Mind if We share?

Correct Mistakes

My day is not going well. Technically, everything that I planned for was cancelled in mere seconds of starting it just because something comes up in an instant. It’s like my routine is on a messed up loop.

First thing, I was supposed to drink coffee this morning as my everyday ritual when all of a sudden I realized that I already ran out of coffee. Then, I am supposed to wear a nice comfortable get up to go to work since it is our wash day; t-shirt plus leggings got crossed out. I discovered that my laundries are still wet and now I am forced to wear a dress. At this very moment, I am just in a matter of missing a meeting with my boss since the traffic is unexplainable. I stood impatiently at the side of the street while trying to figure out if I should start walking or should I still stretch my patience some more.

People are starting to line up for taxi and I cannot even believe that there is a non-existent systematic line to be followed. I seriously wanted to scream towards the new joiner on our commuter league and tell him that he must go at the end of the line since he just came.

Ugh, why did he cut the unspoken courtesy of being a voluntary gentleman? Sigh.

What is the use of being good-looking if your attitude is nowhere to be found? He’s that perfect head turner with that flaming red hair which was messily tousled against his headphones. The shades that he is wearing serves as a very nice wall from the sun’s glaring morning brightness and there goes my jealousy on his fashion sense, so comfortable and cool at the same time. He is completely not paying attention of what’s surrounding him because he keeps on flicking his fingers on his smart phone’s screen. I decided to stop minding him after giving up the thought of talking to him.

A cab came in rushing to our side. It was to my surprise that it didn’t take the people who were before our bunch; it looks like he is trying to negotiate with the location. The moment he got relatively nearer, I heard him shout:

“Anyone who’s heading to Trafalgar Plaza? I can only go there since my plate number is on coding.”

Ahh, great! I think I am lucky in the end. Trafalgar Plaza is where I was about to go and to be honest, that place is a safe zone for vehicles since it is coding exempted. I waved my hand frantically with a smile when all of a sudden, the guy whom annoyed me earlier run towards the taxi’s door and opened it to his own accord. He bounced in naturally like he hit the jackpot.

I was.I was going to throw a tantrum when the cab stopped in front of me as well and the guy offered;

“Mind if we share? I think you are in a hurry too. Come, let’s go.” He said casually.

I don’t know if I should be thankful or not. I don’t have any other choice. If I gave this up because of my pride issues, I will never be able to break the cycle. Okay – I’m in. I will just do my best to ignore him.

I came inside in a rush since the cars behind the cab are all blowing their horns like there is no tomorrow.

It was a complete change of temperature inside. The car is well air-conditioned and I am so thankful about it. I also noticed that, the air around me got occupied with my co-passenger’s mint chocolate fragrance. It’s relaxing but I don’t really intend to give up my stiff treatment towards him.

“Ahjussi, you just came in time. You’re pretty good huh?!” He told the driver.

“Thank you Sir for availing our service. I hope you’re still not late toyour appointment.” The polite driver responded.

The driver looked at me with a happy smile. He noticed that I am quite lost on what they are talking about. I tried to frown more so that my face will speak out my intent.

“Miss, I wasn’t an ordinary passenger cab. My company was meant for private calls for specific clients whenever we are in the area. Mr. Lee advised me to reason out about my coding status and his specific destination for the people not to feel cheated.” He was nodding towards my side as he speaks.

 “If I didn’t do it that way, they will assume that he stole the chance to get a ride. It’s also a good thing that you are of with the same journey. He originally plans to offer a ride to those whose track is along the way.” The polite driver continued.

My mood flare escaped my mind, I suddenly felt apologetic towards the smiling gentleman by my side. He looks at me without any taste of disgust, I knew how I exactly glared at him a while ago but he kept his cool laidback personality unaffected. His calmness and self-control is impressive.

“Sorry.” My words came out instantly from my lips like they’ve been waiting to be pronounced inevitably.

“No need to be sorry because this is not for free. Hahaha!” His smiling eyes made my heart melt, his pinkish gums and those little white teeth of his reminds me of those happy kids in my neighbourhood. I can’t explain what brought this unsolicited comfort around him. 

“Let’s have coffee after we get off, my treat: that is your payment.” Mr. Lee offered.

Coffee sounded so good to my ears but unfortunately, I can’t bend my time anymore since I have wasted so much in waiting. I loathed being late on my job and it makes my heart sink to just ignore my responsibilities just like that.

“Sorry but I would decline for now. I am chasing a meeting to be totally honest – maybe, we can go some other time.” I told him sincerely.

He stared at me silently. It was as if he is watching my expression carefully. It was like he is trying to convince himself about my selfish decision of rejecting him. He let out a sigh and smiled back at me again.

“It’s okay – I guess you won.” I don’t know what he meant by that, he went back flicking his fingers on his phone while humming a playful song.

My phone started to ring when I was about to tell him something – and saw that the person who’s on the other line was my boss. I hurriedly answered her so that I can explain. But before I can even say anything, she overpowered my pending speech.

“Hello? Oh – what have you done to close the deal easily? Congratulations! We were picked by our client among the bid for our service! I heard Mr. Lee is going to treat you for your job well done! Wow! Let’s talk tomorrow then! I need to go now – ” and I was left hanging while I was looking at my seatmate with such surprise.

“Yes, it is a test; basically from the part when you are trying to hold your composure when someone’s cutting off the line, to the part when you grabbed an opportunity even if you are uneasy – and to the portion when you are willing to say an apology when you were wrong. The best attitude that I saw today would be, knowing your priorities in the end even when you are presented an inviting offer.” He winked at me like I did a good job.

It was the moment when I realized that HE IS LEE MINWOO. I was not able to even think about this happening even in my wildest dreams. He was always addressed as Mr. M or sometimes Mr. Minwoo by my boss – but never as Mr. Lee. Yes, he was that sensitive client, someone who’s unpredictably critical and cheerful at the same time. He is a master in choosing what he really wants and he is known to be clear on his intentions. I am awestruck with the way he executed this meeting like it was fate lending me a hand. No one has ever seen him in person that is why this meeting is so important to us – because he set an appointment to appear personally.

“You might probably be asking why - let’s just say that consecutive coincidences led me to you. The first time was when you allowed me to share with your umbrella one rainy day. Then the other one was when you offered the vacant seat next to you when you saw me standing waiting for someone to actually leave the nearby doughnut shop. I can also remember that there’s another time when you put the elevator on hold for me to get in. I thought you will recognize me as soon as you see me each time we met but it appears to me that you are too busy to remember me.” His playful eyes were observing me with an amused expression.

What he said was all true. I can remember all of it happening but I cannot totally remember who the person was, because most of the time my brain is too busy thinking about my tasks. I can’t even believe that it’s always been him.

“Now, let me give you this gift of freedom. Let’s reinvent the moments that we shared with each other without skipping the happiness of meeting a new friend.” After saying those words, our cab halted in front of a coffee shop and he went out and opened an umbrella for me. I went out of the car accordingly and he led me to his comfort zone enthusiastically.

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 1: OMG! Why do I feel like I want to read more? I'm still in denial mode that this is just a oneshot. Awesome writing!! Ah, I want more~ *whines like a 5 y/o* I wouldn't mind reading this as a chaptered fic!!
Chapter 1: As always I really love your writing
KarliCM #3
Wait what? Is this over? Naaaahhhh I need more
gotbam #4
Chapter 1: Well written ^_^