Worth It

Still a Secret Love?
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“Dad has been pressuring me about a child again.” Hyemi, Sehun’s wife, told him when he just got home from work.


“Just ignore him.” Sehun took off his blazer and placed it on the chair.


“For how long? He will get suspicious if we don’t do anything about it.”


Sehun sighed tiredly before he turned around to face her. “What do you want to do then? Do you want a child with me?”




“Me too. That’s why just ignore him for now.” Sehun said in finality and Hyemi just nodded her head.


“I am going out tonight and I won’t come home.” Hyemi said just as Sehun was about to enter his room.


“Okay. Just don’t let other people see you.”


“I know. I will be careful.”


“Good.” Sehun walked into his room and shut the door behind him. He had a long day at work. Being a boss was not an easy task. It was even harder for him because he never wanted this in the first place. But because he was the only child his parents had, he didn’t have another choice.


He sat down on his bed and his eyes caught a picture on his bedside table. A picture of him and Jongin which was taken two years ago when Jongin brought him to Busan for a short vacation. It was the first time they went outside of Seoul and even though he was nervous about the possibility of getting caught, he was more excited because he got to spend time with Jongin.


That day was probably the happiest yet the saddest day of Sehun’s life. If he knew what’s going to happen there, he could have prepared himself for it.




“Let’s go to Busan together.”


Sehun blinked his eyes as he tried to process Jongin’s words. “What?”


“Let’s go to Busan for a short holiday.” Jongin repeated with an amused smile on his face.


“Are you serious?”


“I am very serious.”


“Are you out of your mind? What will we do if people see us there?” Sehun narrowed his eyes at Jongin.


Jongin chuckled before he wrapped his arm around Sehun’s waist to pull him closer. “No one will see us. My friend has a small cottage there. It is not located in the city and most of the people who live there are elderly. No one will recognise you.”


“Are you sure?” Sehun was still skeptical. The only place he knew which was safe for them to be together was Jongin’s small apartment. Where no one could see what they were doing inside. But going to Busan meant going out from the safety of this apartment’s walls. Sehun didn’t know if he was ready for it.


“Sehun, trust me. I have arranged everything so you don’t need to worry. I really, really want to go with you. Please?”


Sehun was taken aback at how desperate Jongin looked right now, and there was something else in his eyes that Sehun couldn’t decipher.


“If you really want to go, then I will go with you.” Sehun finally said.


Jongin smiled in relief before he kissed Sehun’s lips. “Thank you so much Sehun-ah. We will go next week for three days.”


“Alright. I will arrange my schedules.” Sehun was happy too to see Jongin smiling so brightly. He loved it when he made Jongin happy.


“I love you so much.” Jongin hugged him tighter and Sehun laughed happily.


“I love you too.”


“I am going to Busan for three days.” Sehun told Hyemi.


“With Jongin?”


“Yeap.” Sehun checked his bag once again to make sure that he had everything he needed in there.


“Cool. Have fun.”


“Thanks. If dad asks you anything-”


“Don’t worry. I can handle it.”


Sehun smiled at her. “Thank you.”


“We are doing each other a favor. You have been covering up for me for far too many times already. This is my turn.” Hyemi winked.


Sehun chuckled with a shake of his head. “It’s nothing. I understand how you feel because I am in the same position as you. I just want to help you and Minho.”


“Minho is always so grateful to you, you know? I am grateful too.” Hyemi said sincerely.


“You are making me shy.” Sehun joked.


Hyemi laughed. “I am going to prepare dinner.”




It was a year to their marriage that Sehun found out that Hyemi had a boyfriend. All this time, he thought he was the only one pretending, but turned out Hyemi was pretending to love him too. Hyemi had been dating her boyfriend for almost five years and they couldn’t be together for the same reason as he and Jongin.


He thought that it was so stupid. If both of them had been honest with each other from the beginning, they wouldn’t have needed to pretend around each other. But after Sehun also told her honestly about his relationship with Jongin, everything became much easier for them. Sehun could call or text Jongin even when Hyemi was around because now he knew Hyemi wouldn’t mind. She also stayed in Minho’s house quite often with Sehun’s knowledge and they had a silent agreement between them to keep this secret only between themselves.


As to not make other people suspicious, Sehun and Jongin went to Busan separately. Jongin was already there since last night and he would be waiting for Sehun there. Sehun drove there alone and he really couldn’t wait to spend his days with Jongin. This would be their first holiday together and he was so excited.


When Sehun arrived at the address given by Jongin, Jongin was already waiting for him by the door. Sehun didn’t even bother to turn off the engine before he got off his car and ran toward Jongin.


“Woah, woah, easy.” Jongin gasped when Sehun practically threw himself into his arms and almost made him fall onto the ground.


Sehun just laughed but refuse to let go.


“Did you miss me that much?” Jongin teased.


“Do you even need to ask?” Sehun huffed.


Jongin chuckled before he pulled away a little to peck Sehun’s lips. “Let’s go inside.”


“I am gonna take my bag first. I also forgot to turn off the engine.” Sehun smiled sheepishly.


“I will wait inside. I need to do something.”


Sehun didn’t probe further and went back to his car to take his bag. When he entered the small cottage, he didn’t see any sign of Jongin. He put his bag down on the floor and walked toward the only bedroom in the house. The door was closed and Sehun was hesitating for a while whether he should knock or not. He then thought that it was silly because whenever he visited Jongin’s house, he never knocked on Jongin’s room’s door before he got in.


He was just about to open the door when Jongin suddenly appeared behind him. Sehun screamed so loud and he almost fell the ground because of how surprised he was. Jongin was quick to hold him up by his waist and his amused expression turned into worry when he saw how scared Sehun was.


“Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” Jongin apologised.


Sehun lost his ability to speak and he just stared at Jongin with wide eyes. His heart was beating like crazy and if not for Jongin’s arm around him he would have fallen to the floor because his knees felt so weak.


“Sehun, are you alright?” Jongin cupped his cheek gently, eyes searching for his.


Sehun inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm himself down. He slumped onto Jongin’s chest and clutched Jongin’s shirt tightly. “If you do that again next time, I am going to kill you with my own hands.”


Jongin chuckled and hugged Sehun properly. “Not going to do that again. I thought you were gonna faint just now.”


“It’s not my fault. Where did you go? I thought you were in the bedroom.”


“Oh right. Come here.” Jongin pulled away and held Sehun’s hand before he walked them toward the kitchen. There, on the table, sat a chocolate cake with lots of strawberries decorating it.


Sehun looked at Jongin in confusion and Jongin just smiled at him in return.


“Is that a cake?”


“No it’s a rock. Of course it’s a cake.” Jongin rolled his eyes.


Sehun hit his arm playfully before he walked toward the cake and inspected it. “Did you make this?”




“No wonder it’s so messy.” Sehun teased.


Jongin sent him a disapproving look and Sehun leaned up to peck his lips. “I’m just kidding. This looks so nice and yummy.” Sehun said sincerely. “But what’s the occasion?” Today was not their anniversary date, it’s also not someone’s birthday. So he really didn’t know what the cake was for.


“Do you remember our first meeting?” Jongin asked.


“Of course. You were performing in a club that I always went to. You bought me a drink and we started to become friends.” Sehun recalled their first encounter.


“I am glad I treated you to a drink that night. It was what led us to be what we were right now.” Jongin smiled fondly.


“I am glad I accepted the drink too.” Sehun reached out his hand and Jongin instantly linked their fingers together.


“Today is the 2000th days since we first met.”


“You counted it?” Sehun raised his eyebrows in surprise.


“Of course.” Jongin stated proudly.


“I didn’t know you are into this kind of thing.” Sehun laughed.


“Can you please stop laughing at me?” Jongin pouted.


Sehun didn’t think it was funny, he was just amused and touched because Jongin paid attention to little details like this. Didn’t want to make his boyfriend misunderstood him, Sehun moved closer toward Jongin and kissed him passionately. Jongin was a little bit surprised at first but then he managed to catch up with Sehun. Sehun would never be able to stop kissing Jongin. Those lips felt so perfect against his and it always left him breathless.


“I love you so much.” Jongin mumbled into the kiss. Sehun pressed his lips more firmly on top of Jongin’s and pulled their bodies even closer to each other.


“I love you too. Please don’t leave me.” Sehun said breathlessly. Sehun was taken aback when Jongin suddenly tensed up so he pulled away to look at Jongin. Jongin was avoiding his gaze and suddenly Sehun felt like throwing up.




Jongin stepped back and turned his back to Sehun. Jongin hadn’t said anything yet but Sehun already felt like crying.


“I need to tell you something.” Jongin finally spoke up.


Sehun didn’t trust his voice right now so he kept quiet while leaning onto the table for support. He had a feeling that whatever Jongin was about to tell him, it would be something bad.


“I got an offer to become a dance instructor from a big dance agency. It will be a really great opportunity for me and they also pay really well.” Jongin said. He was still refusing to turn around and look at Sehun.


That was supposed to be a good news, right? But why Jongin sounded so sad?


When Sehun didn’t say anything, Jongin continued. “The agency is in America.”




Sehun didn’t know what to say. He just stood there, trying to digest what Jongin just told him. America. Jongin was going to America. Leaving him here. For how long? Sehun didn’t know and he didn’t dare to ask because he was afraid of the answer. What if Jongin didn’t want to come back? But Jongin already promised him that they would be together. Jongin had promised him that he wouldn’t leave Sehun.


“Sehun, please say something.”


Sehun looked up and saw that Jongin was already looking at him with a sad expression.


“Uh, it’s good. Congratulations. You deserve it.” Sehun cringed at how lifeless he sounded.


Jongin sighed. “I know you want to ask me something.”


Sehun swallowed thickly when he felt his eyes started to sting. He looked down again and worried on his bottom lip. “How long will you be away?”


“Honestly I don’t know.”


“Will you..will you come back?” Sehun breathed out.


“You are so stupid. I am not leaving you. I decided to accept the offer because I thought about you. I remembered about the promise I made for you. I will never break the promise I have made to you, Sehun. You need to believe me.” Jongin was suddenly in front of him and he let Jongin lifted his head up so they were staring at each other.


“I believe you.” Sehun brought his own fingers to caress Jongin’s cheek gently.


“Wherever I go, I will always come back to you because you are my home.” Jongin smiled.


Sehun let out a breathy chuckle before he buried his face in the crook of Jongin’s neck. “When are you leaving?”


“Next week.”


“What? So soon?” Sehun frowned even though Jongin couldn’t see his face.


“Yeah. That’s why I kind of force you to come here. I want to spend as much time as possible with you before I leave.”


“I am gonna miss you so much.” Sehun subconsciously tightened his arms around Jongin’s waist.


“I am going to miss you too.” Jongin kissed his temple lovingly and both of them stayed in that position for a few minutes or maybe a few hours. None of them really paid attention to that.


“I can’t send you off. I will be in China on that day.” Sehun pouted sadly.


“It’s okay. I understand.”


“But that means today is the last day we will see each other before you go to America.” Sehun suddenly felt like crying again.


Jongin squeezed his hand and pulled Sehun closer to his side. They were outside the house and were getting ready to leave. But it was not easy to say goodbye.


“Yeah, I know.” Jongin

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961 streak #1
Chapter 1: It was good that Jongin was able to be with his love after all!
Thank you so much for sharing.
djsohi #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww
katherinez1 #3
Chapter 1: Love it!!!
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 1: Oh wow, this series are beautiful....sad but ended beautifully...
Chapter 1: Who the cut an onion in front of me? God, the tears won't stop dripping down... T.T why is this soo beautiful yet sad at the same time and Thanks, they finally has their happy ending! <3
blurzpoo #7
Chapter 1: Awww
Love the ending
NotSoBoazi #8
Chapter 1: Finally.. They have their happy ending...
Woop woop.. And this story is one worth reading..
Thanks again for this beautiful story..
CuTAEpie #9