Ghosts of the Past

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Jessica woke up and groggily glanced to her left. Her heart sank when she realized the occupant of the bed next to her was already awake leaving the bed barrenly empty. She quickly checked the clock hanging on the wall across from her. It was 8:45. She was late to class.


Mentally sighing, Jessica slid out from under her covers. She quickly slipped on her robes over her pajamas, too lazy to change. She glanced down. It’s not like anyone could tell anyways. With a quick wave of her wand, her hair brushed itself into its usual perfection.


By the time she exited the Slytherin common room, the dungeons were empty. Her footsteps were the only disturbances in the otherwise silent hallway. Everyone else was rushing to classes upstairs by now. Jessica climbed the stairs up to the ground floor with light steps. The sound of the students rushing about got louder and louder as she got closer.


Finally, she reached the main hallway. As soon as she took a step into the mess of students bustling about, the chaos seemed to slow down. It was like someone flipped a switch and everyone suddenly started moving at a much slower pace.


At first Jessica thought nothing of it. She merely continued on her way, hoping that she would make it to Herbology in time. However, the chatter that usually accompanied the morning rush was not present this time. Instead, loud conversations and bursts of laughter were replaced with hushed whispers. Jessica glanced around, wondering what was the cause of this weird behaviour when she realized with a start that everyone was looking at her.


‘Oh no.’


Everywhere she looked, students were staring at her. Some were trying to be more discreet by sneaking peeks at her out of their peripherals while others were not as subtle and just blatantly gawking. Jessica recognized the look in their eyes however, having been on the receiving end of these exact stares ever since her first Ranking Trials at Mahoutokoro.


‘Not again.’


A student somewhere in the crowd started a meek little chant that quickly caught on until the entire hallway was chanting along.


“Jung, Jung, Jung, Jung, Jung.”


The chanting got faster and faster until everyone just erupted into cheers.


“There’s the star Seeker!”


“Go Slytherin! Go Slytherin!”




“Can I be your friend? Please?”


Jessica bit back a sigh as she accepted the standing ovation in resignation. Putting on the familiar indifferent facade she perfected long ago, Jessica walked to class drowning out all the attention given to her. As she ducked into the greenhouse, she briefly wondered how much things were going to change. Being the center of attention only attracted a lot of unnecessary trouble -- that was one of the first lessons she’d ever learned from her Onee-sama.





Though it’d been two days since the infamous Slytherin vs Gryffindor match, it was still the only thing on the students’ lips. By the time lunch came around, it was no surprise that nearly every conversation people had were about the newly found prodigy Seeker. The Slytherins boasted about her. The Claws and the Puffs admired her. Meanwhile, the Gryffindors discussed her with begrudging respect.


“Can you pass the beef casserole?” Hyoyeon asked grumpily like a sulking child whose favorite toy was taken away from her.


Taeyeon passed her the plate of food, her eyes narrowing as the girls next to them suddenly exploded into squeals.


“She was sooo good! Did you see her dives?”


“She completely made a fool of our team, but I can’t even be mad.”


“I’m not even a huge fan of Quidditch, but I would watch every game if she were playing in it.”

“I wish I had a little sister like her. Isn’t she just adorable?”

“Right? Only twelve years old and soooo skilled.”


Tiffany watched with amusement at the sullen looks on Taeyeon and Hyoyeon’s as they both brooded like six year olds, stabbing violently at the food on their plates. They’d been like this ever since the game on Saturday.


Though Tiffany empathised with them, she couldn’t say she felt the same. Yes, it was a shame Gryffindor lost, but Jessica had played amazingly well. That was an understatement. The Slytherin was mind blowingly breathtaking. If Tiffany had a pensieve, she would extract the memory and re-watch it over and over. Actually, she had no doubt that some of the students already do that.


“Oh come on guys,” Tiffany hid a chuckle. “How long are you guys going to sulk like children? You guys moped around all weekend already.”


Hyoyeon ignored the redhead as she aggressively chomped on her food. “She doesn’t get it,” she muttered bitterly to Taeyeon. “She’s become one of them,” she commented in mock disgust, as she pointed her fork at a group of boys who were obviously fanboying over the Slytherin star.


Taeyeon continued to glout as she ate.


“So much for a best friend, ey?” Hyoyeon patted the silently brooding girl and previous Quidditch star of the school. “You can’t trust anyone these days.”


“Guys!” Tiffany laughed. She couldn’t believe how dramatic her friends were behaving. “It’s just a Quidditch match! Besides, you know I still love you guys the best, right?” She peered sincerely into Taeyeon’s eyes who looked down to dodge Tiffany’s gaze. Tiffany pouted as her best friend ignored her, unaware of the hint of pink growing on Taeyeon’s cheeks.


“Tae Tae, you know I still love you the most,” Tiffany cooed. Hyoyeon scoffed under her breath as Taeyeon’s flush only intensified.


However, the peacefulness amongst the three friends was quickly interrupted as all of a sudden the entire Great Hall erupted into applause. The three Gryffindoors turned towards the entrance to spot the cause of the noise and to no one’s surprise, there stood the new Quidditch star of Hogwarts walking in.


Hyoyeon and Taeyeon shared a scoff under their breath as almost everyone else welcomed the girl like she was a returning war hero. The three girls tracked the blonde’s movements with careful eyes.


“Oh look! There’s Jessi! I haven’t seen her since the game!” Tiffany exclaimed excitedly, blissfully unaware of her friends’ reactions. She waved excitedly, hoping for Jessica to spot her.


The matching scowls on Hyoyeon’s and Taeyeon’s face only deepened at their friend’s outburst as they continued to scrutinize the blonde.


Tiffany pouted as she lowered her hand, when Jessica didn’t seem to notice her. “Jessi’s really popular, isn’t she?” she commented a bit sadly to no one.


Hyoyeon snorted. She patted Taeyeon on the back again in sympathy as the girl continued to stare at Jessica.


“We lose one game,” Hyoyeon sighed.



Jessica forced herself not to grimace as she walked into the Great Hall. She just wanted lunch. There was no need for a standing ovation. Really, how long was this going to last?


Her eyes scanned the tables. Every Slytherin was waving her over, inviting her to sit with them. However, no matter how much she looked, she couldn’t find the one Slytherin she actually wanted to see.


She fought back a sigh. Food wasn’t worth all this attention. She really should’ve just gone straight to the kitchens. Turning around, Jessica hightailed out of the Great Hall, not caring about the collective sigh of disappointment behind her as she did so.





Sooyoung raised an eyebrow as she heard someone plopped down on the seat across the table from her. Lowering the newspaper she was reading, she was pleasantly surprised to see who her guest was.


“What is the school’s newest celebrity doing here in the library during lunch hours?” Sooyoung asked with a hint of amused sarcasm.

Jessica merely shot her a pointed look in response as she glanced over the stack of newspapers spread across the desk. She picked one up.


“You started researching,” she stated sounding pleased but mostly shocked. “I’m surprised.”


Sooyoung shrugged as she rolled her eyes. “Beats having to do school assignments. Besides, I take my smuggled pastries very seriously.”


Jessica hummed, raising an amused eyebrow as she studied the Daily Prophet in her hands. “Have you found anything interesting yet?”


“Not much,” Sooyoung grumbled as she resumed her reading. “There’s no mention of Japan at all in any of the recently published volumes. And I’m not just talking about the Daily Prophet. I’ve checked the Evening Prophet, the Sunday Prophet, the Wizarding World News, all of the widely read magical newspapers in Europe.”


Jessica hummed at the bleak outcome.


“But there’s still a lot left to go through,” Sooyoung remarked. Though they hadn’t found anything yet, didn’t mean there was nothing there.


Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. Jessica looked up before grabbing her book bag and standing up. She tilted her head in question at Sooyoung who stayed seated. The Ravenclaw looked up and nodded, telling Jessica to go ahead.


“I’m not a fan of class,” Sooyoung remarked before going back to reading.


Jessica grinned lightly at the girl’s hardworking efforts. “I’ll see you after the class then.”


Sooyoung hummed distractedly. “I’ll let you know if I find anything.”


As Jessica left the library to head to her next class which was Charms, she couldn’t help by reappraise Sooyoung in her mind. She’d judged the Ravenclaw completely wrong. The girl was smart, clever, and hard working. Jessica was grateful that with everything happening now, that she found someone so reliable.


Her good mood however was short lived as she stopped outside of Charms, the one class she shared with the Gryffindors and a certain someone’s favorite class.


‘I doubt she’ll be here though.’


Taking a small breath, Jessica twisted the door knob and stepped in. Instantly, she felt the burden of forty pairs of eyes on her.





Like a moth drawn to a flame, as soon as the classroom door handle twisted open, Taeyeon turned her head towards the entrance. She was unsurprised to see the school’s newest superstar walk through the door. Unable to take her eyes of the blonde, Taeyeon watched as Jessica took her usual seat across the room from where she and her friends sat. Taeyeon noted with mild interest that the seat next to Jessica was noticeably empty.

She watched as the blonde placed her book bag down and then looked up, right into her eyes. Brown eyes clashed with brown eyes but Taeyeon stared ahead unperturbed. To her mild surprise, Jessica held the stare equally as unwavering. The two girls sat there, staring at each other.


Jessica was the first to break eye contact, as she shifted her gaze over to the person sitting next to Taeyeon.

“Hi Jessi!” Tiffany greeted with a big smile like always.


Taeyeon watched as Jessica’s face softened up the slightest bit and the girl flashed the smallest of smiles towards her best friend.


She tried to fight back the scowl growing on her face.


Really, she did.


“Alright,” Professor Flitwick started the class. “Today we will be revisiting the Disarming Charm.” At this announcement, the entire class sat up straighter. “As I’m sure you all remember, we learned the theory behind the Disarming Charm last year. This year, we will be putting the theory you learned into practical use.” He paused.


“Now, the Disarming Charm is a very useful spell as I’m sure you all know. It was Harry Potter’s signature move and it was the spell he used to defeat the Dark Lord. So do not underestimate the power of the Disarming Charm. Whoever masters this charm will be sure to have an advantage in duels,” Flitwick instructed.


“Now, in order to practice, I want everyone to split into pairs and practice disarming their partner,” Flitwick stated. “However,” he interrupted as everyone erupted into conversations, eager to find their partner and get practicing. “I have already assigned everyone their partners.”


There was a collective groan at the announcement.


“To make things interesting, each pair will be made up of one Slytherin and one Gryffindor,” Flitwick disclosed.


At this, conversation erupted again. This time, everyone was eager to take down their partner from the rival House.


As Professor Flitwick began to announce the partners, Taeyeon returned her gaze to the girl across the room from her. Once again, the blonde was already looking up at her. Somehow, Taeyeon knew even before Flitwick announceed it that they were going to be partners.


“Jessica Jung. Taeyeon Kim.”


Taeyeon chuckled humorlessly to herself. She knew it. It seemed there was no escaping this girl, first in Quidditch, and now in Charms class.


“Ms. Hwang,” Flitwick called out. “Seeing as your original partner Ms. Kwon is absent from class, I shall stand in as your partner. Are you ready?”


Tiffany grinned at the Professor. “Of course.”

Flitwick nodded in satisfaction. “Good. You may all find your partners and begin.”





‘Kami-sama have mercy on me,’ Jessica thought to herself as the girl across from her glared at her with thinly veiled defiance. She knew as soon as the professor announced that he’d already pre-made the partners that she would get partnered with the pride of the third year lions.


‘A snake and a lion in constant conflict. Who will win? Is there no end?’


Both girls calmly stood up from their seats and walked towards a free open part in the classroom. They didn’t speak to each other. Only silence remained between them as they continued to regard each other, sizing each other up.


Then, almost as if they were one person, they both drew their wands.


‘I’ll let her go first.’


Taeyeon seemed to understand her silent message as the girl suddenly jumped into action.


“Expelliarmus!” Taeyeon shouted as she aimed her wand at Jessica.


Seeing the scarlet burst of light shoot towards her, Jessica remained still. Jessica watched with the indifference of a spectator on the sidelines as the spell hit her right hand, causing her wand to go flying. It landed two feet next to her but Jessica didn’t bend down to pick it up just yet.


Jessica noticed as Taeyeon hardened the look on her face, probably annoyed at the blonde’s nonchalance. She waited, wondering if Taeyeon was going to do or say something, but the girl stayed silently still. Slowly, Jessica bent down to pick up her wand, her eyes never leaving Taeyeon’s. For some reason, she didn’t trust the Gryffindor entirely to not attack her while she was bent down. When she straightened up, Taeyeon quirked an eyebrow, challenging her to disarm her if she dared.


Jessica forced back the anxious feeling growing in her gut and shot a simple Disarming Charm aimed perfectly at the girl’s wand.


A quiet and unnecessary “Expelliarmus,” escaped her lips. A burst of red light launched out of her wand, sending Taeyeon’s wand flying into the air. Jessica eyes followed its trajectory up in the air, before she quickly reached up with her left hand and smoothly caught it. When she looked back down, Taeyeon was still staring at her, the same expressionless look of nonchalance.


‘What is this weird atmosphere?’ Jessica asked herself as she the grooves in the foreign wand in her left hand. Taeyeon made no move to ask for her wand back and it confused Jessica greatly. Unsure of the reason why, Jessica started feeling a little scared. There was an unpredictability to Taeyeon that unsettled the blonde.


Biting down another sigh, Jessica flew Taeyeon’s wand towards its owner. Taeyeon easily snatched the wand out of the air. The two girls were back to staring at each other.


‘Now what?’ Jessica thought. It was technically Taeyeon’s turn, but were they really going to just exchange turns performing the Disarming Charm at each other. There was no point, not when both of them seemed to have already mastered it to a reasonable level. She let Taeyeon decide as she stood still, waiting for the older girl to make her move.


She watched as Taeyeon’s chest expanded as the girl took a deep breath, and Jessica instantly knew that this Disarming Charm was going to be slightly different than the one that was sent her way previously.




Jessica staggered back a step as her wand went flying towards Taeyeon who caught it with a smirk. She threw it back, which Jessica caught easily. Jessica eyed the smirk and raised eyebrow that the brunette donned.


‘So it’s going to be like that, huh?’ Jessica thought to herself with a chuckle. She would gladly step up to the challenge.


“Expelliarmus!” Jessica made sure to put a little more force than last time. Instead of Taeyeon’s wand flying through the air, this time Taeyeon was completely knocked over, flying back five feet before landing harshly on the ground.


Jessica winced. ‘Too much.’


Taeyeon growled silently to herself as she pushed herself off the ground. She glared at the girl across from her.


At this point, everyone in the classroom had paused in their own practice and was secretly watching the two most notable third years duel it out. After all, they all knew of Taeyeon’s reputation as a talented duelist despite her age, and this was another Kim vs Jung showdown.  


Before Jessica could apologize, the Gryffindor, still crouched on the ground, shot a surprise Disarming Charm at the blonde. Instinctively, Jessica sidestepped, dodging the streak of red light. It flew past her shoulder. This seemed to annoy Taeyeon even more as the girl quickly shot two more Disarming Charms her way.


Jessica dodged both of them, further annoying the Gryffindor.


“Expelliarmus!” Taeyeon attacked, putting all her energy and might into this one spell. A huge burst of red light exploded from her wand.  


Seeing no way to dodge easily as they were surrounded by students, Jessica countered.


“Expelliarmus!” A large stream of magic exploded from her wand, meeting Taeyeon’s in the middle.


The spells collided, forcing everyone in the room to stumble a few steps backwards as the energy blew everyone away. However, the two girls stood their ground strong.


“Haahhhhhhhh!” Taeyeon summoned forth all the energy she could muster into her wand as the wind from two spells tried to force her back.


The students watched with wide eyes as Taeyeon pushed back, gaining advantage over the Slytherin. Jessica grunted as the force against her wand increased. However, before the spell could make contact with her, Jessica pushed more of her own energy into her wand, and the two girls were even once more.


The energy in the room started reaching unbearable levels. Everyone was struggling just to keep their eyes open to witness the spectacle let alone stand. Suddenly, the end of Jessica’s wand exploded.


Jessica watched with wide eyes as the white substance that erupted from her wand suddenly morphed into a person’s figure.


Horrorful dread filled Jessica’s stomach as the blood drained from her face.  


The person, a girl, turned around, hair floating elegantly in the air, and shot the blonde a sad smile.


“Hello, Sooyeon. It’s been a while, huh?”


Shock and guilt struck Jessica deep in the heart.


“NO!” Jessica shrieked. Abruptly, the entire room exploded in red light.




The light died down, revealing the messy classroom. Several students, including Taeyeon, lay unconscious on the ground. The floor was cracked where the two spells had met in the middle. Tables, chairs, cabinets, were all destroyed. Jessica stood in the middle of chaos, shaking and breathing heavily. Her head was down, with her hair covering her face.


Professor Flitwick calmly surveyed the room. He’d managed to pull up a Shield Charm just in time, protecting himself and ten other students within his vicinity. The other students were not so lucky. Six lay unconscious, having stood too close to eruption. The others were all in various states of disarray and pain.


Finally, his eyes rested on the shivering figure of the blonde Slytherin. The girl looked extremely unstable.


Calling off his protective charm, Flitwick took a hesitant step forward.


“Gather as many of the injured as possible and move them to the infirmary,” he instructed the group of students who were faring better off than the others. “Start by moving Ms. Kim and everyone else who is unconscious.”


He felt the students next to him nod and spring into action.


“Go warn Madam Pomfrey,” Tiffany quickly gave orders with ease. “You, help me lift Taeyeon. Those of you who can still stand, help move everyone else out of the way and clear the floor as much as possible.”


With his students taking care of the others, Flitwick focused his attention on Jessica.


“Jessica,” Flitwick called out quietly, careful not to spook the blonde. He walked towards the girl. Jessica remained where she was, not showing any sign that she heard his call.


“Jessica,” he tried again, this time closer. “Are you alright?” he asked. He knew what’d just happened. Ironically, it was the same thing that happened to Harry Potter during his standoff against Voldemort right after the boy had won the Triwizard Tournament. The girl that popped out of Jessica’s wand...Flitwick was not ignorant to the implications though it blew his mind.


The first implication was simple.


Both Taeyeon and Jessica carried wands with twin cores. That was what caused the figure of the girl to come out. The two cores had synergized somehow, recognizing the other wand as its twin.


It was the second implication that worried Flitwick a little more.


‘The girl was a victim. A spell from Jessica’s wand killed her.’


Did this mean Jessica was a killer? Was she the one who fired the spell? There were too many unanswered questions and Flitwick had a feeling that all this mystery lead to something bigger. For now however, his main concern lay with the safety of his student. Despite what may have happened, Jessica Jung is a student, and her safety is his priority.



“I’m sorry Professor,” Jessica suddenly stated. Her voice was hoarse and devoid of emotion. “I’m not feeling too well. May I be excused?” the blonde asked, still not having moved an inch.


Flitwick nodded before realizing that Jessica couldn’t seen him at all. “Y-yes. Sure. Go ahead. It seems everyone deserves some rest,” he stated quite flustered.


No sooner did he grant her wish, did she bolt out of the classroom.


Flitwick watched her flee, a deep sense of concern and foreboding filling his chest.

McGonagall was going to have a field day with this.





The doors to the infirmary burst open. Yoona, Sunny, and Seohyun rushed in. They zeroed in on Taeyeon’s lifeless body laying in a sick bed in the corner and Tiffany’s body hunched over her unconscious best friend.


“We heard what happened,” Yoona stated as they all but jogged up to the Gryffindor duo. Yoona quickly scanned Taeyeon’s face for any obvious signs of distress but Madam Pomfrey must’ve fixed everything because nothing was out of the ordinary.


“But what exactly did happen?” Seohyun asked, eyeing all the other unconscious students, including Hyoyeon who was in the bed next to Taeyeon. The three girls turned towards Tiffany who sighed.


“We were in Charms class and we were learning how to perform the Disarming Charm,” Tiffany started explaining.


Sunny hummed. “We had the same class yesterday,” she stated. “Professor Flitwick paired everyone up and told them to practice on each other, right?”


Tiffany nodded. “And surprise surprise, but Taeyeon and Jessica were partners.”


“Of course,” Seohyun muttered under her breath. Anyone with eyes could see they were two of the most talented third years so it was natural that all the professors pitted them against each other.


“Well, you can see how that turned out,” Tiffany scoffed, pointing at her best friend. “They’re both super competitive and stubborn so of course they went all out.”


“So I get Taeyeon being knocked out, but how did Jessica manage to knock out half the class with just a mere Disarming Charm?” Yoona asked worriedly.


“Trust me, that’s what I’m wondering too,” Tiffany deadpanned before taking a deep breath. “They both fired a Disarming Charm at each other. The two spells collided. For a while, it looked like it was evenly matched. A standstill. Then all of a sudden, something came out of Jessica’s wand.”


“What do you mean?” Sunny frowned.


“I don’t know,” Tiffany shook her head. “It’s hard to explain, but it was like a white mist of sorts. Anyways, the mist kinda...took the shape of a person.”


The three listeners stared at Tiffany with bewildered eyes.


“It was a girl,” Tiffany swallowed, remembering how the girl turned around and flashed Jessica a smile. “She...she said something.” Tiffany paused. “And then Jessica freaked out and everything exploded. I was luckily next to Flitwick as I was practicing the Disarming Charm on him. He conjured up a shield charm and protected me and a couple of other students. Everyone else however…” her eyes flitted to the nearly full infirmary room. “They were not as lucky.”


The three girls just stood there digesting what they were told.


“What-what did the girl say to Jessica?” Sunny asked.


Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she pushed her memory. “I think she said something along the lines of ‘Hello Sooyeon. Long time no see,’” or something like that.”


Sunny’s eyes widened. “She called Jessica, Sooyeon?”


“Yeah,” Tiffany frowned. “So?”


“That’s her Korean name,” Sunny explained. “So the girl probably knew Jessica, and she probably met her before she came here.”


“You’re saying the girl was a friend of Sica Unnie from Japan?” Yoona asked.


“Probably,” Sunny shrugged.


“It makes sense,” Seohyun commented.


“But why did that girl appear? What caused it to appear?” Yoona asked.


“Have you heard of the story of how Harry Potter faced a newly reborn Voldemort in a graveyard after winning the Triwizard Tournament?” Seohyun asked, her voice suddenly sounding hollow.


Sunny furrowed her brows. “No. What happened?” She was born and raised in Japan so her knowledge of the history of western magic was a little iffy.

“Apparently, when Harry fought against the Dark Lord, there was a moment where their wands connected,” Yoona recited, remember having read this from somewhere.

“It was because their wands shared a similar core. They both had phoenix cores, but the feathers they used were from the same bird,” Seohyun explained.


“They were both from Fawkes,” Yoona remembered. “Dumbledore’s pet Phoenix.”


“Ironically,” Tiffany chimed in.


“Anyways, when their wands connected, the spirits of everyone that Voldemort had killed with his wand suddenly appeared out of Harry’s wand. The spirits then protected Harry long enough for him to get away,” Seohyun finished.


The three girls stared at Seohyun.


“Are you saying Jessica k-killed a girl?” Tiffany stammered.

“Why are you so surprised?” Seohyun shot a look at the redhead. “You knew about what happened between Harry Potter and Voldemort.”


“B-but still,” Tiffany fought to organize her thoughts. ‘There’s no way Jessi is a killer... Is there?’


“B-but the girl didn’t seem to be mad,” Tiffany interjected. “She-” she choked. “She almost looked happy,” Tiffany stated somberly as she recalled the expression on the girl’s face. It was a look of sympathy, sadness, regret, guilt, but also warmth and love. “I don’t think she hated Jessica.”


Silence returned amongst the four girls. A million thoughts ran through each person’s head.


“Have you guys seen Jessica since then?” Sunny asked worriedly.


Tiffany shook her head regretfully. “She ran out of class. I haven’t seen her since,” she informed them. “I’m worried for her. She didn’t look good,” Tiffany stated. “Whatever happened, it really affected her.”


“I’ll go find her,” Sunny stated, straightening up.


“Thank you, Sunny,” Tiffany gave the girl a grateful look. “I would go look for her myself,” Tiffany stated, as she looked forlornly at the infirmary door. “But I need to make sure these two idiots are fine.”


“Don’t worry about it, Fany-ah. Just make sure these two are alright. I’ll take care of Sica,” Sunny declared as she turned to leave in search of the blonde.


The girls watched her leave, concern for their friends growing in their heart.


“Speaking of missing friends,” Yoona sighed, turning to look at Seohyun and Tiffany.


“Has anyone seen Yuri lately?”


AN: Another short update. Ooooh more plot things. And Taengsic woah

A lot of Yulsic next chapter! Be ready!


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.

Would you rather I start a story but never finish writing it or never start the story



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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭