With Great Rent Comes Great Responsibility

Unexpected Cupid

My name is Pete.




Yes, as you can hear, I am a cockroach.




Yes, I can fly, and I have to fly if I don't want to die. Flapping my wings, I nimbly dodge a weak swat from a broom and land on the kitchen wall, before crawling behind the fridge.




Dude. Calm down. I am not stupid enough to ruin our food source. I shake my head and crawl towards a crack in the wall— my humble abode in this human dorm. I have been living in this place for as long as I can remember. Being a polite gentlecockroach, I only leave my house at night to avoid scaring the human living here. I have been doing fine so far and coexist with the human in peace. However, I didn't expect the human to come home so late today so we accidentally ran into each other. The house owner,  Cho Kyuhyun, screamed like a cow giving birth when he saw me chilling on the fridge door. Actually, I feel a bit offended by his disgust. Mind you, I am a very clean and neat cockroach! Huffing in annoyance, I go back home and I am about to call it a night when the human's voice catches my attention.


"Ugh... Just knowing that Yesung hyung hang out with that hoobae again already put me in a bad mood. I don't need a cockroach in the dorm to further ruin my day!"


Oh? I can't help but be curious. Having been living inside the human wall (literally), I have long learned about Cho Kyuhyun's hopeless crush on his teammate Yesung. The human liked to complain about his one-sided love when he thought he was alone. Little did he know, I was there the entire time he whined, crawling on the underside of the dining table. Cockroaches don't have a concept of time like humans so I don't know how long Cho Kyuhyun has been in love with his brother, though I do know that many seasons already passed with zero progress on their relationship. I may not be a cat but I am full of curiosity just like them. So, I crawl out of my house behind the fridge and make my way to the floor. Then, I hide under the sink cupboard to eavesdrop on Cho Kyuhyun's heartbroken lament.


"What am I supposed to do to get my feelings across? What if hyung didn't think of me that way? I don't want to risk ruining our brotherhood!! I won't be able to live if Yesung hyung hates me..."


Dude, you are worrying too much unlike the confident human I know. My antennae sway lightly as I shake my head in disbelief. How can you know whether he will reciprocate your feelings or not if you never make a move? That's it. To repay the yummy leftovers that the human always dumps in a trash bin, I decided to become a cupid for him. Making up my mind, I dash out of the hiding spot and approach the human at lightning speed.




Cho Kyuhyun bolts up from the chair and runs to the living room, jumping on a couch to get a high-ground advantage. I feel bad a bit for the human so I don't give chase, just waiting to see his next action.


"Yesung hyung!!! There's a cockroach in the dorm! Can I sleep over at your place tonight?"


Way to go, buddy! I nod in approval. Cho Kyuhyun finally makes a move and walks one step closer to a future with his crush. Knowing that my duty is fulfilled, I fly back home behind the fridge, ignoring the human's scream.




"Where's the cockroach that you talked about?"


One day, I was finding something to eat in a trash bin when I heard the Grim Reaper's voice. Yesung is here! I scurry out of the bin and take a cover under the fridge just in time for Cho Kyuhyun to run into the kitchen and scream after spotting me.


"There!! It crawled under the fridge!!"

"Okay. Let me take a look."


Hearing Yesung's footsteps coming closer, I can't stop shivering in fear as I try to flatten myself as much as possible so that the frightening human won't spot me. Unlike his younger brother, Yesung isn't scared of our kind and has killed countless cockroaches in this place. In fact, I once unfortunately witnessed this cruel human catch my friend "Jorgie" mid-air and throw him out of the window! I flinch and almost lose my grip on the appliance when a long stick is shoved into my hiding spot. No! I must divert his attention!


"Hyung, did you see it?"

"Yeah, I see its antennae but it won't come out."


That's right! I planned to matchmaking them, didn't I? This is a perfect chance to act! I think of all the yummy leftovers I have ever eaten to encourage myself. Then, when the human pulls out the stick, I dash out of under the fridge as if my life depended on it and crawl towards Cho Kyuhyun's bedroom.



"Stay behind me, Kyuhyun-ah. I'll take care of it."


I can hear their hurrying footsteps as I squeeze myself through the door gap and enter the human's bedroom. Then, I climb the bedside drawer and crawl inside the second lowest one just as the door is slammed open. I smirk. Narrow spaces are my domain. No matter how amazing Yesung is, he won't be able to catch me! I crawl to the underside of the drawer and drop down on the lowest drawer, a misdirection, I would say. Acquiring a safe hiding spot, I wait for the event to unfold while chilling on Cho Kyuhyun's books.


"I saw it crawl into this drawer."

"No!! Don't open it!!"


I duck my body as the drawer above my head is pulled out despite Cho Kyuhyun's panicked shout. I seize the chance when the humans go quiet to crawl out of my hiding spot and hide under the drawer to watch the rom-com situation in amusement. Damn. If only there was some popcorn crumb around here! The surprised Yesung straightens up while holding letters he found in the drawer. Meanwhile, Cho Kyuhyun's neck and ears turn redder than the apple slice I ate last night in a trash bin. Ha! The secret is exposed! I accidentally saw the human taking out those letters to read at night when I was strolling on the ceiling. Apparently, Cho Kyuhyun wrote a lot of letters during his enlistment and poured his bottled feelings for his crush on the letters, but never sent them to his brother.


"Kyu... Did you write them? It's addressed to me... Can I read it?"

"No! Give them back!!"


Yesung ignores his brother's protest and reads the letters aloud one by one.


"I miss you so much. I wish I was there with you. Everything is boring without you. I kept staring at your number but never dialed it. How are you? Did you find a new cute younger brother? Did you miss me too? Is my place in your heart replaced? Why are you acting chummy with those people? Don't forget me. I—"

"... They're just silly letters I wrote when I was drunk."


Cho Kyuhyun snatches the letters from his crush's hands before Yesung reads a more intimate one. The human is blushing hard as he yanks the drawer open and throws the letters there, refusing to face his brother after that. Noticing that he really makes the maknae upset, Yesung hugs the big pouting human and tries to coax him.


"Kyuhyun-ah, I'm sorry for reading them without your permission but I was really curious."

"Don't worry, hyung, I know that I look like a fool now."

"What? No, I'd never treat your feelings lightly. Plus... I did miss you a lot when you weren't here."

"...Liar. Why did you never call or visit me? If our acquaintance didn't happen to get married, we wouldn't meet at all during those two years!"


Yesung squeezes the taller human and nuzzles his shoulder.


"Because the facade that I had been building would collapse as soon as I heard your voice... Kyuhyun-ah, I just wanted to show you that I was strong..."



Cho Kyuhyun doesn't say anything but he does turn around to hug his crush back. Yesung looks up and smiles at his brother, and I almost fly accidentally due to the excitement. The mood is totally perfect for a confession right now! Go, go! Cho Kyuhyun!!


"... You're the worst hyung in the 21st century!!"


I facepalm with two pairs of my legs.




A few weeks later...



"...Should I call Yesung hyung to join me? What if he is busy? No... He's currently preparing for his comeback so I shouldn't bother him..."


Bruh. I thought we were over with overthinking! I shake my head as I watch the depressed human from the top of the fridge. After the day Cho Kyuhyun stupidly missed a chance to confess, nothing changed between the two humans, and my clever plan to reveal those secret letters to Yesung ended up in vain. Although they talked on the phone more often, Cho Kyuhyun still beat around the bush and pretended to be a whiney brother as usual. This human is really hopeless. I can't help but shake my head again. I really have to step in, have I not? Making up my mind, I wait until Cho Kyuhyun leaves to do something and fly down to the table where the unattended phone is. Luckily, the screen is still on because a cockroach wouldn't have any fingerprint to unlock the device. I take a look at the unsend message and sigh.


"Hyung, I miss you. I'm thinking of cooking our fav dishes for dinner. Wanna join?"


Dude. You have already confessed indirectly countless times. Why is it so hard to just tell your crush that you like him? Humans sure like to complicate things for superficial reasons. Fortunately, cockroaches don't have a concept like that so let me take care of it! I decisively press my fore leg on the "Send" button. But nothing happened... Huh? Am I not heavy enough to activate the touch screen? I use two fore legs this time but still nothing happened. Now, I have to use four legs and upper body strength to press down on the screen. Despite that, the message is still there, and the mobile screen gradually dims which means I don't have much time left. Ugh. The thing I have to do for this foolish human! Having no other choices left, I fly up as high as I can sustain the incoming injury, before diving head-first on the phone screen. Ah! My precious antennae are crooked now! Finally, my plan succeeded and the message was sent to Yesung, though I didn't have time to appreciate my effort because the human came back. I hurriedly crawl away and hide at the underside of the table.


"What the hell!? Did I accidentally press the send button!? No! I have to cancel the message before hyung— ASHFKFOGJOEJFOEGKJOR!!!"


I jump out of my hiding place and hang myself on Cho Kyuhyun's leg. Like hell I would let you ruin my hard work!! I keep clinging to the human with my spiky legs to keep him occupied, only letting go when I hear a vibration from the forgotten phone. Yesung has sent a message! I happily fly off to take refuge on top of the fridge. Cho Kyuhyun instantly forgot about me when he saw a message from his crush. Reading it, the human's grin gradually blossoms on his face until his lips almost reach his ears. Then, Cho Kyuhyun gleefully skips to the fridge, probably to get the ingredients for dinner, and looks up...




...Our eyes accidentally meet.





Due to Cho Kyuhyun's outburst, I have no choice but to retreat to my home behind the fridge. Tsk. I am just being considerate of your date! I stay at home until I hear Yesung's voice, signaling his arrival. Although I am scared of Yesung, my curiosity wins over my fear and prompts me to come out. I crawl on the wall and head to the ceiling to observe the humans. That's when I witnessed Cho Kyuhyun hugging his crush as if there was no tomorrow. If Cho Kyuhyun was a dog, his tail would probably be wagging very hard now.


"Hyung! I thought you were busy with your upcoming album?"

"Well, how could I turn down a dinner offer from my adorable maknae? Though I have to tell you that I'll be eating a salad only."

"What? But I plan to cook a lot of stuff for you. I also take your diet into consideration and make them low-carb."

"I'm very happy to hear that but I really can't eat. You see, I've already eaten dinner from home."

"Huh. Can't be helped then..."


Cho Kyuhyun pouts but lets his crush go. He continues to prepare dinner while Yesung goes to the bathroom. Boring. I yawn. It seems that nothing will happen as usual. I am thinking of going home to sleep but Yesung's phone screen lights up suddenly. Again, I am curious and decide to snoop around. Luckily, Cho Kyuhyun is busy cooking something so he doesn't see that I am crawling on the dining table now. I approach Yesung's phone and read the notification on the screen— a message from Yesung's brother: "Hyung, let Kyuhyun feed you something while you are at the dorm. You can't keep skipping dinner! Aha, so, Yesung lied about already eating. I will never understand why humans are so obsessed with starving themselves just to be thin. I do know, however, that Cho Kyuhyun doesn't like his crush doing it. I must go! My cupid duty is calling me!


"WHAT THE !!?" 


I take off from the table and purposefully fly past Cho Kyuhyun's line of sight to get his attention. After that, I turn around and land on the table near Yesung's phone. Look here!! Check the message before the screen is off! I crawl back and forth to signal the human but Cho Kyuhyun only screams like a cat whose tail got stepped on. It seems like the human is too afraid of me. Maybe I should—




I squeal as I narrowly dodge a deadly sandal strike. Oh no! Yesung is back! I scurry away with my life on the line and change direction instinctively, successfully avoiding another attack from the Grim Reaper. I almost got caught mid-air by Yesung but managed to squeeze myself out of the iron grip at the last second. I don't hesitate to dash behind the fridge and hide there. Just as I think about hiding inside the wall for good measure, I can't hear Yesung's voice anymore and can't help my curiosity. So, I make my way to the ceiling to watch...


"Hyung, why did Jongjin's message say that you skip dinner, again?"

"Kyu... I... I'm dieting..."

"Starving isn't a great diet plan! That's it. I'll cook for you and you have to eat it, even if I have to feed you."

"You're going to feed me?"


Yesung asked his brother with a hopeful gaze and a pout that made Cho Kyuhyun blush. At the same time, it also makes me shake my head and antennae excitedly. Dude!! It's obvious that your crush also likes you! Confess now and get on with the relationship! I shout loudly (as loud as a cockroach can) to encourage the human but I guess Cho Kyuhyun doesn't know the cockroach tongue. After watching this hopeless human for many years, I knew immediately that Cho Kyuhyun is about to say something silly and miss a chance to confess again. Tsk, tsk. You really can't do anything without me, can you? Shaking my head in exasperation, I decided to take the matter into my own hands (or legs?)


"Of course, I have to feed you, seeing how you fail to— AHHH—!!"




After taking a deep breath, I spread my wings and fly towards Cho Kyuhyun. The human screams as soon as he sees me and jumps at his crush. The startled Yesung tries to look up to see what happened but accidentally brushes his lips with his brother's. I seize the chance when the two humans are stunned to land on the dining table, ready to watch some prime rom-com drama. Yesung is the first to look away and stumble back with slightly reddened cheeks while Cho Kyuhyun's chin almost drops on the floor in surprise.


"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to... Kyuhyun-ah, are you—"

"Yesung hyung!! I love you!!"


Just as Yesung is about to come up with some excuse, Kyuhyun blurts out confessing his feelings, causing Yesung to be speechless.


"Kyuhyun-ah, did you...?"

"Yes! I just confessed to you! Kim Jongwoon, I love you! Always has been for many years as long as I can remember. I want to take care of you and I want you to pamper me and me alone. I want to be by your side and lend my shoulder and support. But I also want to throw myself in your arms whenever I feel tired. I want to do this and that and many questionable things with you. I know that I'm being silly now but please give me a chance—"

"Babo, I've been waiting for this moment! I love you too!"

"—To pursue, wait, what did you—"


Yesung grins after giving his answer and wraps his arms around the maknae's neck to pull him down for a kiss. Cho Kyuhyun is stunned at first but the human quickly gets his wit back and takes control of the kiss. Meanwhile, I am so overjoyed that I run around on the table while cheering. FINALLY!! Cho Kyuhyun finally confessed to his crush and Yesung finally revealed his heart! This couple finally stops beating around the bush and be honest with themselves! Now, I can finally go back to living in peace—


"Finally, I caught you."



I was so overjoyed that I didn't notice the humans already stopped kissing. I was too careless and let Yesung the Grim Reaper catch me!! I shake in fear as Yesung's small but strong hand almost squeezes me to death. Meanwhile, Cho Kyuhyun is hiding behind his crush now lover, peeking over the other human's shoulder and shrieking when he meets my eyes. Am I... going to die here...? After everything I have done for them...?


"Hyung! Hurry up and kill it!! This is definitely the one that I've been seeing around the dorm lately!"


Yes. This is the end of me. I give up struggling futilely and wait for my inevitable demise. If my spiky legs and oily body didn't deter Yesung from letting go of me, then I doubt anything else would. So much for being a cupid! With my head lowering and my antennae drooping, I close my eyes and wait for my final moment to come... But nothing happened... Scared yet curious, I open my eyes and find Yesung staring at me as if he is contemplating something.


"You. Could it be that you actually helped me and Kyu to get together?"

"Yesung hyung... Did you seriously just talk to a cockroach?"


Yesung ignores his young lover and keeps staring at me. Cho Kyuhyun doesn't understand me but maybe this human can? I hurriedly shake my antennae thrice to signal a yes. That's right. You humans owe me for putting an end to your hopeless pinning game!!


"It said that without it, we wouldn't be together now. Kyuhyun-ah, I think we should let the little one go to show our gratitude."

"Hyung... I love you but this is too much! You know that I'm scared of cockroaches!"

"I know. I'm your hyung and boyfriend, am I not? However, I still think that we shouldn't kill this one."


Yesung walks to the window and opens it. The refreshing wind of Seoul at night sways my antennae as I look at the Grim Reaper in disbelief. Yesung is really going to let me go unscrathed? As if he can read my mind, Yesung opens his palm and smiles at me.


"Go ahead, little one. Thank you for helping us to find our happy ending. I'm grateful but I can't let you scare my boyfriend anymore. Sorry."


That's not a problem at all! I am still alive and my body is still intact! I shake my antennae twice to signal a thank you and crawl all over the human's hand. Then, I look at the smiling Yesung and flabbergasted Cho Kyuhyun one last time, before spreading my wings and flying into the night.




Farewell, Cho Kyuhyun and Yesung. I hope your love will keep flourishing for many seasons to come!




















I make a U-turn and land on the wall beside the window. Then, when Cho Kyuhyun carries Yesung and disappears into the bedroom, I flatten my body and squeeze through the window pane, inviting myself into the dorm. Bruh. This place is rich in yummy leftovers so why should I leave? I even have an interesting human couple to watch and entertain myself! I happily fly from the living room window to the kitchen. Cho Kyuhyun forgot to put the ingredients back in the fridge but I am a well-mannered cockroach. I will wait for leftovers patiently as I lounge in my humble abode behind the fridge.



I have paid my rent by helping out the house owner so I can keep living here, right?




A few weeks later...






I was startled by a loud noise that interrupted my meal. After pulling a few strings from behind the scenes, Cho Kyuhyun and Yesung finally date officially. Although that makes my life harder because I have to be wary of the Grim Reaper who frequents the dorm more and more often to see his boyfriend, I still choose to live here, right inside the wall behind the fridge. I become more careful and sneaky to not run into the human couple.


Today, too, I was eating leftover veggies in the trash bin when that sudden loud noise startled me. Curiosity gets the better of me and I cautiously crawl up to hang on the bin's rim. There, the source of the noise, Cho Kyuhyun is trapping Yesung between the dining table and his body while Yesung hooks his legs around Cho Kyuhyun's hip. The humans kiss and moan without care of the world as they impatiently tear off their lover's clothes. It takes me many minutes and Cho Kyuhyun his lover's neck while fondling his waist to catch up with the situation. No... Don't tell me... They are...



Are you serious? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD!?




Author's note:

I exceeded my expectations and went above and beyond again! I'm very confident to say that I'm the first who ever written kyusung fic from a cockroach's pov  xD

Personally, I'm really scared of cockroaches I can get a panic attack seeing it. So this fic is very hard to write in a way. I don't wanna imagine myself as a cockroach ever again!!!!!!   (iДi)


Ending KyuSung Week 2023 with a bang hahaha

I hope you like this silly story  xD


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 1: Well this enemy turned into ally for real (at least for Kyu's interest hahaha)
I guess Yesung is the cutest combo of Grim Reaper and Dr Doolittle. Who could possibly guess?
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 1: Not gonna lie, when I first read the foreword, my reaction was 'Pete the what again....???!!!' But it was so funny, hope the poor creature wasn't completely traumatised by the happenings at the end xD
390 streak #3
Chapter 1: What a nice cockroach! Now I want a cockroach to send me a nice man! I demand it! LOL

The POV just sooo muaaaaaach ❤️ I still can't believe you made this 🤣
390 streak #4
A cockroach? 🤣 How did you even find the idea? I mean, almost all of us hate this small creature 🤣
idiyanalexx #5
Chapter 1: I love the idea of a cockroach's pov!
Chapter 1: "Are you serious? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD!?" I laughed so hard 🤣. I love this, the crack cracks me up so much. This might be my favorite fic of yours, it's amazing. I cried laughing. Thank you!
Honeymoon89 #7
Chapter 1: Hahaha omg! To be honest, im scared to death with the cockroaches too...but i keep on laughing from the start till the end😂😂😂 this are really out of box fic that ive never imagine i will read it😂😂 haha this is sooo goood!!! I love how Pete dissed KH here😂😂, how he call Yesung as 'Grim Reaper'.. i love how u portray yeye as 'Disney Princess', and how he just let Pete go...😍😍
However, im really sorry Pete, this what u will get and face from now on, after became their cupid🤭🤭😂😂🙈🙈all the best my dear Pete💪💪 #prayforpete 💙💙😂😂
64 streak #8
Chapter 1: This was a fun read. The cockroach is a humble one, who doesn't interfere much with Kyuhyun. He is also sneaky because he chose to live there despite being let free and being able to find a home anywhere else.

Loved the last line, it was very witty. Good story, author and a unique idea as well.
Rinirin07 #9
Chapter 1: This is so good 🤣🤣🤣
I imagine how panic kyu seeing cockroach 🤭
Next time maybe pov kkomel is better 🤭