Flowers Buds and Budding Love
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Byun Baekhyun spent the first few years of his adult life grinding his way up a magazine agency. Starting off as an intern who ran around taking coffee orders, in less than half a decade he made it up to a respectable position in the photography department. After picking up techniques through his superiors and executing them through various shoots, the young man had built up a decent portfolio and style of his own. Finding a new confidence in himself, he began to create and sell his own pieces, collecting quite a bit of money from it. Wanting a refresh, the young man decided to take a break from work and spend sometime alone finding himself.


He contacted a realtor in the winter to find a nice cottage home on the edge of a small town. A few months passed as the snow melted into spring blossoms and the young man was now the proud new owner of a lone home nearby a flourishing forest. The portly middle aged lady who sold him the home assured him the area was safe and even has a walking trail. Baekhyun didn’t mind, seeing the space as a new terrain to practice his skill and capture new images, playing with the things he’s learned in his years working as a professional.


Upon moving in his things, he was satisfied with his decision even more seeing the wide open yard in front and behind his property, his nearest neighbor being a half mile away. He wasn’t antisocial, but it meant that he’d have plenty of room to do as he pleased and very few distractions. Compared to his high rise studio apartment in downtown of the big city, this new change of pace was a proper start to his solo career of self-employment. The house had a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom along with a back door placed on the side. Once everything was set up, Baekhyun stood in front of the doorway, peeking out towards the nearby greenery just a short walk away.


Prince Chanyeol decided to wander today. His father had rule over the few local areas surrounding their great home, one of those being the massive forest covering their estate. The young man often spent his days just exploring their properties and befriending those he met along the way. With spring just sprung, bird’s eggs hatching and leaves starting to grow green on the branches supporting their nests, Chanyeol loved taking in the scenery.


As the tall young man left his home and started weaving his way through the trees, he heard footsteps not far away. He paused, taking refuge behind a tree. From what he knew, they had no enemies, but the sound of a big thing coming his way made him hesitate. Chanyeol poked his head around the trunk, pointed ears poking through his straight dark hair as he listened for the footsteps. The young man pushed himself away from the tree, looking ahead at the boy some few feet away.


He had honey colored hair that swept from his face as he tilted his head back, taking a picture of the sky. Chanyeol couldn’t help but stand and watch, knowing it was probably impolite to not confront him and introduce himself. The tall boy dipped back into his spot as the stranger took a step in his direction. He waited with baited breath as the boy stopped right in front of the tree he was behind, even leaning forward to take a look in the direction behind Chanyeol. After a silent moment, the boy turned around and continued on his path. Simply too curious, the tall boy would be lying if he said he didn’t spend the day watching his new soon to be friend, following the path he took.


When evening came, Baekhyun had already spent his afternoon in the hall closet turned dark room, developing the images he took on his walk. Feeling hungry, he walked into the kitchen and began preparing a meal. Waiting for a pot of water to boil, he glanced out the back door, something colorful outside catching his eyes. The young man made way to the door and noticed through the screen there was a small bundle of wildflowers resting on the bottom step. He opened the door and went over to pick them up, noticing the the baby blue ribbon tying the little arrangement together. Looking around, Baekhyun wondered who could have put them here, unable to see any indication someone had visited him.


He brought them inside and checked the water, pouring into a portion of pasta. The sky outside was starting to dim but it was still the tail end of golden hour. Curious about the mysterious gift and now having a subject to photograph, Baekhyun set a timer on his phone. Just a quick ten minutes so he wouldn’t let the food burn. He went to his room, grabbing a polaroid camera with the bouquet in hand and headed out to the front yard for a quick shoot.


Night fell and after a peaceful dinner watching the sunset from his little front porch, Baekhyun washed the dishes and developed the new images he captured. Even though it wasn’t the best quality on such a simple camera, he wasn’t sure if he’d see the person who gave him the gift. So instead he planned to just place the best three images inside a folder and write a note to the kind stranger, thanking them for the flowers. After checking the weather to make sure it wouldn’t rain, Baekhyun walked down the few steps leading to his side door, and right on the bottom steps where he found the present, left his own.


The next day the young man awoke and found the folder still on the porch. Deciding it would be a bit strange if they decided to retrieve it in the middle of the night, Baekhyun carried on a went on an early morning walk in the forest.


And again, Chanyeol peeked through his bedroom window, leaving his home the same time as yesterday. Luckily, he was able to spot the adorable boy, wondering if he received the gift he left on his doorstep. It was just a simple peace offering, nothing more. Or, at least that’s what the young prince told himself so as to not feel too embarrassed.


Once Baekhyun came home, he noticed the folder was gone and the step was empty. He hoped the wind hadn't just blown it away, but not having any other option, he made way inside his small house and started working. Around lunch time he decided to eat, curiosity catching his mind as h

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9.8.18 // Aye this story got featured! Wow! Never would've thought such a short story would be so loved. Thank you everyone <3


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Chapter 2: This is soooo heart warming, only wish there was more ❤️
740 streak #2
Chapter 2: Aww, it was so adorable! Big congrats on being featured.♡
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 2: Cute
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Very sweet so fluffy!!
Congrats on the main page ad bid feature!
Congratulations on highest bid!
Chapter 2: my god they are so cute
Congratz on the bid! What a great way to end your birthday celebrations (^w^)/
692 streak #9
Congrats on the bid! ^^