t want us to convoy! Heck, no way! She’s pouting as she apply her make-up on the passenger seat. 


“You’re still beautiful even without make-up babe…” 


Her cute pout turned into a huge grin. She looked at me. “I’m still angry, you know.” 


“Come on.” I held her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I just want to be with you, babe. I wish I could put you inside my pocket.” 




I grinned upon hearing her call me ‘babe’. Damn it. 


“I love you.” 


“I love you too.” 


Damn it. I wish good things will come from this day onwards. 


After changing, I got back to my car. Sandara is still doing her make-up which is really unnecessary. Like come on! She’s so beautiful. There is nothing to cover. She’s perfect. 


I put some of my work clothes at the back since I won’t be going home for this week. Or the following week. I should’ve told the helpers huh. 


“What’s with the clothes? Are you going somewhere?” She curiously asked me. 


“Oh. Since I’ll be living in the condo for the mean time, I bought some clothes.” 


“Your condo?” 


My eyebrows furrowed. “Your condo. Or you can live in my condo. Either way, it’s fine.” 


I saw Sandaras cheeks turned red. What? Is she blushing? Or is it hot? 


“Is it hot?” I asked. I turned the cars air conditioner to a higher temperature. “Your cheeks were red. Are you okay?” 


“N-Nothing. Let’s just go.” 


I just shrug and drive. I want this day to end so I can be with her again. Alone. We will do the house chores. And read books together. Or help each others cases. Or just… cuddle and more. Damn. 


“What time will be your court appearance today?” I asked her as we got out of my car. 


I held her bag with her laptop and case files on my left hand as I hold her right hand. I want everyone to know that I am with her. That she is already taken. That I am dating her. And she is mine. So other people won’t even dare to have a glance at her. 




“Use my car then.” I told her as I hand her my car keys. 


“I’ll just use the firm’s car—“


“Babe, use it.” 


She just sighed but then smile at me. “I never knew you’ll be this kind of boyfriend.” 


My eyebrows furrowed. We enter the elevator. “What do you mean?” 


“Clingy boyfriend.” She giggled. 


I shook my head as I smirk. “Well, from the start I knew I’ll be clingy though. And possessive. Are you fine with that?” 


Damn it. If you’re not fine with it, I will do my best to change babe. For you. Just say it. And will gladly obey. 


“Hmm. Am I?” 


She s her arms on my arm and rested her head on my shoulder. “Well, I am clingy too so it’s a tie.” 


We both laugh. I kissed her temple. Then the elevator doors open. Me and Sandara froze upon seeing her mom and dad looking at us. Shock is an understatement to what is happening right now. Especially to her parents side. 


“M-Mom. I-I mean, Attorney.” 


“Attorney. J-Judge. Good morning.” 


. I looked at Sandara’s Dad and saw how his eyes were glues at Sandara’s arm holding my arm. His lips thinned. 


“To your mom’s office. Now.” Judge Park said as he went out and walked back to Attorney Park’s office. 


Will he dislike my relationship with his daughter? Does he like someone else for her? . Objection you, honour. But I love your daughter so much! Damn it. 









x o x o: 



My love, Sandara, is rumoured to be dating Lee Joon✨  i dunno but… 

I mean, I’m sad as a DaraGon shipper but DAAAAMN!! It’s about time, my love. Whoever makes u happy, makes me happy🫶🏻✨💛 ilysm 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
14 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
14 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
14 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story