
Once Upon a Midnight Dreary

*POSTER BY Mimi'sheart, @a thousand paper cranes*

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I hate this.”
“I'm moving?”
“I don't know.”

I look down at the floor. Ash puts her arms awkwardly around my shoulders and pats me on the back.

It's okay, Lizzie,” She says softly, “We'll see each other again.”

No,” I say, my voice breaking. “No we won't. I'm sure of it.”


I had put my stuff in the carriage already- everything I wanted to bring with me to this unknown place. My mother said it would be better than it was here in Landion, but I'm not so sure. I had to leave most everything behind- my whole group of friends, things that wouldn't fit in the carriage itself- all because of the stupid Prince of Beleg.

He made all the decisions around there, I'm told, including the decision to start a war on Landion. Almost fifteen percent of the population here has already been wiped out.

I sigh and shake my head, staring down at my leather boots.

Leather boots. Most girls my age were supposed to be wearing pretty heels and flowery dresses. Not that I would ever wear that, of course. I was too tall to wear heels anyways, and dresses never were really my thing.

Liz!” I snap out of my thoughts and look up and my father, who had just entered the room. “Are you sure you have everything that you're going to want to keep?” I nod numbly.
That's right.
I'm moving.
I'll never see this house again.

Okay, then go get in the carriage. We need to be out of here in less than an hour.”

Yeah.” I walk past my father, through the rest of our house and then open the front door. I look out across our small flowered garden, the long dirt walkway and finally to the curtained wooden carriage sitting on the dirt road not even twenty meters away.

'This is real,' I think stupidly, trying so hard to wrap my mind around the hard truth, 'You'll never see this place again.' I scrunch my eyebrows together and walk down the walkway towards the carriage. 'That's right. You'll never see this place again.'


First chapter! Likes? Dislikes? Yeah, I know it was short... Comment and maybe I'll write more?


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omg, love the poster....love the characters too! haha. good start, can't wait for more!! xD
silverseaturtles #2
heeeheeeeheheehehheheh<br />
kekekekekekekkekekekekekekeke<br />
update :)