Desperate Measures

Magic in the Making
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“What do you mean she just disappeared?!” Kihyun shouts, eyes wide as he flips frantically through the pages of a book. “What happened exactly Hoseok?” he demands of the taller man across the counter. 

“I’m telling you we were walking and she tripped on a rock and-“

“I HEARD THERE WAS AN EMERGENCY!” shouts Minhyuk running into the shop at full speed, Lemon bounding in at his heels. “Hoseok why are you here?” He turns to Kihyun with a huff of annoyance, “I swear Ki if this is about your herbs and Jooheon again I’ll strangle you. Hoseok isn’t your personal plant doctor. He’s a busy green witch with his own plants and life to look after.”

“No, shut up and listen Min.” Kihyun says, closing the book and pointing at Hoseok. 

“Okay, I’m listening,” Minhyuk turns to his friend, still carrying Apple in his bag. 

“Y/n’s disappeared.” Hoseok says somewhat frantically with wide eyes, “We were walking down the forest path when she tripped on a rock and just disappeared!” 

“Okaayy,” drawls Minhyuk, eyebrows raising as he draws out the word. “What were you guys doing?”

“Nothing!” Hoseok exclaims, “We were walking down the path by her house, and I was telling her about being a green witch when she tripped on that rock and disappeared.”

“Okay wait,” Kihyun says eyes squinting as he holds up a finger, “What do yo mean ‘that’ rock?” 

“Just the rock she tripped over, I don’t know!” Hoseok drags a hand through his hair. “I

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Full time university and work causes my updates to be slow, but I’m trying my best to write whenever I can! Thanks for your patience and understanding <3


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748 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hello, I literally just started reading this story, so I will be looking forward to the rewrite. In the meantime, I will check out what you have on Tumblr. Thank you and stay safe.❤️
Chapter 5: Very good story, i will wait your updates and good luck at work and lessons.
Chapter 2: Am really liking this story. Can't wait for more :)
Chapter 4: Super excited to see where this is going ♡♡ kepp uo the good work :)