Chapter 1

Dance For You
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 Minjeong walked into the dressing/makeup room with a slight frown plastered on her face at the thought of what she had to do today. Every day is the same, she puts on her costume and has to place a smile on her face acting like she's happy to be doing what she's doing.


Well on the inside, Minjeong absolutely hates it. She hates having to be half- in front of a bunch of random girls for money. This is not what she wanted to do with her life, this is far from what she wanted to become.


But this is what she has to do, earn money to get her daughter back in her home, and her arms. Minjeong would do anything to get her back, if it means showcasing her body to people then so be it.


People have to make sacrifices to get what they want, and all Minjeong wanted was her daughter and she will be getting her back.


When she sat down on the chair, facing the mirror in front of her. She pulled out her makeup bag and began to do her makeup, which was pretty light because Minjeong doesn't like to wear heavy makeup.    


So all she put on was a white eyeshadow which was glittery since it matched Minjeong's costume for the night which was white and glittery. She did apply foundation, but not plenty since she doesn't like foundation but has to wear it anyways. Mascara, eyeliner, and light pink lipstick.    


Her blonde bangs covered her forehead, and her hair was let down straight and short since she recently cut her hair shorter from its original very long length.    


She then changed into her costume, which was a white glittery, feather-like bra top, with just a white, also glittery with feathers underwear.


The bra top showed her belly, her belly button ring, and her beautiful curves and milky skin. Her legs weren't long, but they weren't short either considering Minjeong is average height. She also put on some silver heels, and a small coat over her because she has to walk through a bunch of girls to get to behind the stage and she has to take the coat off when she reaches the stage.


When she walked out of the dressing/makeup room. Minjeong made her way past everyone to get behind the stage, a lot of girls were staring her down. Enough to make her very uncomfortable but confident at the same time because it felt nice to know people find her attractive.


When Minjeong made it to the back of the stage, after being hollered at by many women. She bounced into one of her friends, they weren't close - but they'd been working with each other for a while to call each other friends. When she approached her friend more, she took off her coat since it was making her feel very hot, and she would start sweating before she even went on stage.


"Hey, Ryujin," Minjeong said, walking up to her friends, giving her a soft smile. Ryujin looked over at Minjeong and smiled back at her, Minjeong's soft voice was admired by all, so as she says one simple word, you would know it came from Minjeong.


"Hey, Minjeong. Ooh, I love the costume." Ryujin cooed, trailing her fingertips against the fabric which made Minjeong smile because Minjeong spent all night making the costume (the other costumes that the club gave them were too exposing for Minjeong, so she passed them up and basically started making her own).


"Thank you, and I love yours," Minjeong said, smiling down at Ryujin's costume which was actually covering her up a little bit but still showed a lot of cleavage and Minjeong dismissed that since her costume also showed cleavage, and her but at least it wasn't a lot like Ryujin’s.


"Thank you-"


"Hello, Ryujin, Hello, Minjeong." A male voice spoke, causing the two girls to look to their right to see the owner of the club walking closer to them with a small smile on his face.


"Hey." They both replied in unison, they did enjoy the owner of the club's company because he was just so fun, sassy, and nice to them.


Most people degrade strippers because they think what they do for a living is disgusting, but on the other hand, they don't have the right to do that since they do not know what goes on in their life for them to strip. Even if he's the owner of the club, most strip club owners always degrade the strippers and treat them like toys because of what they do.


Bad management when you ask me.  Like SM entertainment.


"Ryujin, you're up first then it's Minjeong." The owner told them, whose name happened to be Sam. Ryujin nodded with a smile on her face and Minjeong did nod back but only had a slight frown plastered on her face. 


Everyone who worked at the club knew that Minjeong hated this job with a passion and all she wanted was to have a family, to get a girlfriend who would one day want to marry her, and they can get her daughter back and raise her together.


This was just her dream, and that's all she wanted at the same time. It's hard to get what you want even if you're determined.


The deadline to get her daughter was in three months, if she didn't raise enough money to get her daughter back and still put money in her bank account to show that she has money, then her daughter will never be back in her arms.


She'll have a different mom, and that was Minjeong's biggest fear.


She doesn't want her daughter calling any other woman "Mommy" because the only person that she should be calling "Mommy" is Minjeong and only Minjeong. 


Just that thought made her realize she had to work hard, very hard indeed just to get her daughter back. Minjeong has given up too many times, and now she knows it isn't what she wants at the moment, it's what's best for her daughter.


"Minjeong, it's okay," Sam said, approaching her and giving her a tight hug which just made her feel a little better because hugs always make her happy. "You'll get her back."


Minjeong didn't even notice but as she was thinking, tears were also falling.




"Jimin, get up." A female voice spoke, slamming the door open to Yu Jimin's bedroom. The voice belonged to Kim Aeri, one of Jimin's best friends who will be getting married to Ning Yizhuo who goes by the nickname Ningning. 


All Jimin did in response was peeked her eyes open but after seeing Aeri, she closed them back up again not wanting to face her today.


When Aeri saw what Jimin did, she rolled her eyes and walked closer to her bed, yanking the sheets right off of her causing a gust of cold air to hit her (since the window was halfway open) and shivering in response.


Aeri was too bright and shiny for a depressed Jimin and Jimin was not in the mood for a bright and shiny Aeri. They both have different moods today.


"I'm serious, get up! Tonight we're going to a club, basically a pre-wedding party."


"A Bachelorette party?" Jimin asked, chasing Aeri to nod in response but since Jimin's eyes were still closed she didn't see it.


"Yes, a Bachelorette party, and since I'm getting married in two months, this is the only time I will be free to go to strip clubs and such," Aeri spoke up, sitting at the edge of the bed.


Jimin eyes slowly opened, seeing Aeri beside her so she sat up on the bed and turned her attention onto Aeri. "Ningning isn't really that protective, I'm pretty sure when you guys get married she would allow you to go to strip clubs and get s and such."


"Yeah, but really what's the point of me going to strip clubs to look at half- women who you aren't allowed to touch when I can touch my fiance whenever I please? So, I guess me going to this strip club will be my last time watching other women like this "


Jimin shrugged and nodded her head slowly. "I guess I get your point, but I don't feel like going I'm not really in the mood."


 Aeri arched an eyebrow, and let out a scoff. "Seriously? Yu Jimin is a billionaire who sleeps with every girl she sees. Who loves to go to parties and isn't in the mood? That's not believable, honey. Now tell me, what's the deal?"


"There is no deal. I'm just not in the mood and all I want to do is sleep. Plus, why does there have to be a deal? It doesn't always have to be always deal."


"Not when you're Yu Jimin." Aeri pointed out. "You always have a deal when you don't go out places, you're either sick or just plain lazy at the moment - actually, you wouldn't care if you were sick you would go to a strip club if you have a high fever just to teach someone how to work a pole."


Jimin then shrugged, frowning a bit. "Maybe I am sick"


Aeri then frowned and then got up on the bed, hovering over Jimin, ready to place a hand on her head to feel if she was at a high temperature, rather than at a normal temperature. "Like a fever?"


Jimin then rolled her eyes, slapping the girl's hand awake from her forward, "No! Like I'm sick of this love !"


"Excuse me?"


"You still don't get it, do you? I'm still single. You are getting married to Ningning, a girl who's beautiful, talented, and very nice and who also wasn't rich when you met her, which you looked past because you loved her because of her personality rather than her looks and lack of money. When you and Ningning get married, you're gonna somehow get a baby and have a family." 


Jimin went on as Aeri sat back down on the bed. "I could do the same thing you do, but I would still get the ty end of the stick. You'll have a great family while I have honey but cheerios with Ben and ing Jerry's." 


Aeri threw her arms up in defense, scoffing a bit. "Okay, Jimin I know you're having lady troubles, but the way I found Ningning was a surprise to me too, in all my life my family always said never to fall for someone who's lower in class but I still fell for Ningning anyways. You always go for these rich bimbos and then rather than looking for a normal girl, you can get any girl you want you just aren't looking in the right direction."


Jimin scoffed, shaking her head slowly. "Oh trust me, I've been looking in the right direction it's just that no one in that direction likes me"


"Honey, first of all, if you were looking in the right direction you would already have a date to my wedding, second of all, every girl you hook up with does like you, you just don't like them and I seriously don't understand why since you aren't picky with who you like," Aeri said, crossing her legs up on the big queen-sized bed.


"I wasn't picky with men, but I am with women because some girls can be either crazy, very ing rude, or just plain dumb,"  Jimin explained.


"You are literally the combination of all three of those things." And when that sentence came out of Aeri's mouth, 


Jimin let out a fake laugh, only rolling her eyes at the very end, "That's so ing funny but for real. I'm just sick of always having to go through the same thing over and over again, you know?"


The Japanese girl nodded, "I understand, but you're still young, you have so much time in the world to find someone who will love and respect you forever. The problem is you fall easily, you always think something will happen after a hookup, but nothing does because nothing sparks. Be patient, someone will come your way soon."     


"Promise?" Jimin pouted, stoking her pinky finger out, waiting for her best friend to intertwine it with hers. Aeri only raised an eyebrow and gave Jimin a weird look.


"What are you? Five?" The Japanese giggled but only received a roll of eyes from her best friend. 


"Just shake it, I honestly do not have the time and patience for this."       


Aeri rolled her eyes sarcastically and intertwined her pinky with Jimin's. "I promise."


Jimin agreed to go to the nightclub after all, I mean it would get her a little happy to drink a little and loosen up a bit since his week has been such crap for her.


All she needed was a little boost and that's why Aeri decided to have her Bachelorette party this specific week Ningning saw Jimin being down, and she didn't like seeing that so she told Aeri to move her Bachelorette party to next week to this week.


Aeri agreed so she told her their friends and then told Jimin, who wasn't going to go and still decided to sleep in but Aeri would never allow it. Right now Jimin, Aeri, and Ningning were at Aeri's and Ningning's house because after Jimin got ready, she headed over to their house. After all, Aeri left.


They were all outside, and Aeri and Ningning were basically having a little make-out session while waiting for the limo to arrive, only making Jimin want to cuss them out because she wasn't in the mood to see love.


Especially when those two do it because when they spread their love, they really show love and it's always cute but right now the brunette wants to throw a huge rock at both of them.


"For sake, Ningning she ain't dying, she'll be back by midnight Jesus ing Christ." Jimin groaned, rolling her eyes after seeing them break apart from the kiss to breathe but only to go back into it.


The couple did hear Jimin but decided to ignore her and continue to make out, and Jimin was just counting the seconds the more the limo took to come, the more she was contemplating going home.


When she decided if it didn't come in the next minute, she would personally walk home even if she might run into paparazzi and the walk might be far but last time I checked Jimin didn't care.


"Five...four..three..two-" Beep beep!


"Oh, the limo is here, let's go Jimin," Aeri said, a wide smile on her face, giving Ningning one last peck and a quick hug before practically skipping to the limo.


Jimin rolled her eyes and began to follow her best friend to the limo giving Ningning a goodbye wave which she responded to, and when Aeri sent a kiss to Ningning, Jimin sent Aeri back one in a teasing matter only causing a death glare sent to her by Aeri.  


The driver got out of the front seat and opened the door for the two girls and they both stepped in. Aeri was completely ready for the night but Jimin was not.


Aeri and Jimin entered the club, Jimin already regretting even agreeing to come there. The club was fairly empty because Aeri bought it out for her Bachelorette party, so five minutes before they came the owner of the club had to ask everyone to leave since Aeri did call at the last minute.


But she also paid a lot of money here, so he just accepted the offer and kicked everyone out right as he saw the Limo pull up, but Jimin and Aeri did get photos and give autographs to the fans that seemed to know them when they made their way in.


A lot of people congratulated Aeri on the engagement, and Jimin just felt oddly uncomfortable for the first time in her life. She never gets uncomfortable, she's always so calm and cool but tonight she was just not feeling the vibe. She wanted to go home, to her house, where there was a bed and a lot of food.


But she knew she had to stay because it was her best friend's Bachelorette party, she can't miss that because Aeri has done a lot of stuff for her, she can't be a bad best friend and not show up to her pre-wedding party. After all the girls from the Bachelorette party and Jimin and Aeri got escorted in, Jimin already felt sick at all the flashing lights in the club, she wasn't lying when she said she wasn't in the mood.


"Are you okay, babe?" Aeri asked, whispering into Jimin's ear but all she did was shake her head, she felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable but she wasn't going to leave. She wasn't going to leave her best friend in here alone, especially when Aeri gets drunk, also she knows if she left, Aeri would've gone with her and forgotten all about the Bachelorette party.


"Just loosen up, okay? For me? I don't want you to leave I really want you here for my Bachelorette party, even though it's just a pre-wedding party - not that important, but think of it this way. This may be the last time I would ever get to go out to strip clubs with you again since I'm getting tied down."


Aeri was right, this may be the last time they ever got to go to strip clubs like this in a while, I mean yeah, as Aeri said earlier today that Ningning would allow her to go because that's what she did before they met, and while they were dating so she doesn't understand why marriage would change anything considering she already knows Aeri would not cheat.


Aeri has never cheated on any of her girlfriends, but they have cheated on Aeri though but Ningning is different, they love each other and the last thing they would ever do is cheat. I mean, they do joke around about each other cheating a lot, but they obviously didn't mean it and just laugh it off in the end.


You see, that's a relationship Jimin wants, to joke around, to laugh with them. She just wants someone to hold or to be held by someone, someone to call her baby, baby girl, or babe. Stuff like that just makes her melt.


Jimin sighed and nodded slowly. "Fine, I'll loosen up, but just for you... just remember you and Ningning and the only people I'll ever listen to about like his, but I'm mostly doing this for me because I need a drink and I love you enough to stay here with you."


Aeri then clapped her hands together and let out a small squeal, "Great! Now let's go sit down and meet the owner then watch women strip - we all know you love watching that."  


"It's better than T.V. by far," Jimin joked, causing both of them to laugh.


"Alright let's go sit," Aeri spoke, grabbing into Jimin's arm and walking towards the chairs that were by the V.I.P section. And as they sat down there, the owner of the club (Sam) walked over to them.


"Hello, Aeri? Is it?" The owner asked causing Aeri to nod and smile widely at the owner she got up once again and put all her attention on him.  


"Yes, it's Kim Aeri, nice to meet you." She bowed. Aeri was a well-mannered girl, but when she was ready she would be all laid back and everything would seem nothing to her. One minute she's mature the next she's not, same with Jimin and Ningning.


"Well, this area is reserved for you and your girls for the entire night. You can order any drinks when you want to, and the dancers will be out soon, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy." Sam smiled.


"Alright, thanks but what are the dancers' names? I've never been to this club before but I heard it's very popular because of the girls who work here."


"There's Ryujin, Cherry,  Bambi, Glitter, and of course here's more but the most popular out of all is Winter, she's been working here for a while," Sam responded, naming out some of the girls that worked here.


"Oh, yeah I've seen Winter before, she's very pretty, maybe we can hook Jimin up with her." One of the girls, whose name happened to be Tiffany, chuckled, the other girls joining beside Jimin who only glared over at Tiffany.       


"Haha, very funny, Tiff." Jimin sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. "I am not interested."


Sam then chuckled and shook his head slowly, "That's what everyone said until they actually saw Winter in action."


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I give up. AFF keeps on messing up the spacing. Anyway, happy reading!


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I need the next update😭😭 I've been waiting for months now huhu
Katarinabluuswife #2
Chapter 2: Girlie when we gon get the next chapter cuz I’m dying
cherrynuts #3
Chapter 2: I wonder what's inside the bag
214 streak #5
Chapter 2: down bad jimin
winternim #6
Chapter 2: finally update!!
at last! thank you author-nim 💛
Chapter 2: Thank u authornim🥹🥰
Chapter 2: thanks 🙏🏻
214 streak #10
Chapter 1: I thought there’s an update 😭