1/2 (The abounded kid in the alleyway 💔)

Alleyway kid 🦋
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" What the ?! Someone is sleeping here ?!" A guy said when he found a pale lad sleeping on the ground in an abounded alleyway.

He threw a small rock at him, and when it hit him, the boy snapped off his sleepiness and sat up weakly, noticed a group of kids, smiled weakly and trembled.

" I-I-I'm sorry." He said trembling as he looked scared that he apologized for nothing.

He was young and homeless ?! This is so sad to look at.

" J-j-Jeonghan sorry." He said curling under the blanket, laying back down dizzy, and holding his head.

" What the hell, hey let's go ." The guy walked away with his friends and Jeonghan, the homeless poor lad looked at them good while panting and suffering from intense fever.

He smiled weakly.

" App-app-Appa..j-j-Jeonghan hungry." He says, holding his head.

Been two weeks since he last ate something well, he was thrown out of the orphanage after he became disabled.

No one wanted to take care of him.

He crawled to this place and he has been suffering from hunger and fever since then.

He was trembling.

" J-j-Jeonghan h-hungry." He says weakly while hugging his teddy bear.

Another one came to smoke spotted him and he sat up smiling innocently.

" What the..homeless ??"

He asked and Jeonghan trembling.

" Aj-ju-ajusshi do you h-have b-br-bread?!"

He asked weakly, can't see well thought.

" I don't have anything kid, here are three coins, go buy by yourself." He said throwing the cons to him. 
Jeonghan held it happily.

Start to crewel weakly and the guy's eyes widened.

He's disabled?!

" Stop, you going like this ?! Don't you have at least a wheelchair??"

Jeonghan's eyes are teary.

He smiled nervously.

" J-j-j-Jeonghan sorry." 
His tears rolled down.

This is just so heartbreaking.

" Wait here." 
He walked to the grocery.

Jeonghan laid back and held his head feeling like he was going to pass out any second.

" J-j-Jeonghan le-leg numb."

He said crying silently as he passed out while trembling, been so long since he ate or drank anything.


When the man came back with the food he saw the lad unconscious.

His heart ripped seeing him trembling while hugging the teddy plushier.

His appearance hurt.

He must have suffered so much.





The lad woke up and looked at the white ceiling, he felt too weak to even sit up.

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