
A Pile of Drabbles




"You're full of lies. All you ever did was to hide everything from me. So, how do you expect me to believe you now?"

"I just want you to trust me this time." Baekhyun desperately pleaded.

"Trust? You want me to trust you after all you've done? I trusted you with my whole heart, Beakhyun! But what did you do?! You broke it! It was your choice to lose it. I wanted to believe you, only you, until the end. But I'm tired, Beak. It feels like I'm the only one fighting for this relationship to work. I guess you never really gave importance to us, to me." Chanyeol choked, trying his best not to cry out loud in front of the person he longed to see for a year. He was furious, he was mad but at the same time he was happy and sad. It's confusing. All Chanyeol wants to do is to embrace his petite lover – if they're still lovers that is. But seeing him after a year of disappearing without a single word or anything then coming back like nothing happened, like pulling a stunt like that wasn't a big of a deal, Chanyeol felt hurt. And the pain wasn't bearable anymore that he just exploded all over the place.

"Please." Baekhyun spoke and Chanyeol can't help but feel like the man infront of him purposely pretended to hear nothing of what he had just said. "Chanyeol, please, just–"

"No, Baekhyun! I'm done! I don't want to hear anything from you anymore. I don't need any of your lies again. I'm done hurting."

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST ING LISTEN TO ME FIRST!" Baekhyun shouted, frustrated. Yes, he knew how much pain he had cost the other but he has his reasons on why he needed to leave everything behind. It wasn't easy for him but he had to for the sake of someone more important than his life. But that someone was being stubborn right now.

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME?!" Chanyeol snapped, "I said I'm ing done with all of your s already! I won't care on what you want to do with your life anymore because you obviously never cared for me. So, why should I bother knowing, right? You don't even want to tell me the reason why you suddenly left like it's the most incredible act you could've done! , Baek! Why don't you just stop already?!"

Chanyeol was heaving from all the yelling while the other man remained silent while looking at him blankly, "What? Are you disappointed that I've decided to stop playing games with you now?"

Baekhyun's face was unreadable. He was always hard to figure out and that is what Chanyeol finds annoying. He can't predict Baekhyun. He is always a mystery. Hard to read and predict. Baekhyun is so good at hiding everything, specially his feelings.

But not this time because for the first time since they had met, Baekhyun's eyes showed pain and hurt, longing, sadness, regret and love. Chanyeol didn't missed that glint of love shining in his eyes but aside from that, pain was the most evident thing.

Why are you suddenly showing me your vulnerable side? Chanyeol was speachless at the sight unfolding in front of his own eyes.

Baekhyun suddenly hanged his head low, hiding his face with his fringes, trying so hard to mask his emotions but the cracking of his voice gave him away, "I know it's hard to wait for someone you don't know when will be back. But I thought waiting was easier than fighting for the sake of someone's life alone."

"What..." Chanyeol only managed to breath out, suddenly feeling his voice stuck in his throat.

Baekhyun looked up, directly staring in his eyes. Chanyeol expected to see the things he saw earlier in his eyes but he saw nothing. Empty. Baekhyun looked like a dead corpse with those dead eyes, "You don't have to wait anymore. I won't be coming back."

Chanyeol was paralized on his spot. He wanted to say something, to retort back but he was too stunned by the other's words and appearance. He remained on his spot even when Beakhyun turned and started to leave.

Why.. why does this feel like you're leaving me for good? Where are you going again? What would you do? Are you just going to leave me like this again? Why won't you tell me anything? Why do you keep on doing this? Baekhyun.. why..

Chanyeol was about to call out for him when Baekhyun abruptly stopped in his track but didn't looked back and only whispered something that Chanyeol clearly heard and broke him to pieces with reasons he can't comprehend.

"I love you, Chanyeol. I've always loved you. I'll always will."

With that, Baekhyun left and all Chanyeol could do was stare at his retreating back.

















Two years had passed since the day Chanyeol saw Baekhyun after a year of his disappearing act. It is also exactly two years since he last saw and heard from him. And it was also two years ago when Jongdae angrily barged into his office, the security guards of their company's building doing all they can to stop a raging Kim Jongdae from making a scene. Surprise by the unusual visit, Chanyeol ordered them to leave them alone in his office. The moment that it was only the two of them, Jongdae marched towards the tall guy, punching him hard on the face, enough to make the tall man stumble to the ground, before throwing curses and profanities from the top of his lungs.

"You head! Whatever you did to Baekhyun was absolutely ing wrong! Never he did things for his own sake. It was always for someone else and you were ing stupid to not see that! Of all people, you were the one I least expected to give up on him. I'm gonna ing come back here and kill you if anything happens to him, stupid Park ing Chanyeol." Was the last words Jongdae said to him before leaving. Since that day, Chanyeol never saw the guy again. Only hearing his whereabouts from his friends but knowing their whereabouts doesn't mean he cares.

They're leaving me one by one. I'm the one who's being left behind so why should I care. Chanyeol kept on telling himself, although deep down inside of him, he wanted them to stay, to always be there beside him. Isn't it just fair to do that? He was the most hurt because of all the things Baekhyun had done. Isn't it just fair that they should take his side? But why does it looks like everyone is in favor of the man who left him broken?

Despite all that, Chanyeol managed to lift their families business back to its own feet without anyone's help. He became the most well known young CEO of the whole country. Known for his looks, skills and intellectual mind. He made his parents so proud of him. Everyone wants to have him or to be him. He was envied by everyone because he had managed to get everything in life at such a young age – money, fame, looks, brains and there's boys and girls alike wanting to get inside his pants. But Chanyeol didn't care about any of those things. He had stopped caring a long time ago. Everything was going great around him but inside, he felt like he was withering as the time goes by. Ever since that day, he always felt like he had done the biggest mistake in his life– that is to let go of him, his happiness.



"Chanyeol, I have something for you." His secretary said as he entered his office, handing him an envelope.

Not looking up at his paper works, he plainly responded, "Just leave it there."

"No." Was the firm answer.

Chanyeol looked up this time, only to see Kyungsoo's stern face, and said with a calm but firm voice, "I said to just leave it there."

"And I also said no." Was the counter of the other man, "Chanyeol this isn't about work. This is important."

"What could be more important than work?" He retorted irritatingly, going back on doing his piling works.

Kyungsoo snapped, he doesn't want to but the man behind that expenive office furniture desk was being so stubborn again and he had enough of it, "There are a lot more important things in life than work, Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol stopped, breathing in heavily, he dropped his pen on top of the paper as he leaned back on his soft black leather wheeled chair before looking up to stare at the envelope Kyungsoo was holding up to him. To his small amusement, it wasn't just a plain white envelope, it looks like from the one you can get in buying girly stationaries.

"What is that? A love letter? From whom this time?"

"From Jongin." Kyungsoo stopped himself from snapping again as he inhaled, earning a raise of a brow from the other because of his anwer, "Jongin handed this to me to give it to you."

Chanyeol had this weird feeling he can't point out while looking at the envelope, "No. I don't want it." He tried to dismiss the other.

"Damn it, Chanyeol! When will you stop being so stubborn because it's getting tiring already."

Chanyeol glared at him but Kyungsoo wasn't fazed. In fact, the gesture only angered him, "Can you please stop being stubborn for once and listen to us!" Kyungsoo inhaled before continuing in a calmer tone at first but failing, "I'm not sure if you already heard but— . Chanyeol, Baekhyun already passed away the other day and it's freakin' all over the news! I'm sure you've heard and I don't know if you're just that oblivious or if you're just pretending to not know. Chanyeol, just.." Kyungsoo sighed heavily and it looks like he is trying so hard to not let a tear fall.

"Read it before you decide to throw it away." With that, Kyungsoo left after putting down the envelope on top of Chanyeol's desk right in front of him.

Chanyeol only stared, not wanting to know what is inside of it. He knows he'll brake again and he wouldn't know what to do this time.

A tear managed to slip out through his eyes down to his cheek and chin as he remembered the last memory he had of Baekhyun. The time Baekhyun let him see through his soul. His last words echoing through his mind.


"I love you, Chanyeol. I've always loved you. I'll always will."


"Why do you keep on leaving me, Baekhyun?"

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)