Chapter 6 (A Mistake?)

Her Silence is Deafening

“So are you ever going to explain what the hell happened the other day?”

Tiffany blurted out one lunch time as the four girls sat at their usual table.


“Oh thank god someone has finally asked it! I thought I was going to die of curiosity.” Sunny spoke next but Jessica for the first time in front of the girls seemed lost for words.


“Nothing happened. Yuri just got...jealous for some reason.” The blonde tried to avoid the topic subtly. She didn’t want to talk about it. She hadn’t seen Yuri in days and secretly she was starting to worry.


“….did something happen between you two?” Seohyun pushed the subject noticing Jessi’s distraction.


“What? No! I’m with Hae guys.” Jessica’s voice rose in pitch but the others didn’t point it out. They didn’t want to aggravate the blonde further, she had been on edge all week ever since the confrontation with Yuri and Hae and it was starting to bother them.


“You are with him then?” Tiffany questioned and the others looked towards Jess curiously.


“, we’re not. We’re just hanging out.” Jessica’s sentence lacked confidence and even she could tell. The last few weeks had just been utter confusion for the blonde, she liked being with Yuri, she enjoyed her company and she even liked kissing Yuri but when the idea of it becoming serious scared Jessica.


“Okay well….is” Sunny slowly asked Jessica the question all the girls had been aching to ask. The question interrupted Jessica’s train of thoughts momentarily blinding her of providing any clear answer.


“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her?” They all chuckled slightly at Jessica’s remark.


“Very funny.” Seohyun said as she sipped at her coffee.


“Even if she did actually talk to us, she hasn’t been at school for days.” Tiffany pointed out to the group. She had remained relatively silent for most of the conversation. She was watching Jessica, the ringleader of the group was acting weird and Tiffany could tell that there was something wrong. Something had definitely happened between Yuri and Jessica and Tiffany was determined to find out what.


“Can we stop talking about this? It’s getting slightly boring.” Jessica lied, she wasn’t bored, the blonde just couldn’t listen to anything more about Yuri. She was missing her enough. The girls didn’t speak further of Yuri for the remainder of lunch. They went on about something Tiffany had bought from the mall and Jessica had immediately lost interest. Instead her thoughts were on Yuri. Jessica could not help but wonder why the brunette had not been at school for the last three days and she had decided that she was going to find out why.


When the school day had finally finished, Jessica got in her car and drove to Yuri’s. It was rare that Jessica was ever over to the brunette’s house. In fact she had never actually been inside, she just remembered where Yuri lived from when they did the assignment together and Yuri had to go inside to get biology notes.


As Jessica turned her car off across the road from Yuri’s house, she thought briefly of leaving but she decided she was too curious. The blonde had to know where Yuri was and since the brunette’s car was in the driveway she couldn’t have been far.


Swiftly Jessica walked up the front path to the Kwons home and knocked on the door, again briefly thinking of running but again thought against it.

“Oh hello there.” A woman answered the door; Jessica could only assume it was Yuri’s mother. They were practically identical, except for maybe the height. Yur’s mother seemed significantly shorter.


“Hi Mrs.Kwon. Um. . . I’m Jessica, I was wondering if Yuri was home?” The blonde was suddenly quiet and very shy. Why did being in the presence of Yuri’s mother make her feel small? The woman looked back inside her house, indicating that indeed Yuri was home.


“Yeah, she is. May I ask, what did you want Jessica?” Normally, the question would sound rude but Jessica could tell the older Kwon was actually being sweet and very polite; well she wasn’t just going to let a random into her house.


“Oh yes, Yuri and I did a biology project together and we got the marks back today. I thought she’d like to see them. She did rather well.”


Though Jessica wasn’t lying, the biology assignment was a mere excuse as she didn’t care about it. She really just cared about how Yuri was.


“Of course. She’s in her room, upstairs to the right.” Chae opened the door to let Jessica into the house. The blonde took in a few quick details of the home. Very modern but also very cozy in its own way. Jessica noticed a picture frame of Yuri, her mother and she assumed her father on the table next to the door. The man was wearing an army suit; she would remember this for later.


“It’s lovely to meet you Mrs.Kwon.” Jessica spoke as she entered the home and presented her hand to the woman.


“It’s Chae dear, and lovely to meet you too.” Chae said with a smile and briefly shook the blonde’s hand. She was wondering if Jessica was the reason for Yuri’s radical changes in behaviour, maybe they would sort something out? She was hoping that the blonde would help Yuri to be happy again. Yuri had not spoken since the day she had broken down into tears on her mother’s shoulder, but she saw it as progress and there was no way Chae was going to push her into going to school, considering she thought that was the problem.


Jessica smiled quickly in return before disappearing upstairs. Slowly Jessica made her way down the hall looking for Yuri’s room. She could hear soft music playing from behind a closed door, she presumed it was Yuri’s and knocked. When there was no answer Jessica opened the door slightly. Yuri was facing the other direction and was fast asleep on her bed that sat against the far wall. She looked content, it was nice to see. Jessica didn’t want to disturb the brunette but she didn’t want to leave. She physically wanted to hear the brunette say she was okay. Jessica wanted to apologize but at the same time wanted to run.


Just when Jessica decided it was time to leave, she noticed Yuri stirred slightly in her sleep, it caught her attention. The blonde noticed that Yuri’s crop top was slightly lifted from her body revealing a deep scar resting on her lower back. It looked old but still very painful, it made Jessica gasp when she sully took it in and realize what the mark was.


The sudden noise made Yuri jump from her slumber and she made a loud gasping noise. The brunette took a moment to adjust to reality. Jessica was at her bedroom door almost waiting for permission but Yuri couldn’t say anything. She was too mad at the blonde for what had happened.


“Hi.” Jessica spoke first and Yuri responded by only sitting upright on her bed. “You haven’t been at school, so I began to worry.”


Yuri just shrugged; she didn’t know what to say. Jessica however had already become impatient.


“We’re not back to this, are we? Me talking and you shrugging?” Yuri could feel the blonde’s frustration from where she was sitting but she was lost for words. The time away from Jessica had given Yuri a lot of time to think. To think of nothing but the blonde and the kiss they shared that is. However Yuri felt like it didn’t mean anything to Jessica and she was not ready to face that reality just yet.


Jessica sighed in frustration and ran her fingers through her hair. Her eyes went over the brunette’s body again; she could vaguely still see the outline of Yuri’s scar. It was larger than she had once thought. The wound could be seen from Yuri’s side but there were no signs that it followed through the brunette’s front, not from Jessica’s point of view anyway.


The quiet Yuri followed Jessica’s gaze and she quickly brought her bed covers over her.


“Why are you here Jessica?” The way Yuri said the blonde’s name portrait a sense of unfamiliarity, it was like there was no longer a personal relationship between the two of them. Jessica didn’t like this; she wanted Yuri to call her Sica and to be okay. She wanted Yuri to stand up and give her a hug and tell her that everything would be alright. But Yuri just sat there. Waiting.


“We got our assignments back.” Jessica’s voice became neutral, no emotion, like she had always practice. Pulling out Yuri’s papers from her bag she placed them at the end of her bed and waited for the brunette to speak again, but she didn’t. “Why haven’t you been at school?”


“Because, I didn’t feel like being around anyone. I needed time Jessica, I needed-” Jessica sat on the edge of Yuri’s bed and placed a hand on the brunettes. The sudden movement made Yuri silent and gave Jessica time to think of an apology.


“Sica...Yul. Please call me Sica.” Jessica whispered as she let her thumb softly rub against Yuri’s hand. There was a moment of silence between them but before Jessica could speak Yuri moved her hand away and stood.


“You are with Donghae. Why are you here with me?” Though Yuri didn’t yell at Jessica, the words were strong and could have made Jessica crumble under the pressure.


“Because, I missed you.” The words fell from the blonde’s mouth before she had any control over them.


“What happened that night after you threw me out Jessica?” In the moment Jessica knew Yuri was beyond mad but she was doing well to conceal it. Yuri’s eyes were distant but full of rage; the sight would have bothered Jessica if she weren’t also enraged.


“I went to Donghae’s party and he apologized for everything that happened. So i decided to give him a second chance. Not that it’s any of your business.”


The blonde tried desperately hard to pretend that she didn’t care what Yuri had to say but she did. Knowing that every word she spoke hurt Yuri, was hurting her as well. She didn’t fully understand why she was trying to hurt the brunette. Was it because of the feelings that were hiding under Jessica’s surface? Or was it just because that was the Jessica Jung thing to do?


“You know what? Fine, it’s not any of my business. You’re not any of my business. I can see now you just pretended to be friends with me so the biology assignment was bearable. But now that it’s done, you can go back to being the Jessica Jung that pushed me in the hall on my first day. The Jessica Jung that thrives off other peoples miss-routine. You know what Jessica? I thought you were different but thank you for proving me wrong, instead of me pursuing this relationship further and getting more hurt later on.”


Jessica was now the quiet one. This was the first time she had ever seen Yuri so dominate, her words only pushed at the lump that was sitting at the back of further, causing no words to form for what seemed like a long time.


“I’m sorry, Yuri.” Jessica’s voice was soft, and hoarse, the lump still blocking any form of pathway for her vocal chords.


“No Jessica. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I kissed you. I’m sorry I even bothered to think you cared. But just so you know, you kissed me back.” Yuri’s voice still remained strong but there was a hint of sorrow hidden behind them.


“ was a mistake.” Jessica finally spoke with power and velocity. Trying desperately hard to pretend her words were true. She stood eye to eye with Yuri so there were no more chances of overpowering her, giving the brunette no additional time to speak and Yuri noticed the change in atmosphere as Jessica spoke.


“Well it wasn’t for me.” Yuri came towards Jessica closing the distance between Jessica and herself, not giving either girl a chance to escape a rough but very passionate kiss. Both fought for dominance as their lips battled each other in a fight for control but neither giving up. Jessica felt her arms wrap around the taller girl’s neck which encouraged Yuri to pull the blonde in close. After what felt like an eternity of the battle Jessica finally gave up in the fight for control and moved to Yuri’s rhythm. For me the first time in a kiss Jessica enjoyed it.

She could feel Yuri’s passion and need for her. The feeling gave her a sense of comfort and this was something Jessica had never felt when sharing a kiss with someone. The sensation made Jessica softly causing to open ever so slightly. Yuri’s lips sensed Jessica's desperation towards her and slipped her tongue to battle Jessica’s in a fire of ecstasy. In response to Yuri’s actions Jessica ed softly again, the sound sent shivers through Yuri’s body causing her to push the blonde on to the bed.

Not leaving any time to go to waste, Yuri reconnected her lips to Jessica’s and brought her hands to the blonde’s waist, holding her gently in place. Jessica loved the feel of Yuri’s skin against hers and as the brunette’s hands explored the area of her waist she could feel nothing but pure delight.

As the passion grew between the two Jessica could feel her needs rise, she wanted Yuri to touch her more and she wanted to feel her hands everywhere but she knew that in that moment, they were rushing. Yuri felt this too but she couldn’t help herself, so instead of control, the brunette lead small soft kisses down Jessica’s neck hoping that this time she wouldn’t tell her to stop. Subconsciously however, Yuri paused and looked at the now puffing blonde beneath her. Jessica’s eyes were closed and her lips were still expecting Yuri’s to rejoin her but when they didn’t her eyes flew open, half expecting this to be a dream.


“What’s wrong?” Jessica’s hands that were on Yuri’s back moved to the brunettes cheeks, holding them tenderly the blonde patiently waited for a reply.


“Is this...okay?” Yuri motioned between the two, hoping that it was and that Jessica wouldn’t run away.


“It’s perfect Yul.” The blonde smiled at Yuri’s consideration, even in the heat of the moment the brunette was still thinking of her. Jessica however could only think of kissing and touching Yuri.


“But what about Dong-” Before Yuri could finish her question, Jessica pulled the brunette closer and crashed their lips together and Yuri very much enjoyed this response. Moments later Yuri felt Jessica shift underneath her and suddenly the blonde was above her, leaving small kisses on her neck. The unexpected changes made Yuri lose concentration briefly, causing her mind to slip away into dark memories. She saw above her instead of Jessica, a dark hooded figure, she couldn’t see his face, she just saw his shadows.

The brunette looked at her sides, she was no longer in her room but in a dark alley, it was raining and there were constant flashes of lightning. The figure pushed against her, and she could feel a sharp pain in back, looking down, the brunette saw a pool of blood, she wanted to scream but she couldn’t. The figure had covered her lips with his and just as her eyes adjusted to the sight, Jessica was above her again, making sure that she was still in her room.


“Yul? Are you okay?” Jessica lifted herself slowly off the brunette and helped her sit up. Yur’s eyes were distant, as if they were searching for something and as Jessica lifted her hand to caress the brunette’s cheek she flinched but it brought Yuri back to reality.


“It’s okay Yul. It’s just me.” Yuri looked over at Jessica, her eyes full of tears. Jessica assumed whatever had just happened was a reason to why she stopped speaking and as curious as sh was to ask what happened; she left it and instead pulled the brunette into a warm hug.


“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.” Yuri heard the words and let them spread through her body, trying to allow herself to believe them.


“Whatever happened before Yuri, I promise you, it's okay now.” Jessica held Yuri close and slowly d her cheek leaving the brunette feeling for the first time in months, safe.


Next update in a few! :)

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)