Ten - The King’s Heart, The Return to Cepherus

Infernal Saga (I & II)
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Ten - The King’s Heart, The Return to Cepherus


It has been more than a week since Chen came back, and the archmage took the time to recuperate the energy he lost. Once he was back at his old, stable state, he, together with Luhan, Sehun and the new Garnlok Chief Healer, Yixing, went to the Hollowing Woods to pour the moondust essence to the lake surrounding the pillar tree. They have brought with them the patients from different kingdoms, putting those in critical condition in highest priority. They were carried by a large wooden carriage, built hastily in the past week. The carriage was made by narra wood and draped with cotton covers, stitched intricately to block the patients from the sun.


Luhan willed the cloud to cover the skies the moment they arrived. Garnlok servants and Herven soldiers helped the patients move out and guided them towards the water.


There were no physical changes to the lake when Chen poured the contents of the vial. From where he was stationed, he watched each and every patient soaked their bodies into the lake, and observed how the white spots from their skin slowly disappeared and how the pigments on their hair and eyes went back to normal.


“We’re healed! Thank the gods, we’re going to live!”


“I know the Sun Child will not fail us, thank you so much You’re Grace!”


“Thank you You’re Grace!”


Luhan barely inclined his head in recognition, but he did not dare say anything. He wasn't the one who healed them, but he couldn't take away their short-lived happiness by telling them that it was only temporary.


All of those who healed went back to the carriage one by one, all filled with newly found hope and inspiration.


“Aren’t we going to tell them that the effect of the moon essence wouldn’t last?” Sehun asked from Luhan’s side.


“I will make an announcement once everyone is healed. Right now, our priority is to delay the effects of the epidemic, and then I’ll advise everyone not to leave their houses. I will hold a meeting with all the monarch leaders in order to pass down a couple of mandates starting tomorrow.”


“With all due respect,” Chen started, “You can rest assured that the kings and queens of empires would do everything within their power to keep everyone safe. After this, Your Grace could focus on celestial matters and leave the rest to us.”


Luhan regarded the archmage with an understanding nod, “Alright, but Chen, I hope it wouldn’t be much if I asked you to accompany me to the rift you found at Lupus Volkan. It was only you who knows the way and I would need your help for me to find my brother.”


"It would be an honor to provide my services, Your Grace."




Perhaps there were a lot of things that didn't make sense from the very beginning. Perhaps he always had the inkling that he did not belong in this place, on this plane. Perhaps, he had always known that he was not just Hyun Ryu, and he was not just the Prince of Daevrics.


Even before he realized what those haunting visions were, they were already calling him. Whether it was because of his true nature, or because it was a residue of what he used to be.


His previous life should not matter, for he was now a different person, leading a different life. His celestial nature shouldn't have been awakened, for he was someone with different responsibilities.


Yet he didn't have a choice.


Chen's infiltration to the Daevric Empire was a catalyst to his curiosity. If he didn't look for the cure, he would not have found the Gate and he would not have been captured.


If he wasn't for him, Hyun Ryu wouldn't look for answers, and he wouldn't have remembered the lives he lived, he wouldn't have remembered who Chanyeol was, and what he was to him.


That night, when the king confronted him regarding Chen's disappearance, was just another evidence what Chanyeol only wanted from him. In fact, it had been very obvious from the start, but he was just turning a blind eye on it.


Chanyeol had been very jealous of his affection for Cepherus. He had always believed that the world took his most precious person away from him. It was childish and selfish of the

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Chapter 37: Di ko kinaya ang plot twist. Never kong naisip yung plot na ganun ang kalalabasan. You never failed to amaze me. Ibang level talaga mga work mo authornim. Thank you po

Ps. Im an avid fan and I follow you on twitter too xD
Chapter 34: Hoooy grabe sa revelation. Thank you sa uodate authornim. Maghihintay parin sa ChanBaek sa 2023
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 37: I'm so looking forward to part 3! Chanyeol is in touch with all parts of himself and now the quest for Baek's full power so they will always be together - can't wait to go to other worlds!!
Cayetano22 #4
Chapter 37: Happy anniversary co-exols! We are fed well by Chanbaek in the fanmeeting, I missed them all so much!

I'm glad that the Cepherus folks finally got the closure they deserved. Hyun is so humble to take responsibility as a daevric prince. Kinda happy too, that Chanyeol finally put the past wounds that Dea did to Hyun Ryu behind and accepted the idea for the Daevrics to be part of Cepherus again.

I'm excited for the part 3! How will Chanbaek be travelling into worlds? Will it be just the two of them? And the , finally will happen in part 3!
queenlove #5
Chapter 36: Oh yes please, some to go will be appreciated. I love that you just surprised me with kaisoo, I love blushingSoo he is freaking cute. I really love that in the end Baek is going to try hard to remember for Chan's sake. It's heartwarming how Chan fell asleep on his lap. The act of giving in is just so beautiful
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 36: You are absolutely right author-nim, I will never say "no" to !! I'm touched by this chapter - Baek finally understands and has another purpose!
queenlove #7
Chapter 35: Daaaamn what did I miss! Chan and Baek are the creators. It's a rollercoaster and I love it. But Luhan really sounds so immature. But I am loving the drama too much
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 35: Wow what a reveal - what will the resolution be??
Cayetano22 #9
Chapter 35: I hope that with this revelation, the five races of Cepherus will finally be united to help Briar the White Dragon restore his celestial powers or else they will get burned by Caecil's wrath.
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 34: So Baek and Chan were the creators but separated - what can Baek do now??