Flight Mishap

Wrong Flight

"Yah! Chanyeol get over here! We have to get batteries from the gift shop for Junmyeon hyung, remember?" Kyungsoo scolded Chanyeol when the giant got distracted by a huge cookie in the bakery window.

"Oh, right!" Chanyeol stood from his bent over position, that he had gotten in to see the cookie better, and hurried back to join Kyungsoo.

The pair entered the gift shop in the Incheon International Airport. They quickly found the batteries they had come for, but as they approached the cashier, a mob of fangirls entered after them. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol turned to face each other. Their eyes spoke louder than the girls screamed. Both were wondering how they could be found so quickly. Then they both shrugged, remembering that they were the most popular boy group in Korea after all.

"Sir, can we please just buy these?" Kyungsoo held out the pack of batteries they had taken off the shelf. The man working the cash register slowly gripped onto the pack, staring at the two idols in a daze. "Quickly, please," Kyungsoo begged the man. He turned to Chanyeol and whispered, "It can't be his first time seeing idols in the airport, can it?" Chanyeol shrugged. "Well even if it is, he should have expected it. They should train their employees to treat even idols just like their other customers," the shorter of the pair huffed.

"H-here you go," the man handed the pack back to Kyungsoo. "Would you like a receipt?" Kyungsoo shook his head furiously.

"Soo, he was just trying to be polite," Chanyeol reasoned.

"Well he should have been polite earlier," Kyungsoo retorted. 

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol tried to leave the store, but they were trapped by the unruly fans. Chanyeol pulled down his bear mask and gave the fans his signature smile, hoping they would move. They all just screamed more, but wouldn't budge.

"Chanyeol oppa~ why don't you just leave Kyungsoo oppa here for his fans and take me to Canada with you instead~" A girl in the front of the group whined. 

Chanyeol internally cringed, but kept a smile on his face. The smile slipped away when the whole crowd roared and turned in on the girl, her into the middle. The pair looked at each other and took this distraction as their chance to make a break for it. The boys ran past the fangirls and looked around at their surroundings. They had lost their way back to the gate. Neither of them ever thinking to look on their tickets.

"Chanyeol hyung, I forgot which gate it was! It was either 61 or 12, I can't remember. The rest of the members would have boarded by now! Ah I know! I'll just call Junmyeon hyung and ask him which one it was," Kyungsoo reached for his phone when a startling last call came on the speakers.

"Last call for gate B61 and B12! Please report to your gate immediately!" 

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol looked at each other with wide eyes. The shorter one reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. He held it to the side and pushed the power button when someone came running past, knocking the phone out of Kyungsoo's hands. The cell phone landed to the ground with a smashing sounded. For a moment, the two men just stood there, staring at the phone as it lay face down. 

"What.do.we.do?!" Kyungsoo looked desperately at Chanyeol. The giant only looked back at him.

"I don't actually know but lets just make a guess. We have a 50-50 chance of getting onto the right flight. Plus, the gate tender or whatever, won't et us in unless we have the right ticket. So let's just go to one."

"Which one?" Kyungsoo questioned.

"Well... we are closest to B61 so lets just go there," Chanyeol began to lead the way to gate B61.

They arrived at the gates. There was no line to board since everyone else were already on board. The pair gave the girl working the scanner their boarding passes. She looked very nervous and kept biting her lip. One of her seniors called out to her, telling her to do something. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol searched her face when she looked up at them. 

"Uh... g-go right ahead," she moved aside and allowed them to get on.

The two of them were feeling so relieved as they got on the plane. The plane was basically all filled up in the section they were in so they figures the rest of the plane was too.

"I think we better just sit here. Junmyeon and the others might have forgotten to save us a seat and we shouldn't keep the rest of the passengers waiting, so lets just sit here," Kyungsoo sat first and Chanyeol followed.

The two men fell asleep pretty much instantly. The whole flight, they were silent and calm. But the moment they landed, they knew something had gone wrong. 



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Mayu0514 #1
Update soon please!!! This story seems really interesting!<3