Happy 10th Anniversary, EXO!

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

Hello everyone!

Happy 10th Anniversary to our lovely boys in EXO! I honestly can't believe we've reached this point. I still remember the days before EXO even existed, the legendary pre-debut teaser era, and every subsequent milestone after that despite only personally becoming an EXO-L a few years after debut. If you told little high school me ten years ago that these boys would influence my life the way they did this past decade, I wouldn't have believed you. The way they've permeated every fiber of my everyday life, the amazing friends I've made within the fandom over the years, the paths I've taken and the choices I've made because of them... It's all so surreal to think about and look back on when I reflect on this past decade with them. And I don't regret a single second of it.

I know I usually have a update (or three) to post on their anniversary. And I had initially planned on doing ten drabbles this year to really go all out for the celebration. After all, it's not every day when you get to celebrate a decade of greatness and the legacy of a lifetime. But as you can see, all we have is this letter from me rather than any updates. And I would like to sincerely apologize for that. Life has been really busy, especially since I am juggling four part-time jobs, various classes, and a bunch of pro bono work right now. This is probably the most inactive I've been on AFF over the 11+ years I've been on this site, but I still check in every day because this is my second home and my haven when life gets overwhelming. When I need to cozy up with great writing from our fellow authors, I always come here to AFF and lose myself in various worlds and tales.

And even with everything that's going on in my professional and personal life, I still try to do my annual updates because it's important to me to stay somewhat consistent in my writing and not leave you all hanging forever. I had every full intention of staying up all night tonight to finish the story that I've been writing the past week and upload it during the anniversary.

But I won't lie, Yixing's letter today caught me completely off-guard, which is silly when I really think about. Apparently, this wasn't news to many Xingmis and EXO-Ls who have been diligently keeping up with updates from his side. I can't say the same, considering how split my brain has been since last year. The only entertainment I really have time to consume nowadays is podcasts from a few Youtubers that I follow, since I listen to them while I work. And when I'm not working, I'm in class or I'm attending meetings or I'm trying to catch up on sleep since my schedule has regressed to very unhealthy and irregular patterns.

I'm really happy for Yixing and I'm so excited to see where he goes from here. But at the same time, I'm still processing everything and it'll likely take a while for me to truly be at peace with this news. After reading his letter and seeing all of the updates, I found myself unable to stay focused on writing and continue on with my day as if my entire world hadn't just suddenly shifted. There are still too many emotions bubbling within me, so I made the decision to postpone the next update(s) until later this month when Jongdae returns from the military. And I'll do my best to queue up several updates and also work on Baekhyun's birthday updates, since that'll be here in the blink of an eye.

But I just couldn't muster up the energy to finish today's update and for that, I sincerely apologize.

I know Yixing has made it clear that he will remain a member of EXO. And I know he loves the other members so much and that they love him back just as much. Him being in DFTF and all of the other interactions he's had with the other members kept me hopeful that EXO would finally return on stage as nine after enlistment era and the pandemic ended. Seeing him included in merch and holiday messages always kept me firmly believing that he'd never leave, that they'd eventually reunite as a full group after so many years apart.

And it's still possible that they can reunite since Yixing is remaining in EXO, at least from what's implied in his letters. He's only leaving SM Entertainment. It isn't the end of the world. But realistically, this is the end of an era. And some may say that the era ended once he stopped promoting with EXO during the EXO'rDIUM tour. Nevertheless, things won't ever be the same again.

And maybe I'm being overdramatic about all of this. It's okay that things won't be the same again. EXO has adapted numerous times over the years, especially in the early days, and they've come out stronger than ever each time. And some of the changes that happened back then really did happen for the better in hindsight. This isn't goodbye. It's simply the start of a new chapter. And I imagine that as the boys really settle into their thirties, we'll continue to see more changes. And we'll all adapt as they come.

They've given their twenties, their youth, to us and I am forever grateful that our paths have crossed so many times over the years. I will never regret saying yes to my friend when she asked me to come to EXO'luXion with her six years ago. I will never regret stanning this group and supporting these boys in all of their endeavors. And I will continue being an EXO-L until the day I die and beyond that. I'm in this with them forever and as long as they want to continue running forward, I'll be running right behind them and cheering them on.

So thank you, EXO, for being here during my darkest moments and giving me my happiest days. Thank you for being such talented artists in every single way, in every pocket of the entertainment industry, and for inspiring me to chase after my own dreams. Even when obstacles show up, you tirelessly jump over them and continue soaring across the sky like the stars you are. And I can only hope to be a fraction of the people you are in my lifetime. You've touched so many hearts, brought so many people together, and eased a countless number of burdens with your music. You've made us laugh hysterically with your crazy antics, you've cheered with us to the moon and back with every new achievement, and you've let us love with our fullest hearts every time we see each other.

And to my favorite three, Lay and Baekhyun and Chen, my beautiful shining stars, I will never be able to fully express how much you have carried me through the years. Your impact on my life transcends words. I can try as hard as I can, mull over every single word, to verbalize how much you mean to me. But every attempt will pale in comparison to what's truly in my heart.

At the end of the day, as long as all of you are safe, healthy, and happy, that's all I really need. That's all I really want. You've already given so much to the world and it would be selfish of me to ask for more. Thank you for everything you've accomplished this past decade. Thank you for being the sweetest, kindest, funniest boys around and for bringing me more happiness than I ever could have imagined. I will forever be grateful that we existed in the same era. And I will treasure the memories of the past ten years like the precious jewels they are.

Happy 10th Anniversary, EXO!

And here's to the next ten years. We'll continue to work hard, dream high, and live fully.

EXO, we are one! EXO, let's love!

엑소, 사랑하자!

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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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