I will love you, no matter when and where

I will love you, no matter when and where [oneshot]

*You will need this for the beginning to undertand what I actually wrote.


Junhyung was sitting on one of the branches of the cherry three that was around 500m back from the house and near the forest that surrounded the village. As usual he was wearing his dark grey shirt and baji and on top his dark blue jeogori. His shoes were plain and normal. He rested his head on the trunk of the three and closed his eyes. The weather was rather cold, it was winter after all, so the boy hugged himself close and grunted, because the warmth he could receive this way was very little.

All of a sudden someone pulled his leg and he cracked an eye open eyeing the one responsible for his near fall. In front on him stood a tall boy with charming wide smile, showing his white teeth, white shirt, dark red durumagi and baji, way too different and neat than his own clothes.

“Dolyeonnim*, don’t scare me like that, please.” Said the boy and jumped off the three, so he could bow down.

“Yah, Junhyung-ah, what’s with you? Why the sudden formality.” Asked the boy a bright smile on his face, and his hands on his waist. He was really amused by all of this and couldn’t really figure out what was wrong. Why his loyal servant, who he knew all his life, was addressing him formally… Really now. It was so simple. He was the servant and the guy in front of him was the master… the master who will get married to a beautiful girl with long dark hair and charming smile, with nice body and nice personality. From all the women that were candidates to marry his master, Yoon Doojoon, Junhyung was glad his parents choose Choi Ji Na. She was the only one who actually smiled at him and introduced herself to him, the mere servant who always stood behind his master. She smiled at him and actually talked to him, so he liked her the most and he was glad that she, the charming, elegant, nice, beautiful girl was going to stand beside his master… besides the guy he loved.

Yes he knew it was wrong to love another guy, he knew and that’s why he kept it to himself. He knew he shouldn’t, yet he couldn’t help it and he did it – he loved him. And because he loved him he wanted the best for him. Because he loved him he wanted this man before him to be happy, and people to respect him and for that to happen this guy had to grow up, to stop being friends with the servant and start making friends with the royal families’ sons. He was friends with Yang Yoseob and Lee Gi Kwang, but he needed to make more friends and to actually pay attention to other people, because he will need it when he grows up and succeeds his father. So the only thing Junhyung could think about was how he had to put the line between him and Doojoon, and that was why he acted like that.

Well maybe Doojoon couldn’t really understand it, but he had to.

“Dolyeonnim, excuse my rudeness, but isn’t this how I’m supposed to address the heir of the family I’m working for?” asked Junhyung, bending a little down, looking at the floor. Doojoon’s hands fell beside him and he was sure the boy was stunned, even without looking at his face. He knew all his expressions by now and he could see them even without looking at his face. He also knew that Doojoon was going to say something if Hara didn’t just jump from nowhere, bowing to Doojoon and snaking her arms around Junhyung’s, smiling at him.

“Oppa, why are you slacking off, we have a lot of work.” she pouted and Junhyung could only smile at her. Ne nodded and turned back to Doojoon.

“Dolyeonnim, please excuse me. I have to go.” The boy bowed again, and he saw Hara’s confused expression. He never talked to Doojoon like that and everyone knew it – even Doojoon’s parents. He was never scolded for it though, but he knew his masters were displeased with it.

Now they were going to be please. His own parents were going to be pleased, since he agreed to marry Hara the day he understood that Doojoon was marring Ji Na. Now both of them would have their own families, and he would make whatever he can to keep the border between him and Doojoon. He will look him from afar how he will rise his children, how he will love his wife, how he will succeed his father and how he will be happy at his grandchildren too.

His love for his master was full of despair, so the only thing he could do was let go of it… Maybe someday, in the future, they would be reborn and he would be born a girl and equal to him and maybe then he would have a chance to love him… but at this day and age – hoping for something like that was like hoping for the water to burn.




Junhyung eyed the mirror, arching a brow and frowning. He looked sideway to his friend who was smiling nicely, innocently, cutely… He eyed himself again and his eyebrows furrowed.

“This is totally gay, Hyunseung.” Commented at last the boy and reached to the cotton and the make-up remover that his friend brought.

“Well, you are gay, and no it’s not. I can bet that 10 years from now and it will be the fashion.”

“Keep believing that.” Grunted the boy when his eyes started to sting. “Shaving most of my hair is enough. I won’t be a clown to you.”

“Oh, come on~. Dragon Junhyung, you look even more scary with the eyeliner.” With that the boy sat on his lap and lashed his hands around the other’s shoulders.

“Stop it, Seung.” Hyunseung sighed and huffed before standing up and hitting Junhyung behind the head, making sure the boy won’t take his eye out with it. “Yah!”

“I do enjoy our plays Junnie, but you loving another man and dating totally different girl is too much.” His friend with benefits took one of his loose hoodies out and put it on, searching for his wallet and phone, while Junhyung tried removing his eyeliner. “Why don’t you tell him?”

“He has a girlfriend, and he’s the boss of the gang. Even if he was gay he would never date a guy. On top of that his best friend.” Junhyung cracked a smile at the blond boy and stood up, pocketing his phone and going to the door. “I will wait downstairs until you’re ready, Prince Jang.”

“Thank you for waiting for me, even if we’re late.”

“Doo will understand if I say I had problems waking you up.”

“You liked that problem.” Smirked the blond and Junhyung only laughed before closing the door and heading downstairs. When he sat on the couch he got his phone out and checked it for new messages. Of course Hara messaged him, asking where he was and why was the boy skipping school again. He texted he telling her that he will be there by the 3rd period and that he’s sorry. And that was all. He sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes.

“Hey, get up.” He heard and felt the weight of his back on his stomach.

“You’re too rough.” Groaned the boy getting up and following his friend.

“You liked it.”


At school was like every other day. Hyunseung will get Hyuna all around himself, while he will get Hara on his neck, kissing him and nuzzling in him. She was cute, but the only reason why he was with her, because people hated the likes of him and Hyunseung. Good thing was that both of them could actually please their girlfriends, or then it was going to be too bad.

“Junnie,” called Hara, during the lunch break while all of the gang members (along with the girlfriends of the ones who had ones) were on the rooftop. “what will we do tonight for Christmas?”

“Mmm… I dunno.” Answered the boy and smiled, looking at Hyunseung who smirked at him.

“Why don’t you and Hyuna come home?” asked the blond. It was convenient that both of them lived alone, no parents, no one who can interrupt them.

“Eh, only us. Our moms won’t let us come.”

“Then how about we all come?” came a deep voice from somewhere behind Junhyung. He shivered and smiled, turning around so he could face who it was. Surely it was Doojoon with G.Na behind him.

“Do come. But we’re not paying for food and alcohol.” Answered the boy and smirked.



 Junhyung was brushing his teeth when Hyunseung came behind him, lashing his hands around the other’s waist and resting his chin on Junhyung’s shoulder.

“We were going to be a nice couple…” started the blond pouting.

“If you were a girl or if gay couples were accepted by the society.”

“Or if you didn’t love Doojoon.” Smirked the boy and kissed Junhyung’s cheek.

“Hypocrite.” Whispered Junhyung and looked at Hyunseung’s sparkling eyes. He knew who was in the boy’s thoughts and at the tip of his tongue while they played around, though none of them voiced it out.

Soon after everyone came and the party started. All the while Junhyung was looming around, Hara tagging along everywhere he went.

Sometime around midnight, when Hara G.Na and Hyuna went to fix their make-ups, Doojoon got closer to Junhyung and leaned in.

“Hey, can we talk… In private?” asked the boy, his eyes showing how nervous he was. Junhyung nodded, wondering what made his friend so nervous.

Both boys went to Junhyung’s room, Doojoon closing it behind him and locking the door.

“Hey, don’t scare me man.” Laughed Junhyung crossing his arms on his chest. “What’s so important for you to close the door?”

“I really don’t know how to ask… It’s weird and… I’m actually pretty sure I saw it…” the boy was leaning against the door his hands in his pockets and his head low. “Hey, Junnie, do you sleep with Hyunseung?” at that he looked up and saw Junhyung’s widened eyes, filled with scare and horror and what-not. “You do, don’t you?”

Junhyung looked away. Why was he so ashamed of it? Maybe, because he won’t talk to him anymore. But he said he saw it, so why not tell the truth. He laughed and his hand went through his now nonexistent hair.

“Yea, I do.” He admitted at the end and he waited for Doojoon to rush to him and punch him. But he didn’t do that. Instead when Junhyung looked at him he saw him curled up down on the floor, his face hidden in his arms, who were folded on his knees. “Doo?” asked Junhyung getting closer.

“Don’t come… I don’t want you seeing me like this.” Said the boy and cuddled closer into himself. Instead of listening to him Junhyung ignored his words and crouched in front of him, grabbing the boy’s hand and removing them. “Doo…?”

“I’m a disgrace.” Laughed the boy and reached to wipe his own tears away. He looked up, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I actually thought you really loved Hara, so I guess it was fine as long as it was a girl, but really… a guy? I’m so miserable.” Junhyung sat; his legs on both sides of Doojoon and the boy grabbed the other’s face making him face him.

“What are you trying to say, idiot. I won’t get it if you don’t spill it out.”

Doojoon opened his eyes and looked him straight in the eyes.

“I like you.”

“You’re dating G.na”

“We’re only dating as a cover up. She knows I have no interest in her and she’s fine.”

“ing idiot.” Grunted Junhyung and fisted his hand in Junhyung’s shirt, pulling him closer. “Making me do stupid things, because you can’t come open to your best friend!” Doojoon was about to yell at him too, maybe insulting him, but the words never came out. More likely Junhyung never let them come out. He crashed his lips on the other ones’. “I actually love you.” Doojoon’s eyes were wide. He smiled and Junhyung wanted to wipe that goofy smile off of his face, because if this ing idiot had told him sooner that he was gay, maybe he was going to confess and he was not going to play so much with Hyunseung, though he was not sorry for that one. But hurting Hara is something he will regret.

Just then they heard crashes and screams and both of the dashed out of the room, seeing the chaos that was the house.

“It’s Nangdam high*!” shouted Hyunseung from the stairs and kicked a guy down. “The girl ran away, don’t worry.” Both boys nodded and looked at each other before heading into the fight.

An hour later Doojoon and Junhyung were lying on the street in front of the house, looking into each other’s eyes and smiling like idiots. Junhyung even laughed.

“We’re too stupid.” Barely voiced the shaved head boy.

“We are.” Whispered the other and closed his eyes.

“Hey, Doo…” the boy opened them again and saw Junhyung’s hand close to him. He reached to it and grabbed it, smiling faintly. “Hey, next time we meet… we don’t have to waste so much time.”

“Mmm… definitely.”

Then they closed their eyes, smiling, letting the dark envelop them.




Junhyung was standing at his terrace watching the playground near his apartment building when a steaming cup was put in front of his vision.

“Thank you, Seunggie.” Smiled the black haired boy and fixed his vision again on the field below.

“Who are you watching in this cold weather?” asked the boy, drinking from his own cup and looking the same way.

“Just someone.” answered the younger male and smirked.

“Oh, come on. I can help if I know who you are watching… Though if I pay more attention to the people there I can figure who is always down when you stand and stare here…”

“But you have eyes only for your dear western-looking, tall and handsome boyfriend named Son Dongwoon.” Finished Junhyung for him and giggled at the end.

“Don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. I will talk to him someday.”

“Now that I take a good look at the guys down there… There’s only one good looking and your type of guy. Is it the guy with the red hoodie and black tracksuit pants?” Hyunseung looked at Junhyung and saw his I-have-to-hide-it expression and smirked. “Nice choice, Yong Junhyung.” He tapped the boy on the back and entered the warm apartment after he saw the game was over and knew his friend will follow him, though Junhyung was quite red now.

“Don’t you even dare in.” warned him the black haired one, making the orange haired boy smile innocently.

“I won’t in… much. He’s your neighbor, right?”

“Hyunseung!” whined the rapper stomping with his foot like a little child.

“Oh, come on. I was just going to invite him to Yoseob’s party.” Suggested the boy and shrugged nonchalantly. Junhyung rolled his eyes and put his cup in the sink.

“Come on, we have to head out to help him prepare anyway.” Said the younger one and grabbed his keys.

They exited the apartment and Junhyung was closing the door when he heard footsteps and looked sideways. He was greeted with bright and charming smile and quite sweaty figure.

“Hey.” The guy waved at him and Junhyung smiled and nodded.

“You had a game today too? Isn’t it quite cold?” Junhyung played dumb, like he had no idea that they played football again and that Doojoon made 3 goals and that their team won.

“At first it was.” Laughed the boy and ruffled his hair. “Later it got quite hot.”

“Better take a shower then.” Smiled Junhyung and looked at Hyunseung, who was ogling Doojoon from head to toe. He glared at him and the boy only smiled like he did nothing wrong.

“Yea I have to. I’m keeping you up. Have a Merry Christmas, both of you.” Doojoon smiled and turned to his apartment door getting his keys out.

“Yea, you too.” Smiled Junhyung and turned to go past the tall boy when Hyunseung’s mouth got wide… way wide.

“Hey, why don’t you come to our friend’s party?” at the questions both Doojoon and Junhyung turned to him. One of them curious, the other terrified.

“He may not be comfortable with all the people he may not know.” Said Junhyung, trying to get out of this… He seriously wondered if Hyunseung was his best friend.

“And you won’t be comfortable when everyone start making out with their halfs and ignore you for the rest of the night.” Pointed out Hyunseung, like he was not making Junhyung embarrassing at all. “He may keep you company and later you won’t nag at us for leaving you alone at the bar.”

“Hyunseung!” whined the boy and then he heard Doojoon laugh. He turned to him, quite embarrassed and lowered his head.

“No really, don’t listen to him, you may feel uncomfortable or have plans, or something.”

“I will get the chance to talk with you more, so it’s fine. When and where?” he asked Hyunseung, like he knew that Junhyung won’t be able to talk.

“There’s a bar ‘The Blue Moon’ at 8 o’clock.”

“I’ll be there.” Smiled the sportsman.


Junhyung was whining and nagging all day, while he, Yoseob, Hyunseung, Dongwoon and Gi Kwang were decorating the place. The other four boys were so annoyed by it that around 6 o’clock Gi Kwang pulled a bottle of whiskey out and poured the others a cup.

“I’m happy my boyfriend holds the place.” Smiled Yoseob taking a sip from his drink and then leaning over the counter to peck Gi Kwang’s lips.

“It’s not even 10 o’clock!” yelled Junhyung and all of them groaned.

Just then the bell to the place rang and in popped Doojoon’s head.

“Sorry I’m a little early.”

“Two hours, but thanks for coming!” cheered Hyunseung waving his hand up.

“Yea… I thought I won’t find the place so fast.” Admitted the boy and scratched his head nervously.

“Want a drink?” asked Gi Kwang and offered a glass of whiskey to the new comer.

“I don’t mind.” Shrugged the boy and took a sip. “This place looks nice.”

“Thank you~” chipped the owner and demonstrated his eye-smile.

“Hey, can you help Junhyung, while we’re taking a break from him?” asked Yoseob, with pleading eyes. “By the way I’m Yoseob, those are my boyfriend Gi Kwang, Hyunseung, who you know, and Son Dongwoon – Hyunnie’s boyfriend.”

“I’m Doojoon.” Smiled the boy and bowed placing the cup down, then he faced Junhyung. “So what is there to do?”

“Hanging up festoons and some other toys and mistletoes.”

“Ok, where do we start?” he got near Junhyung and reached for a festoon behind the boy, making him blush from the close contact. What Junhyung didn’t see was his friend’s smirks.


Two hours later and Junhyung wasn’t nagging anymore, he was laughing and showing his shy and cute smile, and the cause if it was the charming neighbor of his. Around 9 o’clock he excused himself and went to talk to his friends at the bar, because he was neglecting them for 3 hours and he had to get him and Doojoon a drink. When he sat next to Yoseob, his face all smiles everyone eyed him some suspiciously, some grinning, others just smiling.

“What?” asked the boy and everyone arched a brow. “You’re freaking me out.”

“Someone’s happy that someone else is here.” Teased Hyunseung, snuggling into Dongwoon.

“Yea… maybe I am, so what?” answered the boy and looked at Gi Kwang. “How about you give me two more cups of whiskey?” the bartender smiled and gave Junhyung his glasses along with a ‘good luck’ and a wink. Junhyung huffed and headed again to the boy.

Though when he reached the table, there were two people and not only one as he expected. He went neared smiling at the girl and sitting down next to Doojoon, handing him his glass.

“Hello?” he more than asked than greeted the girl and she smiled charmingly, making Junhyung regret his little offending greeting.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Choi Ji Na.” the girl handed her hand for the greeting and Junhyung took it.

“I’m Junhyung, Doojoon’s neighbor.” Smiled the boy, though his smiled couldn’t reach his eyes.

“Oh, so you’re the guy oppa told me about?” the word oppa registered more in Junhyung’s mind than the rest of the sentence.

“Ji Na~” whined Doojoon and smiled shyly. “Why don’t you go Jinwoon is waiting for you?”

“You’re so mean to your high school dongsaeng. Though I’m happy we met. Call me sometimes, ok?” with that she stood up and skipped to a tall boy with black hair and nice smile. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him and then Junhyung’s knot in the stomach untied. He leaned back and sighed.

“What?” asked Doojoon, a playful smile on his lips.

“Nothing.” Shrugged the boy and smiled.

“I have an idea.” Suddenly proposed Doojoon leaning closer. “Wanna come to my apartment? We can watch a movie?” Junhyung watched him in amusement not believing what the guy proposed.

“And what are we going to watch?” asked the younger one crossing his arms on his chest and smirking.

“How about ‘Edward Scissorhands’?”

“That’s so not typical Christmas movie.” Laughed Junhyung but nodded and stoop up, Doojoon pushing him past the door.


When they reached his apartment and went in Doojoon sighed from relief feeling the warm air in.

“Ah, I so prefer quieter and warmer places.” He led the rapper to the living room and made him sit down. “I will make popcorns.”

Then they watched the movie in silence, though at some point Doojoon sneaked closer and rested his head on Junhyung’s shoulder. It made the boy smile and cuddle close too. By the end of the movie both of them were cuddled close to each other, Junhyung wrapped in Doojoon’s arms. The time was nearly 12 o’clock.

“Hey, I think I should go home.” Said the boy looking up.

“Mmm… If you want to.” Truth was he didn’t want to. Doojoon was like someone he knew from too long. Maybe they were a little different, like Doojoon was a sports freak and Junhyung would lazy his day if he could, but they had the same taste in music, the movies they liked were 90% the same, they liked the same actors, idols and all sorts of things.

“I have to.” Answered the boy and stood up. Doojoon followed behind.

When he was at the door he turned around and smiled at the boy, who smiled back.

“I had a lot of fun, thanks.” Junhyung smiled and made a step forward to hug Doojoon, but stepped back, his head falling down, a shy smile on his face. “I’m going.”

He turned around and his hand was on the door knob when two arms wrapped themselves around his waist and a head rested on his shoulders.

“Stay.” Voiced Doojoon nuzzling his nose in the boy’s neck. “I know you want to.”

“Aren’t you cocky.” Giggled Junhyung and turned around, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

“Am I? You’re the one always watching me play down at the field.” At that Junhyung’s eyes widened and his face become beef red.

“I-I… maybe I do.” Said the boy looking down.

“I always saw you watching. It made want to give my all, actually.”

“Sweet talked… You probably didn’t pay much attention to me.”

“Since the day you moved in I have been watching you. Why do you think I talked to you first?” Doojoon smiled cockily and leaned closer nuzzling his nose in Junhyung’s. “So, how about my Christmas present?”

Junhyung didn’t answer. He just kissed the boy, in whose arms he was in and after he smiled and laughed with him.

“I may sound even more sugary, but I kind of feel like I found something missing.” Said Doojoon pulling Junhyung to the living room.

“I’ll join you on the sugariness.” Smirked Junhyung, pushing Doojoon on the couch and snuggling next to him, kissing him on the lips and smiling. “How about another movie?”

“How about ‘Tsubasa Chronicle’, we do have all night?”

“Sure, why not.” Answered Junhyung and snuggled in the embrace of Doojoon.

It felt really strange, but it was like he really belonged there.

This was going to be the best Christmas he would ever have.





*I think Dolyeonnim in young master, because when I typed it in Google translator it translated it as master and then I accidentally put a coma (,) after it and it said Bocchan and I remember Bocchan being young master in Japanese… so sorry if it’s wrong and not exactly accurate.

Also Nangdam high is something totally made up.

So I wrote this to 19izzati's suggestion, about the Christmas special I wanted to write =)
Also sorry about the first two parts of the story and the sad endings =/ but it was the only way I could display the sadness and despair... So as for a Christmas fiction, I'm sorry about the foul mood at the beggining. I hope whoever reads this will like it =)

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Chapter 1: This was so cute~
Tbh I was a bit confused because of the dolyeonnim part and the hanbok I was imagining it to be in an older time period but then the next scene was Junhyung wearing makeup and attending high school XD
But other than that it was really cute!
indeed its beautifully written.
.... So beautiful ;;
I`m speechless, for the first time. Usually, I talk much but... OTL
your story was so... beautiful :')
thank you very much.
I really like it! =) Thank you~
awwwwwwwwwwhhhhh~~~this one really adorable..kekeke..thanks for creating this fic..ehehe
DeadBlossom #6
At first I was like Aw :( an then AW! :) This was really good. Enjoyed every moment. Thank you:)