New Assignment

Lost In Translation (OT9)

You were sitting nervously in Mr. Kim's office waiting for him to tell you if you passed for failed with Blackpink. Your tiredness forgotten for now, anxiety taking over. You were pretty sure that you'd done well, you did everything that had been requested of you and as far as you were aware the girls had successfully given their interview responses in English. You were nervous because you hated the idea of being judged poorly after all of the hard work and long hours you'd pulled for this first group. What would happen to you if their managers deemed you a failure? Would you be fired? Would they give you an easier task? Your brain was going at a million miles an hour so you were actually thankful when Mr. Kim finally came into the office and took his seat across from you.

"Thank you for coming in Y/N. I assume you are eager to know how you did with Blackpink?"


"Is is that obvious?"


He smiled kindly at you "You are actually holding yourself together pretty well, I just have experience with giving staff their first assessments and everyone is always nervous."


You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding in. "Ok, please end my suffering, how did I do?"


Mr Kim pulled a file up on his computer and turned the screen so that you could see it as well. "We assess you in three areas. 1. How well the tasks were performed 2. How you worked with the clients and 3. Work ethic/professionalism." He clicked to a file and opened it "As you can see you scored high on areas 1 and 3. The 2nd area is still a good review, typical of a first case, it just means you were nervous or mainly focussed on getting the tasks done - which is fine. In future cases try to relax and get to know the people you are working with. It will become easier to complete the tasks if the members sense that you aren't just there to do your job."


You nod "I was trying to work out how to make sure I got the tasks done and that they practised enough that I sort of forgot to get to know rude of me!"


"Don't beat yourself up about it. This review is from the managers and myself after reviewing the interview. When we asked the girls they only had nice things to say about you and that they hope you get to work with them again in the future."  Mr Kim closed the file on the computer and pulled out a manila folder from his desk drawer, it was a thick file which made you nervous. "Now we had planned for you to go to a similar sized boy group next but we've had an emergency and are throwing you a much bigger case, I have faith that you will be fine though so please don't feel too overwhelmed."


He slid the file over to you and you hesitantly opened it. The shock on your face was real but pretending that you didn't recognise the faces staring back at you required some acting on your part. "Mr. Kim, isn't this EXO? Are they not like the biggest group in Korea? Shouldn't someone more experienced be helping them?"


"Under normal circumstances yes, someone more experienced would be assisting them but we have had to send our most experienced staff with other groups. EXO had someone looking after them but they have had a family emergency which won't allow them to leave the country when EXO do. You are able to travel whenever its required, you live in the same building as them, and you are close in age so you will be able to work on being more personable with them. I am sure you will do just fine, they are a very professional group and know the importance of this training."


You were stunned. Your second group was EXO...they guys you'd been hanging out with. Hell you'd slept with one of the members! You were pretty sure that wasn't allowed... You went over the details of your role with Mr. Kim, thanked him for the opportunity, took the file and headed home.



1. Assist each member with 3 English ment's - and intro, mid concert and goodbye.

2. Help prepare members for English interviews, responses must be able to be understood, make sense and show the members personality.

3. Travel with group on North American tour and assist with any extra tutoring as required.

4. Be available to assist members with English at any time of the day.

5. Do not appear in any photos or videos with members.

6. Do not engage the press, fans or anyone about their activities. Only discuss with members, manager and Mr. Kim.

7. Estimated time with group is 3 months. Possibility of extension if required.


You laid down face first on your bed. How the hell was this going to work? Were you supposed to suddenly act like you didn't know them? Were they even going to listen to you? What happens if the managers find out about you and Minseok? Or your texts with Baekhyun? Your brain was going in overdrive and you couldn't work out how to calm it. In the end you decided to call Junmyeon, after all he is the group's leader. He agreed to meet you on the 3rd floor of the building in the conference room after you told him it was related to your job and EXO. You were glad for the more formal setting rather than the familiar lounge room you thought you'd be meeting in.  


When 4pm came you headed down the elevator to the third floor and let yourself into the conference room. Junmyeon hadn't arrived yet so you took a seat at the middle of the table and pondered  about what you were going to say to him. A few minutes later Junmyeon entered and took a seat opposite you. He smiled warmly and greeted you. After a bit of small talk you both got into the real reason you were meeting.


"Y/N, when you called you said this had something to do with your job and EXO. After I got off the phone with you I was called in by the managers and they told me that our current English teacher won't be able to continue working with us due to a family emergency. Am I correct in assuming that you have been assigned to us?"


You nod.


"Then congratulations are in order! We will get to see more of you and it also means you must have gotten a great review for your work with Blackpink." He is grinning at you, clearly not having the same concerns as you.


"Thank you. I'm excited to be working with you but I'm also worried.  My boss and your managers don't know that we already know each other so am I supposed to pretend like i don't know you? Are any of you even going to listen to me or will you all just tease me? What if-"


"Y/N," He cuts you off "Calm down. The first few meeting you'll have to pretend like you don't know us but we will just advise the managers that we've called you for tutoring at the dorm. they won't need to be there since you live in the same building and can just travel one floor, there is no risk from fans or press that way. After that you will be able to relax more since its assumed you'll get to know us. We are professional, contrary to what you see in our dorm most of the time. So in the pre-set lessons done by our managers we will be the best students you've ever seen, at home...we might tease and joke around more but we still need the help that you are there to provide. The only other thing you'll need to do is call us by stage names when we aren't at the dorms. Now, does that cover all of your worries?"


"Most of them, much will SM look into me?"


Junmyeon pauses and looks at you with a confused expression on his face "Why? I'm sure they will look into you a bit but your company does all of the background checks and stuff like that before hiring you so I'm assuming they don't do much more..."


You chew on your lip nervously "But...would they somehow look into my phone records? They'd see that I am in contact with most of you if they do, that's all."


He leans back in the chair, smirking "Ah yes, you mean they might see the texts you sent Baekhyun or the photo you sent Minseok right?"


You blanch at his words and stare at your hands, too embarrassed to answer.


"Yes I know about those and no, not everyone does. They had to tell me because I'm the leader so I need to know this sort of thing in case netizens or sasaeng's somehow find out so that we can effectively do damage control. That also means that I know what happened last night between you and Minseok."


You sink further into your chair, wishing you could become invisible.


"It's fine ok? We all like you, you know that right? I won't tell anyone unless I have to but just be aware that if everyone knew, they'd just be jealous. You are lovely, attractive and we all enjoy your company. Just keep that in mind for when any of us give you a hard time ok?"


You finally have the courage to look Junmyeon in the eyes, expecting to see something other than warmth and a tinge of lust in his eyes. "Suho?" You try out his stage name. "Do you think we could meet here again before the first formal meeting so that I can work out some strategies with you and maybe try out a lesson?"


He grins "Of course, how about tomorrow at the same time?"


"Sounds great. Thank you for this. I was so nervous and worried."


Junmeyon walks around the table and engulfs you in a hug. He reassures you that you have nothing to fear. You say good bye to each other and you head back to your room, Junmyeon back to the dance studio for practice. You can't help but think of his words as you try to plan out some lessons to suit the tasks required of you. If they give you a hard time, remember that they would all be jealous of you ing Minseok? Why? It's not like all of them want to me...right?...hmm

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That was pretty intense. I like that Minseok asked about their limits and was considerate of everyone.

It was pretty hot and so long, I didn't think about the end coming as soon as it did. Hahaha.

As for who she should end up with, here's my two cents. It is very apparent throughout the whole story that she and Baekhyun have a thing. And after the previous chapter where he devoured her, it's clear that they care for each other more deeply than she cares for the other boys, Minseok included. She was so afraid of how Baek would react which is a clear sign that she wants something more with him.

I don't see her being with Minseok, even though she cares for him deeply as well. It might be because of their arrangement as buddies, but aside from that she has no emotional attachment aside from their friendship.

I would love to see her end up with Baek after her contract with them ends. And of course, maybe with the cheerleader costume? Hahaha

I cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for sticking with this fic. Here's to all readers patiently waiting for the conclusion to this story.
745 streak #2
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Yes please, I will take a fan and refreshments. I was sure I wanted her to end up with Baekhyun, but I am suddenly undecided after this chapter. If it would be either man, I don’t think the other would be very happy, which could potentially cause deeper problems within the group. I don’t think the others are as invested and things pretty much stopped with the lessons and friendship. However, it’s more apparent that she has mutual feelings with both men - unless I am reading it wrong. I can’t wait to see how things progress after this night.

Thank you so much for updating, I’ve really missed this story. Hope you’ve been well and Happy New Uear.
35 streak #3
Chapter 47: Uwww... finally they did it... that was more like a anticipating and nerve-wracking moments...haha...but it was extremely hot, y and tempting...yeah.. I was also wondering with whom she was going to end up...
Woah.. 3 endings... hope authornim publish all the 3 endings maybe one as final and other two as bonus part or possible endings...
Aww... hope she ends up with all the boys... but yeah she had actually different chemistry, friendship and relationship with all the boys... it was definitely a lit bit different for xiumin and baekhyun from the beginning... how about a surprise plot twist and ending... i miss reverseharem au though... I'll definitely look forward to read the exciting upcoming updates...really enjoyed reading the whole chapter..thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 47: Woaaaahh crazyyyy!!! I honestly ship the three of them together? Is it possible? LOL.
808aff #5
Chapter 46: Well hoooooooly it's happening. She did work extremely hard with the guys, both professionally and uh ually lol. She deserves all the praise and rewards as well. Dang we getting a Xiubaek y time for Xiubaek lol
Chapter 46: I know my naughty guy here will accept it. Hahahhaa. I surely not expect that Minseok would be afraid to be rejected about this awww. No worries, we'll get to it guys. It's about time 🤣🤣
Chapter 46: Woaaaah.. i don't think i can survive the next chapter. The build up is already hot enough, i can't imagine the real action.. hohoho
Chapter 46: Give me some water and a fan!!! I gotta cool myself up!!!!!
35 streak #9
Chapter 46: Woah... finally baekhyun got his another reward... for sure they were too naughty..hahaha.. but that was so hot and y... also loved their dynamic bonding..there's definitely something special between them.. maybe it's love, care, trust and good understanding... but they got along with each other so easily and comfortably... also woah he's going to get another bonus reward soon i guess.. hehehe..loved the way oc made it more easier and comfortable for both of them... xiumin's reason for choosing baekhyun was so interesting... so excited for next chapter..loved it authornim and thank you for updating.
745 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think we will be the ones to die reading it!😉 This was such a hot chapter in itself. Baek, Teach, and simply a phone was hotness overload in itself. They have such a connection to each other that it’s crazy. It also speaks volumes of his trust in her that he has accepted her reward/punishment system with the others. Not to mention her friends with benefits relationship with Minseok, and now agreeing to be part of Xiumin’s reward. Can’t wait for the next chapter.