Rules are for people that are not creative enough to win

Rules are for people that are not creative enough to win


"AT LEAST MY HAIR ISN’T UGLY" Jaejoong screams back and Changmin gasps at him with fake outrage in his eyes.

“Low, hyung, really low!” Changmin touches his half burnt off fringe absent mindedly. “I was ambushed!” He insists still on edge about his, how he claims, near death experience on the Quidditch field earlier. “Someone literally threw fire at me hyung, I am the victim here!”

Jaejoong’s laugh is so loud that quite a few students in the corridor towards the Slytherin common room turn their heads.

“Changmin, you have never been a victim in your entire life!” He smirks. “And as much as I am rooting for our house you had that one coming!”

Changmin murmurs something that sound suspiciously like “house traitor!” under his breath and Jaejoong laughs again. In a fight between his Slytherin loyalty and his desire to make Changmin spitting mad his house pride rarely won..
“Why were you even there hyung, I know for a fact you don’t care about Quidditch at all.”

“Excuse me?” Jaejoong huffed with a mock offended look on his face. “Supporting my house in any way I can is a responsibility that I take very seriously!”

“It was just training, hyung. That excuse really only works for the official matches.” A horrible thought invaded his mind.”You are not planning on trying out for the team again, right?” The look of pure panic on his face was almost amusing to watch.

Jaejoong beamed brightly at him. “You know what, that is an excellent idea! I really should. Do you think the captain still remembers the last time?”

The way Changmin shook his head was almost bordering on frantic. “Nononononono, listen hyung, no! You flew for three minutes and you broke an arm, injured about 6 people and managed to trash two sets of stands. He definitely still remembers that. There are still scorch marks!”

“Hm,” Jaejoong seemed to ponder that for a moment. “alright, perhaps I should wait a few more months before I try again.” He had no interest in actually playing but the way everyone around him reacted with pure fear in their eyes when he talked about it was too delightful to ever really give up on it. “If you must know, I was keeping Yoochun company - he is very interested in our training matches against Gryffindor.”

Changmin snorted. “You mean he is very interested in watching the Gryffindor Seeker sitting on a broom in very tight pants. Why are you friends with Hufflepuffs again?”

Jaejoong just shook his head. “May I remind you that you are friends with him too? Him and a certain other goody two shoes prefect you can’t seem to shut up about in your sleep.”

“I already said you are wrong there, very loudly if I recall.” Changmin almost hissed at Jaejoong. If his cheeks were tinted slightly red it was purely from the earlier shock and nothing else.

Jaejoong was back to grinning at him. “Yes you did, and I am sure the entire wing of the castle was instantly convinced by you yelling I did not say his name in my sleep! a the top of your lungs.” He jabs at his housemate and plugs on a strand of Changmin’s burned hair and changes the topic before the other one can get a word in. “You have to hand it to Junsu though, for a guy being pestered by bludgers and being almost on the other side of the field his aim was impeccable!” Inwardly he cringes because praising a Gryffindor for anything (and in public!) really doesn’t go well with his reputation at all. But the look of pure fury on Changmin’s face is absolutely worth it.

“THIS WAS JUNSU’S FAULT?” Changmin is back to screaming.

“You were cheating!” Jaejoong points out. “You should be glad you didn’t get a suspension for that.” He had absolutely no idea why it actually was, that Changmin never got penalties for anything. He was an absolute menace of the field.

“Rules are for people that are not creative enough to win!” the other one proclaims like it should make total sense. Jaejoong is pretty sure that it doesn’t.

“You are a seeker, why did you even have a bat with you? I am rather certain it is not actually allowed for you to actively try to hit other players in the face with it.” He thinks sometimes, that he should be worried about the other players but in the end Changmin’s playstyle won them the cup two years in a row already so who is he really to argue?

Changmin looked at Jaejoong like the other one had just insulted him. “It should be! the rest of the team is no good, that’s why I have to do all of it myself!” He said like it was a well known fact that didn’t sound ridiculous or conceited at all. “And I always carry a bat around, you never know when someone might annoy you too much.”

There was a brief flash of alarm in Jaejoong’s eyes. “Of course, how reasonable!” Come to think of it it was indeed a very Changmin thing to do. They rounded a corner and came to a sudden stop. Directly in front of them stood the aforementioned Gryffindor, still in his uniform, broom in one hand, his wand in the other.

“You!” Junsu hissed at Changmin, glaring daggers at him with one blackened eye that looked suspiciously like he got an entire bat into his face not too long ago. He had clearly been looking for the other Seeker.

Changmin’s eyes narrowed. “We are going to settle this off field then?” He taunted and Junsu instantly looked like he was going to launch himself at the other any second now.

Jaejoong lifted his hands and took a step back. “In the spirit of house cooperation you should really, ah, discuss this with each other. I’ll leave you to settle this, huh?” Both of them seemed to busy with their staring match to even notice his retreat. “Without witnesses” he silently added and went back the way they just came.

Come to think of it, it was probably the perfect moment to go over to the Hufflepuff common room and enthusiastically tell Yoochun all about Changmin’s newly developed habit of sleep talking somewhere where Yunho was guaranteed to overhear them.

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aileessa #1
Chapter 1: Wow,you should write a whole fanfiction about them like this. I had so much fun to read this fanfiction. I loved it. You have talent,Author-nim :)