Interview with the Couple

Unfading Sense of Our Love

Exclusive interview with Super Junior Kyuhyun and Super Junior Yesung! ✨ 


Joining in a union to become one in 2020, the first-ever, same- couple in the idol industry continues to pursue their career and passion amidst divided opinions of the public. However, nothing stops the Ballad Prince and the Art of Voice from loving and supporting each other.

Today, Cho Kyuhyun is a well-known household darling and Fairy of Rating whom every show requests his witty appearance, resulting in his domination of broadcasting. The youngest of Super Junior also stars in many big-name musicals and attracts countless fans with his powerful singing and heart-wrenching performance.

Today, Yesung or Kim Kanghoon is an aspiring artist who makes a name for himself in the art & culture circle. Apart from continuously producing artistic albums, the Art-of-Voice singer also operates a YouTube channel named "Yessay" and has collaborated with many leading museums and galleries, both within South Korea and overseas; truly an embodiment of art.

In honor of Yesung's latest album "Unfading Sense" and Kyuhyun's latest musical "Ben Hur", Du' Lar Lar got special permission to interview our beloved artists in this special issue!



00. Introduction

Q: Please introduce yourself to our readers!

Kyuhyun: Hello, I'm Super Junior Kyuhyun and the legal husband of my beloved Yesung hyung.

Kyuhyun: Check out my Ben Hur the musical if you have time! There are still a few rounds of performances left.

Yesung: Hello, I'm Super Junior Yesung. Please give a lot of love to my album "Unfading Sense". I work hard to convey my senses to you through the music.


Q: Yesung-ssi, you're going to hold a concert tour soon, correct?

Yesung: Yes. It took me a while to convince the company but it's worth it. I really want to meet ELFs who always support me.

Kyuhyun: It'll be his first solo tour in Asia so don't miss it!

Yesung: *smiled shyly* I'd love to meet you all but it's okay if you can't come. I know that your hearts are with me no matter where we are.

Kyuhyun: Isn't my spouse the cutest?


(Kyuhyun-ssi smiled fondly and squeezed his spouse's hand)


Q: Kyuhyun-ssi, it seems that Ben Hur is one of, if not, your most challenging musical gigs. What are your thoughts on this?

Kyuhyun: *chuckled* My character is a prince turned slave so I have to exercise and keep up with my appearance to fit the role. I'd say that's the most difficult part!

Yesung: Despite that, he's still the cutest and most baby Judah compared to other actors.

Kyuhyun: Hyuuung! I did my best, okay? Didn't you say that I worked so hard that I lost my dumpling tummy?

Yesung: *pouted*

Kyuhyun: He's sulking because he can't pinch my tummy anymore.


(Kyuhyun-ssi chuckled and pulled his spouse into his arm. Yesung-ssi still pouted but leaned on his husband and patted his tummy)





01. Scented Things 

Q: What is your favorite scent of your significant other?

Yesung: *answered immediately* his body scent after working out or coming home from work.

Yesung: Kkuru, Kyuhyun, he smells very y and mature. I like to see him as a cute spoiled maknae and still see him as such despite being my husband now.

Yesung: However, when I see him working hard and be in his arms, smelling his scent that makes me feel secure, my heart always skips and I fall in love with him all over again.

Kyuhyun: *coughed and blushed* Hyung... you're being too frank...

Yesung: We should answer the question honestly though.


(Kyuhyun-ssi looked as if he wanted to kidnap his spouse and take him home, but quickly regained his composure after seeing the camera)


Kyuhyun: Cough, anyway, as for me...

Kyuhyun: I-I love every scent of Yesung hyung.

Yesung: *smirked teasingly* Yours is the worst!

Kyuhyun: *neck and ears turned red* I'm being honest alright!?

Kyuhyun: What? Please be more specific? But I was!

Kyuhyun: Okay, okay... Then...

Kyuhyun: *whispered almost inaudible* I like his after-bathe scent, especially— 

Yesung: Next question, please.


(Yesung-ssi smiled as he pulled his husband's ear)





02. Silhouette 

Q: Do you have any silhouette of your spouse in your heart? Beliefs that you know it's inconceivable but it lingers?


(Kyuhyun-ssi and Yesung-ssi looked at each other for a while before giving an answer)


Kyuhyun: Well, we may be in love and have known each other for a very long time but we still feel insecure sometimes.

Kyuhyun: For example, I often get jealous and worry that Yesung hyung might prefer his other younger brothers in the circle more than me.

Kyuhyun: You know, someone who shares his hobbies and interests and can accompany him, unlike the busy me.

Kyuhyun: I experience it first-hand how easy it is to fall for Yesung hyung. He's a really cool and kind older brother.

Kyuhyun: I once had a nightmare that Yesung hyung left me for another hoobae and woke up crying!

Yesung: I was very startled. I hadn't seen Kyuhyun crying that much since the day— well, the day we had a long conversation about our relationship.

Yesung: I comforted him and hugged him to sleep.

Kyuhyun: *laughed* And I acted whiney for a few days after that to get his attention.

Kyuhyun: I really fell head over heels harder when Yesung hyung said that I always had his attention without doing anything~

Yesung: It's true. Because I love you, Cho Kkuru~


(Yesung-ssi put his head on his husband's shoulder and hugged him. Kyuhyun-ssi's gaze turned tender as he wrapped his arm around his spouse in return)


Yesung: Hm? What about me? Of course, I have my own shadow of doubt that haunts me too.

Yesung: I always doubt myself that I'm not good enough to be with someone as wonderful as my husband.

Yesung: Really, I think that Kyuhyun can easily find someone better than me. He's handsome, very kind, smart, hard-working, considerate, good at taking care of people, and always makes people smile.

Yesung: Yet, he chooses me.

Kyuhyun: Kim Kanghoon, you're my one and only love. I fell for you and chose you because of who you are. You're amazing just the way you are.

Yesung: I know. Thank you for always reminding me~

Yesung: The doubt is still there like a silhouette that follows me everywhere. However, I won't let it bother me anymore because I have my husband, my family and friends, the members, and our ELFs.

Yesung: I'm happy because I'm me.

Kyuhyun: That's my love!


(Kyuhyun-ssi and Yesung-ssi smiled at each other while intertwining their hands)





03. Fornever

Q: Is there anything in your life that you know it'll never come true no matter how hard you work for or wish it to be?

Kyuhyun: This one is very easy.

Kyuhyun: Our relationship will never be completely accepted no matter how much we try to prove our love. It's just impossible in this world where some people hate things just because it's different from them or their beliefs.

Yesung: I agree with my husband.

Yesung: No need to look at anywhere else for an example. Some of our fans, well, former fans were outraged when we first announced our marriage.

Kyuhyun: Those who were homophobic... Those who thought they owned us and felt betrayed... Those who hated our partner for no reason...

Yesung: We were very hurt and heartbroken to see some of the reactions from our so-called fans.

Yesung: To think that they could easily hate us when we no longer fit their narrative... We were beyond sad.

Yesung: Not to say that the public's sentiment wasn't quite good at first too.

Kyuhyun: Luckily, our members and friends came out to support and defend us from those malicious people. Our ELFs, the ones who truly love us for who we are, also gave us their blessings.

Kyuhyun: Now, it doesn't matter what those haters think of us. The day when everyone accepted us would never come true.

Yesung: It's a Fornever that we can live with. Besides,


(Yesung-ssi beamed at his husband and Kyuhyun-ssi returned the gesture)


Yesung: We already found our own Forever.





04. Butterfly ​​​​​​

Q: You've been dating for a decade and married for a few years. Before that, you're also bandmates and close brothers. That's a very long time together! Do you still feel butterflies in your stomach?

Kyuhyun: *grinned proudly* Always.

Kyuhyun: An eon could've passed and I still would've loved my Yesung hyung all the same.

Kyuhyun: I felt butterflies in my stomach back when I was a newly joined member and Yesung hyung let me sleep in his room.

Kyuhyun: Present day, I still feel the same butterflies when hyung sings me to sleep while I snuggle in his arms.

Kyuhyun: As long as it's Yesung hyung, I'll always have butterflies in here.


(Kyuhyun-ssi grasped his spouse's smaller hand and put it on his tummy, grinning as Yesung-ssi rubbed it)


Yesung: Are you really that Cho Kyuhyun? My husband isn't as cute and as honest as you.

Kyuhyun: Hyung! Are you cheating on me with me!?

Yesung: Kidding~ Kidding~

Yesung: As for me, I always feel the butterflies in my stomach whenever Kyuhyun takes care of me.

Yesung: Actually, I felt it way back even before Kyuhyun confessed to me. I just didn't realize that I loved him more than a dongsaeng.

Yesung: Whenever he held my hands to stop me from biting my nails... When he comforted me if I felt down... When he remembered every little detail about me... When he looked after my diet and made me eat healthily... When he supported and encouraged me...

Yesung: These small things come together and become the butterflies that make my body float in greatest joy whenever I'm with my husband.


(Yesung-ssi left a quick peck on his husband's cheek and laughed when he saw Kyuhyun-ssi blush)





05. Slide Away 

Q: Have you ever felt the urge to run away from everything together?

Kyuhyun: Back in 2010 when Yesung hyung accepted my feelings, I was way over the moon and couldn't sleep for a few nights due to the excitement.

Kyuhyun: However, the cruel reality that settled in later scared me. We couldn't show our relationship to the world and had to hide like a criminal, even though we were just two men in love.

Kyuhyun: For a moment, I considered running away from the spotlight together with Yesung hyung, thinking about retiring and just enjoying our quiet lives without being judged by anyone.

Kyuhyun: What changed my mind? Super Junior. I realized that both of us loved Super Junior so we would never run away from this place. We will walk into the future together no matter what may come.

Yesung: Why did you never tell me before?

Kyuhyun: *squeezed Yesung-ssi's hand* Because I didn't want to burden you with my insecurity. Most importantly, I'd never make you choose between me and Super Junior.

Yesung: So, even someone like you feels like that once in a while too? I guess we're really not a superman.

Yesung: Although we've already run away together before~

Kyuhyun: Did we?

Yesung: Yup!


(Yesung-ssi took out his phone and showed a picture of him and his husband in a small but homey cafe)


Yesung: After Super Show 8 in Osaka in 2020, we went to a secret date while the members went back to South Korea. It was only for a day but it was one of the best days of my life... To spend time together without caring about the world, just me and my husband. We ate yummy food and visited many cafes. We took a lot of pictures too!

Yesung: For you, it might be an ordinary date but it was a temporary running-away trip for me. For once, we were neither idols nor members of Super Junior. We were just us— a newly married couple, happy and in love, enjoying our honeymoon like normal people.

Yesung: *chuckled sheepishly* Maybe I didn't answer the question properly but this is how I genuinely feel.

Kyuhyun: *said nothing, just staring at his spouse lovingly*





06. I Am 

Q: Last question! We asked you before the interview to fill in the "20 I Am Statements". Could you please read it aloud?

Kyuhyun: Hyung, do you want to go first or...?

Yesung: I want to go first.

Kyuhyun: Alright, you can do it, love.


(Kyuhyun-ssi gave a thumb up to his spouse)


Yesung: Okay, here I go...

Yesung: I'm Kim Kanghoon. I'm Super Junior Yesung. I'm a singer, a composer, and a songwriter... Was that three things instead of one? Oh? It's okay? Then, I'll continue... 


Yesung: I'm very happy to become a part of Super Junior. I'm forever grateful to be given such an amazing chance. I'm in great debt to my parents for raising me and to Jongjin who always supports me. I'm a big brother of Kkoming and Melo who loves my appa more than me.


Yesung: I'm lucky to be surrounded by many wonderful people, from the members to my friends. I'm lucky to receive a lot of love and support from ELFs. I'm lucky to be able to share my senses with the people precious to me.


Yesung: I'm called the unlucky star because bad stuff always happens to me and I agree with it. I'm struggling a lot to get people to acknowledge my efforts. I'm anxious and worried that I'll be forgotten. I'm scared of being left alone...


Yesung: However, I'm really, really lucky to have met my husband. I'm not scared of the uncertain future anymore with Kyuhyun by my side. I'm blessed by the lucky star because my cute husband loves me so much that I don't even know if I can reciprocate all of his feelings.


Yesung: I'm doing my best to love him with all my heart as he deserves it. I'm going to be with my husband through thick and thin, happiness and sadness.


Yesung: *looked up from the paper and smiled at his husband* I'm in love with you, Cho Kyuhyun, always and forever.

Yesung: *smirked* Aww, Cho Kkuru~ Are you crying~?

Kyuhyun: I-I'm not!!


(Kyuhyun-ssi vehemently denied his spouse's teasing despite his teary eyes and reddened nose. He pouted and glared at Yesung-ssi who still laughed heartily. Eventually, Yesung-ssi had to hug and coax his husband to stop his tears. Seeing that, we decide to give the couple a short break)




Kyuhyun: Sorry about that. I'm getting more sentimental as I grow older. Besides, Yesung hyung... My spouse's language of love is a physical touch so he doesn't say this stuff often.

Yesung: You really are my baby maknae~

Kyuhyun: No, I'm your husband and yes that's my first statement.

Kyuhyun: I'm the cool husband of the coolest, one and only Art-of-Voice Yesung from Super Junior.


Kyuhyun: I'm a maknae on top of the best boy band group Super Junior. I'm loved by my hyungs and ELFs. I'm good at everything I pour my heart into. I'm an idol, a singer, a dancer, a rapper, a composer, a songwriter, a musical actor, an entertainer, and more.


Kyuhyun: I'm the last member to join Super Junior but that doesn't make me any less irrelevant to the team. I'm over the moon to join this amazing family which leads to me meeting my beautiful spouse.


Kyuhyun: I'm unlucky and almost lost my life. However, I'm extremely lucky to survive it and can still be a singer. I'm really lucky to have a father who loves and understands me. I'm really lucky to have a caring mother and supportive sister. I really couldn't repay them enough.


Kyuhyun: Most importantly, I'm the luckiest man on earth because my idol, my crush, my beloved hyung, my amazing friend, my adorable boyfriend, and my gorgeous spouse are all the same person and he reciprocates my feelings.


Kyuhyun: I'm so happy that I can cry when Yesung hyung agree to marry me. I'm still wondering if I'm dreaming right now, being loved so much by Yesung hyung like this. I'm confident that I can make my spouse happy no matter what the world throws at us.


Kyuhyun: I'm never going to let go of these precious small hands no matter what the haters say about our relationship. I'm going to be with Kim Kanghoon today and tomorrow and more days to come.


Kyuhyun: *put away the paper and grasped his spouse's hands* I'm yours and only yours. I'm always here by your side no matter what anyone says. Because...


Kyuhyun: *smiled tenderly* I'm in love with you for as long as I remember. Yesung hyung, thank you for loving me.

Yesung: *sniffled* T-That should be my words. Thank you for loving me this much. I-I promise to never betray your love.


(Yesung-ssi who began to sniffle put his head on his husband's shoulder and squeezed him tight. Kyuhyun-ssi smiled affectionately and coaxed his spouse by whispering secret loving words in his ear and patting his hair until Yesung-ssi calmed down. Pulling away, Yesung-ssi beamed and pecked his husband's cheek so Kyuhyun-ssi pecked his forehead in return. Seeing that, we decided to give another break to the couple)




134. Together 

Q: We've come to the end of the interview! Thank you so much, Kyuhyun-ssi, Yesung-ssi, for showing us another side of your stories that no one has seen before!

Q: Now, before we say goodbye, please say something together to our readers, and to each other if you want.

Yesung: I was the one who suggested to Du' Lar Lar that we did an interview with the songs from my album Unfading Sense as a theme.

Yesung: Kyuhyun, thank you for indulging in my idea and for coming here with me even though you're very busy.

Kyuhyun: You can thank me by coming to my musical.

Kyuhyun: *pouted* Your dazzling husband is showing off his best performance but you haven't come to see me yet. You're the worst hyung in 2023!

Yesung: ...I prefer the private show you provide me at home though. Plus, I don't want to see other people ogling my gorgeous husband who exposes his torso.

Yesung: But fine, I promise I'll come before the show ends.

Kyuhyun: You promised~

Yesung: Yeah, I promise.


(Done with their friendly banter, Kyuhyun-ssi and Yesung-ssi turned to the camera and waved at us)


Yesung: Thank you for staying with us until the end. Please support Kyuhyun and give his musical and variety shows a lot of love.

Yesung: Saying this makes me jealous but Kyuhyun is really handsome as Judah. Please give Ben Hur a try.

Yesung: Also, please look forward to his album—

Kyuhyun: Please look forward to Yesung hyung's new Japanese album which will be released in the upcoming December! The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Yesung: *lightly slapped his husband* It's called 'Not Nightmare Christmas'

Kyuhyun: *pouted* I know, just teasing you for almost spoiling my work!

Yesung: *smirked* So, I guess I shouldn't say anything about the concert—


(Kyuhyun-ssi covered his spouse's mouth and laughed unnaturally)


Kyuhyun: If you can, please go to Yesung hyung's concert tour in your respective country! My love works really hard for this~

Yesung: *took the hand off his mouth* Cho Kkuru~

Kyuhyun: NO.

Yesung: My dear Kkuru~

Kyuhyun: Never.

Yesung: Not that~ I want to say that I love you~

Kyuhyun: Yesung hyung... You...

Kyuhyun: *put away his hand to pull his spouse onto his lap instead* I love you too, Kanghoon hyung.


(We quickly left their house after that to give them a permanent break that the couple definitely needed. Kyuhyun-ssi, Yesung-ssi, we will always root for your love!)







Kyuhyun 💙 Yesung 







Author's note: 

Happy KyuSung Week!! 🥳

This interview happened somewhere in another multiverse, I just know it! KyuSung are def happily and publicly married together in some world out there~

This one is a bit on a simple fluff side but I hope you'll like it regardless.


Drop by incorrect kyusung if you're interested in joining KyuSung Week 2023 or checking other entries! 


Take care and love you~   <3


PS1. There'll be another story next Sunday for KyuSung Week! Look forward to it  ;)

PS2. I really, really hope that my fic will become a prophecy that Yesung will go to see Ben Hur and we'll get new kyusung selca 🥹 Also that Kyuhyun will release a new album and go on concert tour!

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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh gosh! It would be great if we could have kyusung as husband and wife someday 😂
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 1: So fluffy cute & happy too 😍😍
Chapter 1: Take me to their universe please 😆😆😆