Story 1: Kino

Kino's Story: The First Dance

Being the youngest among others but also being responsible for the group's image is not easy. 


Sometimes it was so hard, and makes me want to give up. But then I remember.


I'm not all alone in this.


I have my members with me.


And with that thought, I continue my dance.




[Cube ent, practice room]


I look at my reflection in the big mirror surrounding the practice room. As I listened to the familiar music, my body began to move. Swaying, twirling, and moving to the beat. And everything else seems like a blur in the background. There is now only me, my music, and my dance.


As i danced my way through the music, sweat rolled down on my face and my body. How long have I been dancing? Honestly I don't know. But it's late already, because when I glanced around the room there is Hui hyung and Jinho hyung -our oldest members- sitting in the far left of the practice room, smiling at me. Ah, it's time for them to practice their dance already, I thought.


"Hyung! Already done with vocal practice?" I asked as I approach the two of them.


"Of course, it's already this late and we have to practice for dancing now," said Jinho hyung while stretching his body. 


"Are you going to help us practice again Hyunggu-ya?" asked Hui hyung while smiling teasingly. I laugh.


"Why, of course! But as usual, you two have to help me on my vocal practice again, deal?" I said, getting ready for another round of dancing practice.


"Okay, deal," they said. And we start our dancing practice once again.




[Another day at the practice room]


"Hey guys, gather around, I have some important news," said Hui hyung to the nine of us, who scattered around the big practice room doing various thing. So we gather and floped down on the floor in a circular formation around our leader. 


"Okay," he started. "As you've known, there will be a project for us to debut, it's been secured. The program will be called Pentagon Maker," he sigh, "it's a survival program," he said. And i can hear Hongseok hyung on my right sighed.


"The detail of the program is........." and so Hui hyung told us the details about this survival program. While listening, I watched Hongseok hyung and Jinho hyung, their clenched jaws, and their focus. This must be hard on them, I thought. 


I know that this survival kind of program is something that makes them feel bad, because of the past event. But I also know that they'll work harder, more than anyone here.


I will also work hard. I vowed to my own self.




[The first night of Pentagon Maker]


The first group mission is here, I thought. Our group –Jinho hyung, Shinwon hyung, Yanan hyung, Wooseok and me– will be performing to a remake of Justin Bieber's 'Sorry'. And so we stay up late for practicing both vocal and dance. We discussed and practiced for a long time.


Looking around to the hyungs, i felt my burden increased. How did they feel to have me, the youngest, as their team leader for this mission? I can only guess and do my best to not dissapoint anyone.


I stand up, intending to practice the dance move i just come up with. And then Jinho hyung come up to me.


"Hyunggu-ya, just rest for a bit. You've been practicing too much, it's not good. Let's eat," he said.


"Let's call for burgers!" Shinwon hyung said enthuastically. And we all laughed.


Ah right, these brother of mine will always stand together with me, I'm not alone. Let's do our best, brothers!




[Pentagon Maker 1st Performance Recording]


As we stood up together in the stage, I pray inside my heart.


Please let this performance be a success.

Please let us enjoy our first stage as Pentagon.

Please let all 10 of us be the member of Pentagon.

Please let us stand and shine in this world full of stars.


And when the music started, I dance.




So what do you think about this story? I'm sorry for every mistake i made, this is my first story after a long rest.


Please give me your opinion, thank you 🙆🙆


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sheriko #1
Chapter 1: ooh! so who will the next chapter be on?
Thank you for writing this! It's really good! I love it ♡ I look forward to the next chapter ^^