Chapter 2

Nobody Like U

Tuesday the kids usually have after-school activities and practice so Junmyeon was a free man until 6:30 pm and decided to spend the morning shopping for groceries, his boy sure could eat and he loved that,  it means his babies are growing and he wouldn't want it no other way.  Sure Kai bit Baekhyun because he took the last piece of chicken and Minseok tackled Luhan for the last sausage, at least he knew that his babies were healthy,  Junmyeon smiled thinking of his babies until he heard a big boom and his car began slowing down "No no no! " As his car broke down he pulled over to the side " my life" He groaned as he got out of the car and took his phone out asking Siri for the nearest mechanic shop "Here are some matches," She said and the first one he has seen was "Lay and Johns auto repair " He hums to himself and quickly gave a call hoping that he could get through to someone. 

The phone rang throughout the shop before Johnny picked it up "Lay and Johns service how may I help you?............uh huh.......... Uh-huh...... Ok, I'll send a tow now he will be 10 minutes away... Ok, have a good day sir " Johnny walked out of the office to call for his partner "Yo Lay!  You have a broken one 10 minutes from here,  I'll send you the location" Lay wiped the sweat off his face as he nods his head, grabbed his tools and some equipment putting them in the back of the truck,  and made his way to the location. 

Junmyeon sat inside his car,  cursing up a storm and hitting the steering wheel "What the !  Why now ugh! " His head leaned against the steering wheel before hearing a deep voice clear their throat "Ahem uh excuse me but I'm from Lay and Johns auto repair" Junmyeon lifted his head side-eyeing the man that approached his car "Finally!  What took you so long?! " He yelled as he got out of the car to face the stranger, "I'm sorry there were some delays " Junmyeon sighed as he rubbed his head "Ok ok please just fix my car so that I can go" Lay had a slight attitude, it wasn't exactly an easy drive to get to the area Junmyeon was located so he could cut him a little slack. As he sat his tools down "look... I apologized already so you don't have to... be. Wow," Lay took a look at Junmyeon's face and couldn't get the words out of his mouth "I don't have to be what? " Junmyeon frowned as he crossed his arms,  tapping his foot to the ground waiting for a reply "Look... I'm sorry ok,  I'm Lay" Lay held his hand out for a handshake in hopes to start over.

 Junmyeon rolled his eyes and gave in taking the male's hand into his own shaking it slightly "Junmyeon... " Lay chuckled and let their hands separate from their grasps "Let's start over, shall we? " He picked up his tool,  walked over to the car,  popping the hood of it to see what's the problem "Looks like you need some oil " Junmyeon knows nothing about cars so he just let Lay handle everything "can it be fixed? " Junmyeon watched Lay work and looked at the time,  he had to pick his kids up soon ",  please hurry" Junmyeon didn't mean to rush but he couldn't leave his kids waiting for him "in another minute,  what's the rush? " What's the rush?  The rush is that he has to pick up 5 kids from school and go to the daycare to pick up his other 2 children,  plus having to go take the groceries in the house and start dinner "well I have kids to pick up Mister Lay" Lay wiped his forehead as he closed the hood "Kids?  Didn't think you would have any Mister Junmyeon" Junmyeon rolled his eyes before chuckling "Well you'd be surprised by what I have " Lay leaned on the hood as he wiped his hands,  smirking towards the shorter male "Well I guess we'll have to see if it's that surprising now won't we? " Junmyeon looked up at Lay,  he knew how this goes "Mister Lay are you flirting with me right now" Junmyeon looked at him amusingly as he took something out "Well if I said no then I'd be lying," Junmyeon wrote something down on a spare piece of paper and slid it into his chest pocket "well if your serious then here's my number, call me Mister" Junmyeon didn't bother to call him Lay as he started his car and drove off "Oh I will Mister Junmyeon,  I look forward to our conversation" Lay smiled to himself looking at the piece of paper and watching Junmyeon take off into the sunset.

" Dude you can't be ing serious " Johnny looked at his friend as he fixed an engine "Nope it's true,  he's y,  small,  feisty, and has kids" Lay smirked as he imagined his and Junmyeon's first date,  probably would take him to the art gallery since he looks like that type, or maybe out to dinner and a movie since he looked classy as "Wait wait wait... He has kids and you're still going for it?  I hope he's worth it" Lay closed the hood smirking while thinking about  junmyeon "oh he is,  maybe he has a friend and we can do a cheesy double date " Johnny chuckled as he walked towards Lay leaning on the car "if that does happen I hope the friend is cute or y,  maybe even both"

"Nine times out of ten probably both,  my Junmyeon is both too"

"You're already calling him yours?  Wow so whipped and you two didn't even yet,  what's next?  He holds your hand and you'll plan a wedding and become Daddy Lay" 

"Well... A man can dream, can't he? "

"You're ing crazy and I hope he put a restraining order out on you dude "


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In Light of recent events I will be changing the ship in this story to SuLay and will edit the whole story


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2447 streak #1


now to the story! if i were Jun's friend too, i would laugh at him! HAHA that was not something to mope abt! if Kris ran away at the sight or upon learning abt the kids, that's also not something to mope abt coz Kris would be trash then, definitely not worth it!

but hey, Kris is nothing like that! and maybe Jun's tiny insecurity doesn't help, but don't you worry Jun! there's already a promise of a next date even, so If i were Jun, I'd worry abt what to wear for that! HAHA
Chapter 5: Awwwwww is Cute..... hoping for update~~~
Chapter 4: Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...

Kris is having a mental breakdown after seeing Joonmyeon's precious children.....

And Taeyong..... Johnny is maybe the one for you....

2447 streak #4
Kris kept on asking if the kids were Taeyong's coz again, he only expected 3 kids at most! HAHAHA
I guess the how many kids convo will not happen coz the kids already presented themselves to Kris! and he's already been introduced HAHAHAHAHA

the good news is that Kris can still smile after being surprised like that and hasn't fainted or anything HAHA

Kyungsoo threatening Kris tho!!! BABY you're too young for that! HAHA
rhe3a_1891 #5
Chapter 4: So cuuute ~
Next hwaiting ...
Chapter 4: The children are sooooioooo cute!
mikosan #7
Chapter 3: Love this story so much
2447 streak #8
Chapter 3: NO Tae!!! it's only if they did it in Jun's car right after! HAHAHAHAHAHA
anyway! amazing how Jun sneakily got to exchange messages with Kris despite being around predators, I mean his friends! HAHAHAHAHA at that time, anyone could've easily noticed how he was texting someone and it could've ended bad for him

Kris thinks Jun has 3 kids!!! THREE!!!
oh boy, good luck! HAHAHAHA
btw... soooooo, Johnny wants Kris to ask Jun if he has single friends, don't worry, he has a single brother who might be pregnant! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol

anyway, Taeyong, stop cursing in front of your nephews!!!
and weeeeee, how nice to have a brother who is very supportive to your blooming love life who'll instantly agree to babysitting!!!
I hope their first date goes well!!! I wonder if the "how many kids do you have?" will happen already

ps. can we have more page breaks? thank you!
O_isabella_O #9
Kris is already worrying about meeting the kids lol!
Chapter 2: Its been a long time since I read krisho omg im missing it so much. Goodluck for next chapter!