Chapter 1


     Jeonghan is slowly lifting his bare-feet from the soft ground while feeling as if he is walking in a floor that is made out of clouds; well he is actually walking in clouds. His each step is digging but foot steps can't be found left behind him because the clouds keep coming back to its original form.  The soft sensation tickles his fit but he has used to. As he walks, his soft blonde hair in its shoulder length is bouncing happily as the boy smiling from ear to ear because finally after a very long time of waiting, there is a mission for him to accomplish again. 

     It's been almost 5 years on earth since he came down to fulfill his duty. Every angel knows how bored he is watching his angel acquaintances from above in fulfilling their duties.

     He was assigned to a e girl before and luckily, he finished his mission quickly with no sweats and without even changing in his human form. He just simply watch his missioned to and uses his hand power to bring back the girl to the right future. He never used his human form in his missions. Never. He has no intentions to, because he had seen it all, how cruel the world is. How people kill, judge, criticize, and neglect each other as if they are not brothers and sisters. He is scared, scared to be one of them even just for awhile. 

    Marching his own way to the golden curved door with angels and detailed designs, he suddenly felt shaky because of nervousness resulting him to unintentionally grabs a hold of his white plain-flowy dress below the knee and his beautiful white-feathery wings slightly shriek. What is his mission this time going to be like? Is he going to be with a drug-user or something? What if he was assigned in a psychotic person who kills everyone getting his way? He can't swallow the thoughts. He has his mind set into not using his human form even either of the above is the case. He won't take the risk but he'll instead do his best.

     Thinking wether to open the door or not, it already did. His eyes shrieked because of the very bright light but soon adjusted to his view. A familiar sight welcomed him. The glorious place is really beautiful, indeed a paradise. The place is very very very huge (almost endless) and the place were covered with pastel colored-flowers all over. The fragrant hugged his nose as if teasing him to come closer. There is a playing melody in his ears that he couldn't tell where it's coming from. It is very pleasing to be heard. There are golden structures that are very detailed in designs and the huge fountain in the middle that is appealing with sparkling very transparent water. There are also angels, either old and young ones, talking about random things that seems happy and playing each other's wings. He suddenly got taken away from his thoughts when he felt that a little hand grabs his right sleeve. 

"I'm sorry..." The kid with glowing green eyes murmured as she gave Jeonghan a big beautiful smile. Jeonghan immediately felt his heart melted on the beautiful child angel. Her wings are still small but wonderful as him, well all angels have the same wings.

"It's okay, don't worry. Be careful next time." He smiled. The younger angel was about to keep the conversation but ended up running back towards her playmates when she heard a cough.

  Jeonghan turned around and saw the leader of angels, Seokmin, smiling so brightly that his gums are showing off. He really envies the sunbae angel's smile as if the sun rises at 6 in the morning. He quickly bend over slightly to give respect and apology for not noticing his presence.

"Nice to see you again here, Jeonghan." He greeted. Jeonghan felt his blood ran all over his face.

"Yes, thank you."

"I know you already knew why you are here, right? I've got a mission for you." He changed in his serious tone and Jeonghan knows this is really a business now. Seokmin is the in-charge in every angel's duty, he has all the contact to the higher and even the highest.

    Jeonghan nodded in response.

"Are you not nervous on whom you might be assigned this time?" Seokmin slightly teases but since Jeonghan couldn't tell if he was teasing him or not, he just shrugs and, "To be honest, I am sort of, but I am also sort of ready on whoever it is." he answered.

"Alright, let's get straight to the point. You are bringing back a man who is an extreme delinquent. He wouldn't completely listen to anybody except his self." Seokmin paused.

    Jeonghan felt like his heart is in his throat. He couldn't help but to think of possibilities right now. What if he is really assigned in a psychotic killer who won't listen to everybody because he is too crazy to? He really can't take the thought of it.

    Seokmin cleared his throat, "Okay, so, as i can see in his situation, you just need your protégé  to leave and make him clean from his bad habits. But, I think it's going to be pretty hard to because he is hard-headed from what is listed here and won't listen to anybody. He is sinful but venial, you just need to stop him as early as now so it won't take him to forever punishment, and make him realize from his mistakes. Then you can freely come back here handing over a successful mission as always." He smiled while handing Jeonghan the brown paper which he guess is that man's profile.

  He misses the brown paper's texture in his hand. He quickly scanned it and he saw that the man is in his twenties and thank gods that he is not a drug-addict nor a pyscho.

'Choi Seungcheol, male, twenty-five, single..' As Jeonghan quietly reads the information in his head such as the address, contact number, etc. He nearly choked in his spit when he read that he is still unemployed in his age and is still depending from parents' financial ability. He can't believe that someone that old and a graduate of Architecture is still jobless. He made a disgraceful face due to the thought and heard the sunbae angel chuckled.

"Alright, Angel Seungkwan is already below waiting for you if you use your ability this time." Seokmin bend over slightly and excused himself for he still has many works to do. Jeonghan almost giggled at the thought of him being a human for the mission. Never.

   Angel Seungkwan is one of the angels who were in-charged for providing all the survival needs of a certain angel in his mission on earth. For example, a shelter, he is the one giving an advance payment for an apartment and providing the equipments/appliances/foods/money.

    Jeonghan started walking out of the paradise and still scanning the paper. He sleeps with random girls when he feel like it. He find that fact disgusting enough to think that person is really going to be a head ache, but he shouldn't judge.

   He heard the door closed behind him as if it signaled that his mission is on. He made a gesture in the wind and the paper disappeared, leaving only a of white sparkles that blends in the air and fades. He still can't believe he'll go down to earth again after a very long time. However, he doesn't feel much excited, he just want something to do because he feels so bored above. 

     Jeonghan soon found himself at a top of something. The cold-filthy wind kissed his cheeks as his locks sways too, the hem of his white cloth lifting in sidewards, his bare-feet standing in a frigid-hard surface and the high-pitched noises everywhere. Everything is familiar. So familiar. He closed his eyes as if he was only dreaming, dreaming about him finally down, again.

       A set of wings arced high above the golden-headed angelic creature, blending with the wind. They are long, soft and feathery just like a dove, and soft as if the clouds were carried at his back. They are whiter than the snow falling every mid-winter, so white that it radiates and it seemed like a pure glowing-white color emit from them. Some glowing feathers flew together with the wind down below the bustling streets of New York. The angelic-creature opened his sweet mocha latte-colored eyes that melts with love, and hope but never been harsh as he stared down in the cosmopolitan and contemporary place. He is back, really back, and here to bring back someone again. 




    The darkness invaded the sky and the city lights are glowing and inviting in the whole city. Jeonghan found himself mesmerized in what he was seeing. People with high-heeled shoes, fashion clothes, men in suits with suitcases wearing a very tired face crossing the streets and the sidewalks and car beeping everywhere. He is walking in the sidewalk together with a girl in her thick make-up, black pumps and dress, holding her phone in her right ear while her purse in the other, and she seemed so stressed. Sometimes he is really enjoying the fact that people can't see him and he could watch them closely. He can feel everything as if he is included in the crowd at the place but only, people can't vision and feel him. All these things don't feel foreign to him at all because he is an angel. Who would feel foreign if you watch people every single day? 


   Jeonghan got into his senses when he recollected that he didn't come here for a sight-seeing. He gestured his cold right hand in the wind and the brown paper appeared in it. He scanned for the informations where he could find his protégé. He frowned when he read that during night, Seungcheol is always in a club near the subway and 3 blocks away from the Central Park, there is a street and in it, there's a club named, "iraultza". The name is new to his ears and so his set up.

"What am i getting in myself to this time?" He sighed and lifted his wings.


   The blonde-angelic creature found himself standing outside a night club. Rainbow lights keep on peeking in the windows and a loud music enough to hear outside are what can be seen and hear. Why does he always keep on getting destined in this setting?  The last time he remembers he went to this kind of place was the previous protégé he had. He won't even come near such clubs and bars if it isn't because of his mission. He won't dare to get in contact with those drunktards and the huge wave of people in the so called 'dance floor'. Thanks to five years ago and he knows quite of this setting.

    Jeonghan slowly walks into the entrance which consist of a purple door that is about 5 inches ahead of his height. He wouldn't bother to open it when he could just simply pass through it and so he did. Smoke, mixed perfumes, , sweats, and different kinds of alcohols welcomed his nose. He cringed in the unpleasant smell feeling like his stomach suddenly turned upside down. The dance floor is crowded with people dancing carelessly, ily, and some of them even bothered to make out exposing their dirty moves while people are cheering and shouting for them. He hates this place. This is the place where sins occur most of the time and it looks like he is really going to take care of someone here when he spotted his black-haired protégé sitting in a counter alone while drinking his alcohol as the cigarette beside him is resting in an ash-tray. He is facing him in side-view and by the looks of it, he is wearing an oversized leather jacket, ripped jeans that fits his thick thighs perfectly, and a brown timberland boots. His sweaty fringe above of his eyebrow made him look ier and huskier. His long eyelashes are moving as his tired and blank eyes blink, his pointy nose that compliments his face, his thick yet small red lips that's wet because of the strong alcohol he is drinking, his skin that's white but not as Jeonghan's wings, he is handsome enough for every girl to drool about. Jeonghan quickly erased the irrelevant thought and coughs himself away from the pleasing complements of his protégé made by him.

      Jeonghan omitted an 'oh' as the man crushed flat his face in the counter leaving the half-way filled glass in his left hand and the half-way cigarette smoking beside him. He slept. He is already drunk. He can guess that he was already having his 10th glass by the looks of the displeased bartender. A girl in a green colored hair in a fit black dress sat beside him. She looks at him with an unpleasant grin in her face. Jeonghan observes what she's trying to do with his protégé but he knows this is not going to be good.

     The girl whispered something in his ear and found her hand in Seungcheol's thighs. Jeonghan frowned at the sight. What is she trying to do? The girl freely touches his thigh back and forth in movement lipbiting her lips. Jeonghan is displeased. He don't like what he's seeing especially when the girl leaned in her chest in the right side of his Seungcheol's body. Is he harassing him unconsciously? Finally, he made his way close to Seungcheol, awares of them not seeing him, he whispers 'wake up' in his protégé's ear repeatedly but only answered a groan. Angels like him can use power whatever they please. They can make people see or hear them if they like. The girl slightly froze but then she thought he's only groaning because of pleasure. 

    The angelic-creature crossed his arm in dismay looking to Seungcheol, to the girl, and back to Seungcheol. Is he really that drunk to not notice her?  The girl's hand crawled near at his crotch up to the hem of his shirt. She looked really drunk judging from what she's doing. This is why I hate drunktards. He sighed in disbelief. The girl went closer to Seungcheol and now kissing his neck while his both hands crawl in his body.

   Jeonghan in horror, needs to do something. He uses his power to enable and lifts Seungcheol's hand holding the glass making a 'clink' sound repeatedly but the girl didn't even bother to flinch because she is too busy in pleasing herself. Now, he really is mad. He don't know what else to do, he is running out of idea and can't think of something again because he is too frustrated from what he is seeing. I have no choice. I have to do this even though I swear to myself I won't do it, ever.

The blonde angel gets out of the place rushing in a spot where no one is looking. He took a deep breath and prayed for the above to bless him in what he's going to do. This is the first and probably last time. He feels hopeless at the very moment that only one choice was left. He don't know what he's doing and frustrated upon his careless decision yet aware that he might regret this sooner but it's the only way to save his protégé in this helpless situation. He will sacrifice his fears because the protégé is his priority.

   Sweating and sticky fringes in his forehead, he took deep breath again and closed his eyes asking for guidance. He whispered the words and a pure glow is beaming at his wings that can almost blind everyone looking at it. The set of wings disappears slowly as some feathers from it falls. After few moments, he finally felt something is missing just like a puzzle piece of him. Jeonghan felt tears in his eyes realizing that his wings were no longer to be found, only leaving about four pieces of feathers in the ground.

   Jeonghan needs to face his fears now, in being one of the humans temporarily. It is his first time using this angel ability that he fear the most. He was left no choice at the moment. No one can guarantee what is going to happen to him next. He really needs to meet Seungkwan after all. All he knows right now is to quickly finish this mission and get back from being an angel.

   He recollected the purpose of what he did and rapidly ran inside the club again. Running in bare-foot, long gold shoulder-length hair, and in white-flowy dress, as he entered, it gathers attention immediately from some of people in the club but it's not the right time to care and be conscious. What matters is the drunk man laying his head in the counter and being harassed by a drunk girl.

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rai_master #1
Chapter 1: Omg it was great pls write chapter2...i want to read it so bad
AussieKimchi #2
Chapter 1: I love the theme and style of this so much~keep it up!!!