Chapter 13 (Visit)

Her Silence is Deafening

Jessica awoke abruptly to the sound of a sleeping Yuri mumbling in her sleep. At some point the pair had dozed off with their bodies entangled. Yuri’s arms gripping tightly onto Jessica’s as she murmured in her slumber. Looking over at her alarm clock, Jessica had lost all sense of time. It was now mid afternoon and yet her father was still not home. The blonde was starting to think that Seohyun had just become uncomfortable with the mess around the house and lied to satisfy her obsessive compulsive needs. Jessica smiled to herself and it was definitely a possibility. However she wasn’t bothered. In fact she’s quite pleased at how the day turned out.


The blonde looked down at the sleeping tanned girl. Her hair was undone and the only thing that kept Jessica from viewing the brunette’s body was the bed sheets wrapped around her torso. Jessica gazed upon what little bare skin was shown and admired every inch. Yuri’s torso wasn’t permanently marked like her lower body but there was the occasional scar across the surface of the brunette’s shoulders


“Sica…..” Yuri murmured softly, her eyes still shut and her head resting against Jessica's chest. Jessica would’ve found this to be a comforting sight but Yuri seemed troubled in her sleep. As the brunette’s grip tightened around her, Jessica became slightly worried. Yuri was definitely having a nightmare of some sort.


“Yul?” Yuri tried to communicate with Yuri though she knew it would be pointless. The brunette was too deep in her sleep to hear.


“Don’t...don’t…” Yuri’s voice began to escalate, the sound of desperation clear as her legs began to fight against Jessica’s. Carefully freeing her body from Yuri’s, Jessica’s hand instinctively went to the brunette’s cheek in an attempt to comfort her. However the motion backfired and Yuri grabbed the hand almost as instinctively as Jessica had put it there. The brunette's eyes shot open accompanied with a gasp of fear and at the realization of what Yuri was holding, she quickly let go of her clasp on Jessica’s wrist.


“I’m….I’m sorry.” Yuri murmured as she wiped the sweat that had formed on her forehead.


“Don’t be. Are you okay?” Jessica asked as she let her hand slowly move back to Yuri’s face in a soothing manner. Yuri nodded into the touch, she felt somewhat at ease. Especially when Jessica was around.


“Nightmare.” Yuri attempted to remain strong. Her nightmares were slowly diminishing and she was finding it more bearable to sleep. In fact she always seemed to be sleeping when Jessica was near.


“Do you want to talk about it.” Jessica offered, though she had a feeling Yuri wasn’t ready.


“I need coffee before I can talk about it.” Yuri smiled and lifted her body slightly so she could rest on her elbows.


“How about we go The Elixr and grab one?” Jessica liked the idea of getting out of the house before she had to talk to her father again. That’s if he was coming home. Yuri smiled and nodded, the brunette’s liked the idea of actually going out in public with the blonde but she had a feeling that wasn’t Jessica’s intentions.


“Like a date?” Yuri questioned playfully.


“Exactly like a date.” Jessica chuckled and moved to kiss the smiling brunette.


As Jessica pulled her car across the road from The Elixr, she noticed Yuri seemed slightly distracted. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Jessica reached for the brunette's hand and squeezed tightly.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jessica could tell Yuri wasn’t herself. Her dark brown eyes were distant and elsewhere and her fingers were fiddling with a loose thread on her jumper.


“Yeah. Just need caffeine.” Yuri forced a smile and jumped out of the car. Jessica was mildly puzzled at Yuri’s lack of conversation on the trip to The Elixr but when the brunette walked around to open her door Jessica couldn’t help but smile.


“Ma’am.” Yuri offered the blonde a hand as she opened the door. Jessica laughed, smiled and blushed all at once and took the brunette’s hand using it as assistance to get out of the car.

The two linked arms and headed inside. It was fairly quiet for a weekend. Usually The Elixr would be buzzing with life.


“I’ll order, you go find us somewhere to sit.” Yuri smiled as she detached herself from Jessica. The blonde complied and headed for a spare booth in the back corner, there was no one occupying any space close so Jessica found it ideal. As she waited the blonde pulled out her phone and started flicking through her messages. There was nothing overly interesting, she was just passing time.


“Excuse me?” Jessica heard an unfamiliar voice call her attention. She looked up to find a young short woman standing in front of her. She would be no older than 21 she assumed. The woman had a bag with a laptop hanging out of it. Jessica thought it to be slightly cliche tying at a coffee shop but smiled nevertheless.




Yuri looked over towards Jessica while she waited for her order. There was a girl talking to her, the brunette never seen her before but by the looks of it Jessica had no clue who the woman was as well. As Yuri looked on with curious eyes she couldn’t help but notice how comfortable the woman was being with Jessica. At first Yuri tried not to make a big deal out of it but when the girl grabbed a strand of Jessica’s hair and moved it away from her face the brunette couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous.


On a convenient queue, the barista called Yuri’s name and handed the brunette her coffee. Trying to remain cool and collected Yuri walked over to Jessica and the now sitting mystery girl. When the brunette was in earshot the two girls began laughing, only causing Yuri to feel more jealousy.


“Hey.” Yuri said as she gave Jessica her coffee and sat across from the blonde and her apparent new friend.


“Hey Yul, this is Hyoyeon, she’s a friend of my good friend Taeyeon. She’s here for some research for college and she was just getting a coffee before heading home.” Jessica smiled at Yuri, however she could tell instantly that the brunette was uncomfortable and she had to admit, Hyoyeon was very flirty.


“Nice to meet you.” Hyoyeon said as she presented Yuri her hand. Reluctantly Yuri shook hands and gave the girl an attempt for a smile. Noticing Yuri’s uncomfortable state Hyoyeon stood from the booth and grabbed her bag.


“I’d best be off, this paper isn’t going to write itself. It was nice to meet you Jess. Tae was right, you’re really sweet.” Hyoyeon presented her hand to Jessica and shook it for a second to long. Jessica could feel Yuri’s stare bearing into her but she was too afraid to look.”Nice to meet you.” Hyoyeon said to Yuri again before leaving the two girls in an awkward silence.


“She’s in college with my friend Taeyeon.” Jessica said as she plyed with her thumbs. Yuri was occasionally sipping her coffee while she observed the now shy blonde.


“She seems….nice.” Yuri murmured after taking a large gulp of coffee.


“Don’t be mad.” Jessica could sense Yuri’s frustration but it wasn’t her fault Hyoyeon was so flirtatious.


“I’m not.” Yuri sipped her coffee and remained silent.




Yuri waked up to the front steps to Jessica’s house in a huff. Jessica followed slowly behind and as Yuri waited for the bonde to unlock the door, she kept her eyes straight ahead and away from the brown orbs that would make her crumble.


Jessica unlocked the door and made her way inside, she could hear Yuri follow and shut the door behind her. Without warning the blonde felt Yuri’s hands grab her waist and push her against the nearest wall with a gentle pressure. Within seconds Yuri’s lips connected with Jessica’s ina fire of need and desperation.


The brunette wasn’t mad at Jessica, she was jealous, jealous of how easily people liked her girlfriend. All her jealousy was pushed into this kiss and Jessica could feel it. Yuri’s hands held the blonde tightly against the wall and continued to kiss her way down the blonde’s neck. Disconnecting suddenly, Yuri held onto Jessica’s hand and pulled her upstairs and to the blonde’s bedroom.


“Yuri-” Jessica began as she shut her door but the blonde was interrupted by the tremble in Yuri’s voice, her words were strong and her voice was lower.


“You’re mine Jessica. No one else can have you. Not the way that I have you.” Though Yuri’s words may have been strong the look on her face displayed weakness.


“Yul, I’m not interested in anyone else. You’re the one I want.” Jessica’s hands went to the brunette's cheeks and held them tenderly before leaning into a kiss. Jessica felt her back against her door as Yuri’s body pressed up against her own. Jessica could feel Yuri’s want for her, the need for her, and it drove her wild.


Yuri could sense Jessica’s own desires and moved her hands to Jessica’s white blouse tugging at it softly before quickly undoing the first button. Jessica found her hands moving around Yuri’s neck as she let the brunette continue the task of her blouse.


Within in seconds the blouse was on the floor and Yuri was pulling the pair across the room and towards Jessica’s bed. Yuri lowered Jessica slowly onto the bed and hovered above the blonde momentarily before kissing her way across Jessica’s collarbone. A small left Jessica’s lips when Yuri’s lips moved their way up to the blonde’s neck, kissing the pulse point before biting softly and then using her tongue to suppress any pains from the bite before.


Jessica found her body responding to Yuri’s biting and , she was sure the brunette was going to leave a mark but in the moment she couldn’t care less. In fact Jessica liked the idea of a mark left behind from Yuri. Jessica’s back arched at Yuri’s lips playfully biting her neck, providing the brunette plenty of time to sip her hand behind the blonde’s back and undo her bra.


“Oh god Yul.” Jessica ed as she watched Yuri throw her bra to the floor. Yuri’s lips wasted no time in moving to Jessica’s chest, beginning a trail of kissed to the blonde’s s and even at the slightest touch, Jessica’s s grew hard. Yuri’s tongue played with the surface of Jessica’s s before gently wrapping her soft lips around them causing the blonde to again. The sound that Jessica produced caused butterflies to erupt in the pit of her stomach.


“Jessica. I’m home.” The two girls suddenly stopped at the sound of Jessica’s father yelling from downstairs.


“.” Yuri mouthed whiled she quickly jumped off the blonde and gave her the items of clothing she had thrown to the ground. Jessica dressed hurriedly ad stood at the door with Yuri.


“Jessica?” Her father called again. Followed by his voice, Yuri and Jessica could clearly hear Sang Woo walking up the stairs.


“What do we do?” Yuri whispered with a hint of horror in her voice. Jessica looked around her room before looking over to her window and pointing to it. Yuri followed her train of thought and rolled her eyes while raising an eyebrow. “Seriously?” The sarcasm obvious in her voice.


“Got any better ideas?” Jessica returned the sarcasm before she heard her father knock on the door.


“Jessica is everything alright?” His voice muffled but Jessica could clearly hear his hand reach for the handle.


“Don’t come in….I’m getting...dressed.” Jessica quickly looked at Yuri and then pushed her towards the window, quickly helping the brunette out. She turned and hoped her father wouldn’t enter. Yuri held herself up and pulled at Jessica’s arm, motioning her to move in for a quick chaste kiss.


“This is isn’t over.” Yuri whispered seductively before climbing down the wall of Jessica’s house and disappearing around the corner. Even if the tanned girl had a few injuries, she was more athletic than Jessica. As Jessica turned to let her father in she quickly did the last of her buttons on her blouse and opened the door.


“Hey Dad, you’re home. I thought you were staying longer?” When Jessica looked upon her father it was obvious he had been driving for a long time. He was tired and looked as if he hadn’t slept in days.


“Who’s car is out front?” Sang Woo asked completely ignoring his daughter’s question. He was in no mood to be talking about business.


“Hmm?” Jessica asked pretending to be oblivious to the question. Her father raised an eyebrow in response and tried again.


“There’s a car out the front that isn’t ours. Do you have a friend over?” Sang Woo watched Jessica, it was clear she either had no idea what’s he talking about or she was hiding something from him.


“There’s no car out front dad.” Jessica lied but she knew it didn’t sound believable. Her lying skills had decreased significantly since she had spent so much time with Yuri, mainly because the blonde fel tno need to lie.


“Jessica Jung Sooyeon, are you lying to me?” Sang Woo’s tone was neutral but if he ever used Jessica’s full name she could tell he wasn’t happy.


“No I’m not. Go out and look yourself.” Jessica had figured she’d made enough time for Yuri to get in the car and leave without her father seeing. So she pretended as if her father was the one acting weird and not her.


Sang Woo lowered his eyebrow and turned to head downstairs, he believed that Jessica was up to something. His daughter hadn’t acted this odd in a very long time. He was convinced there was a car parked out the front that wasn’t his. Jessica followed her father down the stairs and out the front door hoping very deeply that Yuri had gone. Sure enough, when she opened, her eyes that had closed in anticipation she found no car, but her father’s, to be seen and the blonde could physically feel herself relax. She hadn't even thought about how to explain Yuri to her father, she didn't even know the whole story.


“I apologize Jessica. It’s been a long couple of days.” Sang Woo scratched his head before re-entering the house. Jessica felt guilt spread through her as she watched her father question himself. However there was no way she was explaining Yuri to him just yet.


“It’s okay dad. Maybe you just need some rest.” Jessica offered as they started off the stairs. Sang Woo nodded and headed into his office, his mind obviously occupied. Jessica knew he wouldn’t be leaving that room for several hours to come.


Jessica wanted to ask her father about Kris, she wanted to confront him about Yuri’s story but she knew it wouldn’t be possible without sparking curiosity from him. It had always been strange for Jessica to ask her father about his work.


As Jessica shut her door behind her she heard the buzzing of her phone. Quickly unlocking it with her four-pin passcode she was notified with a message from none other than Yuri.


How are we going to tell your dad about us?


Jessica was stumped. She hadn’t even told her father that she was friends with Yuri and now they were in a relationship. She was more than stumped.




Yuri paced around her room waiting for Jessica to reply. The brunette understood now why the blonde was ually frustrated before, being interrupted was, for the lack of a better word….annoying. The way Jessica ed underneath Yuri’s control drove her crazy, the brunette wanted to make Jessica come undone just as the blonde had made her do so. Yuri’s ring tone went off and disrupted her train of thought. OPening the message hastily Yuri was puzzled at Jessica’s reply.


How are we going to tell your parents about us?


Yuri froze, it seemed she had no reply to Jessica, the blonde had baffled Yuri, and with her own question.


Touché, Miss Jung


Yuri quickly messaged Jessica back before she heard her mom walking up the stairs.

“Yuri?” Came Chae’s voice from the brunette’s doorway. Yuri turned quickly and hid her phone in the pocket of her jeans.


“Mom. Hi.” Chae was standing in Yuri’s doorframe, waiting for permission to enter, which the brunette found odd. “I didn’t realize you were home.”


“Your father and I came home from shopping a while ago dear.” Chae smiled, when she looked at Yuri she noticed the brunette was stressed, she was pacing back and forth not too long ago. Chae thought momentarily that maybe something had gone wrong with Jessica.


“Oh sorry. I just got home. I would’ve said hi if i’d known.” Yuri heard her ring tone go off in her back pocket but she didn’t reach for it. Chae hearing too thought it odd for Yuri to ignore it.


“How’re you and Jessica going?” Chae asked curiously. Yuri’s eyes widen slightly at the question, was her mother implying what she thought she was?


“What?” Yuri said feeling confused.


“You know, are you guys talking and getting along still?” Chae continued to watch her daughter, Yuri was acting strange.


“Oh….Yeah we’re good. I just...her dad came home while I was still there.” Chae felt her eyebrows rise in horror, given the track record between Yuri and the Jung family the meeting wouldn’t have gone too well.


“What did he day?” The older Kwon tried to remain calm but secretly she was worried for her daughter, seeing that man again would’ve been difficult.


“Um….I kind of...snuck out the window….” Yuri’s cheeks burned bright red as she realized how cliché it really was, escaping out of Jessica’s bedroom window just so she wouldn’t get caught by her father. The circumstances were slightly different but it was cliché nonetheless.


Chae resisted the urge to smile at her daughter, climbing out the window hadn’t even crossed her mind as a possibility.


“Well, you'll have to meet him at some point sweety.” The support in Chae's voice was evident but Yuri could also sense a hidden meaning, a warning perhaps.


“I know. It’s just….complicated.” Yuri’s thoughts flashed to the memory of her and Jessica from earlier that day. Complicated was a word for it. Yuri’s ring tone went off once more and Chae’s eyes followed the sound.


“I like Jessica, Yuri. I do. The only problem I have is trusting that family. And if Jessica doesn't know the whole story-” Yuri looked away from her mother causing her to stop, taking a deep breath the brunette looked back towards her mother who was looked rather confused.


“Jessica knows mom. She knows.” Yuri at on her bed and had finally managed to somewhat calm herself down. Chae walked over to her daughter and moved a stray piece of hair away from her eyes.


“She’s a good friend if she’s sticking by you after that, considering it’s her brother.” Chae was slightly jealous that her daughter had spoken to Jessica before her but she was still glad the blonde was helping Yuri to move on.


“I know. She’s amazing.” The words slipped from Yuri’s mouth before she had further control, however Chae pretended as if she didn’t hear it. Yuri was her child, she knew there was something going on between her daughter and the Jung’s youngest child but she would wait for Yuri to come to her. With all things, Yuri just needed time and Chae understood that. Kissing Yuri’s head softly, Chae gave her daughter a comforting hug before leaving the room.


Yuri’s phone rang again, almost forgetting she was talking to Jessica, Yuri quickly grabbed her phone and read the message the blonde was bombarding her with.


So what do you want to do then?

We can wait?


Yah! Kwon Yuri! Answer me!!!


Yuri chuckled at her impatient girlfriend before replying. Deciding it would be good to figure it out but to discuss in person seemed ideal. Yuri could only really think clearly about Jessica when she was with her.




Why don’t we continue where we left off?


There was only one reply Yuri gave Jessica and the blonde’s heart jumped when she read it. Jessica was desperate for Yuri, she wanted to experience it all with the brunette and she felt frustrated that her father had to come home when he did. Jessica found herself calling Yuri, the phone to her ear while pacing back and forth. Jessica reminded herself of her father and with that image in her head she made herself sit on her bed when Yuri answered.


“Too far was it?” Yuri answered, her tone a little concerned.


“No. Just the opposite. I can’t stop thinking about you Yul.” Jessica didn’t realize what she was confessing until it had already left her lips. Kwon Yuri really was changing her. Jessica could imagine Yuri’s smile from over the phone and it made her smile.


“I can’t stop thinking about you either Sica. I’ll make up for this afternoon I promise.” Before Jessica could respond she could hear a voice in the background, ti sounded like Chae but the blonde couldn’t make out what she was saying. “Do you want to stay at my place tonight? Mom’s cooking dinner and she would like for you to meet my dad.” Jessica smiled and realized that she hadn’t met Yuri’s father and yet she had known the brunette for months.


“I would love that. What time do you want me there?” Jessica asked cheerfully. Yuri looked at her mother and nodded, indicating that Jessica indeed was accepting the invitation. It would be a perfect opportunity to be with Jessica further.


“Whenever you’re ready.” The two girls spoke briefly on phone discussing what would be appropriate to wear that evening. Yuri insisted on whatever was comfortable but Jessica thought if she was meeting Jessica’s father, she was going to look nice.


Within an hour Jessica was ready and had a bag packed for the evening and for school the next day. Saying goodbye to her father, she realized she didn’t have an excuse. She couldn’t say she was going to Yuri’s house. Telling her father she was staying with Sunny seemed like a reasonable explanation. Sunny would understand and usually he was okay with Jessica staying over her place. Closing her car door and starting the engine Jessica could see her ather watching her form his office window, he seemed lost in thought and his gaze was elsewhere but Jessica could tell, he was looking at her.




Yuri waited in the lounge room, pretending to watch the football game her father was watching. Chae however observed from the kitchen and she knew that Yuri was never interested in such a sport. Yuri’s eyes were darting back and forth from the front door to her phone. Watching and waiting. Chae found it rather adorable but decided not to dwell. Ji Wan began shouting at the television because of foul play or something but Yuri couldn’t be less interested, she just wanted to be with Jessica. It had been less than a few hours and she was going crazy, practically waiting at the door like a puppy for Jessica to arrive. A knock at the door had broken Yuri from her inner monologue, lost in a world full of Jessica Jung.


“I’ve got it!” Yuri yelled out. Her father had no intentions of leaving the room until the game was over. As Yuri went to open the door she found a un-expecting taller figure standing in front of her.


“Hey Kwon.” Lee Donghae said as he leant against the pillar of Yuri’s home. Yuri rolled her eyes, feeling sick of his presence.


“Geez Hae, what do you want?” Yuri pushed her way outside not letting any sound travel through the house.


“Just thought I’d let you know….” He began to move closer to Yuri, backing her against the door, however she stood her ground, not giving away any sense of discomfort.


“Hey!” Yuri looked around Hae to see Jessica was walking up the pathway and she let the relief flush over her.  “What are you doing here Donghae?” Jessica stood between the two as she spoke, not letting Donghae get any closer to her girlfriend.


“I just came to tell Yuri something.” He was smirking and it made Jessica uncomfortable but it also made her feel ashamed for ever getting involved with him. “It’ll only take a second.”


“Just let him say it. I want to go inside.” Yuri wanted to be with Jessica, she had no interest in wasting time around Hae. Sensing her intentions Jessica stood aside and let Hae face Yuri.


“I find it very interesting. You know being so close with Jessica. Especially since, you know, after what happening with Kris Wu.” Jessica could instantly feel Yuri’s hands clutch to her own as the blonde stood there trying to figure how Donghae could possibly know. “I hear Kris’s lawyer was his dad. Are you ing Woo Jung’s daughter to get back at him?”


Yuri could feel tears well up in her eyes. How could Hae know? Yuri had only told Jessica. Yes there was a bit of media attention but that was almost a year ago.


“Excuse me. Who are you?” Chae decided to come outside when she noticec Yuri was taking a little longer to bring Jessica inside but she was mildly surprised to see an unfamiliar male standing on her doorstep with them.


“Oh I’m Donghae. Jessica’s boyfriend.” Jessica and Yuri’s head snapped up towards Hae in unison, while Chae’s head moved to Jessica.


“Donghae, I do not know how to make this anymore clear. We. Are. Not. Together.” Jessica spoke slowly as if a different speed would somehow get through him. Within seconds of the commotion Ji Wan made his way to the front door and in front of the three girls.


“Can I help you?” He spoke strong and stern. His voice more than Jessica, Yuri's and Chae’s combined. Hae instantly backed away but kept his smile stained across his face.


“I was just giving Yuri a message.” Donghae stopped backing and crossed his arms across his chest. Yuri felt her mother’s hands on her shoulder, trying to pull her inside but Yuri was stuck. The brunette was making sure Donghae was gone.


“You’ve given it to her now it’s time for you to go.” Jessica watched with curious eyes as Ji Wan’s hands instinctively moved to the holster on his belt that held his gun. Though he wasn’t even close to unclipping the weapon hi shadns just sat there expressing a threat that DOnghae could see clear as day.


“Sounds like someone already gave it to her.” Donghae muttered, though it was clear his intention was for everyone to hear the play on words. All three girls could see Ji Wan’s hand twitch, it was aching to move to the safety clip that stopped his gun for detaching from his holster but he remained calm momentarily anyway.


“If you do not leave now I will get the police involved.” Ji Wan slipped his hands in his pockets almost casually as he backed away from Donghae, showing the boy little boy interest. Hae had caught the hint as Ji Wan’s hand moved to hi gun after becoming impatient.


Yuri watched as the boy turned his back and walked away from her father, only briefly turning back to flash a quick wink at her and then disappeared into his car. Ji Wan turned around and moved Yuri into the house, the brunette was still frozen.


Yuri’s focus was moved in and out of conversation, she had occasionally listened in on what Jessica and her parents were talking about but she had never actually said a word. Her thoughts were consumed by Donghae. His smile sitting in the back of her mind, messing with her, daring her to talk, daring her to think of nothing but Kris.


“Well you girls have school tomorrow, so why don't you get ready for bed? We’ve got to clean up.” Chae offered, she had been watching Yuri all evening and it bothered her that the only thing she could seem to do was play with the food that sat on her plate. Chae decided that Yuri needed to talk to just Jessica. WHatever Donghae had said had clearly troubled Yuri greatly. Both girls nodded and headed upstairs into Yuri’s room in silence.


“Yul I swear I didn’t tell Donghae anything.” Jessica said as she closed the door behind her.


“I know Jess, and for the record I’m not….sleeping with you to get back at your dad.” Hae’s words hadn’t even really crossed Jessica’s mind until Yuri spoke them. Mainly because she knew they were lies.


Both girls sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the other to talk but instead there was silence. It became deafening to the point where Jessica couldn’t take it anymore. Slowly taking Yuri’s hands with her own Jessica moved in to kiss the brunette. Responding rather positively Yuri gently pushed Jessica onto the bed and hovered above her, only pausing momentarily to look at the beautiful blonde below her.


“You look beautiful.” Yuri noticed Jessica had worn a tight skirt and a nice shirt for the occasion of meeting her father but she had never complimented the fact. Jessica smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck pulling her in for a passionate kiss.


“Thank you.” Jessica murmured. As they continued to kiss Yuri’s hands lead their way undrneath Jessica’s shirt and played with the skin that lay unprotected from the fabric. No words were spoken but Jessica could sense Yuri’s need for her, the way her fingers lightly dipped in out of her skirt on her waist bone was driving her crazy but she also knew Yuri wasn’t teasing. Yuri was attempting to feel a sense of control and Jessica understood and liked it. Guiding her hands the hem of her shirt Jessica helped Yuri remove it. She wanted Yuri but she was scared and the brunette could sense this.


“Does it hurt?” Jessica asked as Yuri pulled the sheets over them. Jessica let the sheet secure her, she let the fabric create a sense of sanctuary as she shared this moment with Yuri. The blonde knew that Yuri had experienced this once before, she did know it was very different and not good at all but it was something she felt she should ask.


‘Yes, a little but only for a bit.” Jessica shied away from Yuri’s piercing brown eyes and moved her hands to the brunette’s waist where her scars awaited, displaying the fact that the whole experience for the brunette was painful in every way.  “Jess it was different for me. I would hardly call it…..”

Yuri’s fingers gently held the blonde’s chin and she leant in for an innocent kiss. Jessica could feel Yuri’s hands move to her skirt slowly begin to pull it down, their eyes never leaving each other.


“I’m going to make it as perfect for you as I can.” Yuri’s words were comforting and Jessica knew in that moment that even though Yuri had a very horrible experience, the brunette was going to do whatever it took to make it good for her.


“Being with you will make it perfect Yuri.” With Jessica’s words Yuri moved in for a deep kiss and let her hands move across Jessica’s body freely while enjoying the sound of the blonde’s soft s. Departing from Jessica’s lips Yuri kissed  trail of soft bites down Jessica’s neck and to her bra moving away the fabric to lightly kiss the blonde’s . WIthin seconds Jessica had unclipped it and pushed it aside which had caused Yuri to smile and to continue. Laying her free hand that wasn’t holding her body above Jessica, Yuri gently squeezed Jessica’s and let her lips kiss the other. Jessica let the wave of sensation flow through her, at each touch the blonde felt heat stream from her core as her lips released countless amounts of s.


“I’m ready Yul.” Jessica whispered as she lead Yuri’s hand that lay upon het to her underwear. Jessica knew she would have to encourage the brunette a little, she knew this was just as scary for Yuri as it was for her. Moments later Jessica lay underneath a fully clothed Yuri and at first she felt odd but that feeling was soon diminished as Yuri’s fingers lead their way up and down the blonde’s thigh. Yuri could tell Jessica was wet by the way she was ing, it was only a matter of time before the blonde would come undone at the touch but Yuri wanted to do this right. Kissing Jessica once more, Yuri wrapped her arm around the blonde’s neck and held her close.


“Ready?” Yuri breathed in heavily, she felt a wave of excitement flow through her with a combination of fear. This was something she wanted to do right. Jessica nodded and gripped to Yuri before kissing her. Slowly the brunette slid a finger deep into Jessica, the blonde was definitely wet. Yuri smiled at how Jessica actually was. Releasing a sharp of pain, Jessica's finger’s held their place on Yuri’s back, the sensation was painful at first but the pain was replaced with pleasure within moments. Yuri felt Jessica’s hips slowly move against her, causing the blonde to at her own movements. Seconds later Yuri responded and started a slow rhythm of moving in and out of Jessica while rubbing her with her thumb.


“Oh Yul.” Jessica ed, she had never felt such a sensation before. The feeling of Yuri’s fingers push against her in a fire of pleasure caused her muscles to tense at each touch. Within minutes Yuri had added a second finger and began creating a friction deep inside Jessica causing constant s to fall from the blonde’s lips. Jessica could feel a strange build up deep in her stomach and she felt her hands clutch to Yuri’s head and her fingers weaved through her hair in response. Jessica felt the scar that sat on the back of Yuri’s head and she tried to desperately hard to loosen her grip but as the brunette continued to move against her she had lost sense of thought. Yuri held Jessica close to her while continuing the motion and within several short seconds Jessica‘s body started its crescendo to its all time high. Yuri quickly covered her lips with Jessica’s to silence the blonde’s loud that was following. When Jessica’s muscles tighten around Yuri’s fingers the brunette held her close and let Jessica ride out her and through the kiss Jessica softly ed Yuri’s name before becoming limp underneath her. As Jessica caught her breath Yuri slowly retracted her fingers and pulled Jessica into a deep embrace.


“I was right.” Jessica hummed when she caught her breath. Yuri looked down at the blonde curiously. “Being with you made it perfect.”

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)