
Ready? - SooxMyeonXYeol

Joonmyeon had told Kyungsoo that they were ready. They bought a bed and everything for the new hybrid. They had prepared themselves financially for it, saving up and putting money aside. They had moved their collections out of the spare room so the hybrid would get to fill it with what whatever they wanted. They planned on getting a nice small hamster hybrid they'd seen online that was up for adoption. It would have been simple and easy care… Except it really wasn't.

Kyungsoo was trying to ignore the huge sniffling head as it nuzzled at his hand and worked its way under his blankets. This was not what he wanted. He didn't want to let Joonmyeon think he actually had a soft spot for the new pup. But he pushed the head back and lifted the blanket, and the little pup yelped happily, jumping into bed before cuddling in between Joonmyeon’s sleeping form and his awake one. Well, not a very little pup.

One hundred and eighty-four centimeters of pure energy and wiggles was the best descriptor for the hybrid. Chocolate lab and ferret mix was his official pedigree. Ferret. Kyungsoo didn't get that part at first until he had at least one missing sock from each of his pairs. He asked Joonmyeon about it, who shrugged but mentioned he couldn't find some of his ties. When Kyungsoo vacuumed the hybrids new room, flipping over a bean bag he had there, he found almost everything missing, and then more.

“Chanyeol, my favorite mug too?” Joonmyeon asked as they sat at their table, the pile of hoarded items before the hybrid. Chanyeol’s tail was curled under him as he stared between his masters and then whined.

“But it's my favorite mug too.” He whispered shamefully, staring at his hands. Kyungsoo sighed and picked up the gross green and orange tie that he's bought for Joonmyeon when he first was getting into clothing, and now regretted. He sighed, again.

“And why is it your favorite?” He asked as he lifted a brow and held up underwear. It was his good pair, red with white piping. His lazy day underwear, which he had missed just last week. He tried not to pout, upset that his favorite items were in here.

“Because they're your favorite.” Chanyeol whispered. Joonmyeon lifted a brow and pursed his lips before looking over at Kyungsoo. They stared for a long moment before both sighing and getting up to hug their pup. Chanyeol whined and squirmed as he was held before pouting. “Do I have to get sent back?” He asked, a bit frightened. “The other pups said bad pups get sent back. Was I a bad pup?”

Before Kyungsoo can even begin to say why that's an incredibly foolish idea and list all the reasons that he was a good, good pup, Joonmyeon interjected.

“That would never happen Chanyeol. You're our BESTEST boy. We’d never give you up, get rid of you, or even consider not having you in our family anymore. You're our precious pup and we love you, no matter what you do, no matter what you steal, no matter what you are.” He said, gently kissing Chanyeol’s nose before petting his hair and smiling.

The hybrid sniffled a bit before his dark brown ears lifted and his tail wagged again. His eyes got the same sparkle they always did and to Kyungsoo, all was right in the world again. Especially since his lazy underwear was back. Of course, not even a few days after the hoard was discovered, the same underwear went missing again.


Chanyeol was cuddled up against Kyungsoo as he heard a small mumble and then a sigh. Not an unhappy one, but something along the lines of a loving expectation. Kyungsoo glanced over Chanyeol, looking into Joonmyeon’s sleepy eyes. It was a few seconds of their eyes staring at each other before Joonmyeon gasped and blinked, making Kyungsoo blush and hide his face.

“Wait have you been letting him into our bed, too?” He asked with a hand slinking over Chanyeol to gently hold Kyungsoo’s wrist. Kyungsoo blushed he blinked and then his eyes and wide.

“Wait have you been letting him sleep in our bed too?” He asked as he tilted his head and Joonmyeon sputtered. The two stared, before bursting into laughter and smiling. Chanyeol whined noisily between them before he giggled as Kyungsoo peppered his face with small kisses, slowly rubbing the pup’s back with a smile.

Joonmyeon smiled and gently laid his head upon the pillows again, fiddling with Chanyeol's velvet soft ears, chuckling when he twitched and shook his head. He looked back up at Kyungsoo, blushing under his gaze before chuckling. “I've been letting him crawl into bed in the middle of the night up. He just seemed so anxious. So I said I let him sleep between us if he was quiet about it. But I guess when ever he couldn't wake me, he went to you to get into the bed.” he scoffed and then pinched Chanyeol’s cheek. “You little tease, how many times have you actually slept in your own bed?” He teased while Chanyeol whined and squirmed.

“Not once.” He said with a pout before he giggled as Kyungsoo started laughing and shaking his head. Joonmyeon was too shocked to laugh as Kyungsoo slapped the pillow, his heart snapped lips pulled wide, laughing with a smile. Tears started to form as the other laughed harder, making even Chanyeol worry. Kyungsoo was nearly bawling when Joonmyeon finally took his hand and frowned.

“Okay, who are you and where did you take Soo?” He asked with a frown as Kyungsoo giggled and held the other's hand.

Kyungsoo smiled and chuckled as he squeezed the hands and hugged Chanyeol and Joonmyeon closer. He leaned in, eyes shining with teasing pleasure as he held Chanyeol.

“It's just so funny. We've both kept the fact we've let Chanyeol into our bed secret, despite the fact we've done it so often he's basically already considered this his bed.” Kyungsoo laughed, taking Chanyeol’s hand and holding it to his cheek. “It's just such a silly situation.”

Joonmyeon blinked and then laughed a bit, gently taking Kyungsoo’s hand and holding it to his cheek as he smiled and laughed. Chanyeol only wiggled and cuddled into his two masters with a smile and promptly fell back asleep as Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon spoke with low words.

The next day, they put Chanyeol’s and their bed up for sale and bought a king sized one, giving all of them the space in the bed to sleep without Kyungsoo's straying legs to kick anyone and Chanyeol’s wild tail to thump anyone’s crotch (an incident that already happened to poor Kyungsoo just the night prior). The anime figures moved back into the extra bedroom, and let Chanyeol ferret away his favorite items there. Joonmyeon said they were ready. Kyungsoo found that they weren't, but it's alright because they were learning, growing, and adapting as they go. And Kyungsoo was happy.


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DoYouWantSomeFruits #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!! I can't believe such a soft and cute fic exist ;-; thanks you for this!