
Bet ♡

“Yoongi!” I called out as I reached the basketball court at the Han River. Staring at the figure across from me, I let out a small smile. The smile widens as the figure turned to look at me, a smile also adorning his face. His nose was little red from the cold wind hitting against his face, and his old brown hair was now blonde. Though his hair had changed, he still looks like the first time I saw him about year ago. Standing around 5’8, with brown now blonde hair, and skin white as snow; Min Yoongi.  

“What took you so long?” He yelled as I stepped onto the court, a scoff leaving my mouth. “Do you know how long I waited?” A frown came to his face as he put his hand and basketball on his hip, watching me walk to the hoop’s pole and dropping my bag besides his.

“Hey, at least I came right?” I said as I turned to face him, a frown reflecting on my face as well. “How many did you shoot before I got here?” I raised as brow as he sighed and jumped up into the air, throwing his arms out with the basketball flying out of his hand to the hoop.

Whoosh. A perfect shot like always…   

“About 50 hoops, perfectly made.” He smiled as the ball dropped down from the hoop and in front of me. Taking his eyes off the ball, his eyes laid on my figure and a frown graced his lips once again “You’re wearing that?” He narrowed his brow while I could only look down out my outfit in confusion. What does he mean by that? My outfit looks appropriate enough to even play 1-on-1 today. Skin Tight Black Yoga Pants, a light yet warm pink long-sleeved and blue/pink Nike running shoes. It looks fine to me. What is he talking about?

“What do you mean? My outfit looks fine” I said as another sigh came out of his mouth. Walking towards me, a few curses and mumbles came out of his mouth. What’s got him so angry? Once he was close to me, he ped his jacket revealing his dark blue long-sleeved shirt underneath.

“I knew you where you going to wear like this, so I came prepared. It’s cold so…” He said softly while I could only watch him in confusion and curiosity. Taking off his jacket, he draped it over me, surprising me. Feeling my cheeks redden and heart beat faster, I watched him fix the collar and fiddle with the zipper before zipping it up. When the zipper reached my neck, his eyes were on mine and I stood, frozen.

“What?” He asked as I was unable to find my voice. Chuckling at me, he walked passed me and towards his bag. Once he was out of my sight or besides me, I let out a breath that I was supposedly holding. Turning around, I saw him take out a sweater from his bag. Ah… It’s that sweater… The one I saw him with the first time I saw him. Seeing his outfit, he looks just like he did a year ago.

He was wearing a grey sweater, and black sweatpants. Seeing his choice of clothes, I couldn’t help but judge.

“What you smiling about?” He questioned as my eyes widen in surprise, and my hand instantly touching my lips. Was I smiling? I wasn’t even aware.

“I’m not smiling!” I shrugged it off and grabbed the ball beside me, dribbling it out to the center of the court. My cheeks were red from being caught smiling unaware. Turning to face him, my breath hitched once again. He was standing across from me, a hand on his hip; his stance a bit sluggish and a smirk was planted on his face. He looked so…. Good.

“Hey, let’s make a bet.” He proposed, the smirk still on his face. Once again, I was voiceless. He had this kind of effect on me. Darn him.

Seconds later, I finally breathed out a few stuttered words. “W-what kind of b-bet?”

“Well… Let’s have a match.” He said as he stood up straight and walked towards me, which made it unbearable to breath once again. Why does he got to look so good today? “A match between you and me. The loser has to listen to the winner? What do you think?”

“W-what…. What are you trying to do, Yoongi?” I asked, now in suspicions. Why is he trying to make a bet or match right now? Loser’s got to listen to the winner? What’s up his sleeve?

“I’m not trying to do anything.” He shrugged. “I mean, we’ve always played, shoot hoops together, but we’ve never once had a match 1-on-1.” Okay… That’s reasonable. I mean we tried to do a 1-on-1 match before, but it just turned into a Yoongi teaching me the basics of basketball. But… What did he mean ‘Loser has to listen to the winner’?

“And the loser listening to the winner thing, don’t you think it’ll be fun-ner?” He questioned, a glint of mischievous in his eyes. Okay… who’s this and where is the Min Yoongi I know?

The Min Yonggi I know is a laid-back, lazy man that’s really good at basketball and teaches me a few tips on it here there. The Min Yoongi I know does not say the words “Fun-ner” and absolutely does not have mischievous in his eyes! Okay… maybe a few times he does, but that’s on occasions!

Fun-ner? Really Suga?” I raised a brow, saying his nickname for the first time in months.

“Yes. Fun-ner.” He emphasized ‘fun-ner’ and smiled at me before stealing the ball from me. “And don’t call me Suga. So what do you think, Hari? A 1-on-1 match with me? It doesn’t have to be a full out game, it could be a ‘who shoots 15 hoops first’ kind of game.”

“Shoot 15 hoops first game? Really, you want to propose a game where it’s your best category?” I gave him a face as he chuckled, dribbling the ball under his legs. “And if I agree, what do I get in return?”

“Like I said, the rules are simple. If you win, then I have to listen to whatever you say.” He smiled as I pretended to ‘think’ for a while. “And don’t be so discourage! Shooting hoops is my specialty but did you forget that I also taught you? You should know how to shoot hoops correctly and perfectly.”

With his last statement, I smirked and held my head up high. “Fine.” I said as a smirk graced his lips as well.

Honestly, I’ve always wanted to go up against Yoongi 1-on-1. I mean I wanted to prove to him that I improved and is good at basketball too. Yoongi and I always met up on Thursdays to shoot hoops, so he only sees my improvement once a week. I mean we still hanged out on other weekdays, but Thursdays are our special days. Plus, I’ve always practiced on different weekdays to improve. This time I could show him how good I could play too.

“Good.” He also held his head up high in pride. “First to shoot 15 hoops wins.”

“Let the games begin.” I said as we got into our positions. Glaring and eyeing at one another, I watched his lips twitch to say something else. Before he could even utter a word, I knocked the ball right out of his hand, and dribbled towards the hoop, throwing it in. Being short as I was, I was pretty surprised that the attacked worked and that I even made the hoop. Turning back to Yoongi, who had his mouth wide open in shock, I sent him a smirk.  “Just as you said, I was taught by you, so I should be able to shoot hoops correctly and perfectly. 1-0”

“So that’s how you wanna play? Alright… Let the games begin.” He smirked as his eyes lit up in fiery.

- 30minutes later –

Panting hard, I glared back at Yoongi who was dribbling the ball flawlessly. The score right now is 5-12. I was losing by 7 points…. Like I said, this is Yoongi’s specialty. I could be standing here and Yoongi could just jump into the air, and make a perfect hoop. He was just that great.

“Just 3 points left. Think you can catch up?” He taunted as I let out a small laugh. I wasn’t going down that easily! He’s taking me too lightly. “I’m surprised that you could even get 5 points. Well 3 points without cheating.”

“I didn’t cheat!” I pouted and stomped my feet angrily as he chuckled. Taking this advantage of me not being attentive, he leaped into the air, throwing the ball towards the hoop. Whoosh~ Another perfect shot made.

“13-5.” He smirked, grabbing the ball. “And yes, you did! The first shot when you took the ball without me even saying start. when you pushed me out of the way and tripped me!”  

“Hey! it’s not my fault that you weren’t paying attention. Besides, the game started when I said Let the games begin! Plus, I did not trip and push you! You fell on your own and kept bumping into me!” I shouted as a small smile came onto his face.

“Sure, Sure… But just to tell you, I win.” He said as I made a face. Win? Just because he has 7… no 8 points more than me doesn’t mean that I’ve given up! I’ll catch up, just wait for me. Because Min Yoongi… You’re going do- Whoosh.

“14-5.” Yoongi said with a smirk on his face as I stood there in shock. What? When? How…. I was watching him the whole time! I didn’t even see him jump up or anything. “That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention, Hari. Now for the finish!”

Finish?........ WAIT!

Eyes widening, I watched Yoongi rush passed me, ball in his hand. When did the ball return back to him? Turning around quickly, I watch him rush to the hoop and jumped for a lay-up. Lay-ups weren’t Yoongi’s best criteria but there are times where he’d perfectly make it in like…. Now.  

Bing. The echoes of the hoop’s ring cried as Yoongi jumped back down, yelping in triumph. “That’s Min Yoongi for you!”

Pouting, I watch Yoongi dance in happiness. He looked extremely happy and his dance was absolutely cute, but I wasn’t in the mood for it. I just lost! I might not look like it, but I’m extremely competitive and I can’t believe I just lost to Yoongi. I mean it was known from the start that Yoongi was going to win, but I….

“I won ~ I won ~” Yoongi sang happily as he skipped towards me. Still pretty upset over the loss, I flatly ignored him and looked passed him. “I won~~~” He sang in front of my face as I felt myself get even more pissed off.

“yeah, you won. So what?” I frowned as he smirked. Seeing that smirk, I just wanted to punch him in the face. Don’t get me wrong, he looked really hot with that smirk of his and sweat in his hair and face, but I was too upset and really annoyed.

“What do you mean, so what? You lost so now you have to listen to whatever I say.” He pointed out as I rolled my eyes and walked passed him.

“Yeah, whatever. What do you want me to do?” I walked to the bags and took out my towel, wiping away the sweat on my face from the heated game we just had.

“What I want you to do?” he questioned as I kept my mouth closed and ignored him, yet still listened to what he had to say. It was only fair. No matter how mad I was, Yoongi and I made a deal that whoever lost would have to listen to the winner, and I lost so I still gotta listen.

“What I want you to do?...” He repeated with a low hmm at the end of it. After it seemed like 5 minutes had passed, I started getting agitated. Why was he taking forever?!

“Would you just spit it out already, Yoon- “   

“I want you to be my girlfriend.” ……..

What? Eyes widening, I stared at Yoongi in shock. Did he just… Seeing the way he was avoiding my eyes, kicking the ground softly, and cheeks and ears flushing pink, I felt my heart speed up.

“You want me to what?” I asked as I watched him gulp nervously and kick the ground softly again.

“I want you to go on a date with me.” He said softly. “I want you to be my girlfriend.” This time his head was up, and he was starting back at me. Oh my goodness he looked so good.

“Are you s-serious?” I heard myself say as I couldn't control my heart and breathing anymore. It was going out of control and I couldn’t breathe. Did he really just ask me to be his girlfriend and go on a date with him?

I mean Yonggi and I have always hanged out, rarely calling it a date, but this is the real deal now and… he likes me?  

“yes, I'm serious.” He said as I felt everything around us come to a stop. The surroundings became blurry, and the only thing that was clear was Yonggi’s figure and his determined yet nervous look. It felt like that one time when Yoongi and I had our first few eye contacts.

It seemed as time stop as I stared back at his brown eyes, and I could hear my heart thump loudly against my chest.

His eyes held wonders and his lips curled up into a small smile. It was as if he knew I was there the whole time…

Soon, images of the past started to flood my mind. Starting from the time where I first saw him, to the time I began stalking him every Thursday, to when he stopped and stared at me for the first time, to the time I began to avoid him, to the time when Mirae confronted me about the problem…

“Look, you like him right?” “Oh quit lying to yourself, Hari. You totally like him.”

“Just admit it, Hari. You like him, and-” “And so what if I like him?”

And so what if I like him…. What if I like him?... What if I do?...

“Then quit avoiding him and go straight forward and talk to him. I know it’s not easy, but who knows something unpredictable might happen.”

“Yes.” I said finally as everything seemed to unfreeze. The kids in the back were running after each other again, the other players on the other half of the court were battling each other again and Yoongi was still the center of my attention.

“Yes.” I said it once again, a smile forming on my face while his face turned into one of shock. Walking towards him confidently, I said the magic words once again.

“Yes, I will be your girlfriend and yes, I’ll go on a date with you, Min Yoongi” I said as it was his turn to smile happily. Running the rest of the way, he pulled me into a hug. His unbreakable smile hitting against me. And once again, memories of our story flashed through my mind, and I couldn’t be any happier.

From the time where I met him at Han River on Thursday. To the time where I began stalking him every Thursday, to when he stopped and stared at me for the first time, to the time I began to avoid him, to the time when Mirae confronted me about the problem, to the time where I went to confront him and got to know his name, to the time where we’d practice every day on our special weekday “Thursday”, to the times hanging out with each other on free days, to right now where he suggested a challenge, to right now where he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend, and to right now where I finally answered him Yes.


“So, Mr. Min Yoongi, when did you start liking me huh?” I questioned as we walked home, hand in hand. Feeling him tense up and his cheeks reddening, I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. He was adorable.

“I don’t know you tell me, miss stalker.” He joked as I gasped and pushed him playfully.

“shut up, and I wasn’t a stalker!” I laughed. “hmm… I say… The fifth time we officially met up at the court?”

“No” He said while I gave him a confused look. “It was actually when I first saw you…”

“When you first saw me?” I questioned as a smile ghosted over his face. “And when was that?”

“Not telling you!” He yelled as he started running, pulling me with him.




Another lame ending I know, and perhaps another story but suga's side will be released next?? Who knows. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it. It wasn't as great at the end, and I probably rushed it... but I really hope you guys like it. If you have an feedback, comments, thoughts on this story feel free to write it down in the comments. Thank you and until next time ! - Nikee Vuee 

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eyesmilegyu #1
Chapter 1: yeayy sugas too cute!
Kitcatt #2
Chapter 1: dayummmmm keep up the good work author-nim!