







“Another rose?!” Hyukjae let out a sigh after checking his locker. He’s been receiving a stem of rose for a month now and he can’t figure out who left it there.”it’s getting creepy as the time passes by”.


“Have you asked the security yet?” Kyuhyun said as he placed his books inside his locker.


“Yes, I already asked them but this part of the locker is a blind spot so they can’t tell who put the rose here”


“How many rose stems have you already received?”


Hyukjae thinks for a second “Including this? I think it's the 34th rose already? I am not sure”  but he’s certain that it’s indeed his 34th rose since he’s been keeping the roses he received on a flower vase he placed on his study table


“Wow! Your admirer is so persistent in sending you a rose! while I can’t see why it did in the first place —ouch hyung, that hurts” Kyuhyun said as he rubs the place where Hyukjae hits.


“On the first day, I find it cute, like, knowing that there’s someone placing a rose on your locker is kinda sweet. Then as the day passes by, I am receiving another color of rose so I got curious who this could be but now that it’s been a month of receiving this, it now creeps me out” he said as he stared at the flower.


“Wait a minute, you received other colors of rose? tell me more about it” Kyuhyun asked


Hyukjae wonders why Kyuhyun would want to know the colors of the roses he received but he answered him “Yes. oh, I have received a pink rose, a cream colored white rose, a rose that is a shade of coral, also a Yellow one but mostly I got a cream colored roses– why do you want to know?"


"Hyung, do you know that there's a meaning in every color of the flower?"


"Oh~ just like white! it symbolizes purity, marriage and peace" 


"Yes. Do you know the meaning of the other colors?” Kyuhyun sighed when Hyukjae shook his head. “.. tsk. Tsk. tsk. Do you know that cream roses implies thoughtfulness and the best way to tell someone that they're thinking about them? Of course you don't know that!"


"Ya! Kyuhyun, what are you making me? do you think I'm stupid?"


"Hmm, so-so" Kyuhyun said as if he’s stating a fact.


"Yah! shut it before I hit you real hard. Now, continue your color meanings, whatever"


"Tssk. you ungrateful thing. Anyways, going back with the colors and I hope you can figure out who sends you the flower. Coral means enthusiasm and desire. people often give these to someone they are excited to get to know or would like to spend their time with. Pink roses symbolize gratitude. mostly given as a token of admiration when given to someone. while the Yellow …"


The hesitation on Kyuhyun’s voice made him curious. What meaning would it be for the yellow rose? Making him wonder makes his heart beat fast. "what about the yellow?" 


"That color doesn't fit the equation, hyung. Ugh! Why did he send that color?" frustrated at the sender, Kyuhyun is already cursing him in his mind.


"why? what does it mean?"


"it's a rule not to give a yellow rose to someone you're interested with!"




"because it symbolizes friendship! No one in their right mind would give a yellow rose to someone they have a romantic feeling with!"


Friendship? Yellow rose is for Friendship?! Knowing the meaning of this particular color made him disappointed. Why would his admirer give a yellow rose after giving him all those colors? Will he end up being in the friendzone? Not that he’s expecting romance though, but after Kyuhyun’s lecture of colors, his little crush on his admirer grows. He doesn't want to admit it at first coz’ who would have a crush on someone who's a complete stranger? But then, it makes him flattered whenever he receives one, or in whatever color it might be, it makes his day bright. 


Kyuhyun felt the changes in his hyung’s mood. Being with him for a long time makes him able to understand his facial gestures. Hyuk has started to pout his lips whenever he’s sad or something disappoints him. "Hyung, when did you receive the Yellow rose? was it  just recently?"


“No. I think during the second week? But after that, I received a yellow rose with red tip”


Kyuhyun gasps, which caughts Hyukjae’s attention. “Why Kyu? What does it mean?”


“Nothing hyung! I think I’m late. I need to rush for the theatre practice” Kyuhyun said as he gathered his stuff for the practice. “See you later hyung! and Oh! If you happen to see Jongwoon hyung, can you tell him that he doesn’t have a taste and that he is liking a person that is too dumb not to notice the obvious that I need to solve the problem for him just to understand” Kyuhyun said as he quoted the word “understand”


Hyukjae doesn’t know what Kyuhyun means. He just nods and takes note of the message he wants him to relay to Jongwoon. “Okay, Kyu, good luck on the practice”


He’s been hesitant to enter the cafe where he and Jongwoon agreed to meet. He can easily notice him from afar. He sat on the table where he labeled it “their usual place”. He’s been liking him for a long time now but having a “secret admirer” makes him confused on what he feels for the guy. He silently hoped that it’s Jongwoon who would send him the rose but what are the odds? He kinda accepted the fact that it’s only one-sided. It also adds what Kyuhyun told him


With a deep breath and calming his nerves, he entered the cafe and approached him.


“How long have you waited for me hyung? I am sorry, I have to go some errands”


“It’s okay Hyuk. I didn’t wait that long. Shall we start?”


“Yes - oh hyung, before I forgot, Kyu wants me to relay a message to you.”


“O–kay? What is it?”


“He said that you doesn’t have a taste and that you are liking a person that is so dumb on not noticing the obvious that He needs to solve the problem just for him to understand” he said as he also reenacting with Kyuhyun’s action. “.. Are you perhaps seeing someone? Is he that stupid, hyung?” Hyuk asked


Jongwoon just shrugged “Yeah, you are so stupid Hyukjae” he whispered on himself. “Just don’t mind him, Hyuk. He’s just making fun of me anyways, let’s start with the project? hmm?” he said, changing the subject and taking note to hit Kyuhyun for the next time he saw him. He just openly revealing his secret to his dumb–yet adorable Hyukjae. He's just thankful Hyuk is so naive to notice.


"Hyung, do you know that there's a meaning in each color of rose?" out in the blue, he asked


"Yes. If you're going to give a flower to someone, make sure to know what does the color means or else, you might unintentionally offending them"


"I see. So do you know what's the meaning of yellow roses with red shades on the tip of it's petals?"


"Yellow rose means Friendship, Red means Love"


"oooh~ it's a Friendship love then"


"No, Hyuk, it's different. It means, falling in love– and Friendship is where they first started"


Hyukjae gasps. So the person who leaves the roses is not just a stranger? It's somebody he knew?






AN: I have read some feedbacks with this oneshot when I post it on twitter. I initially prepared the continuation of this as my entry for another prompt but I got busy with school. TT____TT

   I'll be posting it here once I have finished it :>>


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: Babe! The continuation, puhleaseeee?!?
398 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hyukjae is an idiot XD
Lari-Campos #3
Chapter 1: This is adorable!! Confused and oblivious Hyukjae is the cutest.
Kyuhyun spelling it out for him, and even so he didn't get it hahahaahha
34 roses, that's some really persistent admirer you've got there Hyuk

"It means falling in love - and friendship is where they first started" maybe with that Hyukjae will be able to find out who it is!
I like their dynamic, how they're working together on a project, and have "their usual place". and how Hyukjae likes him back and was hopeful Jongwoon would be the one sending the roses.

Ah, I can't wait to see when he finds out, if you feel inspired, of course, to write a continuation.

Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 1: I like it ,
Will yesung confess to hyuk , ? can't wait
But then just take you're time in updating and goodluck with your school stuffs