You are my Geek


“Oh no… Not this again…” her just washed shoes were once again covered in neon paint.


She let out a shriek as the paint filled water balloon landed on its target, her head, before she spun around and looked up into the eyes of her worst enemy, she had more words than that but that was where she left it.

“Aw… Little Sunyoung is all dirty, you better go wash up honey before you send all the boys running for the hills,” shrill laughter followed the snide comments by the leader, more like dictator, of the popular crowd, they called her Kyrstal.

“I’m going, I’m going,” she muttered under her breathe before she stalked over to her locker in which she had a spare uniform, one could never not have a change of clothes when one lived up the footprints of another.

“Last time I checked you did not have a target on your head,” she was met by the smiling face of her bestfriend when she closed her locker and sighed unhappily at how she appeared at the moment.

“Well I must have one somewhere,” she giggled at the thought before running a hand through her sticky hair that had cemented itself to her forehead.

The bell rung signaling the start of classes as she glanced unhappily at the man that had begun to walk off to his classroom before she ran to the bathroom, she was going to be late, again.

“Library, after school, don’t dare forget this time,” a long index finger was shoved in her face as she sighed unhappily, all she had wanted to do was go home and do her homework away from this place.

“You’re smart enough to do it yourself, you don’t even need me there,” she supressed her groan as she knew she had lost the battle even before she had dared to open .

“But your my tutor, it’s your job to be there,” as much as she would have argued that, that was the point of a tutor but there was much more capable one’s than her for the job.

“Yeah, yeah fine, I’ll be there, but if your late, I’m gone,” with that she her heel and walked to her next class leaving him standing in the hallway watching her walk away.


There had been a brief moment of glee when the bell had rung at the end of the day before her stomach dropped as her phone buzzed with her tutoring notification, she wasn’t going to get out of here anytime soon.

“And of course you’re late,” she whispered this to herself as she had checked her phone every ten seconds for the past twenty minutes as she had more patience than she let on she’d give him another five minutes to walk through the door before she walked out of it.

 “You’re still here?” there was a sense of genuine surprise in his voice once he had walked through the front doors and over the table in which she sat.

“Yes, it appears I am. Now sit down and show me what you need help with,” she ran a hand through her long hair as the time ticked at half its normal speed as she began to help him with his homework.


Though it had been the longest hour she could have experienced she could get out and away from the boy that sat a little too close for her comfort for the majority of the tutoring session.

“You know where to find me when you need help again,” she didn’t meet his eyes as she grabbed her bag and strung it over her shoulder before she went to walk away.

“Wait. Can I tell you a secret?” that made her nervous at what he could say or do to her, even though they were a public place she didn’t feel quite safe.

“Fine, just be quick,” her mood was worsening as she wished over and over that the ground would just open up and swallow her up but it seemed no amount of wishing was going to make that come true.

“I always thought you were kinda cute and I wanted a cute tutor,” he had whispered this into her ear before he pulled back and winked at her before he left her standing dumbfounded at what he had just told her before she sighed and set off for home as well.

And I’m done. Let me know what you thought in the comments.
Pretty good for 4am I would say lol.

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cia0510 #1
Chapter 4: After years :'D
Lol jk...
It's cute ♡
phuonga3 #2
L.ji please
infinitemask #3
Why do you let those comment get through you? You're the author right. Is that the only reason why you aren't updating anymore? If so, dissapointing. I though it would be a good story.
cia0510 #4
Bad Soojung..
Poor Jiyoungie :(
update pls...
--nerdyexotic #7
Sorry! I just thought the geeks would be together! <br />
So the nerds and the populars are being paired together?! Yes!
L.Ji shipper. Update soon. Please. Thnx!!!
JiYeon_Lover #9
agree with Freda123 hahaha<br />
i'm L.Ji shipper...
i want jiyeon and l.joe please!!!!