xii. bloodied ruins

kissed and cursed

Joohyun felt like nothing. Her mind was hazed, not in the way it was when her first kiss started–that one was hazy and wobbly and everything was dancing. No, this one was different. Her mind was hazed in a way where it felt like all she could see and feel was mist. 


She felt like she was floating into nothingness, but at the same time she had incredibly heightened senses. She felt aware that there was essentially nothing around her, and that she was defying any laws of gravity as she was floating. Whenever she would lift a limb, it was like being underwater and reaching up to the air. Whenever she would speak, the water seemed to invade and straight down to , to her lungs, to something deeper within.


Whenever she would think, she would only see flashes of a smile, whoever that was.


Of a laugh, that sounded so pleasant and light and warm. 


Of a kiss, that seemed to be the only source of something that felt more than nothing.


She basked in the smile like one would rest under the warm sun, like one would look at the stars peppering the night. She hovered over the laugh like one would while listening to their favorite song.


She held onto the kiss like a lifeline because it felt like it was.


Joohyun smiled as she drifted off to sleep again.




Seungwan didn’t sleep. 


Whenever she would try and close her eyes, she would see that room in the library. She would see Seulgi’s distraught face when she told her the news. She would see the handkerchief on her desk. 


Whenever she would try to lull herself to sleep, she would remember Irene’s entirety and her heart would drop into the depths of grief and loss.


Her bleary eyes looked at the bright screen of her phone and winced when she saw it was already 7:30AM. Maybe skipping today was a good idea; after all, she just had her face mushed by her dear friend, and she’d rather have the wounds heal on their own.


Let it be a reminder of their loss. 


Let everyone know of her grief.


Silently, as she growled a curse, she hoped the world would just burn. She started to blame everything–everyone else.


The gods, for starting this entire mess and giving Irene a curse that was so dependent on another person. For abandoning them when they were needed the most.


Seulgi, whose gentle and kind heart refused to acknowledge that perhaps Irene was gone. For not talking to her enough to process everything that she ended up hurting Seungwan.


Her dad, for simply not finding anything, anything at all as a lead to the older girl's disappearance even though she knew they were trying.


Herself. God, how she hated and blamed herself. There just seemed to be something, for sure, that she could have done to prevent it. 


If only she didn't end up kissing Irene.


The back of Seungwan’s eyes stung, tiny needles prickling to bring out tears. The heaviness in her chest made every breath labored, just a thick icy chain wrapping around her lungs–cold, restricting, painful.


She raced her hand to gingerly touch her wounds, wincing as fingers left with red.


She deserved it.




It should have just been her.




Seulgi didn't leave her room at all.


She was adamant on keeping to herself after she went rogue, bruising and wounding and breaking.


She just hurt Seungwan. That was already bad on its own… but what was worse was that it felt good then. It felt right. All the frustrations and the anger on Joohyun’s disappearance came out then. 


Unfiltered. Unrestrained.


While landing blows, Seulgi just saw red. It was painful, physically and emotionally, to do something so horrendous and not feel bad about it.


But when reality hit and she realized she had hurt Seungwan, she wanted to punish herself as well.


Seulgi barely ate and slept after that incident. It wasn't even that she was doing anything productive–she mostly either stared into space or cried.


Her parents were worried, of course–Joohyun was still missing and she just got into a physical altercation with her other close friend, but Seulgi assured them that she wasn't doing anything dangerous.


She was just… broken.


Joohyun’s disappearance was nothing but a huge blow to her entire being, especially knowing that there was nothing she could do. Add that to what she found out at the Baes…


She remembered how strong she was, how impressively deceiving she was in acting like she didn't just hear the Baes talk about how Joohyun may show up dead like her namesake. 


It was so impressive she thought about bragging about it to Hermes.


If he ever comes back.


And perhaps bragging about it to Joohyun too, because she always told Seulgi that she couldn't lie. 


She acted nonchalantly, especially because the Baes didn't know she was a ward as well. The most the family thought was probably that there might have been an update on Joohyun’s whereabouts. 


Not a single tear from her eyes then. Not a single falter in her small smile.


Joohyun would never believe it, so Seulgi was sure that she would tell her best friend all about it. Even about how worried everyone was, and perhaps they'll laugh it off because she was back and everything went back to normal after all the chaos.


A pause in her thought. A crack in her heart.


If she ever comes back.




Joohyun’s eyes fluttered open.


Everything felt too bright so she had to blink a couple more times to adjust her sight.


Where was she?


With a loud grunt, she propped herself up by the elbows and looked around.


A dreary forest was around her, wilting trees and dead flora littering themselves helplessly. Traces of life were somewhere around; Joohyun could hear the chirps of birds and the rush of a river if she strained herself enough. Not near enough, unfortunately, but the mere presence of something breathing was enough to calm her panicked heart.


She her chapped lips, wincing at a sting somewhere near the middle. A delicate finger hovered over the throbbing area, and she simply frowned deeply when she pulled away and saw a droplet of crimson on her fingertip.


She started to stand up, struggling with the feeling of both numbness and exhaustion. Her knees shook, pins and needles running through to her leg. A strained huff was let out.


That was possibly the most tiring thing Joohyun had ever done.


“How was your sleep?”


Joohyun might as well have snapped something in her neck with how fast she whirled around. There was a sudden surge of energy–adrenaline, surely–that made her take a step towards a shaded area the voice had come out from.


One foot in front of the other until she found herself face-to-face with a severely wounded girl trapped inside a semi-transparent box. She had auburn hair, stray pieces falling out of a messy pigtail style. One of her eyes was closed, a cut on her brow that made the skin around it so swollen that one poke would have been excruciatingly painful. Her lip was busted, and her nose seemingly broken. Bruises marked her pale skin, cuts and gashes scattered on arms that were held up by ropes of darkness.


“Good to see you are alive, Irene,” the stranger smiled. As much as she could, anyway. It looked more like a grimace than anything.


Joohyun couldn't help but approach the stranger who knew her name, caged and helpless. “How do you know who I am?” she whispered, eyeing the horrible state the other girl was in.


A dip of the chin in acknowledgement, “You are nearly identical to your namesake. I must admit, it was similar to seeing her ghost.”


She took a step back in confusion. “Pardon me?”


The prisoner only gave her a sad look. “I have to apologize for my current state. She took away my godhood… perhaps the others as well. It would have been nice to meet Aphrodite’s ward in a more… ah, pleasant manner.” A hint of a bow for formalities, Joohyun picked up. “I am Artemis, goddess of the moon and of the hunt.”


There was a drop in her stomach, the familiar surge of terror that made her cover . “Who could do this to a goddess?” she simply gasped, eyes roaming to the damage the goddess had taken.


This just sounded too impossible–everything the goddess had said sounded, simply, impossible. What did she mean by someone taking away her godhood? Joohyun never would have imagined such a thing to even be possible. And all those wounds… who would ever think to do that to someone?


Artemis only hummed, shrugging her thin shoulders, the rope tightening around the wrists. “I am not allowed to speak any more about what has transpired, my dear.” She looked up and a tear streamed down her good eye, “I fear you are the only thing that can stop the world from being destroyed.”


Joohyun's hand shook from the new declaration. What the hell was she supposed to do? She was nothing but a highschool senior who took a gap year. She couldn’t even raise a hand to throw a punch no matter what. What was she supposed to do????


She had nothing to offer, nothing to do to save the world that would be any different from any other civilian that would be picked up on any random day.


She was just Bae Joohyun! 


“Run. Quickly!” Artemis yelled all of a sudden, startling Joohyun and her thoughts. The student looked at the trapped goddess. “You must run, Irene! Now!”


Joohyun didn't need to be told twice. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, never even sparing a glance to the goddess she had left. Something in Artemis’ look had her immediately following whatever the goddess had said.


Her muscles ached, a fiery feeling travelling between her thighs and calves. She's never run this hard before–her body was screaming in pain and she couldn't even help but push it harder.


A scream pierced the forest and Joohyun couldn't stop the tears from falling as she knew the source was the moon goddess she had to leave behind.




For the second time since she woke up, Joohyun had a massive whiplash from facing whoever just spoke. She nearly tripped from stopping herself, a decision she immediately questioned the moment her aching limbs started to get a breather and she started feeling everything.


But she pushed through to find out who called out her name– if it was anyone she knew.


Hidden behind thick roots was Seulgi. Even with minimal light and an obscured view, Joohyun recognized her best friend's features.


She called out tentatively, “Seulgi?”


“Thank god you're safe,” Seulgi crawled under the roots and ran to her for a hug. “Everyone was so worried!”


A pang in her chest made her sigh in relief. God, Seulgi’s here. And she's okay. Some dirt on her face and a messy uniform, but it was her. Her Seulgi.


Joohyun clung to her. “Seul, I'm sorry for how I acted, I didn't mean any of it!”


Seulgi's arms wrapped themselves around her waist, the younger girl burying her face on her shoulder.  “It's okay now. You're okay now.” She pulled back to see Joohyun clearer, wiping away the tears that were streaking her face. “Let's go, Wendy's waiting for us.”


Wendy? Joohyun perked up more, hearing another familiar name. Wendy's here too? Wherever here was…?


“Where are we?”


“Nowhere important. We have to hurry up, Irene, come on!”


Joohyun stopped in her tracks. Seulgi never called her Irene. Ever. She should have noticed it earlier–


Seulgi looked back towards her as she stopped following. “Irene?”


She shook her head, stumbling backwards. “Who are you?”


“Wha– we don't have time! We have to go!” The other girl took her wrist and tugged her forward, but she only wretched her limb away from the grip.


Joohyun steeled her eyes at the monolid girl in front of her, bending down a bit to get ready to flee. “Who are you?” she asked again, harder this time.




“Where am I? Who are you? How dare you put on her face?”


Seulgi looked at her almost incredulously. Joohyun almost started doubting herself. Almost. But in an instant, Seulgi’s face contorted to a disgusted look, almost affronted as she looked at her. Her best friend's face twisted to a snarl, almost animalistic.


Joohyun gulped. There was a second of silence as she and whatever it was stared at one another before she started sprinting to the opposite direction.


Seulgi–evil Seulgi screeched as she chased after her, and Joohyun wondered if this was how it felt in the movies when you were running away from a killer.


The dark haired girl beelined, sidestepped, lured, and distracted. It was the first time Joohyun's body ever moved that way, fully embracing the adrenaline and the fight or flight coursing through her veins.


A gap between the trees and Joohyun swerved towards it. However, she immediately stopped on her tracks.


“What the…” she simply trailed off, panting and in disbelief. She didn't get to catch her breath as she took in the view.


Across from her was a chasm, a neverending void. If she hadn't stopped in time, she probably would have just fallen to her death. The edge of the forest seemed like the edge of the world. She peered down and blinked as she saw… Earth? It was far away, but the familiar swirls of blue, green, and white from all the photos she's seen in class and on the internet was too uncanny to deny.


But… if Earth was there, then where was she?


An explosion brought her out of her reverie–a booming sound from above.


Just as the confusion lingered, another bout of fear wrapped itself around her body. A floating island was above her. On fire.




The ground she stood on shook from the mere sound of yet another explosion from above. 


Joohyun may be confused right now–where she was or how she got there, who impersonated Seulgi, and who had enough power to strip a god to mortality–but she was smart enough to understand that Olympus was just about to fall.


And maybe take the rest of the world with it.




Seungwan knew she was dreaming. She didn't know how she knew–she just did. Something about the stillness of the air or the ringing in her ears was enough to convince her that not everything was real around her.


She walked across ruins of an old civilization, nothing but rubble and ashes under her feet. A couple of people were running about, probably fleeing for safety as the destruction caused trembles in the ground.


She didn't quicken her pace, just lazily walking around to inspect the rest of her dream. It almost convinced her that it was real if only she didn't pass through a column and a bunch of people.


A temple near her exploded and she flinched.


“Hurry! Hurry!” 


The civilians rushed to leave, trampling over themselves. Seungwan felt bad, unable to do anything even though it was just a dream.


“Get to her, now!” A distinct voice made her turn around, brows furrowed and lips in a tight line. Where had she heard that voice before?


Her brown eyes roamed the area in search of the speaker.


Again. A pause in the air. A sharp intake of breath.


Seulgi was crouched on the ground, a firm hand on the shoulder of who she was talking to. She wore a leather armor across her torso, a shortsword on her hip and an empty quiver on her back. “Please, there is nothing else I can do.”


The other person shook their head vigorously, short platinum blonde hair whirling, grime between the strands, “No mortal weapon can injure them. Nothing can injure them!”


Seulgi grimly closed her eyes, scrunching her face. “Go anyway. Go! You're the only one that– that can convince her. Stop her, please.”


A choked back sob came from the other person, who nodded quickly and started scrambling towards the biggest temple in the area.


Seungwan’s eyes followed the retreating figure before looking back at Seulgi. She approached her friend slowly, almost impressed at the detail within the dream.


Seungwan found her friend on her knees, clutching her side. Blood started to seep through her shirt, the armor no longer able to hide the injury. Seulgi looked up towards the skies with a furious blaze in her eyes.


She followed her gaze and blinked at the streaks of storm and light that littered the heavens. Smoke rose up from the streaks, some crashing down to the ground that erupted into flames and explosions.


“!” Seulgi cursed, making Seungwan look back at her. Upon closer look, her friend looked older, more worn through the years. Her hair was shorter now, wavier than her usual, but still the same shade of chestnut brown. “…”


Seulgi helplessly tried to stop the bleeding before bringing her gaze to… her. To Seungwan. With a gaze that was familiar and grim all the same. But the recognition was there, definitely. 


She was looking at her.


Seungwan froze on the spot, unable to look away. Even after Seulgi gave her a small apologetic smile. Even after Seulgi’s head bowed down slowly, a hand remained on her side as crimson started pooling beneath her. Even after her eyelids fluttered to a close… and she stopped moving.


She didn't even realize she was already crying until teardrops landed on the hand covering .


What the hell? This is nothing but a nightmare. 


She needed to wake up.


Please, she had to wake up.


Seungwan shut her eyes closed, mumbling to herself with the hopes to snap herself out of the slumber.


It didn't work.


She found that out the hard way, because when she opened her eyes again she found herself inside a temple. 


A lone figure knelt in front of Aphrodite’s statue, hands clasped together in prayer. A hood covered most of her face, but the tall nose and the rosy lips were enough for her to be recognized.


“With this prayer I hope I can achieve peace and forgiveness from my goddess,” Irene said softly, sadness lacing her tone. She pulled off her hood and looked upwards, to the marble face of Aphrodite. A smile lifted the corner of her lips.


Seungwan a breath, staring at the Irene across from her. She looked beautiful as ever.


“Princess, please!” The temple doors shot open and Seungwan saw the same person that was with Seulgi earlier, bursting past the debris and rubble to reach Irene.


Irene turned to look at the newcomer, a fond smile on her lips that later twisted in pain and reluctance. What was she thinking?


A glint of silver and a sharp gasp.


Irene laid on the ground, holding a dagger between her ribs.


The other person was there immediately–not immediate enough by how they started sobbing loudly.


“Please, why did you do it? Princess! There must have been a different way–something to go against the fates.” 


Irene only smiled, holding the person's cheek tenderly as she was cradled in their arms. “I am at peace now, beloved. The rest of the world will not succumb to the wrath of the gods.”


“Damn the gods, Irene! I would rather you alive than this!”


A low chuckle, “It had to be done, my love.”


Seungwan watched in tears once more at the events happening in front of her.


But another unexpected thing happened.


Irene looked at Seungwan, like she was there and wasn't just a figment of her head.


The other person looked up towards her direction as well, wondering what Irene was seeing.


Seungwan’s breath hitched. The blonde girl had the same eyes as her, the same twitch in her face whenever she cried. How did she not recognize it earlier, even from just her voice?


The other girl looked exactly like Seungwan the same way the Seulgi earlier looked like the Seulgi that broke her nose and the Irene dying right now looked like the Irene that was currently missing.


Significantly shorter hair and dyed platinum blonde, but it was her all the same.


Irene held her breath to squeeze out her last words, “In another life, my love, I dream for the gods to let us stay together.”


The other Seungwan wailed, clutching the hand that fell from her cheek, to the cold body stuck on her lap.


The temple darkened, blackness seeping from every corner until Seungwan was blinded by the nothingness of it all.




She woke up with a start, tears down her face and sweat soaking her clothes. She grabbed at her hair, sniffling as she remembered every bit of that dream.


Her chest heaved with pain, teeth grinding to stop herself from sobbing out loud.  It was hard to breathe– like every bit of her lungs were clouded by the smoke from the world in her mind.


“Irene,” she started, pushing her palms to her eyes in a feeble attempt to stop the tears even though she knew it was useless.




A bloody Hermes appeared beside her bed, grabbing her by the arm and taking her with him before she could react.


And as Seungwan stood in the middle of a ruined and flaming Olympus, she had a terrifying realization.


What if it wasn't a dream but a premonition?



MERRY CHRISTMAS OMG??????? rv3 ATE as expected and i'm just so... emotional?? about it?

sry guys didn't get to proofread much so there's prolly gonna be some typos and stuff but just LOOK AWAY!!! <3

I just hoped this update can bring about more emotion for this story and i PROMISE it will be fluffy as hell after this 

thank you as always for the patience. honestly, looking to get this story done in the first half of 2024. (holy it would be my first actually completed multichaptered fic if it does....)

(that just shows how bad i am w this LMAO HUHUHU)

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0 points #1
Chapter 13: Wow
I wonder what happened to Princess Irene and Seungwan years ago
wandawanda21 #2
Riscark #3
Chapter 13: Damnn talk about April's fools there 😬
Chapter 13: Is that person connected to the princess irene? And I'm curious as to what happened to the ancient seungwan after Princess irene died. Why do i get a feeling that it's all connected. Irene's disappearance and what happened before.
1692 streak #5
Chapter 13: Wow! Happy April fools! What a scary premonition.
Riscark #6
Chapter 12: Holy , I know it's some kinda dream, but goddamn I was so scared that it was happening in real time and seungwan cannot do something to help irene
Chapter 12: What the did seungwan just had a vision of the past them? As lovers too??? Omg
Chapter 12: NOOOOOOOOO~ but for real, I'm excited for what will happened next. Thank you for writing this! 🩷
mklarisse_ #9
Chapter 12: so intense 😭 thank u so much for the update happy new year author!!!
mklarisse_ #10
Chapter 9: woah the creepy old lady 😭