vii. not again

kissed and cursed


It was indeed a very long day.


            Seungwan had to stop the gods from fighting every second because when one of them answered, the other one would have a snarky remark immediately at the edge of their teeth.


            It was scary.


            Irene felt uncomfortable the entire time, and there was little explanation needed. Always just verbal fights. It was obvious with the way she held in a retort whenever she felt like her patron goddess was disrespected by Seungwan’s. And that did happen a lot throughout the entire time.


            After an hour, all that was established was that Apollo was a hypocrite and Aphrodite was a .


            That was it.


            An entire hour to just synonyms of those words and not going to lie, Apollo won that round as the god of poetry. He spat down some mean words that sounded like a song, and Seungwan didn’t know whether she’d be impressed or not.


            She shouldn’t be, with how Irene was reacting, but it was at the very least entertaining. For her.


            “Listen,” Seungwan started, gaining the attention of the three people in the room. “Let’s just take a break, shall we? We’re all bamboozled by the news, and I think a good night’s sleep is what’s best for all of us.”


            Aphrodite and Apollo each rose a brow at her.


            She sighed. “For us mortals, okay?”


            Irene nodded, perhaps a little bit too fast and too absentmindedly. Maybe she has yet to absorb the fact that Seungwan was also into the world of Greek gods and their extraordinary way of “normal” lives. Not that Seungwan minded; she had yet to process that Irene was a part of the unnatural in Seungwan’s life. That this was a norm, and she was definitely curious to how and when the goddess began showing herself to Irene. Not that Seungwan wanted to pry; she was genuinely curious because Apollo said before that different circumstances lead to different reasonings to why the gods would show themselves to their wards.


            “Well, how about we mortals get some rest and the gods can go do whatever, yeah?” Seungwan raised her arms in defeat, hoping to finally end it all because she was tired as hell and she can’t imagine how Irene was feeling since she fainted and all that.  


            “Let’s continue this tomorrow, milord?” She looked at her patron god, who was eyeing her suspiciously for no reason. Or was that mischievousness? Seungwan couldn’t tell with how tired she was. “Please.”




            Seungwan blinked, staring with open. Usually he would go into this whole poetic rant about something but this time, he only agreed.






Seulgi had always been a relatively simple girl, with simple dreams and simple desires.


            So this doesn’t make sense how she was always running into trouble thanks to Joohyun’s good looks. It was almost like all the good karma went down the drain and she was just stuck with whatever kind of karma there was.


            Not that she minded protecting Joohyun—they’re best friends! She’d always want to protect her. However, with recent suspicious events, she can’t help but wonder what was going in.


            Sure Joohyun was cursed to kiss her other friend Wendy everyday or else she’ll die, but it never made sense how they could teleport? Was that even the word she was looking for? Seulgi wasn’t always the brightest and words weren’t her best friends, but sometimes she would swear on her life that Joohyun was in one spot of the room and then when she blinked she’d be on the other side.


            What was going on?


            “Hey guys, what’s up?” She asked the two other girls, both looking pale and tired all of a sudden. “Are you guys okay?”


            Her best friend looked up to her with tears in her eyes. Before even saying a word to them, she stormed off of the room and went away.


            Seulgi wanted to chase her but she was stopped by Wendy’s firm grip on her hand. “She’ll be okay.”


            “What happened?”


            “I can’t explain it.”


            “Yes you can,” she started getting angry, wondering what was going on and why Joohyun suddenly walked away without any explanation. “Explain to me right now.”


            “Or what?”


            “Or I’ll tell him.”




Seungwan wondered what Seulgi was going on about, but she immediately stiffened when she heard another crack in the air.


            Not the two gods going at it again.


            She whirled around and was greeted by a curly haired man with impish eyes and unnaturally pointed ears. He had a mischievous smile on his full lips and he was wearing a typical Greek robe, except he was also wearing a helmet with wings on either side. Wings also found by his ankles.


            Wasn’t this…?


            “Hermes, look! They’re bullying me!” Seulgi exclaimed, pointing at two spots in the room where there was no one.


            “Hermes?” Seungwan blinked. Wait, how did she—


            “Hermes?” Apollo gaped at the newly introduced god, not even caring if Seulgi was there.


            Aphrodite appeared in a flash of white and pink. “In front of a mortal, Hermes!”


            “Not just any mortal,” Hermes denied, winking at Seungwan like it was another joke from the many played between them.


            Seungwan felt chills. Impossible. Not her too.


            “Seulgi is my ward.”


surprise hoes im back!


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Chapter 13: Wow
I wonder what happened to Princess Irene and Seungwan years ago
wandawanda21 #2
Riscark #3
Chapter 13: Damnn talk about April's fools there 😬
Chapter 13: Is that person connected to the princess irene? And I'm curious as to what happened to the ancient seungwan after Princess irene died. Why do i get a feeling that it's all connected. Irene's disappearance and what happened before.
1701 streak #5
Chapter 13: Wow! Happy April fools! What a scary premonition.
Riscark #6
Chapter 12: Holy , I know it's some kinda dream, but goddamn I was so scared that it was happening in real time and seungwan cannot do something to help irene
Chapter 12: What the did seungwan just had a vision of the past them? As lovers too??? Omg
Chapter 12: NOOOOOOOOO~ but for real, I'm excited for what will happened next. Thank you for writing this! 🩷
mklarisse_ #9
Chapter 12: so intense 😭 thank u so much for the update happy new year author!!!
mklarisse_ #10
Chapter 9: woah the creepy old lady 😭