
A Market Adventure

[Knock knock]

     Looking at the mirror one last time before heading towards the door, you take a deep breath to calm your heart, which was full of anticipation. Feeling slightly nervous, as today was your first date with him, you open your front door to see who you wanted to see. Jun, who had asked you out, was standing there, looking handsome in a polo shirt and dark jeans. He smiled as soon as he saw you and said, “Are you ready to leave _____?” while lending you his arm. You smile back while taking his arm, “Yes, I am. Where are we going?” “Secret,” he said, “We have a bus to catch, let’s get going.”

     Stepping off the bus, you look around trying to figure out what Jun had planned today. As Jun got off the bus he took your hand and said, “Come On _____. It’s this way.” Turning a corner you see how crowded this walkway was as people shopped around, looking for the best deal.  An outdoor market was a fun place to spend with someone special, like JunHui, because there was so much that you could do together. Walking into the nearest shop you glanced around at the hats that the store had. Jun took a blue snapback and placed it upon your head it was a couple sizes too big so it covered your eyes. “Oh…Where did you go _____?” You felt him pull the bill of the hat up and found yourself looking into his eyes. “Ah…There you are!” he laughed while taking the hat and placing it on his head instead. He turned around asking how it looked on him. “Good. What do you think would look ok on me?” “Anything, but if I had choose….A blue one like mine.” Grabbing a snapback, that was your size, and placing it on your head you turned to look at Jun. “Perfect” he said while turning to the lady to pay. “Wait I can’t let you pay.” “I asked you out for today. So I will pay.”  Giving up you let him pay and you both walked out of the store together. As you both continued on, you would stop and look into some of the shop trying on hats and other accessories. Having a really good time with Jun and feeling completely comfortable around him.

     Heading around a corner you were hit with the delicious smell of Korean street food and just the smell made your mouth water. “Are you hungry _____?” “Yeah.” “Great! Let’s get a bit to eat.” Wait. I don’t want you to have to pay at every stand we go to.” “I have no problem paying for today.” “How about this, at every stall we play rock, paper, scissors and whoever loses has to pays.” Jun smiled and said, “Sure that sounds like fun.” “Where should we eat first?” “hmm…ddeokbokki?” “Ok.” Arriving at the nearest ddeokbokki tent you and Jun played rock, paper, scissors, which he lost, he ordered one. Handing it to you so he could pay and thank the lady running the stall you sat at a little table they had set up. Grabbing a tooth pick, Jun picked up one and placed it in his mouth. “Mmm..Here ____ you should try it.” Picking up another he held it out to you and said, “Say ahhh” You opened your mouth and let him place it in your mouth, savoring the taste of the ddeokbokki, spicy and delicious. “It is delicious!” you said while looking over to him. After finishing the ddeokbokki off you continued on. While walking you came across a man that was making ppopgi that looked like a cookie with a design in the center. You and Jun approached the man and watched as he made them. Deciding on buying a couple, because you lost this time, the man handed you them and said, “If you eat the ppopgi without breaking the heart in the middle, you get another one for free.” You tried to not break it but half way through it broke. Looking over at Jun you saw him take the last bit, the heart still perfectly together. “Here you go young man,” the man said as he handed Jun the free ppopgi. Jun took it while thanking him. You were looking elsewhere when suddenly you saw the heart from the center of the ppopgi in front of you. “Here, _____. You can have my heart.” Blushing slightly, because that statement could have a double meaning, you take it while saying, “Thank you, Jun” “It’s no problem” he said with a smile.

     Moving back to the shopping tents you came across a little toy store that had keychains of all sorts of things. “Jun look at these… Jun?”  You turned to see him no longer there. Suddenly you hear a cute tune coming from behind you, so you turn and find Jun in front of a child’s piano. He looked at you and started to sing:

geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo

neoreul noraehae U Hoo neoreul noraehae U Hoo

ipsuri mallado halmareun haeyagesseo Baby

akkyeo neol akkyeo neol hyeongijeung nal jeongdoro

akkinda ~

You smile, cheeks pink, as he sung for you and as he sung akkinda he pointed at you. Jun came over as you clapped after he finished and grabbed a pair of keychains. He picked up a pair of bears, one a girl and one a boy, both holding one half of a heart. “Here let me buy this for us.” He gave you one half and he kept the other, as it was already placed on his key ring. Taking your hand, Jun said, “Let me take you home ____. It is getting kind of late.” Taking the bus home Jun offered you one ear bud as he wore the other. It was a pleasant bus ride home listening to music and Jun’s voice as he softly sung along to the songs.

            Walking hand in hand, Jun lead you to your front door and said, “_____, today I had a great time with you today and I hope it won’t be my last. So would you consider me seeing you again?” “Of course. I had a lot of fun with you today, also.” “Great!” he said while arriving at the door “Here we are. I’ll let you go now….goodnight.” he said as he pulled the hand he was holding to his lips and kissed it. Pulling away he started to walk backwards while holding eye contact with you. “Good night, Junhui.” You smiled as you opened the door and stepped inside. You looked at Jun one last time as you closed the door. Your phone went off suddenly notifying you that you got a message. You opened it as a smile bloomed on your face as it read: Sweet Dreams.

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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 1: Awww, that was really sweet and fluffy!!! /)^///^(\