Chapter 1

Not just once but twice
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Momo revved the engines on his bike as he put his helmet on. Wincing in pain as the helmet touched the wound on the corner of his lips he just got busted. He was used to this so he just held the pain in as he quickly swerved his way to where his friends were waiting for him. Once he got there, he took off the helmet and released a loud sigh. He knew his friends were going to bother him about the bruises and wounds. Momo straightened his hair and tried to keep a poker face as he walked into the room.

“Did you get into a fight again, Momo?” A cute girl with bunny teeth asked him.

“What did I tell you about fights man? What if the person you fought with holds a grudge against you or something? Or if the police arrest you?” A handsome boy next to her said.

“I’m sorry but I can’t stand and watch like that! He was being ganged up on by like 4 other students from Time high!” Momo argued.

“Next time, call me Hyung! I’ll be there to help you.” A small cute looking boy said.

“You’re definitely not going anywhere, Chaeng.” A girl with long orange hair told him.

“Awww whaaat?! Why?!” the boy wailed back.

“Cause you’ll be no help. I can help you instead Hyung.” A tall handsome boy with slightly pointed ears said.

“Hey! Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t fight!”

“Yeah? Come beat me then.”

“Sure will! Meet me afte----“

“STOP!” A girl with squirrel cheeks yelled.

“Tzuyu, Chaeyoung stop. It’s no use fighting within your group. Chou Tzuyu, you are not fighting anyone and that’s final. Ok?”

“Arraso Sana nuna… But I’m allowed to fight if something happens to you right?”

“That’s the only time you’re allowed to fight.”




“That’s only in a case of emergency! Now let’s go back to the original topic.”

“Arasso arasso. Momo hyung don’t fight anymore please. We’re all worried about you. Especially Nayeon nuna. She thought you got into a car accident or something because you were so late.”

“I’m happy that you’re all worried about me but I’m fine. I’m used to this.”

“Hirai Momo!! What did I tell you about shutting yourself out?!”

“Sorry Nayeonnie. I’ll try not to do it again.”


“Let’s practice then! Momo please don’t do that again by yourself ok? We all can’t live without you.” Jeongyeon told him.

“Fine… Let’s practice. We have a live in two days!”

With Momo’s cue everyone got to their positions. Momo on the right side as a guitarist. Jeongyeon, the handsome boy who was next to the girl with bunny teeth earlier in the middle as a vocalist. On the left of him is the cute short boy, whose name is Chaeyoung as the bassist. Behind Chaeyoung is the keyboard player, Dahyun, the girl with long orange hair. Next to Dahyun and behind Momo is Tzuyu. He is the tall handsome boy who is the drummer. This concludes the members of ONCE. What about the other two girls? Well, the cute girl with the bunny teeth is Nayeon. She is Momo’s longtime friend since elementary school and Jeongyeon’s girlfriend. She always comes to watch their practice after school. The other girl who resembles a squirrel is Sana. Tzuyu’s girlfriend who also usually watches the band practice. Sana is a student of JYP Academy, which is a private school for rich kids. Everyone except Sana is a student of Once High School, a public school in the area. Or are they?

Practice was going smooth until they got to their third song.

“Everyone Stop!” Momo shouted.

Which made everyone stop and look at him. They all had a guilty look on their faces.

“Jeongyeon, at the chorus you went off tempo. Tzuyu you were one beat off and Chaeyoung followed you two. Dahyun, you were… perfect. Keep up the good work. And uhm I also was a beat late so sorry… Let’s try again guys.” Momo smiled and everyone smiled back.

The strenuous practice continued on for two more hours. Without them realizing, it was already passed 6. Since they had a live soon, all of them were too focused on practicing. Nayeon and Sana had left earlier for them to concentrate and to go home before it got dark.

“Ahhh I’m so tired.” Momo said as he fell backwards onto the couch of their practice room.

“Me too.” Tzuyu said as he fell on top of Momo.

“Tzuyu, that hurts…”

“Let’s go eat Hyung~”

“Wanna go get Jokbal?”

“We always get Jokbal but ok hehe.”

“How about you guys?”

“I’ll pass hyung. I’m going to go take Dahyun home.”

“Ok. How about you, Jeongyeon?”

“I have to go home. Sorry guys.”

“Aww it’s ok. I guess it’s just us two then Tzuyu. Let’s go.”

“Arasso Hyung. See you guys tomorrow!”

“See you Momo and Tzuyu.”

“See you Hyung and Tzuyu! I guess we’ll get going too.”

“Let’s all leave now then.” Jeongyeon said and they all left the practice room and locked the door.

After they locked the practice room and got to the gates of Once High School, they all went their separate ways. Momo and Tzuyu to the Jokbal shop near the school and Tzuyu’s apartment. Chaeyoung to Dahyun’s house first to drop her off and then back to his house which is near Tzuyu’s. Jeongyeon going back to his house.


Jeongyeon walked with Dahyun and Chaeyoung for a bit until Dahyun told Jeongyeon that she will be waiting for someone to pick her up at the curb they were at. So they bid farewell to each other. Jeongyeon hurried to JYP Academy which was a rich private school that was somewhat close to Once High. Luckily, the gates were not closed yet so he went in and went to one of the men’s restrooms. He put down the bag he was slinging over his shoulder and pulled out his suit from the bag. Since today was a weekend he had to wear this instead of JYP Academy’s school uniform. Jeongyeon quickly changed and rushed back to his house.

“Welcome back home, Young master Jeongyeon.”

“Thank you, Sebastian.”

“Your dinner and the bath is ready.”

“You’re the best as always. I’ll take a bath first.”

“As much as I want to say, you should young master, Miss Jihyo and Miss Mina have been waiting for you in the dining hall for dinner.”

“Jihyo’s here?!”


“Alright. I’ll go change and then come down to eat dinner with them. Can you tell them that they can start eating?”

“I will though I doubt they will listen young master.”

“I’ll be back.”

Sebastian, the butler bowed as Jeongyeon went up to his room to change. Although he just changed from his band clothes to his favorite suit. He put his bag on the floor next to his bed as he sat down on the bed. He sighed as he took off his shirt and wondered what he should wear. After looking through his wardrobe he finally decided. Jeongyeon now changed into more comfortable clothes than the suit. A typical short sleeve collared shirt with a Ralph Lauren vest and chino pants to accommodate the good rich son look his family likes. Jeongyeon quickly put the bag that contains his band clothes swiftly under his bed as a knock was heard from the other side of his door. Jeongyeon opened the door to see Sebastian in front of him.

“Do you need any help, young master Jeongyeon?”

“I’m fine. Also Sebastian just call me Jeongyeon when it’s just us please.”

“Arraso Jeongyeon-ah. Since it seems like you are ready, shall we head downstairs?”

“Yeah. Just one second.” Jeongyeon says and sprays some body mist before going downstairs to the dining room. He opened the door to see his younger sister Mina and an annoyed Park Jihyo, his childhood friend looking at him with her arms crossed.

“You’re late.” Jihyo tells him.

“Sorry.” Jeongyeon replies. He wanted to argue but he knows better than to argue with Jihyo.

“Let’s start eating then Jihyo and Oppa. Thank you for the food.”

Jihyo and Jeongyeon repeated after Mina and started eating. The food was exceptionally delicious as always and the three of them being hungry, devoured the food. They quickly finished the food without talking.

“Hey.” Jihyo said as they finished eating.

“Yeah?” Jeongyeon asked back.

“We need to talk.”

“Fine… Just the two of us or?”

“Of course Mina can join us. She’s my best friend and although you’ve known me longer I bet she listens to me more than you do.”

“I think so too.” Jeongyeon joked back.

The three of them then went to Jeongyeon’s room to talk. Sebastian brought tea and cookies for them which they enjoyed as well. They were chitchatting here and there, enjoying each other’s presence and catching up with each other. Since Jihyo and Mina were a grade younger than Jeongyeon. When Sebastian suddenly came in the room that Jeongyeon’s parents and grandparents had come home. Upon hearing this, Mina quickly excused herself to return to her “room.”

“Is Mina still…?”


“I see… Jeongyeon I came because of well, your school behavior too but also because of our engagement.”

“I figured… As for school I’m grateful you’re backing me up. I’ll be there for exams so don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried about your grades but about your attendance. You know if you don’t have enough attendance you can

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 1: Where are u,authorssi? Please come back and update this story T^T
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: DubChaeng is the sweetest in this chapter ^^
I feel sorry for Momo :( glad that Tzuyu is there for him.
Please continue this... I really really like this story :'(
I am waiting for 2yeon .. <3 <3 <3
Please please please
Chapter 1: I want to see Mimo's moment
Chapter 1: I'm waiting for the next chapter
This was love at first sight (me and fanfic)
I'm looking forward to the third chapter
~~~~I want Mimo~~~~ :3
barron_8 #6
Chapter 1: I'll be waiting for the next update! :) Thanks!! :)
Chapter 1: Damn 2yeon jihyo momo