
Since Forever
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"Mingyu, you ready yet? We're all waiting," Soonyoung's voice calls out as he yawns, and Jun feels the side of the bed push against his back as the blonde boy rolls his weight across the mattress.

The guys are all getting ready for Seungcheol's birthday party, and everyone but Mingyu is already done. He's trying to impress one of their new friends, and Jun would usually be pretty interested in things like this, but not right now.

Unfortunately, he's a little too preoccupied by the fact that Minghao's sitting cross legged next to him, and their knees are touching, and Jun wonders if it's obvious to the younger boy, because it sure is obvious to him.

It's almost like the only thing he feels right now is his right knee, and he's trying not to move it because Minghao's touch is the best thing that's happened all week. But it's painfully evident, and he's almost twitching from the heat he feels.

"I'm only trying to look good," he hears Mingyu protest, and he tunes into the conversation as an attempt to distract himself from Xu freaking Minghao.

"Why, so you can look good for your boyfriend, Wonwoo?" He teases, and suppresses a proud smile when he glances at Minghao to see him chuckling at the comment.

As Minghao turns away to deliver his own teasing remark, Jun instinctively uses the chance to stare at the younger boy, admiring his soft blonde locks and the way his black shirt is taut on his upper body.

Before Jun even realises it, he's running his hand through Minghao's hair, alarming the boy suddenly. "Your hair looks nice today," he comments casually, scrunching at the fringe and trying to play off the awkwardness he feels.

"Yeah, I spent ages on it, so stop messing it up," Minghao scowls, pushing Jun's fingers away.

He scoffs, secretly glad that the blonde didn't find the random gesture weird, "you're so rude." Jun wraps his arm around Minghao's neck, putting him in a playful headlock. "Learn some manners, would you!"

The way Minghao's trying to writhe out of his grip sends them both tumbling to the floor, and the younger lets out struggled grunts. "Hyung! Let go," he exclaims, holding in his laughter and blindly grabbing at Jun's arm.

It's sudden and fleeting, but every touch sears into Jun's body, burning him up into dust and longing. God, how much Jun wants to just wrap both arms around Minghao's waist and lay there in the warmth until the moon replaces the sun, and he's whispering sweet nothings into his ear. But he can't, and it kills him so he simply lets go reluctantly and sits up, pretending that it's not the weirdest thing to get lost in his own world filled with such unreasonable fantasies all the freaking time.

Before either of them can say anything, Mingyu's voice announces he's ready to leave and the guys all get up from their spots, sighing 'finally'.

"Come on Minghao, how long are you gonna lay there?" Jun laughs, offering a hand to pull him up, as he stands up, brushing off the dust from his jeans.

Minghao stands up on his own, ignoring his hyung's hand. "My hair looks awful now, thanks a lot." He grumbles, his fingers reaching up to tweak the messy strands on his head.

"Always happy to help," Jun grins, retracting his hand and sauntering off. Minghao kicks the back of his leg.



"Hey guys!" Jun swears that Seungkwan's voice is louder than the heavy beats of the music and he mentally cringes.

Once again, he's too distracted by a certain boy to let himself fall into the trance of the party scene. There are people swimming through the crowds, and the scent of alcohol hangs heavily in the thick air. Helplessly, his eyes follow Minghao who's already wandering up the stairs and exchanging casual greetings with people Jun doesn't recognise.

Tearing his attention away, Jun spots Mingyu checking Wonwoo out. God, could the boy be any more obvious? He may as well just scream stanzas of love poems at Wonwoo, and no one would find that shocking.

Mingyu awkwardly makes an exit, and Jun jumps at the chance to follow and tell the taller boy not to stare like a lost child next time.

"So... why are you really avoiding Wonwoo?" He questions, curiousity seeping from his words. After all, a little gossip might take his mind off of his own predicament. It might not sound that bad, liking a friend. But it really is, especially if you grew up together, and if that guy sees you as a brother, and if that guy likes girls.

Jun throws his thoughts away and carries on listening to Mingyu complain about how amazing and attractive his crush is. Whatever. Wonwoo's hot, but he's not as cute as Minghao. Suddenly, something Mingyu says sparks an interest in Jun: a deal he made with Wonwoo.

So Mingyu's technically not allowed to make a move on Wonwoo. But the solution is simple.

"Make him jealous? No way." Mingyu's mouth is hanging open after listening to Jun's idea, but the older boy can feel the eagerness jumping in his voice.

They agree (or rather, Mingyu hurriedly decides) that dancing in Wonwoo's face might just work, just as Jun spots Minghao making his way back down the stairs again, accompanied by a mixed group of guys and girls. They're all screeching in laughter, beer sloshing and spilling from glass bottles. Jun's eyes dart the other way, not wanting to feel the jealousy course through his throbbing veins.

In a flash, Mingyu is already heading for the crowd, and Jun quickly slips through masses of people to catch up. Someone's enthusiastic, Jun snorts quietly to himself.

"This is gonna be so weird," he barely hears Mingyu muttering under his breath, and he lets out a chuckle. No .

Jun presses his back against Mingyu's body and they move in rhythm to the music, sweating and panting from the proximity of each other and the rest of the crowd. An arm snakes around Jun's torso, causing him to in a sudden breath of air.

Mingyu starts to trail a series of soft kisses down Jun's neck and eventually bites a delicate spot. Breathless, Jun mutters out words he doesn't even think through first; his mind is suddenly and constantly drowning in other thoughts. If he grabs Mingyu now and kisses him till their mouths are rough and dry, would all his pain and love for Minghao fly away and finally set him free? Of course not, what a ty idea that was.

But when Mingyu makes a comment about how he'd be able to make out with him if he shut his eyes close, Jun smirks and turns himself around. He uses his right arm to bring Mingyu closer by the neck, until their lips are just slightly brushing against each other.

"I can feel you've been working out," Mingyu remarks, genuinely impressed, which brings Jun to the realisation that their bodies are pressed against each other. Lust conquers Jun's entire being, and he's ready to take Mingyu by the hand and drag him somewhere else. Somewhere he can fall and crash into Mingyu's arms and heal the aching inside of him, or at least forget it for one night.

Just as he's about to try and pull Mingyu away, his eyes skim through the room, and he regrets the action immdiately. Because standing in the corner, watching them, is Xu Minghao. He's a little too far away for Jun to make out his expression, but there's no doubt that his eyes are fixed permanently on the pair.

He gulps, a heavy wave of guilt washing over his entire being. Panicked, Jun throws a few words out of his mouth to convince Mingyu to leave, and before he knows it, they're hurrying up the stairs, far away from Minghao.

When they make it up to the second floor, Jun randomly ushers his friend to a group of guys as they pass Soonyoung who throws them a grin.

There's flirtatious laughter and not so discreet glances, but Jun doesn't pay attention to any of them. He pulls out his phone to show that he's not interested, but a persistent voice interrupts him anyway.

"Hey, you're Wen Junhui, right?" A pair of friendly eyes are staring brightly at him with interest, and Jun simply nods. He's too tired and sad and just overwhelmed to be talking to anyone right now. "I'm Seokjin. But just call me Jin."

He nods at the stranger, eyes lingering a second longer on his full lips and slips his phone away. People like this are simple, he doesn't even need to say a word and they can entertain themselves; Jun just needs to pretend to pay attention. It'll only take ten minutes for him to let Jun drag him away. After all, what better way to forget a person than by using other people?

Jun's not sure how many minutes has gone by, but his patience is wearing thin. The Seokjin guy just keeps rambling and isn't making any moves, so Jun is about to take matters into his own hands when sudden gasps followed by uproarious cheering is heard from behind him.

He whips his head round in int

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Chapter 3: Aju nice!
Bubble-Deer #2
Chapter 3: My phone has only 2% left and I'm reading this, afraid that my phone dies but OMG I just couldn't stop reading it's so cute~
Thank you for writing this!^^
minahlyn #3
Chapter 3: okay you always get my heart melted...i'm crying TvT
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 3: This is super cute and sweet omg ♡♡
Minghao is too cute and Jun asfgh ♡♡
Gosh thank you so much for this cute fic author-nim!!
yoshiwoo #5
Chapter 3: I read this one, twice, thrice. And now frice?? I love it too much.
Chapter 3: Then they tell their friends by awkwardly gesturing to their interlocked hands omg so cute~
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so ing cute.
This hit me in the feels.
It was such a great read.
Confessions can be a hit or a miss.
Congrats to jun and minghao ^o^ *throws confettis*
Chapter 3: OK LISTEN. THIS. THE CUTEST THING EVER. It was so heartwrenching to see jun suffering all these time when he talked about it to wonwoo. And his hard time telling minghao about it then oh my heart ㅠㅠ BUT THEN IT TURNED CUTESY AKSJWHSHSHA JUNHAO FTW
Megan2703 #9
Chapter 3: My lord jisoos I read all of this at 2am n with my mind still straight, I could tell u author nim probably one of the best love stories I read
jesusandklife #10
Chapter 3: I'm in tears. This is too cute!!!