o n e

Cheating Hearts


“Hello, my name is Lee Donghae. I am Jiyongs’ bestfriend.”

“Hi, my name is Sandara. I am—“

“Jiyongs’ other best friend?”  he said, while chuckling.

“No, I am his girlfriend.”

Donghae just shrug upon remembering the first conversation he shared with Dara three days ago before entering school. Same old Jiyong… he thought.

Jiyong is his high school best friend and even up to now that they’re on the same college, he’s still his bestfriend. He saw Jiyong walking along with his so-called ‘girlfriend’, Sandara Park, heading towards the school cafeteria. He never saw Jiyong would be like this- flirting like there’s no tomorrow. Well, he knew Jiyong so well and he knew that he loves flirting around with girls. Ever since they’re still in high school, he used to play with girls heart. That’s the reason why he’s called G-Dragon, he’s like a dragon that blew heat when walking.

“Jiyong!” he called his name making them stop. He waved at them.


He runs towards them and smiled, “I knew that it was you and Dara.” He said, while giving a short glance at Sandara who’s smiling at him. It’s so sad that you are his flavor of the month Dara… he thought. I knew you’re such a sweet and nice girl.

“We’re heading towards the cafeteria. Dara is hungry already.” Jiyong said, while teasing her ‘flavor of the month’. Tsk. Too bad, you are my best-friends ‘flavor of the month’.

“Yah! It’s already twelve and I haven’t eaten breakfast.” Dara explained.

Donghae watched the two and sighed. “So, you’re having a lunch date?”

“Nope. Actually, we are waiting for Jiyongs’ other girl bestfriend.” Dara said, while smiling at him. Girl best friend eh? He thought. He looked at Jiyong who’s now looking at him too- as if saying that I should just go with the flow of the story.

“Kiko.” Jiyong said. And now everything is clear to him: Jiyong is really serious with Kiko and just playing around with Sandara. Kiko is Jiyongs’ secret girlfriend ever since they entered College. Kiko doesn’t want to let everyone know that she’s dating the hottest- not literally- guy on the campus. Well, she’s maybe afraid of Jiyongs’ fangirl.

“Ah, so Kiko is already here? I thought she’s still at Jeju?” he asked.

“She just called the other night and told me that she wanted to meet my girlfriend.”

Donghae sighed. And now I am dragging myself to Jiyongs’ messy life. He thought. He just smiled at them and told them to enter to the cafeteria. As soon as Donghae along with Dara and Jiyong entered the cafeteria, everyone is giving glances at them.

Sandara felt a little bit awkward upon seeing that other people were watching them. She went closer to Jiyongs’ arms. “Why are they looking at us?” she asked. She felt that Jiyong chuckled and pull her closer to his arms, making her smell his manly scent.

“Because you are so beautiful…” Jiyong said.

“P-pabbo!” Dara said, in between giggles. “I-I want to eat a lot of food.” She said.

Donghae was silently observing the two- Jiyong and Dara- who’s now talking stuffs he doesn’t know. Even if Jiyong and Donghae have been together for few years now, he still has few things that he doesn’t know about Kwon Jiyong.

“So tell me, where did the two of you meet?”  Donghae casually asked, trying to dig information and opening a conversation.

Dara smiled upon remembering their first encounter. “We were classmates when we were still at kindergarten.” Dara looked at Jiyong who’s now idling. “He keeps on bullying me because I am so small.”

“Hey I didn’t do that.” Jiyong protested. “It was Taeyang who keeps on bullying you.”

Dara rolled her eyes because of Jiyongs’ answer. “And now you’re saying to your best-friend Donghae that I am a liar.”


“For how long have you been together?” Donghae asked.

“Dara and her family went to Philippines when we’re on 7th grade. We’re into this so-called Long Distance Relationship after that.” Jiyong said. Donghae looked at Jiyong as he looks at Sandara. Donghae can really see how Jiyong likes this girl named Sandara Park. “And look at us now, we’re together again after few years of being away.”

“Aww, Jiyong-oppa is really sweet.” Dara said, as she lean on her head to his shoulder. She’s really in-love with him, no matter how hard she tries to control her emotions; it just over-flow in an instant. It amazes her how Jiyong possibly control everything- she even doubted that Jiyong got an affair when she’s away since he is Kwon Jiyong.  But then again, she still trusts her boyfriend, no matter what.

Donghae smiled upon realizing how serious Dara and Jiyong were. If it happens to him- being away with the person he loves- he might go crazy. But upon seeing how Dara loves Jiyong, it really amazes him. In their time now, some girls might give-up with this so-called LDR because they think that it’s really hard.

On the other hand, he badly wants to talk to his best-friend because with all honesty, he cannot understand him. If he’s still in a relationship with Dara since 7th grade, why the hell is he having an affair with Kiko? Jiyong is definitely cheating towards Dara ever since Dara left.

Jiyongs’ phone vibrated and the name registered is Kiko. Sandara gave a little glance at Jiyongs’ phone and smiled upon seeing whose calling. “Answer it.”

Jiyong slightly bowed, kissed Daras’ forehead, and move-out. Dara was left with Lee Donghae, the other best-friend of her Jiyong. She smiled at him and then, he smiled back. “I want to be friends with you, Lee Donghae.”

Donghae gave Dara a short smile. “I want to be friends with you too, Sandara Park.”

Both of them looked at Jiyong who’s now walking towards them. “I have an urgent meeting with the club officers.”


“Kiko can’t come because she’s in the meeting already.” He said, looking sorry towards his girlfriend Dara. He lean forward and kissed her forehead. “I’m so sorry if you can’t meet Kiko today but I’ll promise, you’ll meet her soon.”

Dara just smiled at him and touched his cheeks. “It’s okay Jiyong. I’m sure I’ll surely meet Kiko one of these days.”

Jiyong nod and looked at his best-friend Donghae who’s silently watching the two of them. “Can I ask you a favor, bro? Can you show Dara around the campus?”

“No Jiyong, its fine. I can handle—“

“I insist. There are lots of crazy bastards out there.” JIyong said, making Dara and her heart flutter. Jiyong is such a sweet boy-friend and I’m so lucky to have him. She thought.

Donghae gave a short nod and smile. He can’t believe that Jiyong will be like this. “It’s okay. I don’t have classes up to 3 PM.”

“So it’s settled then. I have to go. Please, take care of my girlfriend bro.”


As soon as Jiyong left, Donghae looked at Dara who’s also looking at him. He gave her a short smile. A little while, he felt that his phone vibrated and looked at it. He saw that Jiyong texted and it made him frown upon reading his text message.

From Jiyong:
I’ll be with Kiko because she needs me. She’s not feeling well, probably she’ll get sick. Please take care of Dara bro.

He doesn’t understand a thing. Why Jiyong is playing with these two girls- Kiko and Sandara? He can feel that Jiyong is serious with Dara and he’s also serious with Kiko. Kiko has been his ‘playmate’ ever since they entered college.

He typed a simple ‘Okay’ and waited for his reply. A little while he felt another vibration.

From Jiyong:
Thanks, I owe a lot.

Donghae smiled and sighed. Jiyong left him with no choice. Donghae looked at Dara and smiled at her, “Can I see your schedule so I can assist you today?”



Jiyong went to Kikos’ location- to her dorm. He smiled at the landlady and went to the elevator. Kiko is his org-mate and high school classmate. He’s seeing him lately- in a different perception- and he finds her interesting. They share common interest and most of the time; they have the same way of thinking. He didn’t saw this coming because Kiko is just a typical high school buddy before. As soon as he reached to her room, he gently opened it and smile upon seeing her eating noodles while playing.

“I thought you’re sick?” he said, making Kiko stop playing.

“Xbox is my life, you know.” She said, while pouting. “I thought you’re not coming here.”

“Is that even possible?” Jiyong said. He sat next to her and grabs the control. He started playing while Kiko is still looking at him. Jiyong looked at Kiko with his eyebrows being raised. “What?”

“Who’s with your girl-friend now?” Kiko asked.

Jiyong put down the control and reached for her hand. He gently squeezes it and smiled. “She’s with Donghae.”

Kiko nods. She already knew about Lee Donghae, being Jiyongs’ best-friend and well, they’re high school ‘friends’. Jiyong, Kiko and Donghae. “When… when will I meet her?”

“You can’t possibly meet her Kiko.” Jiyong said. “We cannot take a risk.”

“Why are we even hiding this Jiyong? I really thought you two were already over.” Kiko said, while giving him a stare that would possibly hurt him. “Why don’t we say to her that you two were through and that I am your girlfriend now.”

Jiyong looked away and sighed. “I don’t want to hurt Dara.”

“So it’s okay with you to hurt me instead of her?” Kiko said. She doesn’t want to be the bad woman of this story. Both of them, Dara and her, will get hurt on the process even if Jiyong will do all the possible things in the world not to hurt them.


“Fine, you met her first. I don’t want to talk about it…” She said signaling that she’s out of the topic. She sighed. “So tell me, who’s your real girlfriend now? Me or Sandara?”

Jiyong sighed and kissed Kikos’ forehead. “You are my girlfriend.”

“Then, what’s Daras’ purpose in your life now Jiyong?” Kiko asked.

“She’s just the flavor of my month…”



“Give me a number, ppali!” Sandara blurted as they walk on the lovers lane, heading towards the Architecture building.

“Errr, 36?!”

“A,B,C,D,E,F,G… why did you gave me such a huge number!” Dara said, while pouting her lips.

“What are you doing? Why did you ask me to give you a number?” Donghae asked. Sandara Park is really amusing.

“…H,I,J. It’s J!” she said while pouting. Upon realizing that it started with letter J, Sandara smiled. “Aww, Jiyong is talking about me.”

“What?” Donghae asked. He cannot absorb what Sandara is talking about. “I don’t understand.”

“I bit my tongue and that’s the reason why I asked you a number. They say that someone is talking about you when you bit your tongue. The number you gave is 36 and when I counted it, it’s letter J. So, it’s Jiyong.” Dara said, proudly that she manage to answer Donghaes’ answer.

“Really?” Donghae asked, still confused. “How sure you are that Jiyong is talking about you? How many percent then?”

“Eee! That’s the norm Donghae. I’m sure Jiyong is talking about me.”

Donghae just sighed and continued walking. He has no time asking about the history of that mantra. He continued walking and Dara followed him.

“Sure he’s talking about you because he’s cheating on you.” He murmured.

“Are you saying something, Donghae?” Sandara asked as soon as she’s walking along with him.


“I thought you’re saying something.”

Both of them went to the buildings of Daras’ class for this semester. She’s a Communication Arts student while Donghae is an Architecture student. The Architecture building is just adjacent to Arts building so it’s easy for Donghae to look for her- in any case.

“Oh look, we’re classmates in our Political Science subject later.” He said, while pointing to her scheduled next class.

“Jinja? Wow, it’ll be easy for me then.” She said. She’s thankful that someone like Lee Donghae is here for her when her boyfriend Jiyong is not around. “Since we’re classmates, I should treat you then.”


It was already 2PM Dara decided to treat her new friend Donghae snacks. She holds his hands and drags him towards the gate so they can go to the café near the school. The whole day of walking around the campus made Dara familiarize with the school campus. Dara smiled. Being with Donghae is... different. She’s really comfortable with him. Naah, maybe because he is my boyfriends best-friend.

Donghae doesn’t like the feeling of being this close to someone like Sandara Park. I’m not even a girl-hater yet I don’t like to be hanging around with her… he thought. But he has no choice- actually he had one- but he didn’t give a budge to the options. He can easily say that he’s already full or just stop walking but then again, he let her. He doesn’t dislike Dara. Actually, he’s really fond of her- he can see her as his younger sister. She’s talkative and fun to be with.

Maybe the reason why I don’t like to be hanging around with her it’s because I know that she’s being cheated by Jiyong… and I didn’t even give a damn on telling her right now. He thought. Guilty party.  

He looked at Dara who’s now ordering something on the counter. He just left his bag and went to her. “What are you ordering?”

“Hmm, I’m not really sure if you’ll like this but I want to have a strawberry milk tea and strawberry cupcakes.” She said, while staring at the cupcakes on the counter. “Look at them they look so cute and oh so fluffy and oh so yummy.”

“It’s fine with me.” he said. I must get used to her err… craziness. He gets her wallet but then Dara stopped him from getting money. “What?”

“I told you, I am treating you this time.”

“Naah, I wont let you treat me. I’m the guy here Dara.” Donghae said, trying to insist his point. But Dara is very persistent; she immediately put the money on the counter and pull Donghae away from the counter. “Come one Dara.”

“You being a male chauvinist! I am your newly found friend Lee Donghae and I am treating you snacks because I am thanking you for accompanying me today.” She said while giving him a wide smile. Donghae has no choice but to surrender.


“Remember, this will never happen again.”


“The next time you’ll be with me, you’ll be the one who will treat me. Naah, you better be thankful that I treated you because you see, I don’t waste money. Ahh, I am planning the food I want to eat so make yourself and your wallet ready.” Sandara said, with sparkling eyes. “I want to eat bibimbap with the best street-store in Korea.”

Donghae just smiled at her as she listens to her talking’s. Maybe this is the reason why Jiyong likes her… Donghae thought. She talks a lot. She smiles a lot. Even just for awhile, he learned a lot of things about Sandara Park and Donghae felt like he already knew her for a long time. The way she talks to him, it seems like she’s really comfortable with him. And sad to say, I am not feeling the other way around.

“How did you and Jiyong met?” Dara asked as soon as she got bored telling her life story towards Donghae. She’s talkative, but she like the way she is. “Ahh, probably you and Jiyong became friends when you’re in high school. Tsk. If we didn’t go to Philippines, probably, we’ll be best of friends too!”

“We were sort of enemies on the campus when it comes to popularity.” Donghae said as he remember the time he first met him.

“Really? Tell me, tell me.” Dara asked, really amused on the idea of Jiyong and Donghae are enemies.

“Well, I was a transfer student in Sequel High. You know, perks of being a transfer student, some people will look at you and got curious about your personality, your history. So here comes Jiyongs’ gang- well not a gang like a gang, if you know what I mean. He’s with his group, BigBang—“

“Bigbang is still intact?” Dara asked.

“Yeah, they even exist up to now.”

“Waah, I want to see Seungri.” Dara pouted.

“So yeah, Bigbang is a famous group/band in the campus and I was the new recruit of the group Super Juniors- the so-called ‘counterpart’ of Bigbang before. They asked me if what year I am and I told them that I was a freshman just like them, then, the rest is history.”

“I love listening to histories, you know. It’s my favorite subject.”

Donghae smiled at her and pats her head. “Let Jiyong tell you our history Dara.”

Sandara just pouted, but smiled when she saw the strawberry drink and cupcake being served. She immediately forgot about the history of Donghae and Jiyong.

“This is heaven.” Dara said while giggling. She has this weird obsession about strawberries and she admits it.

Donghae was about to get his milk-tea when Dara slightly taps his hand. “Aww! Why did you do that?” he protested.

“I should capture it first Donghae. This is our very first hang-out, you know.” Dara said. She gets her phone and takes a picture of the food on their table. “Instagram~~”

Donghae looked at Dara as if she’s an alien. He looked at her as she typed some sentence on her cellphone. Donghae doesn’t know the reason why but he gets his phone and got some picture of her- candid pictures. Sandara really looked cute and he can’t help it but got amaze because of her. She really is something.

“Hmm, Donghae do you have any Instagram and Twitter account?”

“I have one.”

“Follow me please.”

“Laters.” Donghae said.

Dara pouted. “Come on, please, so that I can tag you.”

“Aish.” Donghae gave his accounts so that Dara will stop pestering him. “Now that I gave you my account, can I drink this milk tea now?”

Dara smiled making Donghae pause for awhile. “Sure.”

Fudge! My heart is beating fast…. He thought. It was just a simple smile and yet…. Damn! I am sick.



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I'm trolling guys! XD Don't get offended with my replies. My brain is nowhere to be found.


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 32: I almost stop reading when i read chap 30, hahaha
I really love it. Thanks
ycell02 #2
Chapter 9: im confused. the authornim username is applenim so i thought this will be a daragon fanfic. next time i will read the comments first ?
Chapter 32: That epilogue. Hahahaha. I almost hated you for writing a sad ending after taking us through that roller coaster of feelings. LOL. Thank you!
Chapter 15: Waaaaa Dara ?????
Chapter 12: At this point, I'm just overly grossed out with Ji. I sympathize with Dara. I used to be like her. I would have swallowed my pride just to get back with my cheating ex. But he chose the other girl. I dodged a bullet there.
peachymomo47 #6
Chapter 32: After reading chapter 30.. i literally shouted the F word.. i really felt sad of why the author made it that way.... and then while my heart is feeling devastated.. i continue to read to know the reason why Dara is marrying neither of the two.. good thing i did.. it's just Donghae's dream jahahhaa... story is really nice..
Chapter 32: Holy ! I only read the epilogue NOWWW! There's an epilogue! I couldn't believe this! I almost miss the chance! Arrrggghhh!

I love it authornim! I almost flipped out at the beginning. I mean, she just can't be pregnant to someone else unless it's our fish!!! I think it was Jiyong oppa the guy in his dream. Keke

Another Darahae fic authornim! Keke
sherryperry #8
Chapter 32: I love the story but really sad,happy ,annoyed n even frustrated with Dara attitudes...! How can u love two man at a time!!! Sometimes i feel like kicking dara n punch her to put some senses to her...!
elsidenvino #9
Thank you thank you :) lovingthis
Rinnie_0430 #10
omg! this is the 2nd time i read this fanfic!!!>< its very well written and i love the characters personality here (even though Dara's and Jiyong's personality sometimes anoy me lol) but its one of my fav DaraHae fic!! please keep making more angsty DaraHae fics in the future><