
I Used To

Word count: 427


For something to start anew, something has to die or disappear.


For the phoenix to rise from its ashes, it has to burn to the ground first.




Sojin recalls when they first meet. It didn't click. And there where no sparks flying between them.

There was just awkward silence and exchanged glances.


The second time they bumped into each other at a birthday party there seemed to be chemistry. 

They exchanged phone numbers instead of glances, and they repeated their name so they would remember it until next time. 




Yura was a very charming girl, laid back but full or hidden talents and a generous amount of aegyo. 

The way Yura's long dark hair always seemed to blow onto the younger's face on windy days used to bring such a joyful smile onto Sojin's face.

Now, it only brough a painful frown




Skinship, Sojin recalls lots lf it. How warm and comforting it used to feel.

Yura's hand laced together with Sojin's own.

Now the cold touch of the blowing wind was the only touch that ever caressed her.

Only bringing her shivers and grief.




Sojin had always been better at cooking and fixing stuff concerning their almost completely combined households. 

Sojin had more life experience, to make it more fair. 

Yura was quite good too, cooking, cleaning, taking care of Sojin. Always improving. Always so cheerful and jolly. 




"You promise?" Sojin's eyebrows furrowed together and her fingers fiddling with the edge of the table cloth. 

Yura laughed, the sides of her eyes wrinkling and her bright teeth flashing. 

"I'll be strong! You know me!" Sojin smiled still not convinved, but when her lover was so confident how could she doubt her?

"We'll gain more life experience together, forever" Yura ensured and Sojin couldn't help but smile genuinely at that. 




Putting a flower on the grey carved rock, Sojin's heart aches as she is reminded she will keep gaining life experience, while Yura will not.

"You where...so, so strong..." Sojin's voice quivers and almost breaks. Taking a deep breath she tilts her head up. Her eyes rolling back to contain her tears.

"...Thank you, Ahyoung-ah, for everything."




Sojin doesn't want to get over Yura, she doesn't want to forget. Even if it hurts the memories still bring her happiness. Bittersweet yes, but definitely happiness. 

She'll forever remember their special places and moments.

Miss and long for what could have been, but what surely wasn't meant to be. 

Yet she looks over her shoulder and returns so she can reminisce what used to be.

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milkinthebox_ #1
Chapter 1: YO WHAT WAS... OH TEARS... *tries to wipe them off* IT’S NOT STOPPING
Chapter 1: i didn't expect this i'm so soft