Chapter 11

Expected Love

Baekhyun's P.O.V

It's late – or is it just extremely early in the morning? He knows that Chanyeol said he would come back home quite late and told him to not wait for him, but he can't sleep. Trust him, he has tried. He came home rather late himself after leaving Sehun with Luhan, but he didn't mind the time. It was just past 1 am when he finished eating dinner and went upstairs to go to sleep. Even though he's a werewolf and enjoys the dark forest around him, he can't help but to feel a bit anxious. It's not the darkness or the forest, he thinks it's the fact that he's alone that makes him anxious.

He tries to push those silly thoughts to the side and ignores everything around him, but he can't help but to curl together on the big empty bed while smelling the weak scent of something familiar and calming. But the scent isn't strong enough... He sighs tired as he sits up on the bed and stares into the darkness. Should he go for a run...? It was a long time ago since he went out into the forest to relieve some werewolf stress from his body. It doesn't look like Chanyeol will be home any time soon and it might help him to relax more if he gets to move his restless body.

The house is quiet even when he's heading downstairs. His own footsteps are barely echoing against the wall, but it's not surprising since this is a new built house. He heads down to the kitchen where he grabs a glass of water and is about to drink it when his ears suddenly pick up the sound of a car. He quickly puts the glass down as he walks over to a window to see who is coming. Like he thought, there is a car driving up to the house and gets parked outside. He recognizes it: it's either Chanyeol, Chen or Xiumin coming – or all the three of them together. He smiles slightly as he walks back to drink his water and waits for whoever it is to come inside.

It takes a rather long time before he hears the door to the house swing open as he hurries to put his glass down and slowly head over to the hallway. A smile is forming on his lips when he smells the soft scent from Chanyeol: something he can't help but to recognize faster than anything else. He hurries up to the door and smiles at his husband who gives him a rather surprised look, almost like he didn't expect him to be home.


“Welcome back home.”
“Baek... You're still awake...”
“Yeah... I had a hard time falling asleep...”


It isn't until now he begins to smell the strange scent of something he believes is blood. But it doesn't smell like normal blood... Is he imagining things? Chanyeol gives him a soft and tired smile as he looks behind him and out through the door where Chen is standing and waving at them. He hurries to wave back to him before Chen gets into the car and leaves. It's rare to see Chen or Xiumin to drive Chanyeol home nowadays, especially since they are not his assistants anymore.


“Here, let me help you.”


He helps Chanyeol to get off his jacket and takes his portfolio for him since he appears to be more tired than usual. He wonders if he's alright... He glances over at the taller man while he puts away his jacket and notices something strange: he's not moving his left arm normally. The scent of blood... The way he moves his arm...


“I told you to not wait for me. You should rest.”
“I told you: I tried but couldn't fall asleep. I... I missed you...”


He mostly mumbles the last part, feeling like a fool for even saying it. When he glances over at Chanyeol to look at his reaction, he notices that he's staring at him with wide eyes and a strange smile on his lips. Chanyeol hurries to grab one of his hands as he pulls him closer and smiles happily.


“Baekhyun-ah... You just made my day... Thank you...”


The taller man wraps his arms around him, but he easily notices that the right arm is firmly wrapped around him while the left is barely touching him. His suspicion seems to be spot on. This idiot... Why isn't he telling him? Is he planning to keep it a secret? He can't ignore this... He can't ignore this if Chanyeol is hurt!


“Come with me... We should go to bed... Both of us...”


He struggles to keep his voice straight by now and gently grabs Chanyeol's right hand to pull him along with him. It feels strange to just grab onto Chanyeol and force him to come with him, but to his surprise Chanyeol isn't even questioning it. He should be questioning his strange behavior, but he doesn't: why? Why is he so quiet? He tries to not glance back at Chanyeol while pulling him up the stairs and towards their room, but it's tempting to just take a quick gaze back. He somehow manages to walk all the way to the bedroom before he stops and turns around to look Chanyeol dead in the eye. To his surprise, Chanyeol looks to be lost deep in thought while staring at him like he doesn't really see him. Is he spacing out...?


“Hey... Is everything alright?”


He lets his free hand gently reach out towards Chanyeol's face and is about to touch his cheek when the taller man suddenly moves. A startled shout escapes his mouth as Chanyeol grabs his wrist and slams it up against the wall beside the entrance to their bedroom. He whines painfully as Chanyeol glares at him with strangely cold eyes.


“Alright, drop the bloody act. Where is he?”
“W-What are you-?”
“Where is Baekhyun?! I swear if you have done anything to him-!”
“It is me you idiot!”


He cries out in pain as Chanyeol stares at him in confusion, but also in hesitation. When he has had enough of the pain from his wrist, he lets out an angry growl and glares at Chanyeol who is a complete fool. Can't he even recognize his own husband?! Or... Or did something happen in Busan that made him confused...?


“Chanyeol, I'm not joking! It is me! If you don't believe me, check the left side of my neck for your stupid bite mark! It's still there!”


Once again, Chanyeol is looking a bit unsure and confused, but he does as he says. He slowly leans closer and lets his left hand that seem to be hurt gently move his shirt just enough to see the bite mark on his neck. It's right there, where he left it last time when he “punished” him. It doesn't even take a second before Chanyeol lets go of his wrist and hurries to pull him into a tight embrace.


“I'm sorry... I-I really didn't mean to-”
“Idiot... You scared me for a second... What suddenly flew into you?”
“No, it's just... You were acting strange and... Well...”
“Your left hand... It's hurt, isn't it?”


Chanyeol doesn't answer him, he just holds him in his arm for a while before he pulls out and lets out a long sigh. He looks awfully exhausted which is strange: vampires don't get exhausted like humans and werewolves do. What could possibly have taken this much energy from Chanyeol? Something must have happened in Busan, but Chen seemed calm when he dropped Chanyeol off and Chanyeol doesn't appear to be more hurt than his left wrist. On the other hand, vampires heals faster than a heartbeat. How is he supposed to not worry about his stupid husband when he won't talk to him...?


“Let's just go to sleep...”
“I'm sorry Baekhyun, but it's been an extremely long day for me. I'm staying home tomorrow, so we can spend time together or-”
“You're hurt, and you won't even tell me why?”
“Like I said, it's been a long-”
“This is serious Chanyeol! If it would have been me, you wouldn't let me be until I told you the truth. I... I can't just ignore this...”


He tries to reach out towards Chanyeol's left hand, but he only pulls it away before his right hand softly grabs onto his own hand. He watches Chanyeol smile calmly at him before he slowly pulls him with him into the bedroom.


“Let's rest. I'm honestly tired. Right now, the best thing you can do is help me rest. You give me energy in ways you don't understand.”
“You can't ignore me-”
“I'm not ignoring you; I'm just trying to rest before I will pass out of exhaustion. You will think I am bothersome if that happens, right?”
“Bothersome...? I-I would be extremely worried! Vampires don't get hurt Chanyeol! They don't get exhausted to the point they pass out! They don't-”
“I know, that's why you're worried. But I am fine – really.”


Of course, he doesn't want to believe Chanyeol that easily, but a part of him can feel the calmness that is growing within the taller man. Maybe he's overreacting...? He struggles to calm himself down as he lets out a long and tired sigh: his heart won't be able to rest properly if Chanyeol won't tell him the truth. But... But for now, this will have to do.


“Alright... Change your clothes before you go to bed...”
“I will, trust me, this suit is too tight.”
“You look good in it... Do you need help?”
“You, helping me? Since when...?”
“I-It's nothing wrong with me offering to help! Fine, do it yourself you idiot!”
“W-Wait, I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry, please help me.”


Chanyeol is fast to bow slightly towards him, mostly to show him that he's truly sorry for saying such a stupid comment. He knows that his behavior towards Chanyeol has changed rather quickly, especially after seeing Luhan and Sehun back together, but that doesn't mean he's strange. Another tired sigh leaves his mouth as he walks up to Chanyeol and grabs his tie around his neck before he pulls him slightly closer.


“Idiot... I'm really trying to change for you... Be more grateful when I put in so much effort to not scold you or be mean towards you...”


He mostly mutters irritated to himself, but his eyes notice a smile sneaking upon Chanyeol's lips. When he looks up to scold the giant for smirking at him, his eyes get locked with Chanyeol's deep brown eyes and there is a hint of surprise, but also joy in them. Why is he staring at him like that...? He's literally calling him an idiot and scolding him for calling him (indirectly) strange. Chanyeol suddenly leans closer to him and for once his body doesn't jerk away. He only stares at the taller man who gently leaves a peck on his forehead – just like he did earlier this morning before he left.


“Baekhyun-ah... Thank you...”


He isn't sure why he's blushing or why Chanyeol is thanking him, but one thing is for sure: this idiot is dangerous for him. He makes him feel ridiculously happy and he makes him feel strangely hot and easily anxious when something goes wrong. He makes him worry for him even though he's a bloody vampire. He wants to sigh and tell him to stop messing around with him, but another part of him already knows that this is Chanyeol's genuine side. All he can do is try to hide his face while he unties Chanyeol's tie around his neck before he pulls it off him and helps him get his blazer off without hurting his left arm.

It feels strange to undress Chanyeol, especially since they haven't been this close ever since they met each other. Now when he thinks about it, he isn't even sure if he has seen Chanyeol shirtless up close... The thought makes him want to blush, but he somehow manages to push those dirty and silly thoughts to the side and instead secretly glances down at Chanyeol's left wrist. He will take a proper look at it the moment Chanyeol will take off his shirt.


“Here, let me help you since you're being too slow.”


He forces Chanyeol to let him help him his shirt which causes him to feel a bit more awkward than he thought he would feel. The moment the shirt gets opened, he can clearly see Chanyeol's chest and stomach which is surprisingly muscular. Since when was Chanyeol this fit...? Not that he ever thought he was fat, but he didn't expect to see muscles. He tries to not stare too much at the pale skin and instead helps him to get the shirt of so he can finally get to sneak peek at the left wrist which appears to be hurt.


“Just throw that away, will you? I will pick it up tomorrow.”
“W-What's this...? So, you were hurt?!”


Chanyeol sighs the moment he remembers their old conversation and when he spots the bandage wrapped around the taller man's wrist. He literally drops the clothes he's holding before he gently grabs onto Chanyeol's left hand and carefully studies the bandage that is still bloody, but it's not wet.


“That's it... I want to know... I want to know who freaking hurt you...”
“I already took care of them. I was more worried about you to be honest.”
“Don't tell me you actually went to Busan for a business trip because you wanted to take care of a couple of troublemakers.”


To his surprise, Chanyeol won't say anything. He only stares down at him in silence until he realizes that he just described exactly what Chanyeol did. If Chanyeol wasn't hurt at the moment, he would probably have hit him on the chest and screamed in his face. But since he's hurt, he can only squeeze the taller man's hand gently and look down at it with pain in his eyes.


“Do you know what makes me the most upset? The fact that you didn't even try to tell me about it. You wanted to hide it from me... I... I thought we said we would trust each other from now and on... I thought we would be honest and open about everything...”
“I didn't want to worry you. I honestly went to Busan because there were a couple of business meetings, but also because... Because I heard someone was after a friend of mine.”
“Then why didn't you just say so to begin with? Why hide it and make me worry? I'm seriously angry at you for not even trusting me enough to tell me something like this! If it would have been me-”
“You're right... You're right that I should have told you right away. I was selfish. I'm sorry for worrying you more than necessary. I'm sincerely sorry Baekhyun-ah. So please, don't cry. I... I really hate to see you cry...”


He can't help it; the tears just won't stop coming. Chanyeol is stupid. A stupid idiot who doesn't trust him enough to tell him the truth. Nothing has really changed between them... He feels how Chanyeol hurries to wrap his arms around him and pulls him into a tight embrace while gently kissing his forehead.


“I'm a jerk... You can say it, it's alright... But... But please understand that I didn't want to worry you. I didn't think I would get hurt, really.”
“Was it worth it...? Was it worth getting hurt and lie to me...?”
“Yes... Yes, it was. My friend, he... He was very thankful.”
“You did it to help someone else, right...?”
“Mm... I did... It wasn't for me only...”
“You're such an idiot... I can't believe you made me angry again...”


He sighs tired into Chanyeol's chest before he pushes him away carefully. That's it, he can't stand here and cry like a baby. If he wants things to change, then it's time for him to stop crying and do something about it. He's tired of always running away...


“I swear to god, if you EVER do this to me again...!”


For once he raises his voice at Chanyeol, not holding back the anger he feels as he glares at the taller man in front of him. Suddenly, Chanyeol sits down on his knees in front of him, causing him to feel rather puzzled as the man bows deeply.


“I am sincerely sorry for worrying you. I'm sorry for getting hurt without telling you.”
“W-What are you doing...? G-Get up... Y-You need to rest...”


He hurries to grab onto one of Chanyeol's arms and pulls him up of the floor. That idiot... He really is clueless, isn't he? But... At least he's his clueless vampire... The thought makes him chuckle slightly as he helps Chanyeol up on his feet again, but to his surprise Chanyeol wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him closer. By now, his face could begin to burn in embarrassment from being pressed against Chanyeol's cold yet chest. The only way to not get caught staring at his pale skin is to look up at the taller man who stares back at him tenderly.


“I'm sorry... I will have to change a bit more... But... But I want to change for you...”
“I-I just want you to be honest... That's all... You... You don't always need to change... You just... You just have to trust me more.”
“I do trust you; I truly do. But... There are other people I don't trust. I don't want you to worry or get hurt... I want you to live peacefully...”
“Then... If you truly want me to live peacefully...”


Unconsciously, his hands slide up Chanyeol's bare skin before they wrap around the taller man's neck. He feels how he stares into those deep brown eyes that are like a deep endless ocean of emotions. For some reason, he can't help but to feel like this is where he belongs. He thought he was forced into this life – into this troublesome and annoying peace-making life. But the truth is: this is where he belonged from the beginning. Did the goddess already know about it...? Is that why he was attacked by Chanyeol's older brother? So that they would meet? Is this... fate...?

Without caring any longer, he feels how he pulls Chanyeol closer to him and softly lets his lips brush against Chanyeol's. The taller man's hands are fast to squeeze his waist, pulling him closer as their lips meet. It's soft, sweet, and tender. He's melting in the taller man's grip, feeling a shiver run down his spine as the pleasure from their lips stream through his body. A part of him wants to moan, but another part only wants to sink into this lovely feeling in his stomach. Their lips part slowly and softly when the urge to breathe hits them, but their gaze is fast to remain locked the moment they open their eyes.

They don't need to say anything, it's almost like their bodies have already said everything they wanted to say out loud. He doesn't need to explain himself or feel like an idiot for kissing Chanyeol. He doesn't need to feel ashamed or stupid about his decision – because he doesn't feel that way. He can only feel Chanyeol's hands pull him closer before the taller man leans down to him again, closing the gap once more as their lips meets again. His body moves on its own as he lets his hands slide up to Chanyeol's head, softly feeling his fluffy hair before he pulls him closer to him, pulling him along with him as he walks backwards.

Chanyeol follows him like a dog following its master as they stumble over to the bed. They don't pull out of the kiss until he's almost tripping over the edge of the bed and nearly causing him to lose his balance. He softly pulls out as he places his hands gently on the taller man's chest and pushes him down towards the bed. Chanyeol stumbles back in surprise but manages to sit down without resting on his left wrist that is still hurt. He lets a hand gently Chanyeol's face as he smiles.


“You should rest... It's been a long day... I... I will help you with your pants... B-But no dirty thoughts! I-It's only for this once!”


Chanyeol laughs happily at him, probably because his whole face decided to explode in red right in front of the taller man. If he wouldn't be hurt and exhausted, he would have smacked the soul out of his body. Luckily, for Chanyeol, he's hurt for once. He struggles to keep a straight face on as Chanyeol finally follows his command and s his pants before he nods towards him. Like he said, he helps Chanyeol to pull the pants off before he tosses them to the side and watches them land near the other clothes, they just threw on the floor since they're too tired to care.

His hand suddenly feels how Chanyeol grabs onto it and pulls him down towards the bed. The slightly cold arms embrace him quickly as he's nearly forced to lie down on the bed with his body pressed against Chanyeol nearly body. His face almost burns in embarrassment as Chanyeol gently kisses his forehead with a charming smile on his lips.


“You're tired too, right? Let's sleep together...”


He only manages to nod slightly as Chanyeol cuddles down beside him, pressing his whole body against his as he struggles to keep his face straight. He turns off the lights in the room, allowing Chanyeol to pull a blanket over their bodies before he snuggles his face against his neck. All he can feel is a heavy sigh leaving Chanyeol's lips and he realizes how tired he must be feeling. He's still hurt and exhausted...


“Hey Baek... Thank you... For taking care of me...”
“You better be grateful... I will see you tomorrow morning...”
“I... I love you...”


Ironically, he could literally hear his heart skip a beat the moment he hears the soft words leaving Chanyeol's mouth. He can feel Chanyeol's arms embrace his body while his hot breath gently his neck which causes shivers to run down his spine. He's a bit startled when he suddenly feels Chanyeol's hands accidentally sneak up his shirt, but he doesn't have the power to turn around and scold the taller man. No, he can hear how he's already snoring softly behind him and he's probably just trying to warm his cold body against something warm – and his stomach just happens to be very warm. Even though he tries to reason with himself, he can still hear his heart pounding loudly in his ears and chest.

It takes a while for his heart to calm down from all the strange excitement. This shouldn't be something he should get excited about... They're married, isn't this supposed to be natural for them? Well... Nothing romantic has been natural for them ever since they got married. Isn't it strange that their love life was ten times better before the marriage? On the other hand, who said it can't be that great again...? His cheeks feel strangely warm when he thinks back at their time together and honestly, he can't say he's not happy with their situation. They're sharing a bed again; they're cuddling and even talking casually to each other. Maybe...? Maybe this is all that is needed for them to get back to normal...?




There is a strangely nice and soothing scent surrounding him this morning. He's tired, but for some reason his body is slowly waking up from its slumber. Unconsciously he cuddles closer to the warmth besides him, not noticing that the sun is already far up on the sky and the birds are singing loudly in the forest. He couldn't care any less about what is going on outside this house – this room – outside this bed he's lying in. His tired mind only wants to rest, but his body is beginning to feel restless.

A soft and ticklish feeling begins to pull him further away from his slumber. At first, it's mostly something soft touching his forehead, then his cheek and then his neck. A moan escapes his mouth when something suddenly nibbles his skin gently, but it was hard enough to make him react to what is going on. He opens his tired eyes, only to feel a hand slowly his stomach and he can feel how soft lips gently kisses his neck and then jaw and then his ear. He's a bit confused, he admits that much, but he can't say he dislikes it. No, his body feels pleasantly surprised and for some reason, he is enjoying it. Every soft kiss, every and even nibble: his body is shivering in pleasure, and he feels strangely hot.


“Good morning...”


The deep and surprisingly husky voice nearly startles him at first. The hot breath his ear gently but is shortly followed with a kiss on his neck that gets trailed down towards his shoulder. He bites his lower lip, struggling to not moan despite him liking the gesture. Just as he's about to turn around and tell Chanyeol to stop, the taller man suddenly pulls him closer, pressing his tall body against his back which causes his whole face to burn up in embarrassment. C-Chanyeol... h-has... morning... wood...?


“Did you sleep well...?”
“M-Mm... I-I did... Y-You're still in trouble! D-Don't think I will forget about it!”
“At least I tried...”


Chanyeol mumbles mostly behind his back, but his hot breath easily finds its way over his neck and skin. A shiver runs down his spine as he hurries to spin around in Chanyeol's embrace in hope to gain some more courage to scold him. Just as he has turned around in the strangely warm embrace, Chanyeol's face leans closer to his and he doesn't even get a second to react to what he's doing. Their lips meets gently while two hands sneak up underneath his shirt and softly his back. His body gets pulled closer towards Chanyeol, pressing it against his and sensing a strange energy flow between them.

The moment Chanyeol pulls out of the kiss, he gently rests his forehead against his while a heavy sigh leaves his mouth. He stares confused at the taller man, not sure what is going on anymore since he was just about to scold him, but then they ended up kissing and snuggling. Wait, why did Chanyeol even sigh? If he's tired, then he should just sleep a bit longer.


“How are you feeling...?”
“I'm still tired in a way... I'm glad I didn't have to work today...”
“You're still in trouble... I will make you pay for worrying me...”
“And how will you make me pay? Hit me? Kick me?”
“No... I... I will punish you.”
“Punish me how? Like I did to you?”
“That's none of your business! Geez, stop smirking at me like that! I'm not like you, you ert!”


Chanyeol laughs happily as he pulls him closer and holds him close. Aren't they a bit too close...? He wants to push the taller man away from him, but another part of him wants to cling onto him. Is this supposed to be normal...? Honestly, his mind is a bit puzzled, and he doesn't really understand what is going on. He knows that he was the one acting weird yesterday when Chanyeol came home, but he didn't expect things to turn around this quickly. He wants to sigh from all the thoughts spinning around in his head, yet another part of him is whispering in the back of his head that this is exactly what he wants.


“You really worried me yesterday... I... I could smell the strange scent of blood... Vampires don't bleed like most creatures... They don't get hurt like werewolves or humans... You sounded weird on the phone too... I was honestly anxious...”
“I told you that I'm sorry, but I didn't do it just for me. Besides, you worried me quite a lot too. You were talking quickly, and I could obviously hear you weren't home. I told Sehun to stay with you and when I come home, you're standing alone in the kitchen, and you acted strange compared to this morning. I... I thought you were someone else.”


A chuckle escapes his mouth as he leans back slightly, just so he can see Chanyeol's deep brown eyes a bit clearer. His husky yet deep voice... His stupid smile... His stupid sooth hands on his back... His stupid eyes... How can he be angry at him when he's staring at him with those tender eyes that he has longed for? No one has ever looked at him like this before and his body is already reacting to the nice sensation of someone holding him close, kissing him and just staring at him lovingly. He could lie here all day, talk, and just sleep with Chanyeol if time would only allow him.


“I'm sorry, Chanyeol.”
“Why are you suddenly apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for. I was the one who got hurt and didn't say anything. You have all the right to scold me.”
“I'm still angry about that, trust me. But... I... I have wanted to say this for a while... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a complicated werewolf with a childish behavior and stupid ideas of how to handle rough situations. I'm sorry for being cold towards you and... And I...”


Before he can finish his sentence, Chanyeol pulls him slightly closer and leans in towards him. Their lips meet softly, yet there is a different energy between them. Unconsciously his hands slide up Chanyeol's chest, feeling his skin and the taller man deepens the kiss while holding him closer. Slowly and gently Chanyeol begins to lean closer to him, taking his time to kiss him and move closer to him until he's finally on top of him. They pull out of the kiss, staring at each other while their feelings are literally running loose. He can both sense and see the strange hunger and excitement in Chanyeol's eyes, yet he senses a strange lust and tenderness from it. He himself feels strangely hot, his body is reacting to his feelings faster than what his brain can understand and process.

Without even caring, he lets his hands slide up Chanyeol's chest and slowly wrap around his neck before he pulls him down towards him. He lets his lips meet Chanyeol's, their soft and gentle kiss shortly turning into something hotter and more passionate. He can sense the taller man's hands gently grab onto his hips and then move up to his waist before they finally begin to grab onto his shirt and pull it upwards. Chanyeol suddenly pulls out from the kiss, letting his lips gently trail kisses down his jawline and then down his neck. He can sense him nibbling his skin and then softly kiss the sore spots, causing him to both whine and moan in pleasure.

Suddenly, Chanyeol stops everything he's doing and leans closer to his face. He must admit, his whole body feels hotter than before and he's feeling strangely . Chanyeol stares deeply into his eyes, smiling softly before he kisses him gently on the lips. It's a soft yet sweet kiss that last for almost a whole minute while the taller man his skin gently. He then slowly pulls out and stares into his eyes with such calmness that didn't seem to exist earlier when he saw the lustful eyes.


“Baekhyun... Are you...? Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Shut up and kiss me, my husband.”


He notices a strangely satisfying and overjoyed smile on Chanyeol's lips before he leans in to kiss him a bit more passionate once more. He feels how the taller man's hands begin to explore his body again, causing him to moan slightly more in the kiss as he wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck. Their bodies are close to each other, he can sense Chanyeol's lustful energy stream into him while their soft and passionate kiss slowly turns into something rougher and ier. All he can do is moan and cry in pleasure as Chanyeol makes sure to please him and his strangely hot body.

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kikyo-sky #1
Chapter 17: any news about this ffc ;; i miss it so much
Chapter 17: älskar <3
kikyo-sky #3
Chapter 17: omg yass
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 17: Loved the chapter. Welcome back
Heartz_Ilayda #5
Chapter 17: Wow.. its me who excited to see new updated.. i almost forget this story..but you bring its.. welcome back.. and i hope baek will be okey
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 17: Secret relationship revealed - kaisoo!
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 14: Evil vampires attacking Baek 😡
Chapter 17: Wow an update! Thank you ☺️
sara_gg_xol #9
Chapter 17: Can't believe there's an update on this fic. Thank you for writing more and not abondening it.
I'm glad Baekhyun is fine, although he's weak and has pain but he's alive and that's more important. And Baekhyun's parents were funny. They let their child marry for securing a peace deal and after so many time they came accusing Chanyeol of poisoning Baek... Can't believe them.
And it's time for Kyungsoo to get his happy ending hopefully.
Thank you for coming back and all the best
Chapter 17: Wtf i think of this fiction from time to time but last two days was thinking of rereading it all again since missing it a lot my wish for update came true so happy but still will reread it better 💕💕💕💕💕