The Arrival Of The Unwanted

Big Bad Wolf

Baekhyun didn’t want Siwon in his house; sure, technically it wasn’t really his house but he was living in there, so he was allowed to have a say in it. However, there was nothing much to do about it, he just clenched his teeth and accepted that the taller male was going to cohabit with him for a while.

When people around the house heard the news, their reactions were incredibly vast: there were people who ignored it as they were going to ignore Siwon, Kyungsoo, Junmyeon, Tao and Minseok; there were the ones that were highly amused at the other’s presence in there, Luhan and Jongdae; the ones who wanted to smash Siwon’s face into concrete because he dared to insinuate himself to his brother, namely Kris; there were the ones who didn’t like it, Yixing and Jongin, and there were those who hated it, meaning Baekhyun, Sehun and, surprisingly Chanyeol. As soon as the taller boy heard the news, a very ugly scowl appeared on his face and just shut everyone out for a few hours, cooped up in his room, until Baekhyun, very sweetly, had brought him out of his mood with his puppy eyes, sweet words and comforting hugs.

The smaller and older male had been left confused about Chanyeol’s reaction towards the news; his gentle giant had just been so angry at it, which wasn’t something he was used to see, however he didn’t pry, feeling it wasn’t his business to do so.

Sehun’s reaction, on the other side, had been predictable, because he clearly loathed the man, despite doing business with him constantly. However, contrary to Chanyeol, who vented in silence, Sehun had become a tad bit more aggressive while talking to people, but Baekhyun thought it might have something to do with the fact that Luhan had forced them to spend the whole afternoon before the day of Siwon’s arrival, just getting to know each other, which basically consisted in them, throwing questions at one another, while Baekhyun’s room had been cleaned and all of his personal objects and clothes brought to Sehun’s room, where he was supposed to stay until Siwon left; after all, if he was his fiancé it wouldn’t make sense for them to sleep in rooms apart. Baekhyun almost screamed at the sight, and promptly ignored how Kris almost had a seizure at the prospect, while Sehun’s lips were curled in aversion. It was not about Baekhyun, Sehun didn’t really mind the man as much as he did, since he had proven himself, time and time again, but his room was his sanctuary, as he was a private person, and the fact that he now had someone to share it with, made him slightly uncomfortable but Luhan had been right, it wouldn’t make sense for them to sleep apart, especially, given the supposed nature of their relationship.

The first day Siwon had arrived at the estate, the larger than life house, he had done it very early in the morning, on a Monday. Naturally, the majority of the household had been awake, eating breakfast or simply preparing themselves for the day of work. Sehun had actually taken the week off, since he didn’t trust Siwon with Baekhyun; he had far more confidence and trust deposited on that small amount of man than he had on Siwon also, he wasn’t sure if Baekhyun could survive the week without killing Siwon.

He had actually been taking breakfast, Luhan, Kyungsoo and Jongdae by his side, when Siwon entered inside the dining room, loud and boisterous as one could be, talking to a surprised Minseok, who had been going in the same direction.

When Siwon wanted, Siwon could be very loud; in fact he was so loud that anyone in that room doubted that the remaining sleeping occupants were really asleep. The proof was when a disgruntled Baekhyun, slightly limping, appeared in the doorway, dressed in pyjamas and a fluffy robe, frown displayed in his sleepy face. He took a look into the room, Jongin following him from behind, and a snort came out of his lips.

“Of course it had to be you.” he mumbled.

“Baekhyun, darling!” exclaimed Siwon far more excitedly than he should, earning a glance from everybody in the room, before he embraced the male suddenly, who struggled to get free from that monstrous hug that was squeezing the life of him, since he was quite muscular.

Sehun, who, despite being on a small vacation, had to pick a series of documents at work, stood up and approached both of them and forcefully removed Siwon from Baekhyun.

“Hands off my fiancé!” he growled, pulling Baekhyun against is side.

He wasn’t quite sure if Baekhyun was acting or not, but the smaller lent against him, forehead snuggled against the taller chest.

“Can’t you make him go?” asked Baekhyun cutely, looking at Sehun, who was deeply disturbed by the other’s cute behavior; Baekhyun was cute, that was a given, but not disgustingly so, more like he wasn’t even aware he was cute.

“Unfortunately, no, I can’t!”

“Then I am going to camp in our room until he does so, okay?”

“Make sure you come out to eat and to exercise your leg! Also, it would be nice to see you around, after all I am not working this week.” replied an amused Sehun at Baekhyun’s antics, but he couldn’t really blame the other for not liking Siwon. He didn’t either; he just took all of the man’s crap and dealt with it because of the profits. In a way, he envied Baekhyun and how he could be so carefree about that he liked and what he didn’t liked.

“’kay.” chirped a pleased Baekhyun before pressing a kiss to Sehun’s lips and exiting the room with a content, albeit groggy “Let’s go Jongin; we’re off to sleep some more.”

“Your fiancé is quite the handful person!” exclaimed Siwon, looking at Sehun with guarded eyes.

“Yes…”drawled Sehun watching Baekhyun waddle away while Jongin helpfully guided the other with a careful arm around the waist.

“And your…staff, seem very close to him.” observed the other man as he spied a cheerful Yuna and a flustered Jinki stop at the base of the stairs to greet the smaller man, who smiled at them before stumbling up the stairs.

“They like him and he likes them.”

“Aren’t you worried about them being so…affectionate towards him?”

“He isn’t like us Siwon, he is, despite what he has been through, an innocent who sees the best in people and I really don’t think that it is something bad, I find it refreshing.”

Siwon regarded Sehun with narrowed eyes, seemingly studying the man in front of him carefully. On his back, Sehun could also feel the weight of Luhan’s stare burning on his back.

“You were never like this.”

“Love changes people, don’t it, Siwon? Have you considered the fact that, maybe, he has changed my perception about some this, my perspective even.”

“Might be so.” agreed Siwon “He has quite the personality on him, however, only time will tell. After all, I do have a great amount to time to uncover your dynamics as a couple.”

“You might be bored…We are a normal couple, even if you don’t see to think so.”

“Oh but it is very interesting, especially considering the fact that you were never like this, not even with…”

“That’s enough.” cut Sehun with a glare towards the other man. “I allowed you to stay in my house, even if a part of its occupants hate your guts, do not think that you can cross the lines of reasonable just because of that Siwon. Also, it would be very good if you can stop harassing Baekhyun. He doesn’t like you and, truth to be told, I can’t blame him.”

Siwon gave the man a look; one that Sehun could not read and left the room, stating that he needed to unpack his suitcases.

“Siwon has a big mouth” started Luhan softly, cleaning his mouth to a napkin “and, considering the fact that you have people in here who abhor him, I am not sure that you can reach the end of the week without anyone of them exploding.”

“I am positive that that will happen” said Kyungsoo softly “I also cannot fathom why you would allow him a place in this house; after what he did.”

“The past should stay in the past. I do not like to bring up skeletons from my closet, but, at the time, he is necessary. After he is done with his work…we will see.”

“What is he doing so important?” asked Luhan with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

“When Kris ran away from Jia, he left some…violent evidence of it; some of her man appeared that. Siwon is trying to stop Kris from being arrested. I can’t afford losing Kris or Siwon at this moment. So, for the time being, we all have to deal with him.”

“Interesting!” commented the blond male, tilting his head “What do you think Minseok?”

The man in question looked up from his mug of coffee, not remotely startled at the sudden call, even if it seemed that he wasn’t paying attention. He lowered the mug, pensively before giving his opinion.

“I think that we are up for a surprise. I am not saying that an explosion won’t happen; there are a lot of volatile temperaments inside this house, temperaments that are very, very easily ignited at will do so because it’s inevitable. However, we have acquired a new wild card, a dark horse per say: Baekhyun. And whatever it is thrown at him, he can handle it because he is obstinate, temperamental and, most importantly, someone who fights for himself and for others; in other words, someone who Sehun dislikes. He will fight Siwon… but this time, contrary to what happened before, your ‘lover’ will win!”











Yixing was sleeping peacefully; he was working some hours in the afternoon so he allowed himself the luxury of sleeping a few more hours than he usually did. Also, he knew that the crappy human being known as Siwon would be arriving today so he did his best to avoid him.

However, his peaceful slumber was disturbed when he felt a presence slip underneath the sheets of his bed and latch itself to his back, slender hands grabbing at his waist, seeking the warmth of another body.

“What are you doing here Baekhyun?” he asked, speech slightly slurred due to sleep.

“Chanyeol and Jongin went for a run, everybody else went to work, Jongdae went god knows where, so I thought you wouldn’t mind much if I came to you.”

“Basically, you are saying that you came to me as a last resort.” rumbled Yixing, teasing the smaller male.

“No!” exclaimed Baekhyun hurriedly “I didn’t came to you sooner because you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up but everybody is gone and that airhead is wondering around the first floor and I felt lonely and…”

Yixing opened his eyes at the blurted confession, turning around to look at the smaller.

“You were feeling lonely?” he asked, watching as Baekhyun flushed at the confession. “Why are you feeling lonely?”

“It’s nothing…”

“You know you can talk to me, don’t you Baekhyun?”

“I do.” agreed the blond male softly.

“Then talk to me; I’m listening.”

“You know that I grew up with my mom” started Baekhyun, voice barely above a whisper “She was all that I had for nine years; my entire world. I never knew any of my relatives, nor did I know my father at the time. We spent a lot of time together, me and her, even though she had two jobs to pay for our utilities, school and food. We didn’t have a TV so we talked away the night when insomnias got the best of me. I loved her unconditionally and I believe she also loved me. And then she died.” there was a slight pause and a barely noticeable tremor on his voice “My world crumbled, I was young and I had just lost my best friend and I didn’t know how I was going to survive on my own without her. I spent a few days locked inside my house, sitting in the dark, wondering about that. I had no money, how could I have managed? And then father came to me. He whisked me away and took me to the best boarding schools ever but, as much as I loved my father, we weren’t close and he neglected me a lot so that Jia wouldn’t found out I was alive. Then Kris came and it was so good again; I had someone who loved me again and who cared and it felt so good. I went to college on a scholarship and avoided to ask money for my tuition. When father died I was in my last year of college. I finished my course as fast as speed of light and ran away with Kris when he came for me. Throughout his journey, it was always a lonely process. People might think otherwise but it was hard for me to have friends, after all, I was the poor kid in elitist schools where snobby kids frown upon me for being different, for not having a mother and for having a father that saw my face twice a year. Even school vacations I spent in a small apartment with people taking care of me. Plus, me running away with Kris didn’t help. I still didn’t make any friends. But now, despite all odds, I found a couple of guys that don’t care about that and it is the first time that I have someone to call friend, aside from Kris, and I miss them when they are not there and I am really selfish for wanting them near me. So, sorry, but I just need your presence.”

The speech wasn’t that coherent and, at times, Yixing thought he had heard the slight hitch of breath, indicating that Baekhyun had to probably inhale once or twice to proceed without breaking, but he still understood. He understood the heart of a small man that had been lacking company all of his life and desperately wanted comfort and love; wanted a friend. He knew that Chanyeol was Baekhyun’s best friend, or at least, their relationship would be translated as so, but Chanyeol wasn’t here and Baekhyun was feeling lonely. His heart ached for the smaller man, of course, Yixing at gone through a similar growing process but nothing that bad. The doctor had been raised by his grandmother since his parents had migrated to Australia; they didn’t have much and he had to study hard to get where he was but at least he was well loved until she had passed away four years ago, a loss that still make his heart weep at the though.

Gently, he embraced Baekhyun, pressing a kiss on the blond locks, squeezing the younger’s body closer to himself, trying to comfort the other and make him feel less lonely and more loved.

He had nothing to say, nor words could be enough of a balm to such a wounded soul, even if he had to admit how strong Baekhyun was, carrying himself through life with such a positive mindset. In reality, it didn’t really matter if he said something or not because he knew that Baekhyun, being the kind and empathic person he was, understood what he was trying to say, even without words.

He slid his fingers of one hand on the blond hair, drawing patterns on the other’s scalp, scratching a little from time to time and assisted how tired, innocent eyes, fell shut with the motion of his fingers, until they shut completely and Baekhyun entered the dream world with a serene expression painted on his face.

“Sweet dreams, little warrior.” whispered Yixing, allowing himself to follow Baekhyun, hopefully, into said world.











Baekhyun and Yixing’s sleep was interrupted by a loud voice. They were not exactly sure of who was yelling, since the walls muffled the sound. Alarmed, Yixing was the first to bolt out of bed and out of his room, searching for the source of said sounds, while Baekhyun, still recovering, stood up at a more leisure pace and followed the brown haired man out the room.

They followed the noise to Sehun’s office downstairs, Baekhyun choosing to slide down the banister, habit he had gained when he started walking without aid, which was something that Sehun detested, since it was highly inappropriate, and the others hated due to the small chance that he had to actually fall and break his neck. Once they reached the door, Yixing hesitated a small moment, not knowing what to do; Baekhyun, however, didn’t, since he recognized the voices behind the closed doors. He boldly opened the doors, making the three occupants in the room look at him.

“What is going on?” he demanded to know, looking incredulously at Chanyeol, who stood before Sehun, Jongin holding him close, stopping him to jump at Sehun, if Chanyeol’s distorted, angry features were anything to get by.

“Nothing, Baekhyun. Go back to wherever you were!” gritted Sehun, obviously not liking being caught in such position.

“Since when do I obey to you?” asked Baekhyun with a smirk, directed at Sehun, who glared at him, before turning serious again. “But seriously; what is going on? You aren’t the type of getting angry like this. Not to the point where he needs to be held down. As a matter of fact, you aren’t that easily caught angry.”

“This doesn’t concern you.” growled Sehun at the younger; he didn’t want the other’s present at the moment, especially not to assist such an argument between himself and Chanyeol.

However, Baekhyun ignored his words with a glare of his own, before coming near Chanyeol, grabbing his wrist and pulling the taller to him, whispering soft words on the other’s ear when he heard the rapid breathing pattern.

“Tell me what is going on Yeol! You are worrying me.” begged Baekhyun.

“Why don’t you asked that cretin over there?” barked Chanyeol, moving his body so violently to point at Sehun that Baekhyun almost fell to the ground if not for Jongin’s presence, who immediately caught the male.

“I have nothing to say.” stated Sehun.

“Nothing to say? Nothing to say? You are giving a roof to the man you know I despise! You knew he got my sister killed, Sehun, you knew and yet you are still allowing him to be here. She was your lover or did you forget about that?”

The room seemed to pause. Nobody said a thing nor did somebody move. Yixing and Jongin were looking from face to face trying to gauge a reaction out of someone; Chanyeol was glaring furiously at Sehun, who glared back, a deep fury hidden behind his cold eyes and Baekhyun stared at them, not knowing what to do, but understanding the gravity of the moment.

“I am very aware of what Siwon did” started Sehun deceptively calm “however, I need him at the moment to take care of some impeding business.”

“What could be more important than Yoora’s memory?” asked Chanyeol heatedly.

“Keeping Baekhyun safe.” retorted Sehun just as heatedly. “Which is what we are trying to do, but I cannot do that if Kris gets arrested for first degree murder. So yeah, for your dear friend’s benefit, we all have to deal with Siwon.”

Jongin was the first to look down, to Baekhyun’s face, noting how pale the male was. Baekhyun was not an innocent, he knew very well what methods Kris had used to free himself from his mother’s grasp but Kris had always assured him that everything was fine and there were no witnesses to his deeds. And now Chanyeol had to deal with someone who had, somehow, Baekhyun didn’t know the story, managed to get Chanyeol’s sister dead and he couldn’t stop from feeling guilty.

The heavy weight on his chest, the one that he was feeling earlier, crawled back into place and Baekhyun was left feeling guilty about what happened.

“I’m sorry!” he muttered, gaining the attention of everybody. “I’m sorry!”

And, in a flash, he disentangled himself from Jongin’s grasp and fled the room. This time, Jongin wasn’t pleased and he let it show.

“You crossed a line in here Sehun! Was it really necessary to blame him?”

“I didn’t blame him!”

“Yes, you did. You implicitly said that it was because of him that Siwon was staying here. You know very well that he is now feeling guilty, when he is everything but guilty. He already has enough burdens on his shoulders; he doesn’t need you to add more of them.” remarked Yixing, trying to maintain his calm in this situation though his heart was clearly hung on his distressed friend who had just abandoned the room.

“You had no right Sehun, absolutely none. He such a wonderful person and yet you are still treating him like dirt. I hate to say this but I am actually glad that Yoora isn’t here to watch you do this, she would be absolutely distraught at what you have been doing.” spat Jongin venomously, a very uncharacteristic trait of his, before he his heel and went after his friend.

Chanyeol was standing inside the room, looking at Sehun with an expression that the older man couldn’t read.

“You know” started the younger male “I used to idolize you as a kid. You always represented a strong, powerful man that I ambitioned to be. I grew with only my mother and my sister and you were my role model, not a very good one, due to what you do, such as being involved with drug lords, killing and such. Believe it or not, my sister loved you, she saw a loving man beneath all that arrogance and power. I hate myself for surviving that night, I am sure I wasn’t supposed too, that that bomb was supposed to kill me too and just not her and my mother. I hated Siwon for giving up her location and I even hated you for a brief moment for always looking me in the eye, after she died, as if I was a burden. Eventually, I realized that you couldn’t give me what I wanted, you couldn’t care for me because I was too much like her and you were mourning her. So I forgave you and continued to see you as someone I looked up to all these years, throughout these seven years. But I completely lost all respect that I had once for you right now. My sister died because Siwon drank too much and unveiled something he shouldn’t have and I hate him for that, it will never change because he is the one to blame, not you and especially not Baekhyun. You just blamed the most innocent soul of them all, the one who was completely unware of what happened, for something that only you have control on. So don’t go and blame others just to feel better in your skin, it only makes you more of a bastard than you already are. And I have to say, I absolutely agree with Jongin: I am glad my sister isn’t here to see this.”

And with that speech, Chanyeol abandoned the room, a lone tear making his way down his emotionless face. Inside the room stood only Yixing and Sehun, who looked like he had been ran over by a train, weary and tired, clearly not expecting the harsh words directed at himself. He looked at Yixing.

“What about you Yixing? What do you have to throw at me?”

“I think that Jongin and Chanyeol said pretty much everything that was needed to be said.” replied the other softly “But, for what is worth Sehun, you need to stop being like this to Baekhyun. You look like a predator waiting for him to come around so you can hunt him down. You have thrown so much at him already and he had, time and time again, proven his worth, even if it hurt him, even if he didn’t like it, so give him a rest, there is no need for you to be like this. There is a striking resemblance between him and Yoora, personality wise, but just because he isn’t Yoora, it doesn’t mean that he have to bare the hell trials just for your entertainment and for you to release yourself from the guilt. He had a tough life so far: not much money growing up, no family except for Kris, been on a run for a while and he did manage to make his first friends here. So please, I am asking you, give him a break.”

Quietly he left the room, feeling the need to let the other think. He should go look after Baekhyun, after all the other was already having a crap day before this happened. He was going to need a lot of cuddles and a really good friend to cheer him up and make him smile again.











It was dinner time and everyone noticed the tense atmosphere that surrounded some of the people sitting on the comfortable chairs. Most of all, they noticed the absence of the radiant smiled man, who could cheer anyone: Baekhyun was not present.

Jongin looked at the missing spot with sorrowful eyes; he, along with Yixing and Chanyeol had tried to coax Baekhyun out of the room that he had locked himself in but there was no avail, the other male refused to acknowledge them or their presence and ultimately, Yixing had decided that it was better to simply let the other have his space. Siwon also noticed the absence and wasn’t too shy about question it.

“Where is little sunshine?” he asked jovially, receiving a multitude of glares.

“Baekhyun is feeling indisposed at the moment.” provided Yixing “he is resting.”

“On a different room from his fiancé?” asked Siwon astutely.

“I am not sure of how you were raised but I can assure you that Baekhyun, being a nurse and a considerate human being, is doing so in order to not spread any viruses or bacteria, if his indisposition comes to be a contagious illness of sorts.” replied Kyungsoo, covering perfectly the other’s absence even if he knew nothing about happened, aside from the fact that an argument had taken place.

Sehun looked at the empty space and a wave of regret and guilty crashed upon him. After thinking about the subject for long hours, he had come to the conclusion that an apology was in place. However, and knowing that the trio hadn’t manage to bring him out of his room, he was going to wait until the next day. If, for some reason, Baekhyun refused to leave the room, he would take drastic measures. With a small sigh, he looked upwards.

“Forgive me.” he whispered, even if he wasn’t really sure to whom he was apologizing to. 



A/N: I AM BAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Finally! I am really sorry for making you wait for so long but life happened and I couldn't not answer to its call, I had some things to take care and I wasn't able to write as much as I wanted to! 
So, this chapter is all about knowing more about the past lives of some of the characters. What did you think about it? Did you ever thought that Chanyeol was Sehun's 'brother-in-law' of sorts? Tell me all about it, your thoughts, ideas, everything on a comment, or in a PM and I'll answer to you! Also, if you like the story, upvote it and subcribe!
Last, but not least, I hope you may have a fantastic day, stay healthy (always!) and BE HAPPY! <3

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Chapter 25: Um, I'm crying??
I rarely read Sebaek and whenever I do, the stories tear me apart smh
Thank you so much for this masterpiece, the way you wrote each character was so well done! Sebaek's relationship made me cry and I especially love Baekhyun's personality
Chapter 13: What a in ending , i like sebaek characters
970 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading and I couldn't stop.
The scene where Baekhyun was attacked and Sehun and his men moved to engage the attackers was so well written I can actually see the scene unfolds in my mind's eye.
I love your characters especially Luhan who knows how to easily disarm people with his easy ways.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 25: This was an amazing story and I can't stress that enough. I finished this in two days and I am so proud of myself because I enjoyed every single Chapter. It had great characters, great plot, my favorite kind of drama, right amount of angst and amazing feels. Thank you author for this amazing and wonderful fiction. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I wish I could upvote it more than once. Thank you. I hope you're doing great and I am hoping to read more of your stories. In fact, I might start another one of yours now. :) <3
Palak27 #5
Chapter 21: Damnit!! This guy mystery is dragging too mychhh. I can’t wait to onow who this traitor is!!!!?
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Ohhh lord please dont let it be chanyeol yixing jongdae or jongin to betray baek. Please pleSeeeee
Palak27 #7
Chapter 18: Damn This wass a twistttt!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 17: Please don't be chanyeollie or Jongin. I really really love them a lot..
Palak27 #9
Chapter 17: OMG I love this story a lot!!! :)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 14: I am really really liking this story!! It’s 3:30am and I am still reading it!!!