falling for you is as easy as 1, 2, 3

falling for you is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Everything was fuzzy.


Slowly, Kyuhyun roused from his sleep, yet he couldn’t seem to open his eyes to wake up fully. His head felt heavy, his mind felt murky and his body felt numb. There was a dull pain emanating from the side of his body and it was annoying him. 




Oh wow. That was a nice voice, Kyuhyun thought, amidst his fuzzy mind. He wants to open his eyes and find the source of the beautiful voice, but he was so sleepy. 




“Kyu? Baby, are you awake?” 




The pain at his side intensified as Kyuhyun fidgeted around, trying to find a position to ease the pain, while he willed himself to wake up so that he could see the owner of the deep, husky voice. 


“No, no. Stop moving around, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Kyuhyun felt a warm hand cover his, and another hand caressing his face. Did he die? Is this heaven? Is the beautiful voice an angel receiving him from above? He thought he would surely go to hell instead though. 


Kyuhyun turned his head to nuzzle his face into the soft, smooth hand. What the , the hand smells nice too?! His angel is perfect. 


And finally, Kyuhyun managed to open his eyes, only to be blinded by the glaring sunlight streaming in from the side for a split second. After his vision adjusted though, he realised that the most beautiful man (angel?) he had ever laid eyes on was standing right in front of him with a soft smile (gorgeous), wearing a simple black shirt and blue jeans (still gorgeous), and looking at Kyuhyun with a fond stare (gorgeous) with those almond eyes (did Kyuhyun mention that the man is truly drop dead gorgeous?!). 


“Kyuhyun. You okay? Do you need me to get the doctor?” Oh god, the gorgeous voice. If any genies would like to bestow upon Kyuhyun with one wish, he would wish for the gorgeous man in front of him to sing him to sleep every night. 


“Is the doctor as good-looking as you?” 




Angel looked at Kyuhyun in confusion mixed with amusement, but that underlying fondness in his eyes never went away. 


“You’re just… so beautiful, What the .” 


Angel laughed softly. And now Kyuhyun wants to change his wish for the genie — he wishes for the angel to never stop laughing that melodious laugh. 


“Thank you, Kyu. You’re so cute. How are you feeling?” 


No ing way. Cute! Angel called him cute! Kyuhyun felt like he might pass out from happiness. 


“I’m feeling soooooo good. Can I have your number?” 


“What?” Angel frowned, he looked worried and anxious now. Kyuhyun didn’t like that. He would like to turn that frown upside down. 


“Kyuhyun, you don’t know who I am?” 


“No, do I? There’s no way I would forget someone as pretty as you though. Am I in heaven? Are you an angel? How are you so gorgeous? How is your smile so pretty? Can I marry you in heaven? What’s your name?” 


Kyuhyun’s train of thought halted at that. Damn it! He didn’t even ask for the angel’s name first before proposing marriage to him! Surely the angel would be so disappointed in him that he would reject his proposal now. Kyuhyun felt like crying. 


“Yah, yah! Kyu, why are you tearing up? Are you going to cry? Don’t cry!” Angel leaned towards Kyuhyun and held Kyuhyun’s face in both of his tiny hands. Oh, this is nice. 


So Kyuhyun pouted, full force. And busted out his best teary, pleading, wide eyes. “I’m going to cry if you don’t tell me your name, angel.” 


Angel shook his head with an indulgent smile and scrunched his nose as a chuckle escaped him. Then, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Kyuhyun’s forehead. 


“You are so insufferable. I’m Jongwoon. I didn’t know you would be so out of it after the surgery, baby. I can’t believe you don’t remember me.” 


“Yeah, I can’t believe it too.” No ing way. Kyuhyun knew the angel? And the angel kissed him! And called him ‘baby’! Oh my god. Kyuhyun felt like he might vibrate from all the excitement coursing through him. The pain at his side long forgotten. It was truly head empty, only Jongwoon. 


“You had an appendix surgery, Kyuhyun, do you remember?” 


“Don’t care, not important. Do you want to go on a date with me, Jongwoon? You’re like, so gorgeous. I’m running out of words to describe you, so I can only use 'gorgeous'.” 


Jongwoon burst out laughing. “You’re so adorable. You’re very, very gorgeous to me too, Kyuhyun. You should probably rest though, baby.” 


Kyuhyun would not be a genius if he wasted time resting and sleeping when Jongwoon was right beside him. And Kyuhyun usually hated it when people called him 'adorable' or 'cute', but if Jongwoon was the one doing it... he would gladly be a cute puppy just for Jongwoon. “Resting is for the weak. Why do you call me ‘baby’? Are we together, Jongwoon? Are we dating? Married? Or just confused friends in the grey area? Please tell me we are not just friends. I might cry.” 


Jongwoon laughed again. Kyuhyun felt like Jongwoon had been laughing at him, but if Kyuhyun could keep listening to the beautiful laughter, he didn’t mind being laughed at by Jongwoon. 


“Yes, Kyu-ah, my adorable maknae. We are dating, have been for the past nine years actually. See—” Jongwoon held up their linked hands (woahhhh, when were they holding hands?) and there were matching rings and bracelets on both of their hands, “— you gave me the ring three years ago for our anniversary, and I gave you the bracelet for your birthday last year.” 


Kyuhyun was so amazed. He had been dating gorgeous Jongwoon for almost a decade already? Woahhhhhhhh. “. I win big at life.”


“I can’t believe you’re such a charmer even when you’re high from anaesthesia.” 


“Huh? What are you saying? Wait, never mind, don’t care. Am I good to you? Do we love each other? Do we kiss a lot? Or do we have a lot of se—” Jongwoon’s hand was covering Kyuhyun’s mouth in a second, and Kyuhyun could only stare wide-eyed at the man, savouring the warm skin on his face again. 


“Yah. I’m still your hyung, you brat. Why are you even mentioning this kind of things!” The faintest blush appeared on Jongwoon's cheeks. Kyuhyun thought Jongwoon is delusional because there is no way a man this cute is calling Kyuhyun 'cute' instead.


“You’re older than me?” 


“Yes, Kyu. I’m older than you by four years, so remember to call me hyung, okay? The surgery doesn’t give you a free pass to be disrespectful.” 


“Ooooooh, you’re so dominant, I like it. But I thought I would top you, though?” 


“Oh my god.” 


“So am I right, I’m the top?” 


“We are not having this conversation, Kyuhyun. I’m going to go get the doctor, okay. You better not spout nonsense in front of him when he’s here.” Jongwoon tried to stand up and Kyuhyun panicked. 


“Wait, no! Jongwoon! Don’t leave me.” 


“I’m literally going to be back in 20 seconds.” 


“That’s 20 seconds without you, Jongwoon!” 


“Call me ‘hyung’!”


“Jongwoon hyung, please stay with your lovable, adorable maknae who is your top.” 


“I hate you. I hate you so much. I liked you better when you were drugged up and asleep just now.” Jongwoon stood up and made his way towards the hospital room door so that he could get the doctor to check up on Kyuhyun. 


“Jongwoon hyung!” 


“I’ll be back right away, okay? Be a good boy and shut up later when the doctor is here.” 


“I know you’ll be back. I just want to remind you to say 'yes' when I propose to you!” 


“Oh my god.”


“I’m not going to let you say 'no', Jongwoon!” 


The door slammed shut behind Jongwoon and the room finally fell into silence ever since the younger woke up. A wide, silly smile never left Kyuhyun’s face and he started picturing the beautiful wedding for him and gorgeous angel Jongwoon (hyung), whom he loved for so long. Kyuhyun wondered what did he do in his previous life to deserve such a gorgeous lover like Jongwoon who seemed to be so fond of him and so tolerant of his antics. Jongwoon’s pretty smile flashed across his mind and Kyuhyun found himself smiling wider. 


God, he can’t wait to propose to Jongwoon. 



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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: So Cute ~ When I read it my heart
getting happy
Chapter 1: To fall in love with the same person all over again...
Fluffiness overload!
Am glad you found each other, our fave couple <3
Annroy89 #3
Chapter 1: I can't agree more.. it's too much mushy sweetness here!
Liza-Nan #4
Chapter 1: So precious, really enjoyed this fic. 😊
Chapter 1: soooo sweet my heart ❤️
_MyName_ #6
Chapter 1: That was so much fun and also cute, Kyuhyun falling in love all over again :D but yeah, I've heard the anesthesia makes you say the weirdest things xD
398 streak #7
Chapter 1: God, it's so fun to read! You have a great humor, not too much, so it's really refreshing to read. LOVE IT!

Upvote~ <3