Much of a choice

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Yongsun had gone through a horrible day in court.

Her former husband was trying to get their son's custody despite being absent most of the time.

The brunette accepted her best friend's hug and they kissed with love and tenderness.

Suddenly, they heard the 12-year-old shouting:


The boy pushed Byul and gave the two women a look of disgust.

__ Jimin sweetie, calm down.__ The 31-year-old mother spoke softly.

__ Tell her to go away, Mom! Or I'll go live with Dad.

__ Jimmie, it's me. Aunt Byul. You know I love you. And your mom and I never did anything wrong. Your parents are divorced. I...

__ Shut up! You're not my aunt anymore! You're a dirty lady. And you are turning my mom into another one.__ The kid exclaimed and ran to his room.

__ I'll talk to him. He always listened to me.

__ No, Byul. Please...Don't make things even worse.__ The brunette exhaled.

The 30-year-old held her lover's shoulders and tried to kiss her forehead but she felt Yongsun's body getting tense.

Stressed, the older one pushed her friend and walked to the window.

__ Please, don't say that you are blaming me.

__ No. It's my fault. I shouldn't have kissed you here. 

__ What? Yong, do you really think that is the problem?

__ Byul-ah, he is a child. And his father is his hero. I should have taken things slow.

__ You shouldn't have hidden his father's wrongdoings. He must know that you were cheated over and over again.

__ What good outcome will this bring? He is my only child. It's not his problem if his father couldn't keep the pants on.

__ At least he wouldn't think you are an evil witch who cheated on his "hero". Or that the disgusting lesbian ruined his family.

__ Look, I know you have the best intentions'll never understand. You're not a mother.

Shaking her head in disbelief, the 30-year-old asked:

__ Are you serious? Are you really using this argument to me? I helped you raise that boy. Something his father never did.

__ I'm sorry but it's different. You like him as an aunt. I gotta think of my son,  Byul-ah.

__ Okay, Yong. Go ahead and say it. Say that you are breaking up with me because you are not woman enough to educate that boy. To tell him about love. Or never loved me.

Desperate, the beautiful dark-haired woman murmured:

__ What do you want me to do, Byul-ah? Want me to choose between you and my own child? Of course, I love you! Don't you see how painful this is for me?

The taller one got very close and almost caressed her best friend's back but she held herself.

__ I would never ask you to choose. I'm not a child. But I thought our love was deep and strong enough to deserve some defense. Jimin is becoming his father's copy. And you are condescending. Good luck, Yongsun. Despite it all, I wish you happiness.

__ Byul-ah...

The younger woman quietly opened the main door and left.

 __ I'm sorry, Byul-ah...I really love you...__ The brunette whispered and burst into tears.

__ x __

The 43-year-old handsome woman was walking down the aisle of the hospital.

Moon Byul-YI heard a male voice calling her most unexpectedly:

__ Aunt Byul? Is that you?

Shocked, the brown-haired woman turned her head and glanced at a tall guy in his mid-20s in silence.

__ It's me. Jimin. Although I doubt you want to be called like that by me.__ He smiled and then showed embarrassment.

Forcing a smile, Byul ignored the comment and simply said:

__ Good to see you. Hope you're well.

__ Well, I'm okay in terms of health. But my wife and I have been fighting for our baby. She has leukemia. Today they finally got a marrow donor.

__ That's amazing. Wish your child the best of luck and health, Jimin. Goodbye.__ The older woman smiled with sincerity and turned her back.

__ Wait, aunt Byul. Would you give me a minute?

Feeling uneasy, the older woman looked around before nodding in agreement.

__ Would you like to sit somewhere?__ The young man asked politely.

__ No, it's fine. Just tell me what you wanna say.

Blushing, the guy kept his eyes on the floor while saying:

 __ It took me many years to understand how horrible I was. I ruined my mother's life. And I probably did the same with yours. Although I don't deserve forgiveness, I want to say that I am deeply sorry. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

__ Thank you, Jimin. 

__ Ms. Moon, what are you doing there? You should be resting. Donating your marrow and immediately walking out of the hospital is not safe.__ A nurse exclaimed.

Widening his eyes, Yongsun's son asked:

__Did you know you were doing it for my child? 

Embarrassed, the brown-haired one answered after a while:

__ Not

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Ichig02101 #2
Chapter 1: Love the story authornim
Tq for the lovely story 🥰😘
Taitai84 1233 streak #3
Chapter 1: In a way byul was also a little immature…

While she is upset to be seen as taking the blame for the father’s wrongdoings, thought she should spare a thought for yongsun who is fighting to keep the son. And she would understand yongsun better when she had her own kid later…
Chapter 1: Im glad end of the story they manage to find each others! Thanks Jana for always give a good story!
Chapter 1: Gracias!
_moomoo_nim #6
loving your work author nim so far !! excited for this!!❤️