
My Dear
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“Go unnie, it will be fine,” Joy gently pushed her sister inside the main gate of the university, knowing that her sister was scared for her first day.


“Soo, I don’t want to go,” Wendy pouted, frowning adorably while looking at the taller girl.


Wendy came back from Canada a month ago when she scored her admission in Seoul University as a music major. As her cousin sister Joy lived in the dorm, the school student was more than happy to shift to a 2 BR apartment with Wendy. Now, they’ve been living together since a month and it has been quite a good time for both of them.


“It will be fine unnie, you look gorgeous,” Joy motivated, patting the shorter girl’s a few times.


Wendy’s lips curled downwards at the anxiety she was feeling. She had bad memories of Seoul, her hometown where she grew up and went to school for major part of her life. She was always a chubby kid and to her dismay, kids around her always made fun of her for being fat. The bullying got so much out of control that her parents decided to shift to Canada where Wendy could grow up in a better social and loving environment. Luckily, her dad’s business flourished in Canada and her mother even got a great life there.


“Bye then, I’ll see you at home,” Wendy said sadly before parting ways with her cousin sister who soon went her own way.


Wendy then looked ahead at the huge campus which was already full of people at 9 am. She took a deep breath in and walked inside, feeling a little self-conscious when few students looked at her. A couple of them even passed her a polite smile which she returned almost instantly.


Once she got up to 3rd floor where her classes were supposed to happen, she went inside her first lecture hall. It was an auditorium kind of hall with a huge screen ahead with a desk for the professor for probably speak. Although it was quite fancy, the hall wasn’t too huge and could accommodate around 60-70 students.


Wendy sat down on one of the back seats, choosing an empty row to sit in. She then looked up, seeing that the room was being filled fast as it was almost time for her first lecture.


“Hey,” a sudden voice from her side startled her, causing her to look sideways.


Wendy’s eyes almost popped out at the girl who had taken a seat beside her, a glass of milk tea in her hand along with huge headphones around her neck. But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that she recognized this girl at once. Kang Seulgi.


“Hi,” Wendy looked down, suddenly thankful for the scarf she was wearing around her neck which hid a little bit of her chin as well.


“Do you mind if I sit here? I don’t really like front seats,” Seulgi asked sheepishly, keeping her bag-pack on the empty seat next to her.


“N-No it’s fine,” Wendy stated, uncomfortable that one of her classmates from school was attending the same course as her.


“I’m Seulgi by the way, it’s nice to meet you,” Seulgi finally turned to look at the girl, bringing her hand forward.


“Wendy,” Wendy shook the hand, making eye contact with the other girl.


“You seem familiar. What’s your Korean name?” Seulgi asked in a huge smile which almost made her eyes to disappear.


“S-Seungwan,” Wendy gulped, praying that the bear girl doesn’t recognize her. However, when she saw Seulgi’s eyes widening, the eyebrows going all the way up and mouth opening in an ‘O’, she knew she was screwed.


“Son Seungwan? No ways…,” Seulgi’s jaw dropped, shock evident in her eyes.


“N-Nice to see you again Seulgi,” Wendy said in embarrassment, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.


“Yah!!” Seulgi almost shouted, getting her hand to the blonde’s cheek, pinching the fluffy skin a few times.


Wendy was startled by the sudden touch but she continued smiling uncomfortably, a little taken aback by her old classmate’s shocked face. Well, she did lose around 35 kgs, but her cheek fat remained quite evident, making her recognizable.


“Y-You look great!” Seulgi finally said once she had made sure that the girl in front of her was indeed her school mate.


“Thanks. You too,” Wendy replied.


“You left school, right? In 10th grade. It’s been a little more than 3 years,” Seulgi said after much thought.


“Yes, it’s been some time,” Wendy agreed.


Seulgi hummed, happy to have met someone who was familiar in this huge hall of strangers. She didn’t talk to Wendy a lot in school but they were in the same class for a couple of years which made them acquaintances. Until one day their teacher informed them that Wendy had shifted to Canada with her family.


“So, you’re an art student as well? What’s your major?” Seulgi asked curiously.


“Music. Yours?” Wendy said.


“Oh, my major is dance but minor is music and painting,” Seulgi answered.


“Dance? That’s amazing! I could never,” Wendy smiled.


“Oh, you look great Seungwan, I’m sure you can dance well,” Seulgi said, taking a look at the blonde’s body. Wendy was wearing skin tight blue jeans along with a pink cardigan and blue scarf.


“I can’t. Really,” Wendy refused at once.


Seulgi just chuckled, nodding along. She would have asked more things but their professor soon came inside the hall, explaining about their course in detail. He explained about the lecture patterns and how for the first year, the classes for all art major students were the same. From second year, each student will be focusing on their majors but in the first year they have to learn everything, dance, music and painting.


“Guess you’ll be dancing,” Seulgi whispered.


Wendy huffed, wondering why she wasn’t told this at the time of admission. The education system in Canada was really different than that of Korea which has been confusing for her.


“Don’t worry, I’ll help you out in dancing but you need to help me out in music,” Seulgi winked playfully.


Wendy smiled and nodded, happy to have made her first friend in this university. The professor then soon went on to talk about his subject’s coursework which was music and told how each student has to learn a lot. It was both theoretical and practical.


The lecture went on for an hour before the professor wished luck to every student, telling them to explore the campus for today and attend the classes diligently which were starting from tomorrow.


“Do you want to go see the campus?” Seulgi asked, already stood up from her seat.


“Sure, let’s go,” Wendy nodded, walking outside the hall with Seulgi who was slightly taller than her.


They walked downstairs to the ground floor which had a huge cafeteria and some lecture halls. They both took a look around and Wendy saw how busy the university hall was all the time.


“So, do you live with your parents?” Seulgi asked.


“No, I’m sharing an apartment with my cousin sister. My parents are in Canada itself. What about you?” Wendy replied.


“I’m sharing an apartment with my friend. My parents live in Jeju,” Seulgi said.


“Oh, that’s nice,” Wendy said.


“Oh, there she is! Look! Irene hi!!” Seulgi waved her hand up in the air, catching her friend’s attention who was busy talking to a couple of people outside a lecture hall.


Wendy looked in the direction Seulgi was waving at and felt the ground below her sliding away, making her heart to drop and her breath to get stuck in .


No. Please no.


Wendy felt herself being dragged towards the other girl with Seulgi’s hand holding her by the arm. When she came face to face with the other girl, she remained quite in shock.


Irene was not too different as she was staring right into Wendy’s eyes, the world around them stopping for an awfully long time.


“Oh, this is Wendy. She was my classmate in school and we’re in the same major. What a coincidence right? Wendy, this is my roommate Irene,” Seulgi grinned widely.


However, when the bear girl saw the two girls staring at each other, both of their faces pale and surprised, she wondered if the two girls already knew each other.


“W-Weren’t you fat?” Irene’s first line to the shorter girl was quite offensive but she couldn’t stop her tongue because damn, Wendy looked totally different from back then.


“Yah!!” Seulgi nudged her flatmate’s arm from the side.


Wendy gulped, finally looking away from her senior’s face, finding her shoes suddenly every interesting to stare at. What else did she expect from Irene? The girl was nothing but mean and offensive to her in school too. She is one of the reasons why she left South Korea.


“Yes, I was,” Wendy’s voice was nearly a whisper but the two other girls caught it.


“Do you two know each other?” Seulgi asked.


“Know?” Irene scoffed, rolling her eyes at all the memories.


“What? Yah, you two need to explain,” Seulgi who was being a curious bear frowned, not understanding this tension between her two friends.


“Nothing. Seungwan and I talked for a few times that’s all,” Irene crossed her arms, still staring at the blonde who seemed uncomfortable. Well, that makes two.


“I go by Wendy now,” Wendy said, finally looking up at the two girls. She never ever expected to meet Irene again… but luck was never on her side. Was it?


“I prefer Seungwan,” Irene said.


“Oh, should I call you Joohyun then?” Wendy asked, looking into the older girl’s eyes.


Irene’s eyebrows quirked up at informality, making her a little bothered. No one calls her by her Korean name except very limited people close to her.


“J-Joohyun sunbae I mean,” Wendy quickly corrected, not wanting to be disrespectful.


“You even know her Korean name? Woah!” Seulgi smiled widely, probably thinking that maybe Wendy and Irene were close back in school because Irene never let others call her by her Korean name. Only Yeri, Seulgi, her exes are allowed to do so apart from her family.


“I… I’ll go for my lecture then. I’ll see you at home Seulgi,” Irene said before taking off from the awkward situation. Never in a million years did she think of seeing Wendy ever again in her life. For all she knows, the girl left a few years back after messing up her life completely and she can never forgive Wendy for that.




Flashback: 3 years ago



“Unnie, this is the last time we’re meeting,” Wendy said, sitting on the bench in the park.


“I don’t care,” Irene said, although her voice seemed heavy and emotional.


“I’ll miss you unnie,” Wendy added sadly, tears brimmed in her eyes.


“I won’t. Go Seungwan, leave now. You anyways have a skill for running… oh wait, except you can’t because you’re too chubby,” Irene said a little angrily.


Wendy looked down, already sobbing. She made fists with her shaky hands, knowing that her life has been too tough here. She needed to get out of here fast.


“You’re just a coward. You have no sense of control, no sense of self-esteem. I deserve a lot better than you,” Irene stated coldly.


“D-Don’t say that. I-I thought… you liked me?” Wendy frowned, tears flowing down her cheeks.


“What’s there to like in you?” Irene laughed, although it was a laugh full of pain.


“I-I’m going,” Wendy stood up, leaving the park which was now suffocating her. She needed to get out of there soon.  


Irene on the other hand felt tears b in her eyes as well as she heard the footsteps which soon faded away. How can she ever forgive Wendy for leaving her just when they became so attached? They met every day after school as they were neighbors and even their parents were acquainted. They both met each other 2 years ago and they got close in no time after encountering each other in this same park. Nonetheless, Irene always refused to talk to Wendy in school to maintain her popularity and attractive social circle.





Who would have thought they’d meet again?


“What was that all about?” Seulgi asked confusedly.


“We didn’t get along too well,” Wendy simply said, finding this the most relevant excuse.


“Well, she has been cold since forever. I don’t blame you,” Seulgi shrugged.


“Come on! Let’s see rest of the campus,” Wendy changed the topic.


“Oh yes! Let’s go,” Seulgi grinned, linking her arms with the shorter girl as they explored the whole campus including the library, music, dance and art rooms including the cafes which were hidden around the huge university.


They got lunch together and talked, finding a connection between them right away as they were of the same age and quite alike nature wise.


Wendy on the other hand was very glad to have made her first friend in the university who turned out to be great indeed.




Wendy went home, seeing her cousin relaxing on the couch in the living room, listening to some songs.


“Oh, you’re back. How was your first day?” Joy asked excitedly.


Wendy sat down beside her cousin, seeing the latter sitting up as well. She could sense how excited the taller girl was.


“It was nice. I made a friend,” Wendy replied in a smile.


“Who?” Joy questioned.


“Seulgi. We went to school together and we’re in the same classes this year,” Wendy explained.


“The Kang Seulgi? You made friends with Kang Seulgi?!” Joy’s eyes widened.


“Yeah why?” Wendy confusedly asked, not understanding how her cousin knew her new friend.


“Unnie she was one of the most popular girls of our school. A girl crush for all!” Joy clapped her hands, unable to believe that her anti-social and introverted cousin made friends with such a popular girl.


“Really?” Wendy scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.


“Did you meet anyone else?” Joy quickly asked.


“Umm…,” Wendy hesitated, wondering if she should talk about Irene.


“Tell me!!!” Joy became impatient.


“Irene sunbae. But we talked very briefly. She lives with Seulgi,” Wendy explained.


“D-Did you just say… I-Irene sunbae??” Joy’s eyes widened, her face turning pale.


“Why?” Wendy nodded.


“So, what you’re saying is, not only did you befriend Kang Seulgi but you also befriended Bae Irene, the girl after whom all boys and girls would die to even take a look at?” Joy elaborated.


“That’s exaggerated Soo. And no, I did not befriend Irene sunbae. I just briefly said hello,” Wendy rolled her eyes.


“She’s a legend in our school. Her achievement pictures are everywhere unnie. You don’t realize how huge this is. Her sister also goes to the same school as me,” Joy explained.


“Ah, really? Well, that’s not the point. I made friends with Seulgi and she’s a really nice person,” Wendy quickly got them back on track.


“I’m so happy for you unnie! I’m proud!” Joy lunged at the blonde, taking her cousin in a bone crushing hug.


Wendy huffed when the air was forced out of her lungs due to the sudden hug and wondered if her befriending Seulgi was such a big deal. Guess, she’ll know as time passes.









Wendy entered the class, scanning the hall for the empty seats. It was the second day and they had music lecture first in which a famous guest lecturer was going to share her experience. When Wendy saw Seulgi sitting with a few girls on the top, she hesitated to go over there and decided to sit a couple of rows below her new friend.


Just when she got settled, she felt someone sitting beside her.


“I hoped for you to save me Wannie,” Seulgi pouted adorably.


“Hm?” Wendy cocked her head to the side.


“These girls are after me and I just want peace,” Seulgi explained, opening her iPad to take some notes.


“Next time I’ll make sure to fetch you first,” Wendy giggled.


“You better,” Seulgi nodded cutely making the blonde smile.


The lecturer soon arrived and greeted all the students. She was a famous vocal coach who had trained many famous idols and singers since nearly 3 decades now.


“I bet we’ll be seeing many famous idols too,” Seulgi commented as the lecturer was telling about her experience as a struggling artist in her early days.


“I hope so. I would love to talk to them,” Wendy agreed.


“Who’s your favorite?” Seulgi asked.


“I liked Sunwoojunga sunbae,” Wendy replied.


“Her voice is magical,” Seulgi nodded.


Wendy hummed and they both then focused on the lecture which went on for another hour. They both took few notes in their respective iPads, finding the lecture quite informative and useful. After the lecture ended, both of them packed their bags, walking out of the hall to the 4th floor. They changed into leggings and t-shirts before making their way to the dance studio.


“Are you ready to dance?” Seulgi toothily grinned, excited for their first lesson.


“No,” Wendy pouted, shaking her head.


“I heard some seniors will take our sessions this year,” Seulgi explained.


“Oh really, who?” Wendy questioned curiously.


“Let’s hurry and see!” Seulgi held the blonde’s arm, almost dragging them to their hall.


As there were too many students in this course, the administration divided them into 5 groups for the practical dance, art and music sessions and luckily Seulgi and Wendy were in the same group. They entered their dance studio hall which had around 10 students from their batch and 2 instructors.


“Oh, it’s Joohyun unnie!” Seulgi waved at her friend, dragging Wendy along with her.


Wendy looked at the senior with wide eyes, almost frozen when she realized that Irene was going to be their dance coach for this year. So much for peace and quiet.


“Unnie, you better allow us to bunk,” Seulgi grinned widely.


Irene rolled her eyes, finally getting her gaze to the blonde who was staring at her awkwardly.


“G-Good morning sunbae,” Wendy greeted.


“Morning,” Irene replied.


“Is Hyoyeon unnie our other coach? Woah, we really scored this time,” Seulgi said when she saw the other senior busy looking at the list of students.


“Come on, let’s all gather up,” Irene said a little loudly when she noticed that all the students had arrived. She closed the studio’s door to avoid any commotion from outside and went towards the front of the studio, just in front of the huge mirror.


“Hi everyone! I’m Hyoyeon and this is Irene. We’ll be your dance coaches for this year. It’s a basic class and even if it’s not your major, give your best, okay?” Hyoyeon said.


“Yes sunbae!” all the 10 students replied.


“Okay then, who all have their major as dance then?” Irene asked.


Around 4 people raised their hands including Seulgi whereas the rest 6 were quiet, looking at the two seniors.


“Good. You 4 need to work harder than the rest alright? Rest 6 we will pay more attention in this basic year,” Hyoyeon stated.


“Okay!” everyone agreed.


“Let’s start with basic stretching workout then and then we will practice some dance moves,” Irene started after playing some pop workout song playlist on the huge speakers.


Wendy was a bit nervous but she successfully followed the easy workout which wasn’t that difficult. In fact, last 3 years she had done enough exercises to lose weight so she had done most of these. After 10 minutes of standing workout, it was time for some sitting stretching exercises.


They all sat down and Hyoyeon demonstrated a stretch where you had to touch your feet while the legs were spread out in the front. Wendy huffed when she couldn’t touch hers as she wasn’t that flexible.


“Irene help those two,” Hyoyeon said when she noticed Wendy and another girl who had their postures wrong.


Irene nodded and firstly helped the girl in the front before going backwards towards Wendy who was avoiding her gaze. The dancer then got her hand to the blonde’s back and shoulder, straightening the spine.


“Don’t bend your back and then take your hands forward,” Irene said.


Wendy nodded, trying the pose again. However, when she suddenly felt Irene pushing her back from behind by both hands, she let out a pained wince.


“Just like that,” Irene said when she saw that the posture was correct now and better than before. She kept her hold intact on the blonde’s back for a while before letting go, watching the younger girl letting out a sigh of relief.


“Okay now, do butterfly and then we’ll see who all can split,” Hyoyeon said excitedly.


Everyone did the butterfly pose for a couple of minutes before standing up, cheering for Hyoyeon who demonstrated it perfectly. Irene kept standing behind the students, seeing if their backs were in the correct position while trying the splits. When she saw Wendy very amateurly spreading her legs and going down, she quickly stopped the girl by holding her arm.


“You’re going to get a bad cramp if you go down like that,” Irene frowned, straightening the girl’s back with her hands before holding the latter’s hands by coming in the front.


“Now go down slowly and stop when the strain in your thighs become painful,” Irene explained.


Wendy nodded and looked at her feet, following the senior’s orders. She spread her legs slowly, going quite lower, her legs forming a triangle with the floor. She couldn’t go all the way down because her thighs were paining due to the strain and looked up at the senior who was nodding approvingly.


“Stay like that for a bit and relax your body. Your hands are shaking,” Irene pointed out, looking at Wendy’s hands which were grabbing hers shakily.


“Okay,” Wendy said, getting comfortable in the position and getting a little control over her body.


“Okay, that’ll be enough, come up slowly, don’t slip,” Irene said.


Wendy came back up carefully, happy about the first attempt she just did. Irene looked satisfied as well, looking at the younger girl’s face. She noticed how Wendy was even leaner than her, almost seeming like a paper.


She still has those cute cheeks though.

Irene thought.


“Are you going to let go of my hands?” Irene asked when she saw that the blonde was still holding onto her hands.


Wendy winced and pulled back like she had touched something hot, feeling embarrassed. She mumbled a small sorry about her action, watching Irene simply turning around to go and help other students.


After the stretching session was over, Hyoyeon and Irene showed some basic dance moves to them which they’ll have to master. Wendy saw the two girls in awe, admiring how well Irene dances.


“They’re amazing,” Seulgi complimented.


“You’re also amazing Seulgi, the video you showed me yesterday… You’re already a professional,” Wendy grinned.


“Thanks,” Seulgi blushed from the sincere compliment, knowing that she has been a dance freak since childhood. She loves it.


After the two seniors were done showing demonstrations, the students gathered around and followed the steps one by one. Wendy was pretty bad at it but thankfully both Hyoyeon and Irene were good coaches and went through each step slowly, allowing them to get used to it. The 4 dance major students mastered it pretty quickly like it was a piece of cake whereas other 6 students took a lot of time to get used to it.


Irene had her eyes on Wendy every few seconds, noticing how the blonde was trying her best. When she saw Seulgi helping Wendy out by correcting her positions, she felt a little tug at her chest. Wasn’t Irene supposed to be the coach?


“Thanks,” Wendy smiled when she finally got the first step correct.


“Come on, the second one now,” Seulgi said, helping her friend with the second step as well.


Wendy was glad for Seulgi’s help because it made the learning a lot quicker and easier. After about an hour she got all the steps perfectly and thanked her bear friend who was also happy.


“You said you weren’t good at it but you’re amazing,” Seulgi winked playfully.


“Thank you!” Wendy smiled, giving her friend a hug.


“Aigoo, no need Wannie,” Seulgi smiled as well.


“Good work everyone today! I’ll see you all on Thursday now. We’ll have 2 classes a week,” Hyoyeon said when the time for their 2-hour class got over.


Everyone thanked the seniors and went to the girls changing room on the same floor. When Wendy saw everyone changing in front of their lockers in the room without caring for others, she felt embarrassed.


“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asked after taking off her t-shirt, revealing her in a sports bra. Wendy gasped at the glistening abs of the taller girl, making her eyes to pop out.


“I-I’ll wait for the rooms to be empty,” Wendy explained shyly.


“There are just 2 rooms and from the looks of it, they won’t be empty any time soon,” Seulgi pointed at the direction of the two private changing rooms which had a few people waiting outside as well.


Wendy hummed, hesitating a lot.


“Geez Seul, stop flaunting your abs,” Irene said from the side, taking off her own t-shirt.


Wendy looked towards the senior, gulping and blushing when she saw how Irene’s body was so toned and milky, looking like a literal goddess. The senior had a pink sports bra on and the faint abs were quite evident due to the dance and workout.


“Well, I’ve worked hard for them. Better to show them off,” Seulgi cheekily smirked, knowing that a few girls were checking her out from the other end of the locker room.


Irene rolled her eyes and took off her tights as well, wearing a plain black top and jacket as the weather was cold. Wendy quickly looked away, getting her eyes back on Seulgi who had also taken off her tights.


“Are you shy?” Seulgi asked.


Wendy sighed and nodded, already feeling too heated due to everyone being nearly inside the locker room. She has been insecure about her body since childhood and didn’t have the confidence to change like this.


“Back up a little against the corner, I’ll cover you up,” Seulgi smiled, wearing her sweatshirt and jeans quickly.


Wendy looked around, seeing that people had stopped staring towards them as Seulgi had worn her clothes now, hiding the y abs.


“Unnie, help us out,” Seulgi suddenly asked her flatmate who was also done changing.


Irene was a little startled by the sudden involvement, looking at the blonde who had a white top and jeans her hands. Before she could say something, Seulgi pulled her towards the corner and backed up Wendy against the wall as well so no one could see.


“Change up now,” Seulgi smiled, taking the top and jeans from her friend’s hands.


Wendy nodded, taking off her t-shirt first a little hesitantly.


“Damn Seungwan, so hot,” Seulgi teased honestly, admiring the blonde’s abs.


Wendy blushed, putting her t-shirt over her friend’s face, not allowing her to see any further.


“Yah!” Seulgi complained due to the sudden darkness but didn’t move, almost finding the action adorable.


Wendy then took off her leggings, looking up at Irene who was staring at her body. Not wanting to stay that way longer, Wendy quickly took her jeans from Seulgi’s hands and wore them first followed by her white top. When she was done, she took off her t-shirt from Seulgi’s face as well.


Irene on the other hand felt go dry at how y Wendy looked. The girl’s stomach was flat with evident faint abs whereas the s seemed quite full and the seemed quite squishy as well. She never ever could have thought that her childhood chubby friend would become this y and hot.


“You’re done too soon,” Seulgi pouted.


“Thank you,” Wendy said in a smile, going towards her locker to wear her blue jacket and keeping the sweaty clothes inside her bag.


Irene and Seulgi packed their bags too, all of them walking out of the changing room together.


“I’m hungry. Let’s go eat?” Seulgi asked, linking her arms with the blonde.


“I’m going to get some work done first,” Irene made an excuse, knowing she wanted to keep as much distance with Wendy as possible. And until now, she has failed miserably.


“Fine, see you later then,” Seulgi waved her hand.


After Irene left, Wendy almost let out a sigh of relief. God, she knew how things were so awkward between them and she didn’t want to complicate it further.


“What do you want to eat?” Wendy asked.


“Let’s get pizza! I’ve heard good things about the pizza place at the 1st floor,” Seulgi stated.


Wendy agreed, both of their stomachs grumbling together at the sound of food. They both laughed and quickly went to the pizza place, eating their meal in silence because of how hungry they were.




















It was Thursday today and Seulgi and Wendy were on their way to their dance room once again. They were getting closer as they had a lot of things in common, including their birthday month and innocent nature. Many students even said that they looked absolutely cute together, like a couple of childhood best friends.


“Seungwannie, are people really informal abroad?” Seulgi asked curiously while they were changing into their workout clothes. As the changing room was empty right now, Wendy did so quickly while facing her locker, knowing that her friend was not looking at her direction.


“Yes, they don’t bow or call their seniors sunbae or unnie or oppa… we’re all really just friends,” Wendy answered.


“I wonder how that would be like. It’s like calling Irene unnie just Irene,” Seulgi thought aloud, making the other girl let out a chuckle.


“I think it’s better here, at least for me. I’m a little conservative,” Wendy stated.


“I would love to give it a try though. Let me do it when we see unnie later,” Seulgi mischievously smirked, excited to see her flat mate’s reaction.


Wendy shook her head at her friend’s antics, closing her locker before going to the dance studio together. When they saw Irene stretching on the left side, Seulgi skipped towards the latter straight away. There wasn’t anyone else in the room except the three of them right now.


“Yah Irene, what’s up?” Seulgi greeted loudly.


Irene who was doing a split shot a surprised glare in the direction of her flat mate, wondering what this bear was up to now. It was the first time she was hearing Seulgi being this informal with her.


“How was your day, Irene? What’re you doing after this? It’s the last class for today,” Seulgi pushed further with a small grin on her face.


Wendy awkwardly bowed when Irene made eye contact with her, asking for some sort of explanation. Well, what else was she supposed to do.


“Shut up,” Irene simply said, going back to her stretching.


“Okay, bye Irene,” Seulgi shrugged at being ignored, holding Wendy’s hand and taking them to the other corner of the room.


By now, some people had started to come inside the dance studio, including Hyoyeon. Once everyone was there, they started their practice with basic

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trickydaos #1
Chapter 1: ....

Well, that was...an easy of a way out for all the emotional tortures and mixed signals Irene gave Wendy all these time. Things like these don't just go away with one conversation. Wendy's unhealthy eating habits, the paranoia of being bullied, and the constant insecurity, it's not solely Irene's fault, but she was contributing too despite supposedly accepting Wendy for how she was when they're younger. Scratch that, having the one friend you trusted and loved pretending to not knowing you and leaving you to the wolves when in public, and only being nice in private is actually much worse. And Irene's parting words years ago? Cut deeper more than anything.

I thought the huge chunk of the story would be how Irene, who was at first still in denial she hurt Wendy years ago, realizing her mistakes and earned her redemption. But we mostly just see her feeling guilty majority of the time, not doing anything with that guilt, while still hurting Wendy in the process of figuring things out. We didn't see enough of her actually redeeming herself throughout the story, except that one time she helped fend off the bullies. There's no important development too from Wendy's character. We get glimpse of her anger in the middle of her meekness, but that's just that, a glimpse. Not enough development from both characters, that ended up leaving things feel unsatisfactory. Thus, the easy way out.

I don't know. I expected more from this kind of story. Instead it just meander around with unnecessary things, while neglecting the important bits.
New stories horay
Ririjr26 #3
Chapter 1: Dom-irene and sub-wendy are back yeorobuuun! 🥳🥳🥳
kidmm9 #4
Chapter 1: Welcome back!!! I love this story!!!
Chapter 1: very cuteeee, I loved it ☺️