Twenty Three

Opposites attract, they said.

Minseok didn't come to the cafeteria at lunch the next day. The rest sat at their usual table rather awkwardly, Chanyeol and Baekhyun occasionally throwing in some random remarks and Jongin picking at his food. Sehun felt a little awkward too since everyone knew about them now, but surprisingly enough none of them brought the matter up. Jongin figured they were still trying to get used to the whole idea and settled to remaining as casual and as platonic as possible with Sehun in front of them so things wouldn't get any weirder than they already were.

Jongin wanted nothing more than to talk to his friend and fix things somehow, anyhow. He looked for him all over the school campus whenever he could but wouldn't be able to find him anywhere. He wouldn't answer his calls or his texts either.

It went on for a few days.

Until one day, he finally saw him, after school. Minseok had his ear buds shoved in his ears and he was walking home all by himself. Jongin didn't miss a heartbeat to make his way to him. This was his chance - his chance to set things right. And he was going to take it.

Jongin grabbed his arm and turned him around, taking the other by surprise. It quickly turned into irritation, however, when he realized who it was.

"Let me go," He said, trying half-heartedly to pull his arm away.

"Not until you listen to me."

Minseok pointed at his earphones, "Can't hear you."

Jongin pulled the headphones right out of the other male's ears, making him scowl in annoyance.

"I said, not until you listen to me."

Minseok rolled his eyes and roughly pulled his arm away, knowing he was the stronger of the two.

"I don't wanna listen to whatever you have to say."

Jongin stared at the shorter male for a second, trying to figure out a way to convince him to just hear him out. With one swift move, he pulled his cell phone right out of his pocket and started backing away.

"Jongin, give that back." Minseok said irritably, stepping forward threateningly. The other male simply smiled evilly and took off running with his phone, the ear buds flying in the air behind him.

"Jongin!" Minseok chased after the other, but failed to match his long-legged pace and get to him, "Give it back, you asswipe!"

"Not until you agree to listen to me!" Jongin shouted back.

"Ugh, fine!" 

Jongin then slowed down, and Minseok realized they were at a park near the school. Panting slightly, he moved towards Jongin and held his hand out, "Phone."

"Listen to me first." Jongin said, putting the device in his back pocket.

"What do you even still have to say?"

"I'm sorry, Minseok. I'm so, so ing sorry. I can't even express enough how ing sorry I am. I did a terrible mistake and I know, no explanation will ever justify it. I swear I would take it all back if I could right now."

Minseok sighed, "What's the point of saying all these words now? Don't you realize how much of a douche you looked like when you came to us, saying you're dating a guy, when just a year ago you ed up someone's school life and reputation just because he was gay?"

"I know... I know I ed up. I ed up bad. But what do you want me to do now? Leave Sehun? Would that make you happy?" Jongin sighed, "I'm sorry Minseok, but even if that's what you want, I won't leave him. Can't. I like him so much, you have no ing idea. I might even... I might even love him."

The words that left his lips surprised himself more than it did Minseok. He didn't know if they were entirely true yet - it was too soon to tell, but now was not the time to ponder over what he said. The rage in the Minseok's eyes seemed to fade just the slightest bit and his voice softened.

"Luhan loved you."

Jongin bit his lip and looked down in shame, fists clenching.

"I'm sorry..."

"Could you just imagine... how it would feel if Sehun did the same thing to you that you did to Luhan? Everyone at school would hate you and think you're a hypocrite. Your so-called friends and classmates would turn their backs on you. How terrible would that feel, huh? And don't you think you'd deserve it?"

Jongin winced slightly at the words. He didn't want to think of it, he didn't even want to imagine it. But he knew he'd deserve it.

"You don't choose who you fall in love with." Minseok said when Jongin didn't answer, "Luhan was just unlucky... Unlucky to have fallen in love with someone like you."

"Please Minseok... Please just tell me... How do I fix this? I know I'm being selfish right now but I don't wanna lose either of you. I don't wanna lose you nor do I want to lose Sehun."

"There's nothing you can do... It's already broken beyond repair," Minseok sighed, "I'm just so goddamn... angry at you. I wanna punch you so hard, you have no ing idea."

"Then do it."


"Punch me. If it will bring our friendship back, then do it. Come on, don't leave all this anger inside you. Take it all out on me."

Minseok just kept staring at him in disbelief.

"I deserve it, don't I? Do it, Minseok." Seeing as Minseok just kept staring at the ground, fists clenched, Jongin concluded he had to take a different approach. He stepped closer. "Remember the day I overheard you two taking? Remember when I burst into the room and beat the out of Luhan? Remember how he'd have bruises on his face every single day because people were bullying him?"

"Jongin... You better ing stop right now..."

"Remember how he would get pushed around in the halls and called a left and right? I did all that to him. It was all me. So come on, take your revenge. Make me pay. Redeem your best friend-"

Before he knew it, Minseok had punched him so hard, he stumbled backward, barely keeping himself from falling down to the ground. Minseok was breathing heavily, fists clenched at his sides, as Jongin wheezed and tried to regain his bearings. Minseok was a generally calm, but he could seriously throw a punch. Even through the throbbing pain in his cheek and his split lip, Jongin managed a smile.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He hissed at the pain as he wiped the blood off his lips with the back of his hand.

"You're ed up."

"I know I am."

"But I will admit that was very satisfying. I've wanted to do that for a very long time now."

"Well, I'm glad you got one thing off your bucker list."


The two went quiet after that, not really sure what to say anymore. 

Minseok sighed eventually, "You've changed, Jongin. I can see that. But... I just need time to get over this, to bury it in the past and start over."

Jongin nodded his head in understanding. He took the phone out of his pocket and handed it back to Minseok, "You'll never be as angry at me as I am angry with myself."

"I know you regret it. That's the only thing keeping me more or less calm about this whole situation," Minseok replied, taking his phone back placing it into his own pocket, "I know for sure the old you would have been too big of an to swallow your pride and apologize. Sehun must really be something if he could talk some sense into that dense brain of yours. He deserves someone better, you know."

Jongin laughed softly and shook his head because honestly, Minseok was right. "Yeah, I know. I'm just a douchebag with really good luck."

Minseok scoffed, "I've never heard anything more accurate in my entire life."

"Thank you, Minseok..." Jongin said sincerely, "Take as long as you need. As long as we can be friends again."

The other didn't reply, only offering him a short nod.

After that they both went their separate ways. Jongin somehow felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders.

Yeah. I really am a lucky motherer.


* * *

A few weeks later, Minseok wordlessly took a seat with them at their usual table. Everyone at the table went quiet and the boy didn't share eye contact with anyone, instead busying himself with his lunch. No words had to be exchanged to know what this meant. Jongin had been forgiven. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kris smiled subtly, finally feeling like it was complete again with their sixth friend at the table. Jongin looked at Sehun and the latter smiled at him, nodding slightly as if to confirm that Minseok was really here, that he had already forgiven him, and Jongin couldn't help but feel his own lips curl up, too.


* * *


"Oh yeah!" Jongin suddenly exclaimed as they were taking a break from dance practice, "I saw this flyer in the hall earlier today. They're gonna be holding the tryouts for Nationals in two weeks. What do you think we try out?"

Sehun pondered over it and shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

"Great," Jongin grinned, "If we get in, which I'm sure we will cuz we're awesome, you should bring your parents to come watch the nationals. Drag them by the ear if you have to. Show them how much of an amazing dancer you are."

Sehun laughed softly, a light blush covering his cheeks at the compliment, "Yeah this time I'll make sure they come. When are the nationals?"

"In about two months and a half."

"Oh... It's gonna be the end of the school year by then," Sehun noted.

"Yeah... It's university from there on. this place," Jongin said with a laugh, "You know? There's gonna be reps from Performing Arts schools abroad. Like, I'm talking Europe and . That's how big this thing is. We could leave this country and study abroad."

Sehun smiled, "That'd be nice."

"It sure would. Come on, we should go shower. Almost everyone left." Sehun nodded and the two made their way to the locker room together.

Once Jongin was done showering, he stepped out of his cubicle, a towel wrapped around his hips. Just then, Sehun came out of his own cubicle, towel hanging dangerously low on his hips as he dried his hair off with another. He stiffened once he saw Jongin running his eyes up and down his body.

"Why is it that you turn into a creep whenever we're in the locker room?" Sehun questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"At least I'm not hiding this time." Jongin wasn't going to lie, he had been feeling a little ually frustrated lately since he hadn't gotten laid for about two months now. And seeing Sehun with those little drops of water running down his chest and to his abs was doing... things to his body. This time, he didn't just want to look. He wanted to touch, to feel that smooth skin under his fingertips, to experiment and go just a little further than they usually did.

"I'm not sure if that's any better," Sehun replied, looking the other up and down cautiously. He had to admit, he was also sort of admiring Jongin's bronze skin and his muscled torso, only he wasn't so damn blatant about like the other was. The way Jongin's eyes raked over him was making him slightly uncomfortable or more like, self-conscious. 

Jongin took a step forward, eyes trained on Sehun and the latter backed up, only to find his back against the wall. Jongin smirks almost predatorily and within a few seconds he was right in front of Sehun, hands on the wall on either side of the latter's face. There was an odd feeling swirling around in Sehun's stomach, something like apprehension mixed with excitement. A part of him wanted to push the older boy away, put his clothes on and leave the locker room but the other part, seemingly the winning one, was keeping him rooted to the spot, anticipating Jongin's next move.

The latter slowly leaned closer until their noses were brushing and their breaths were mingling. Jongin studied the younger's face for a while as if waiting, waiting for him to push him away, giving him a chance to escape the situation. But seeing as Sehun didn't move and just stared at him in what seemed like expectation, he removed the space between their lips and kissed him, slowly at first. It was different this time though, because this kiss felt so intense, so passionate, with the steam from the showers still hanging in the air and their chests so close that the heat was almost dizzying. Jongin's cold hands trailed down to rest on Sehun's waist, making the younger shiver slightly. The alarms were going off in Sehun's head. They were alone in a locker room, Jongin had him pinned to the wall and they were both half . If anyone were to walk in right now, they'd have a lot of explaining to do. 

Yet at the same time, he couldn't move away. He was pulled in by the scent of Jongin's shower gel and he wanted more- more of his warmth, more of those plump lips that made his mind go hazy. So, he moved his hands to the back of Jongin's neck, pulling him and his lips closer until their chests were touching and rubbing against each other. A deep groan escaped the back of Jongin's throat and he pulled back to look into Sehun's dark eyes. He saw something in there that he had never seen before, something like lust. He knew his eyes mirrored it, too. Without further hesitation, he crashed their lips together again in a rougher, faster kiss that wasn't so chaste like the previous ones they shared, lips molding against each other in a hurried dance. Sehun moaned softly and his hands were soon enough playing with Jongin's brown locks, tugging on them softly.

"You taste so amazing," Jongin said as he his lips, voice deep and breathy, and it was making Sehun's hormones go haywire inside him. Jongin began to trail little butterfly kisses down his neck and to his jutting collar bone. He softly kissed along the clavicle, tongue slipping out to slowly along it, making Sehun's breathing hitch and another low moan to leave his lips. He leaned his head back against the wall, enjoying the things Jongin was doing to his body. He never felt like this ever before; this strong underlying ual drive that seemed to be finally showing itself as Jongin kissed his way up to his ear (he was still a teenager with hormones, after all).

Jongin trailed his hands down Sehun chest, feeling the muscles underneath his fingertips, taking in the fact that this was a guy in front of him, that this wasn't a dream, and relishing in all the new feelings that came with every touch. It didn't feel weird or gross, just different, a good different. Anything was pleasurable when it came to Sehun, he decided. He let his pointer finger lazily trace across the younger's as he lightly on the sensitive skin just beneath his ear. The deep moan that left Sehun's lips after that was the most pleasant sound Jongin had ever heard and he wondered what it would be like having Sehun underneath him, and screaming his name-

"Jongin? Sehun?" There was a knock on the door and the two immediately froze, "Are you guys in there?"

They shared a look of panic and Jongin quickly stepped away from the other, clearing his throat.

"Y-Yes, Sir." The brunette said in the most normal voice he could muster but it broke slightly at the end, making Sehun chuckle even through all the in the air.

"Well, hurry up then! Everyone's already gone."

"We'll be out in a minute, Mr. Lee. Come on Sehun what's taking you so long in the goddamn shower!?"

Sehun rolled his eyes and made his way to his locker to put on some clothes. When he passed by the mirror, he noted his flushed face and lips and his messy wet hair. And a little bruise just above his clavicle where Jongin had apparently a mark and he didn't even notice. That er...

The two silently put on their clothes, Jongin doing his best to hide the tent in his pants. It looked like Sehun had spurred up his -deprived friend down there. He tied his jacket around his hips and smiled as that seemed to do the trick. However, hiding his arousal didn't necessarily mean he got rid of it.

"Ready to go?" Sehun asked after he had gotten dressed and composed himself, and he looked just like he always did. Elegant and well-kempt, as if he wasn't pressed up against a wall by Jongin just a minute ago.

"Yeah, lets go." Jongin said as he put on his snapback. The two walked out of the school campus in a somewhat awkward silence, the from earlier still lingering around them. 

"So... Do you want me to drive you home?" Jongin asked once they were right in front of his car.

"I don't really feel like going home right now. My parents just got back yesterday," Sehun replied, scrunching his nose up slightly in distaste.

"Hm... Wait, I have an idea!" Jongin grinned, "Do you wanna learn how to drive?"

Sehun blinked at the random question then shrugged, "I guess."

"Great! I'll teach you."

"I'm underage."

"Who gives a ? I used to drive when I was twelve! If pulling out of the house's garage until mom comes out and whoops my is considered driving, of course." He mumbled the last part, making Sehun roll his eyes, "Don't worry, we won't get arrested. I know a good place."

"Alright," Sehun agreed after moment of thought, getting into the passenger's seat of the car. Why not try something new? He thought.

Jongin drove them to a quiet, empty neighborhood where he mentioned he used to drive with his friends at before he got his license. He then set out to teach his boyfriend how to drive. He started out by showing him all the basic functions of the vehicle and then they swapped seats. Jongin was never one to let anyone else drive his car but Sehun was an exception. He didn't feel annoyed by it at all whereas if it had been Chanyeol, he would have shot him with a rocket launcher if he even so much as goes near the driver's seat. The blonde, however, was a fast learner, and in no time he was driving like a pro. Only he was driving like a , in Jongin's opinion, and he kept urging him on to step on it. Sehun would hesitantly speed up just a little bit, but not anywhere near what Jongin would have liked. In the end, he gave up and let the younger drive however he wanted.

It was a windy full-moon night. Jongin cracked open all the windows and the sunroof. The wind blew into their hair, flailing it around in random patterns. It felt nice, peaceful almost. Jongin was watching the night sky from the window of the passenger's seat, his mind going from one thing to another randomly. It was a pleasant night, all the tension from earlier already long forgotten. They didn't even talk to each other all that much, they just let themselves enjoy each other's company, just their mere presence, and it felt almost intimate in a way. At the end of the night, Jongin left his boyfriend at his doorstep with a peck on his cheek, just as he usually did.

And that night just like many other nights, Sehun got into bed with a smile on his face.

He stayed up for a while, thinking about how everything had changed in the past few months. How this new, soulless Sehun that he had created two years ago was slowly fading. And honestly, he was happy about it. He wanted to destroy this new Sehun and go back to his old, carefree, happy self. The one that knew how to smile and live his life. He knew he was almost there, too.

There was just one last thing he had to do to.

Tomorrow, he thought as he fell into a deep slumber.



BOOMSHAKALAKA another early update. Are you guys surprised? So am I. I really wanna finish this fic soon so I can free my head for my upcoming June exams. And no I don't say that because this story's a burden to me - I actually really enjoy writing it. It's just that as long as it's ongoing, I'll always feel tempted to write and I won't study at all xD

Speaking of which, I think this story will reach about a good thirty chapters. There's still some stuff I have planned for it. Again, I didn't think I'd have the patience to write such a long story, but these two are just so precious >.< I don't think I could have made it any shorter anyway (if you've noticed, there are a lot of time lapses).

Also, I got a little carried away with that shower scene. Hope it wasn't too awkward or anything >.<

y Sekai gif time~


(I am so sorry if your ovaries just exploded)

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
970 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT