0: The beginning

Cotton Candy House
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Urgh... high school, the most complicated place ever on Earth. Believe me, it's a living hell and nobody would want to comeback, including me, but well, I'm going to start my second year now. My name is Kim Jinhwan, just a normal student. Well... at least that's what I thought. I don't understand why studying hard is NOT normal, I mean... why are we staying here? To study? So why aren't you mean es study instead of complaining about how hard working I am? , I had to paid my time, my mom's money on it and I'm not going to let her down. And what's wrong with those big round glasses? And my fringe which looks like a curtain? I think it's kinda cool, or... is it? Yeah, maybe it's not but okay, just because we have different taste doesn't mean it's ugly? Right? Argh... just keep your opinions, I quit.

"You are going to love you new villa, my dear." Mom yelled while she was putting on another color of lipstick.

"You know I won't, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you will, dear." Mom raised her thumbs up.

"Why did you have to put the pink one then the orange, mom?"

"It's for the beauty, honey." She grabbed my cheek then kissed it, no, not that side with the mole. She started the engine then well... we're on the way now.

I love to live with my mom to be honest, but she would prefer me to share a villa with other 3 student study the same school with me because she wants to have massive parties without distracting me. It's kinda a good idea but... The students will take turns take me to school by their cars since my mom had already paid them to do that. And guess what? I have to share my ing room with some dude. Where did all the privacy go? I don't even know.

"Good luck honey." Mom blew a kiss then drove the car away.

I turned around to look at my new home, it's so elegantly painted creamy white. The door was made of wood and it was... not locked? Okay what the did they want somebody to burglar it or not? Nah, just skip it because there will be no such things at 7am, I hope so. As I came in, I was

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Chapter 1: I liked it! Keep on the good work and don't forget to update tho!
meichan112 #2
Chapter 1: Bobhwan please
I'm so ready !