Chapter 23 (Surprise Visit)

Her Silence is Deafening

I've been reading your comments and there's been alot about taeyeon having a "boyfie" hehe honestly I didn't plan on Taeyeon having one since the plot set. But who knows maybe. Anyways Enjoy~


It was less than an hour until school and Jessica found herself slowly opening her eyes to the closed shutters of Yuri’s room. She felt it was a small significantly bigger room when she was alone in it. Looking over at the alarm clock on the bedside table she found a small post-it note stuck on the time.


Jessica, you don’t need to go to school but if you feel up to it there are some clothes at the end of the bed for you.

With love Chae and Jiwan


Jessica smiled to herself and sure enough as she looked over at the edge of the bed there were a few items of clothing hanging on the frame. Removing the sticker she realized the time frame she had left and swore to herself.


Quickly stripping of her old dirty clothes that she hadn’t changed since leaving her father’s house Jessica realized how much she missed her old room, the way everything was where she liked it and even the scent of her room. However, not dwelling as an attempt to forget she quickly dressed and grabbed her phone. Dialing a few numbers Jessica hoped she wasn’t too late to ask for a lift.

“Hey Jessi what’s up?” Tiffany answered after one ring, her tone slightly worried.


“Hey Tiff, is it too late to ask for a lift to school?” She yawned half way through her sentence causing Tiff to giggle before replying.


“Not at all, I just pulled up at Seohyun’s and Sunny are already with me.”


“Hey Jess!” Jessica heard Sunny on the other end.


“Oh okay. Party in Tiff’s car. Hey Sun!”


“Yeah, I would’ve offered you a lift but I didn’t know if you’d be up to school just yet.”


“That’s okay. I’ll see you soon then?”


“Our maknae just got in the car so we’re on our way.”


“Young forever, but you three will forever be short” Seohyun said confidently.


The girls said their goodbyes and Jessica made her way down stairs. She knew she could not avoid school forever and she knew Yuri would want her to go. As Jessica made her way into the kitchen there was another post-it note on the bench.


There’s lunch in the fridge and coffee if you want it. The spare keys are inside of the house on the hock near the door.

Please lock up if you leave


Jessica however didn’t feel like having coffee or food, she was too tired to even think about it. Picking up the note she appreciated the sentiment and placed it into her pocket when she head a car horn beep.


The trio sat in the car and watched Jessica shut the door and lock it behind her.


“Wow.” Tiff murmured when Jessica turned towards the car.


“What?” Seohyun questioned curiously from the back seat.


“I haven’t seen her without make-up in forever.”


“I don’t think I’ve seen her without make up ever.” Sunny mumbled in the passenger’s seat. As Jessica headed down the path she saw all three of her friends observing her with wide eyes.

“Hey.” She murmured as she got into the car, still three pairs of eyes gawking at her. “What are you all staring at?”


“Nothing.” Tiff replied quickly as she turned the keys in the ignition.


It had been an awful morning and as Jessica walked through the corridors people constantly stared at her. She usually wouldn’t have minded but she knew they were staring because of what happened with her and Yuri. Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny had made an effort to stand up for her during the morning but by lunch time all of them seemed to be exhausted.


“I don’t know about you guys but I am in desperate need of coffee.” Seohyun sighed as she sat down with her books, half slamming on the table.


“Maybe you should lay off the caffeine for a bit Seo.” Sunny motioned to the brunette’s books and chuckled. Jessica smiled at Sunny’s joke but looked down at her phone. The item had lost battery power chatting up with Taeyeon earlier in the day with no way of charging it. She felt useless.


“Have you spoken to Yuri today?” Tiffany asked, noticing Jessica’s gaze.


“No, she’s in rehabilitation for her legs. I didn’t want to distract her. So I contacted Taeyeon instead.”


“Right Taeyeon.” Tiff rolled her eyes, left unnoticed by Jessica.


“What’s up with you? Ever since Taeyeon came back you’ve been acting rude whenever it’s about her.” Jessica slightly raised her voice.


“It’s not that it’s just that I simply don't like her that’s all.” Tiffany said. Jessica glared at her. “Well if you ever gotten to know her better you would chnage your mind”


“Yonghwa?” Seohyun looked passed Jessica and Tiffany, Sunny who was sitting next to the brunette followed her stare while the others turned their heads. When they caught vision of Yonghwa he was in his uniform with another officer.


“Miss Jung?” The unknown officer asked as they made their way over to the girls, Yonghwa’s eyes lighting up as he made eye contact with Seohyun.




“We just have some questions for you. About Lee Donghae and we also have information about your stolen vehicle.” Jessica looked around and noticed everyone in the courtyard was looking and she had just about had enough. If only Taeyeon were here she could've layed them off she thought. Sighing towards the officer she picked up her bag and followed them towards the front office. The lady at the desk directed them to the principal’s office and told them to wait.


“Why are we at the principal’s office?” Jessica asked curiously before Yonghwa knocked on the door.

“We just need his permission for us to talk to you.” After the principal had given the all clear he informed them that he was going for lunch so they would be able to stay in the office.


“So Miss Ju-”


“Jessica, please just call me Jessica.” She interrupted the unknown officer and looked over at Yonghwa who was smirking.


“Okay well Jessica, we first off wanted to inform you that we found your car, it was located on the outskirts of New York City. So we were going to organize with you how you wanted to deal with it.”


“Well it’s technically my dad’s car, so I assumed you would’ve talked to him.” Jessica was mildly surprised the police had gone to her first, after all, the car was registered in her dad’s name and though she loved it very much it was never technically hers.


“Okay well we can discuss it with your father together if you’d like?” Yonghwa looked over at the officer, it seemed he was aware of Jessica’s situation but hadn’t informed the police yet.


“My father and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms sir. You’re going to have to talk with him without me.” The officer and Yonghwa exchanged looks before drawing their attention back to Jessica.


“Well when you return home this afternoon could you give him our card?” The officer pulled out a card from his note pad and placed it in front of Jessica.


“Onew…” Yonghwa began when Jessica didn’t take the card.




“He kicked me out.” Jessica didn’t allow Yonghwa to continue but Onew had caught the hint and withdrew his card.


“Okay well, we just have a few questions about Lee Donghae then.”



About half an hour of questions Yonghwa and Onew let Jessica return back to school, though her mind was elsewhere. She desperately wanted to leave and go see Yuri but she knew the brunette would be hard at work with her rehabilitation. It was becoming a struggle to even walk to her class, the heaviness of her stress and exhaustion was weighing down upon her and the only thought she was able to process was Yuri. Jessica had made it down the hallway when she decided against going to class and as she turned around she was met with Yonghwa heading towards her.




“Did you have more questions or something? I’ve kind of told you everything I know about what happened.”


“No, you did well with all the questions. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Yonghwa closed the distance between them and looked over Jessica carefully, the blonde had deep dark bruises underneath her eyes representing the lack of sleep and she was beginning to look weak and tired. Though she smiled to portray a different story, her body gave her away and Yonghwa could tell by Jessica crossing her arms across her chest that she was feeling vulnerable.


“I’m okay.” She replied quietly


“Not going to class?” He raised an eyebrow humorously before walking with Jessica towards the front doors of the school.


“I know it’s technically breaking the rules but I didn’t think it was a police matter.” Jessica’s sarcastic tone eased Yonghwa’s nerves a bit.


“It’s not but I’m free for a bit, can I take you anywhere?” Jessica thought and realized she couldn’t think of anywhere she wanted to go, home was out of the question and Yuri’s house would just feel weird without her. What about Taeyeon? No she’s probably busy.


“Not really. There’s nowhere I particularly want to be.”


“Well, I have Onew keeping your father occupied with your car, want to go get some stuff from your place?” Yonghwa smiled innocently as he leaned against his patrol car.


“Isn’t that like…..trespassing?” Jessica found Yonghwa’s smile to contagious and leaned against the passenger side of the car.


“Do you have keys?”


“Yeah I think so.”


“Then no, we’ll call it...not breaking and entering.” Both Jessica and Yonghwa laughed before he motioned her to join him in the vehicle. The drive was relatively quick to Jessica’s old home, Yonghwa would nod or wave at people he knew while Jessica observed all the police equipment in the car.


“Am I actually allowed to be in here if I’m not under arrest?” Jessica asked as she listened to the beeping of the machines. Yonghwa looked over at her and raised his eyebrows cheekily, silently answering her question. Laughing softly Jessica watched cautiously as Yonghwa pulled into her old driveway. She sighed when he stopped the car at her doorstep.


“I’ll wait here. You get what you need and then we can drop it off at Yuri’s.” Jessica nodded as she reached for her keys in her bag and pulled herself out of the car. Trudging inside the house didn’t feel any different. It was still the big, modern. Empty house that was there when she left it. Even though the feeling of loneliness lingered, Jessica still missed her home. Walking up the stairs she slowly moved passed the bathroom which brought back memories of the first kiss she shared with Yuri. it had been a confusing time and now all se could think about was the brunette. The way their lips entangled with each other was magic, from the very first moment they connected Jessica felt fireworks in Yuri’s presence and every moment she was away she finally realized how much she truly missed the brunette.


Trying to push the distractions from her thoughts Jessica moved to her room and began searching for anything she may need later. After about ten minutes of gathering, she felt she had collected enough to survive until her father spoke to her again. Grabbing a large bag Jessica quickly threw clothes in along with her phone charger and her laptop. Before leaving she moved to her bedside table and pulled out the drawer, underneath was taped all the money she had been given from previous birthdays and from what she had saved over time.


“I’m glad I saved you.” She mumbled before returning everything in her room back to normal and heading downstairs. But before she headed out she locked eyes onto three picture frames. One of Taeyeon pushing the happy Jessica on the swings. Second of her and Kris happily opening christmas presents and the picture of the three. Kris sitting on the ground criss-crossed with both hands signalling a peace sign while Jessica and Taeyeon behind Kris. Jessica was hanging onto Taeyeon’s back as she kissed her cheek. All three smiling wide. Reminiscing the time that picture was taken she smiled sadly. What happened to us? Not forgetting to take the picture of the trio and of Taeyeon with her she slammed her bedroom door.


Yonghwa watched as Jessica locked the house behind her, he was mildly surprised when she only had one bag, it was big, but she kind of seemed like the girl that would pack excessively.


“That’s all you’ve got?” He couldn’t help asking as she sunk into the passenger seat.

“I don’t actually have a lot. I got what I needed, the rest can be replaced.” Yonghwa’s eyes rose at Jessica’s maturity but he didn’t push the subject, turning the car on he pulled away from Jessica’s home. As the car rolled along, Jessica looked sadly as the hose slowly disappeared from view.


“You okay?”


“I just feel like that was the last time, you know?” Jessica began playing with the strap of her bag and felt a small tear escape her eye. Flashbacks of her and Taeyeon’s sweet moments, Kris, and both of her parents in that house came rushing in her mind.


“I’m sure it’s not Jess. Your dad will get over it.” Yonghwa tried to be supportive but he knew Sangwoo well enough to know he probably wouldn’t and he knew Jess knew it as well.


“I hope so.” I really do.


“Where’s your mom?” Yonghwa thought momentarily, he knew Jungah (Jessica’s mother) spent a good percentage of her time in Philadelphia so someone was close to Kris but surely she had some idea of what was going on.


“I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to her in months. She’s always working.” Jessica’s tone was sarcastically obvious and Yonghwa could sense her displeasure with the topic.


“Why don’t you try and call her?” The blonde smiled appreciatively before getting out of the car. The pair said their goodbyes and then Yonghwa was gone and Jessica could feel the emptiness of loneliness begin to fill her. Jessica had made it to Yuri’s room when she made the decision to call Taeyeon, charging her phone she waited for the power to slowly replenish.


“Well if it isn’t my beloved friend. What’s up B?” Taeyeon answered after two rings.


“Hey Taeng, are you busy?” Jessica had determination fill through her as she heard Taeyeon’s overly confident sweet voice.


“So, why Philadelphia?” Taeyeon questioned as Jessica pointed to the correct exit. After driving for almost two hours Taeyeon had almost ran out of things to say which was unusual when it came to both of them. But as she took directions from Jessica she was beginning to become curious of her friends intentions.


“I have some business to attend to. Turn left up here, it shouldn’t be far after that.” Taeyeon shrugged at her  commanding behaviour and turned where she was directed. After about ten minutes Jessica told her to pull into a long driveway that was lined with a large barbed fence. Taeyeon looked inquisitively as she slowly drove down the road, she slammed on the breaks when she was met with a sign.


“Philadelphia Correctional Facility? Why the hell do you have business at a prison?” Taeyeon gawked as she turned towards Jessica crossing her arms.


“I have someone I need to see.” Jessica nodded her head indicating for Taeyeon to continue driving.


“No. I’m not driving anymore until you spill the beans. Are you like bored with Yuri and you want to experience some weird versions of Orange is the New Black? B you don't need that when I'm here.”


“What? No Tae. Plus this is a male prison.” Jessica giggled at Taeyeon’s remark.


“Damn, you really are a lesbian.” The older blonde rolled her eyes and continued driving towards the prison.


“But you love me anyway~” Jessica cooed not forgetting to slightly shove Taeyeon’s right shoulder.


“Now that I don’t doubt.” Taeyeon replied with a wink. “So why are we here then?”


“I’m seeing Kris.” Jessica was grateful that by the time she had answered Taeyeon’s question the blonde managed to park the car in visitor’s parking because she almost stalled the car in surprise.


“So Kris is here? I see....”


“It’s a very long story. I promise I’ll explain on the way home, just let me do this first.” Jessica opened the door and got out of the car.


“What am I supposed to do in the meantime?” Taeyeon asked before Jessica shut the door.


“Flirt with a security guard or something. Make your own Orange is the New Black experience. Don’t go to overboard Taengoo. I’m warning you. You've always had bad taste in men.” Jessica warned.


“Yes commander Jung, I’m all yours!” Taeyeon said as she formed the “ok” sign. Jessica laughed before shutting the door and disappearing into the old brick building. Such a dork Jessica smiled.




“Can I help you?” The old and rather cranky looking receptionist asked as Jessica made her way to the front desk.


“I’m here to see Kris Woo Jung. I called not too long ago.” The woman nodded before asking Jessica to provide all her belongings. After about ten minutes of filling paper forms she was led down to several hallways. Now she hadn’t seen much of Orange is the New Black but Jessica felt this was very different, but she gathered that was because television shows were always a little exaggerated.


“In here.” The tall security guard made eye contact with Jessica and he smiled softly aware of who she was since he had read the paper work. “First time seeing him?”


“Yes.” She murmured, waiting for the man to open the door, he had caught the hint. Opening the door he allowed Jessica to walk in first before following her. There he was, her older brother, sitting in the metal wobbly chair waiting for someone to walk in the room. It seemed he wasn’t aware of who was visiting him by the surprised look on his face.


“Sooyeon?” His voice was full of the innocence she remembered him by.


“Hello Kris.” Her voice was neutral.


“How did you know I was here?”


“I have my ways but I’d like you to tell me why you’re here.” Jessica knew then and there that Kris’s answer would make or break him. She knew he was here some bank robbery incident but she wanted to hear the words about Yuri leave his lips.


“I got busted for doing a stupid bank robbery. It was stupid but I’m apparently getting out soon! For good behaviour.” Jessica’s eyes widen in terror, Kris seemed to genuinely excited, like he was the same playful boy she grew up with but it made it difficult to see him that way.


“You didn’t do anything else?”


“No…?” Kris looked at her curiously, his eyes betraying his words.


Really? The air filled with a sticky silence that even caused the security guard shuffle slightly in discomfort.


“What do you want Jessica?” Kris’s tone changed instantly, he was no longer playful and relaxed but now he was leaning forward with his hands intertwined with each other.


“The truth.”


“I am telling the truth.” Kris was becoming defensive and angry but Jessica stood her ground.


“The whole truth, Kris Wu.Jessica stared at her brother in such a dominating fashion that her words almost made him recoil just by the sound.


“What do you know?”


“A lot more than you think.” Jessica leant back from Kris in an attempt to keep some distance between them but he merely leant closer noticing her effort to get away from him.


“I doubt that very much sis.”


Jessica.” Jessica didn’t let Kris speak further before telling him how to address her correctly.


“Well Jessica, how’s your girlfriend Yuri doing?” Jessica stood instinctively, she was not expecting Kris to know about her and Yuri. The way he had pretended for so long that he had no idea was impressive to her.


“How did you know?”


“I have my ways too. I’m surprised it took you this long to come see me. How’s Taeyeon doing I surely miss her didn’t you? You weren’t the only one closest to her you know? I was there too. If you know what I mean” Kris leaned back into the chair causing it to creek at the movement.


Jessica quirked her eyebrows. “What are you talking about?” Kris looked at her in surprised but quickly smirked. “I see that your best friend hasn’t told you. How close are you two really?” Kris gave out a soft giggle.


“Don’t play with me. I know Taeyeon from the back of my mind. Leave her alone. You know exactly what you did to Yuri. I was ashamed. How could you Kris?” She watched her brother smile his own trademark smile before scratching his neck.


“She put up a fight that’s for sure.” He murmured as he pointed to his arm where several small finger nail scars lay. Yuri must have really fought him well. “I also heard she was in the hospital again? Someone else had some fun with her? A Mister Lee Donghae I hear. I’m very proud of him.” Kris continued to smile as he watched his sister becoming angrier by the minute. It seemed he had pushed the right buttons in order to offend her.


“You deserve to be in here.” The blonde mumbled, she could feel tears welling in her eyes but she held them back and turned towards the door.


“Tell me, before you go, how does it feel knowing that I slept with your girlfriend first?” Kris kept his smile spread across his face as Jessica took in what he said. In fact she was so close to launching across the table and strangling him but she clenched her fists tight and walked over to the door.


“Goodbye Kris.”


“Oh and Jessica?” The blonde turned back to face her brother as the security guard opened the door for her. “Give her and your beloved “Taengoo” a kiss for me.” Jessica stormed out of the room seconds later and let the tears fall from her eyes. After collecting all her items from the desk Jessica made her way back to Taeyeon, who had her eyes closed and head leaned. She opened her eyes at the sudden door opening.


“Hey? How’d it go?” Taeyeon asked, noticing Jessica’s wet cheeks and red eyes.


“Drive before I end up in the correctional facility.” Jessica’s voice was about to break. She took Taeyeon’s hand and intertwined their fingers together and faced her. “Please….” Taeyeon couldn’t bear to see her best friend on the verge of breaking down. So she obeyed immediately and off the went.


Way to go Kris Woo Jung. What the hell have you done to Sooyeon. Taeyeon angrily thought. 


OOOOOOOOO Kris is back on the scene! What's the deal with Taengsic and Kris? hmm? What yuh think guys? I didn't sleep at all last night so of course this chapter popped up. Yulsic will be included don't worry y'all! :D Loving the comments! 

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)