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SNSD & F(x) One-shot collection

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  kryber   taeny   yulsic   taengsic 
Characters Krystal, Amber, Taeyeon , Tiffany , Yuri , Jessica
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 179 subscribers, 2590 views, 5 comments, 6438 words
Status Subscribers Only

Hey!!! So i decided to post up my one-shots in one page so it doesnt crowd my stories page. Haha! And since i have many wild ideas in my mind lately , i may be posting them up once completed here.  Please anticipate my upcoming fics/ one shots and thank you for supporting my f

Sleepover confessions.

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  krystal   tiffany   krysfany   tiffstal 
Characters Tiffany, Krystal , Jessica
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 30 subscribers, 4100 views, 7 comments, 2848 words
Status Completed

When Jessica couldn't make it back to Seoul and Krystal had planned out a slumber party for the weekends. Jessica decides to make up for her absence by sending her most reliable source of help,Tiffany to accompany Krystal for the weekends. Would Krystal be able to forgive her sister for ruining her plan o

You're still a part of us, Jung Jessica.

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  snsd   yulsic   ot9 
Characters OT9SNSD , Yuri , Jessica
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 35 subscribers, 1810 views, 9 comments, 1233 words
Status Completed

Hey, this is a random one shot. Its been days but oh well, i still cant get over that Jessica is no longer part of GG - BUT WAIT. She still is, in our hearts and the 8 members. She still is. <3 It has been tough for sones this year, but dont feel discourage or too overly depressed of this issue. Im not asking you to be too hopeful but neither should u be hopeless either. But i believe, even if it takes months or years, I believe Jessica will come back one day.    As

Dear Diary...

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  kryber 
Characters Krystal , Amber
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 1450 views, 4 comments, 2963 words
Status Completed

Hey , i'm back with a random one-shot. Lol. Sorry i miss kryber so much and i ended up writing this angsty and sad kryber one shot.  They're so awkward with each other and i wonder why, i feel like slapping the both of them but nah.. Once in a while awkwardness is fine right? I mean they're a BTS couple an

Right Back To You

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  jeti   yoonyul   yulsic 
Characters Kwon Yuri , Jessica Jung , Im Yoona , Tiffany Hwang
With 1 chapters, 14 votes, 14 comments, 10610 words
Status Completed

Jessica had to lie to make everything better, but she knew that it will never be better without Yuri. As time passes, she met a girl named Tiffany, a girl who loves her sincerely and gives so much, not expecting much in return.  Could she ever move on from Yur


By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  jessicajung   kwonyuri   yulsic 
Characters Kwon Yuri , Jessica Jung
With 1 chapters, 12 votes, 44 subscribers, 13 comments, 1629 words
Status Completed

Hey, i heard about the rumour about Kwon Tyler and Jessica..  Since im a yulsic shipper obviously i was getting really scared and frustrated at the same time. Anyways, here is a fic! Enjoy! ^^

A Christmas Confession

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  snsd   soori   sooyoung   yuri   hyosoo 
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 2 comments, 6204 words
Status Completed

I just re-upload this because, i didnt feel like continuing my new year's special and since time has went by fast too.. it's february now. So.. I thought it would be a waste delete this story bcuz i enjoyed wrtiting it so.. here it is! ^^

My Heart As A Gift For You

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  yulsic 
Characters Kwon Yuri , Jessica Jung, Snsd
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 1700 views, 14 comments, 1633 words
Status Completed

Hi, This is a one-shot of Yulsic that i wrote our of boredom and because it was Yuri's birthday a few days ago..   So, Its like a special Yuri's birhday, one shot.       

Is this Friendship or Love

By NajihahXander Updated
Tags  amber   kryber   krystal   fxmembers 
Characters F(x) Krystal and Amber
With 36 chapters, 29 votes, 355 subscribers, 24440 views, 79 comments, 44384 words
Status Completed

Just read and you'l see whats up.