Chapter 1

Second Chance

Key was walking home carrying his little sister. He and his sister was living with his uncle after their parents died. He sighed when he walked in. His uncle was never home and didn't work. He had to work to keep bills paid. Key put his sister down for a nap and found a note saying his uncle had left the country. Key frowned. If his uncle left, they would go into foster care and be separated. 




"Then no one can know he left." Key said to himself. "I'll take care of us..." 





Two years passed, Taemin and Key were walking down the hall together. 



"Are you excited for the new school year?" Key asked. 



Taemin shrugged. "I guess. It's my last year in high school." 

Key nodded. "Yeah. It's exciting."



Taemin sighed. "Not really. Then it's college next year. I don't think I'm ready." 

"You are Taemin."

Taemin shrugged again. "I guess. I did skip a year. If I hadn't, I'd be a junior."  He had become friends with Key after Minho left. Taemin was glad he knew him. Key was very caring and a great friend. "Let's get to class." 

Key nodded. They sat in the front of the class. 

Taemin was ahead of his class so they let him skip a whole grade his sophomore year. He was known as the smartest kid at the school. 



Taemin focused on his notes.



"Okay class. Today I'm teaching you some more English words. You better listen because this will be on your test." Their teacher said.    

Key got out his notes. 

The teacher taught them. After class, Taemin walked to the cafeteria with Key. "I like Mr. Kim's teachings. He's so easy and he teaches real good." 

"I wish I was better at English..." Key sighed. 

"I'm okay at it. I can help you." Taemin said. 

Key smiled. "Thanks." 

"No problem. You're my best friend." Taemin smiled as they sat down after getting their lunch. He started eating. He told Key everything, except about Minho. Taemin never talked about him. 

Key only got one thing. He never told Taemin about his uncle leaving him and his sister. Taemin could tell he was poor but he never said anything. 

Taemin frowned. "You should eat more. You always only get one thing. Here, have my mashed potatoes. You always love those." Taemin put the potatoes on his plate. "It's not healthy to eat so little." 

"I'm fine. Just not hungry." Key said. 



Taemin frowned. He ate slowly. "Do you want me to come over to your house?" Taemin had never been to Key's place. They always hung out at Taemin's. 

"No, I'll meet you at your house after I pick up my sister." Key said. 

Taemin nodded. "Okay. How come we never hang at your house?" 

"Uh... My uncle doesn't like visitors because he works from home." Key said. 

Taemin frowned. "Oh okay." He knew Key was lying, but he didn't want to push him. 

Key finished his food. 

Taemin finished as well. "Well, let's head to our next class." 

Key nodded. 

Taemin smiled and they went to class. 



After school, Taemin waited by the gate for Key. They only had two classes together out of the five they have a day. 

Key picked his sister up from nursery school. He meet up with Taemin. 

Taemin smiled and they walked to Taemin's house. 



"Oh, Hi Key!" Mrs. Lee smiled. "I just finished making cookies. Do you boys want some?" 



Taemin's father had left them when his mother found out she was pregnant, but it didn't matter. His mother was strong and with Taemin's grades and how smart he was, she didn't have to worry about him. They didn't have a lot of money, but they weren't poor. They were a happy family. 



"Umma, you always make the best cookies." Taemin smiled. 

"Thank you Mrs. Lee. Can Hana stay with you while we study?" Key asked. 

"Of course! You know how I love her like my own!" Mrs. Lee took Hana and took her to the playroom. It was a guest room, but she made it into a play room for Hana when Key stayed over. 



Taemin took the plate of cookies and they went to his room. "Okay. Now, what do you have trouble with?" 

"I don't know. All of it I guess..." 

Taemin smiled. He went over all the notes and explained it slowly to Key. He was glad he was able to help him. Key was always there for him. 

Key slowly started understanding. 

Taemin went over until his mother had dinner ready. "Let's eat! My mom made Kalbi!" 

Key smiled. "Thanks."

Taemin smiled. "Race you downstairs!" 

Key smiled and ran after him. 

Taemin had won and sat down. 



"Enjoy boys!" Mrs. Lee smiled as she gave them their plates. She fed Hana too. 

Key ate hungrily. 

Taemin frowned. "Key...I told you that you need to eat more." 



"Yes, I agree. You're so skinny." Mrs. Lee frowned. "I'll let you take the extras home, okay?" 

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee." Key said. "We should get going. It's getting late."

"Let me drive you home. It's dark and unsafe for you two to walk home alone." Mrs. Lee said. 

"N-No... We'll be fine."

"I'm not comfortable with that. Let me take you home." Mrs. Lee said as she packed up the extra food. 

"It's fine really... We're meeting my uncle at his work. It's not far." Key said. 

"Okay..." Mrs. Lee said. She handed Key the food. 

Key smiled. "Thank you."

He got their things and they left. Key walked down to the diner he worked at. He sat Hana in the manager's office. She was really nice to Key and let Key bring Hana to work with him. Key didn't get off of work until midnight. Hana was fast asleep. Key smiled and carried her home. They had to move into a small studio apartment. All they had was a mattress and a small fridge. The place was really dirty and nothing worked. He covered Hana in blankets so she wouldn't get cold and finished his homework. After he went to sleep. 




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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 9: Smexy times for Key and Jonghyun!!
Chapter 2: Update plzzzz