



There were words on the walls. All written with charcoal.  'lies' 'roach' 'angel' 'devil' 'God' 'death' The words repeating from the bottom of the walls to the top. He stood there, his eye twitching, body shaking, hand trembling. "Stop..." "Please stop..." His body shaking furiously.


'You're all alone, you know that right?'

"I'm not alone"

'Look around you Chanwoo, open your eyes'

"I'm not alone, I have you guys"

'You know the truth don't you?'

'It's not that hard to see, people think you're crazy'

"But I'm not"

'Thee think you are. But thy don't know you do they?'


He looked at the wall stopping as he dropped the charcoal. Stepping back as he sat on the ground embracing himself. "I'm not crazy"  He looked up gazing at the walls. "I'm not crazy..."

'Oh, but you are'

"No, I'm not" He glared at the wall. Frowning as he shook his head. "I'm not"

'Look at yourself, you're all alone in a room and you're family left you, they don't love you'

"They thought this was for the best that's what parents do"

'He's right, thy don't love those who are crazy'

His brows furrowed at the mention. Why did they leave him here? No, it's what's best for him. He smiled at the attention his parents gave him. They wouldn't do this if they didn't love him.

'Think about it, where have seen parent's dropping their child at an asylum?'

'Why would thy leave you at a place full of thee in need of help it's such bunkum don't you think?'

"I...i'm not so sure"

'Thou hast have not thought about it?'

'For a genius you are oblivious'

He looked at the words, he had written. Lies. Was the first. "They all have lied haven't they?" His eyes began to blur at the thought.

'They have'

'And thou have been fooled'

The second word, roach. Cunning, sneaky, and greedy like those who fooled him. "Cockroaches" he whispered, tears at the brim of falling. He looked at the other words, angel, demon, God, and death. He started shaking once agian. Wiping his tears as he shook.

'This is real life Chanwoo'

'Our poor Chanwoo, he who has been fooled'

He looked at the camera at the corner. "It has only been a day hasn't it" He turned his gaze at the bed. The sheets still made since he hasn't slept.

'Just a day'

'Thy will really think you hast been crazy'

"Why's that?"

'Dammit Chanwoo, are you really that dense?'

'You've been talking to yourself this whole time!'


Realization hit him. It's true. Uzziel and Val aren't really here with him. "But what's the point, I'm already here and I won't get out!"

'It impossible for you to leave but then they will cause harm to you'

'Yes, don't you remember the pain thee has given you'

He touched the side of his head. Remembering the event that occured. Being strapped to the chair. Screaming as they electrocuted him. He was told it was for the best. "They said it would help"

'What help has it done? They know you're a genius and they're watching you'


'No but's  Chanwoo, this is what happened before, thou trusted the roaches'

'You should sleep, tomorrow you're going to meet the others'

"I should, shouldnt I"

He knew it was late. There were no windows but he remembered coming in the morning. He remebered seeing the sun setting when he was strapped. He layed on the bed. Feeling uncomfortable at the stiff mattress. But this is how they treat those who are crazy, don't they?

Turning his body around, he stared at the wall. The words written screaming at him. He blinked, closing his eyes trying to get his thoughts out. "It's going to be okay Chanwoo, you can get throught this" He whispered. Reassuring himself the false. Either way he smiled, as darkness invaded his vision.



There was a loud knock on the door that woke Chanwoo up from his sleep. Nurses invaded his room, looking at the words written before reaching him. "Chanwoo, it's time to get out and meet the others" The smile was forced and he nodded slowly. Getting up, he shivered at the sudden breeze from the other side of the door, goosebumps forming underneath his sleeve. In the door's pathway stood a doctor. His face darkened at the sight, remembering the pain they put him under. The doctor studied him, watching his every move, his mouth moved but didn't say a word. He wrote something on a clipboard before retreating to where he came from. Chanwoo focused his attention to the words he wrote before. 'Lies' 'roach' 'angel' 'demon' 'God' and 'death.

'It's a new day and you're meeting the others, won't it be interesting Chanwoo'

He was directed outside of his room by the nurse. "It will be, Val" His response mumbled, afraid of what's soon to happen.

"Thy might be insane, but then who knows this is an asylum, the home of the insane'


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Interesting! I look forward to more :]
noname101 #2
Chapter 1: Wow....crazy Chanwoo....so interesting ^^
I'm looking forward for this and how you'll make Chanwoo and the others :D