
Touching butts gone wrong

I just want to say thanks to you guys in advance for reading this attempt in writing fluff. Hope you'll like it. If not, just comment whatever it is that you don't like in the story. I would like to hear your feedbacks since this is my first story EVER.

And this is actually the 4th version of the story since I happened to accidentally delete all of it. I honestly  think that the first version is better. But, this will do. :)

K. I think that will be all. /winks


Mark's POV

Today's Saturday and I won't have any classes for the next few days. I was more than delighted. Studying can make people nuts, especially when doing thesis defenses. I decided to just sleep all day but was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. A really loud one indeed.

I almost fell face-flat on the floor when I stood up if not because of the bedside table carrying my weight. I groggily made my way to the door, swaying a little on my way there. The continuous knocking was the only sound that can be heard inside my apartment, and that's annoying the hell out of me.

"Who the hell..." I muttered under my breath. I already paid my rent in advance so the one knocking like a mad man on the door can't be the land lady. Who would visit me this early, anyway. It's just 8 o clock in the morning for crying out loud!

I almost turned the doorknob but then I saw my reflection on the mirror. Damn, that was close. I hurriedly ran back to my room, took a decent shirt and hastily wore it along with the sweatpants that was lying helplessly on the floor. The knocking never missed a beat ( kojineun heart b-b-beat ppalajineunde. Nah, just kidding.) and that made me lose my temper.

"Can't you stop knocking?! I'm coming already!" I shouted angrily but the person outside never seemed to waver as it continued to knock like crazy.

I opened the door not so gently and was welcomed by a grinning Irene. I glared at her my most viscious glare but it doesn't seem to scare her as she just walked pass me and into my apartment.

"What took you so long? My hands already hurt from knocking."

"Can't your wait for a minute?! I didn't have any clothes!"

"I'm not the patient type to begin with. I already saw that too so you don't need to be shy."

I scoffed as I saw her settling herself on my couch while placing her feet on my table.

Why am I friends with her again? I am a hundred and one percent sure that I wouldn't befriend someone like her if I was still sane. Well, I wasn't really sure if I was because she's not just my friend, but my bestfriend.

I dragged my feet towards the other couch that was located across her. I watched her as she was roaming her eyes around my apartment with that disgusted look on her face.

"Did you just went here and disturbed my well-needed sleep to inspect my apartment?" I asked her but she didn't seem to mind me. She covered her nose in an exaggerated way as she continued looking around with that 'what the hell is that' look.

"God, when did you last cleaned your place? Wait, is that... is that a bra?" She looked at me accusingly while pointing at the piece of cloth lying on top of the kitchen table. A bra? Seriously?

"Mark, I never knew you were that naughty. on the kitchen? Really? I didn't see that coming! Where is the girl? Is she Hiding in your room? In the bathroo--"

"That's an apron, Irene."

"An apron? Hah! You think you can fool me?" She stood up and continued babbling something like 'I may be an idiot about that technology but you can't fool me.' as she made her way into the kitchen.

She picked the piece of cloth up and awkwardly placed it back down when she realized that I was right. I didn't know it was an apron either.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. Obviously annoyed at her.

She then looked at me with that 'nothing but trouble' kind of look - and her creepy smile - and I immediately regretted that I opened the door for her.

"Wear some underwear. We're going somewhere fun."


"Is this your definition of fun? What are you, a kid?" I asked as she was dragging me towards the biggest park in town. Her feet halted immediately and faced me with a serious face.

"This is the place where a mini concert of Girls' Generation will take place." She stated it as if it was a big decision being made by the president of a state.

"So?" I don't care about them. I like Red Velvet more. (LOL)

"It's not just starting yet so you think it's not fun. You'll swallow your words later once you saw how hot Taeyeon is." I wanted to puke at how she fantasized about Taeyeon. Heck, I don't even know who Taeyeon is.

"No thanks, I'd rather sleep all day." I was already walking back to my place when she shouted.

"Hey! You ain't going nowhere!"

"An why is that?" I turned around and saw that creepy smirk again. It sent chills to my spine, enough to make me listen attentively to whatever she's gonna say.

"Remember that day when I slept over your place?"

"What day?" I can't remember when the hell is that day that she is pertaining. I don't really feel good about this.

"That day when I woke up early..." I let my brain process her words slowly.

"NO, YOU DIDN'T." My eyes are widely opened now I'm afraid it might fall out of the sockets.

"Yes, I did." She has that triumphant smirk plastered on her face.

I'm doomed.

"What do you want me to do?" I felt defeated.

"Stay and accompany me today. The concert is free so you don't have to worry about anything."

"How do I make sure you won't uploaded it in the internet?"

"First of all, I don't know how to do that, but I will ask some help from someone. But If you'll stay with me until the concert ends, I will delete all of it right away."

"How do I make sure about that?" I asked, still not believing her words.

"Duh! As if I would fantasize over your body!" She said while pointing her finger at me with a scoff and some eye roll.


I made a few mental notes for myself after that:

*Don't sleep again without any clothes on.

*Don't let that freak inside my apartment ever again.

*Find a nicer bestfriend first thing in the morning tomorrow.


Irene's POV

We still have a few hours left before the concert starts and we decided to eat lunch first.

We surprisingly ate lesser this time that I can hear my stomach growling.

'You're not hungry. You're just bored, so shut up.' I talked to my stomach inside my head.

The struggle is real when you're unemployed. No money. Less food. And that .

Maybe that's also why I always cling onto Mark. Being unemployed gave me a lot of time to go out and party and I always bring that kid with me whatever it takes. I feel pity for him sometimes, because he has a friend like me... Well, not really.

We stayed at that restaurant while watching the SM crews prepare the stage. I noticed that the people started to gather near the stage. Then my eyes landed on the huge banner in middle of the stage. How can Taeyeon be so hot and cute at the same time? She can't do that! That's illegal!

I. Can't. Wait.

Taeyeon unnieee!!!😍😍😍

Mark was undeniably shocked when I suddenly stood up. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins and I can't fight it anymore so I dragged him out and into the wave of people ahead.

I tried my best to run pass through these giants blocking my way. I got to make it in front. I'm coming, Taeyeon unnie. I'm coming! I'm co--.

Oh... will you look at that.

I looked up from the hot, petite girl's to her face, which was facing front. She was wearing a blue button-down shirt and a fitted jeans. A dangerously fitted jeans, I might say.

My hands starts to itch as I continued to 'look' at her very, very cute . Must touch. must touch it. Must tou--

What the hell? I shouldn't be touching a stranger's . I don't even know if this girl is a violent person. But then a thought made its way onto my mind.

It wouldn't hurt to touch her , right? But it will surely hurt Mark. I'm sorry, buddy... but I can't help it.


Mark's POV

It all happened so fast. A palm collided with my face without a warning. I don't even know why the cute girl in front slapped me in the first place. I'm just being dragged around the park by my bestfriend, Irene... oh.

Damn you, Irene.

"How dare you touch my !" I looked at the fuming girl in front of me. I touched my right cheek, which was burning, and turned to Irene. She was wearing that innocent face that can fool anyone. Anyone but me.

I bet she's dying out of laughter inside, and was really contented of having to touch a . Tsk.

"Have you gone deaf? Answer me!" That got me out of my trance. Yup, she was fuming. I can imagine invisible steam coming out of her nose.

I looked around and saw that we are already garnering unwanted attention. I wanted to drag her out of there but she might misunderstand it and call it harassment.

Once again, I was doomed.

"Look miss, I swear it wasn't me, It... It was her!" Then I pointed at Irene, who was still wearing that innocent 'I can't do anything bad' face. I swear I saw a movement on her lips. Don't you dare smile, .

The girl then looked at her and she got that innocent face back again. Wow... we got a good actress here. She's so good I wanted to cry. The girl didn't look a bit convinced with what I said.

"Now you're blaming your girlfriend? You're unbelievable!"

"I already told you it wasn't-- wait, she's not my girlfriend!"

Maybe Irene thought that the situation is getting out of control already so she dragged both me and the girl out of there. Thank God her brain still works properly... even though it only happens once in a pink moon. Wait, is that even right?

She brought us to a bench near a lamppost. She faced the girl, closed her eyes, breathe a lungful of air, and opened her eyes again.

The girl was obviously weirded out with what Irene was doing. She was making a derp face and I almost laughed because of that. Almost.

"Look, uhm... I want to say sorry for uhm... touching your . I can't help it. It looked cute and squishy." Irene decided to speak first and the girl was obviously blushing, maybe because Irene is very straightforward.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind, really."

"So you won't mind if I touch it again?" Irene asked, which made the girl blush even more.

She's cute.

"Hey, I'm just kidding! You're blushing too much already." Irene giggled at the girl and the girl relaxed her stiff shoulders.

"Would you mind if I ask your name?" The girl jumped a bit because she was spacing out and looked at Irene dumbly.

Again, that was cute.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Wendy." She shook hands with Irene. She smiled and I was stunned for a second, I counted.

She's more beautiful when she smiles.

"You have a beautiful name, Wendy. Mine is Irene and this guy with me..." Irene looked at me and winked. Ugh. What a way to ruin the mood.

"... is Mark." The girl - Wendy - then turned to me. I can feel my palms sweating.

"Oh... uhm, it's nice to meet you too, Mark." She reached her hand for a handshake. I immediately wiped my right palm on my pants and shook hands with her.

"Same here." I replied cooly but deep inside I was burning.

"I uh want to say sorry for... what happened earlier. For hitting you in the face." She was now hiding her face in her fringe.

I didn't want to sound like a ert but I think I know now why Irene chose her as a victim. She is hot, but she can be really cute too. Just like now.

"Nah, it's fine. You didn't know who did such an inappropriate act to you. It wasn't your fault." I emphasized my words as I glared at the girl on the corner of my eye. Irene just shrugged innocently.

"But still, it must've hurt."

"It did hurt, but I'm fine now. Don't worry about it." I smiled at her and she smiled back and I swear my heart hurts, literally, for beating so fast.

"Now can I steal Wendy for a while? Only if you don't mind." She looked at me with that annoying smirk and I swear I would've wiped that out of her face if not because of another person's presence.

"Yeah sure, no problem." I tried so hard to fake a smile until she started dragging Wendy on a bench while looking at me smugly. I rolled my eyes at her and she just chuckled.

The two of them talked for a while while waiting for the concert to begin. They talked about their bias (which both happened to be Taeyeon). They talked about themselves. They talked about random things. They clicked instantly and they started laughing and telling jokes at each other.

Wendy caught my eye in that very moment. She was laughing hard that her nose scrunches and her eyes disappears. She looked cute.

Then my eyes landed on her lips. Those pink, plum lips. I shouldn't be feeling something like this for a stranger. She just slapped me 10 minutes ago.

That's it! Maybe the slap was so hard that my brain was shaken which causes me to hallucinate and think about her beautiful eyes, her cute nose, and her twinkling, white teeth.

I thought of turning my attention somewhere, thinking that she might notice me staring and think that I'm some kind of creep. I wouldn't like that.

So I decided to turn around and saw that the stage was already lighted. People are starting to cheer loudly. Seems like it's about to start already.

"You guys might want to go there already. I think it's about to... oh" I turned back to tell them and saw no one on their places. I heard two high pitched squeals behind me and saw the two girls, hand in hand, running towards the stage.

I guess I'll just stick with them for a while. Who knows, maybe Irene is serious about her threat. And I also want to know a little bit more about the cute girl squealing while running infront with my bestfriend.

I made my way through the wave of people and managed to successfully get to them just before the concert starts.

There are 8 girls infront of us, singing and dancing. They are all beautiful, gorgeous even... but my attention is fixated on one certain brunette.

The lights suddenly dimmed and that caught my attention for 3 seconds, I counted, before fixing my stare back at the girl on my right.

It was already dark and the dim light coming from the stage made Wendy's features stand out.

Once again, I was stunned.

I can hear someone singing on the stage. She was good. Who is she? I don't know. Because the angelic voice coming from my right was more dominant.

She can sing too.

The night continued, there are other performances too, others are solo, others are by sub-units, and the rest are performed by the whole group.

Girls generation isn't that bad afterall. In fact I think I'm already starting to like them... as well as a certain girl wearing a blue button-down shirt and a dangerously fitted pants.


And that's a wrap! Hope you guys like it. Watch out for my other upcoming stories too. Some of those are angst by the way :D

And to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, I don't have any hatred towards Irene or the members of Girls' Generation, especially Taeyeon (she's actually my bias)

Thank you again and goodbye... for now.


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SonataGirl #1
Chapter 1: loooll irene's obsession is very funny!!! markdy is cute here, but it was kind of short (hoping you make a sequel if you can)
for a first story, it's really nice
Chapter 1: Lololololol... irene obsession towards is soooooo funny!! Especially wendy's... kekeke... markdy sooooo cuteeee.... seriously hoping for a sequel... if u don't mind.. hehe
ayychan #3
Chapter 1: Are you sure its yout 1st story??. Because it was great ^^. Wendy needs more line here :D... and sequel
ayychan #4
Cant waiiittt... i need fluffy markdy more xD
SonataGirl #5
omg!!! the plot seems cute!!! i'll be waiting for the first chap!!!