
Red is the Devil's Color

"Woah. Hand, hand." Jeongyeon said prying her hand away from Mina's death grip. "What's up?" She asked Mina.

Mina tried to speak but no words came out. "Ugh, why do I have to get to not talk now when I want to?" Mina thought.

Jeongyeon searched Mina's eyes, "Do you wanna maybe say something?" Jeongyeon finally asked. And Mina nodded hard.

Jeongyeon got her pen and paper and gave it to Mina.

Scribbling away Jeongyeon watched as Jihyo suddenly got awkward around Mina, so she went over to ask if there was something wrong.

"Hey Jihyo." Jeongyeon said. "You look kinda glum since you got here, is there something wrong?"

Jihyo smiled. "Oh, hey. It's nothing I might just be over thinking. Go tend to Mina she needs you." She said moving away to talk to Momo.

Jeongyeon walked back over to Mina who was busy scribbling her way on the note pad. Several strewn over the side of the bed.

"Why are you littering? I can have you arrested for that you know." She joked trying to lighten Mina's obviously peevish mood.

Mina glared at Jeongyeon handing over the notepad that read : "Get everyone out of here. I need to tell you something in private it's urgent."


Jeongyeon got everybody out of the room with the pretense that they need more food and drinks because Momo and Dahyun munched on the gift basket Jihyo sent over.

"Okay I have all of them out. What's going on" Jeongyeon asked.

Mina scribbled again, and handed it over to Jeongyeon. "I don't trust Jihyo." Jeongyeon reads.

"Why not?" Jeongyeon asked, handing over the notepad to Mina again, and Mina scribbled on immediately and gave it to Jeongyeon.

"I heard her talk to someone about vessels and hell. Think she's part of a drug ring. Something about being a duchess." Jeongyeon read, her eyebrow raised after finishing. "Mina how did you even hear her? You were out cold from the sedative. Look Mina, not that I don believe you or anything."  Jeongyeon paused . "It's fine if you suspect Jihyo or something, if it makes you feel any better I'll run a background check on her." Jeongyeon said as she ran her hand through her hair.

Mina slumped back on her bed, her hair disheveled mouthed "I hate you." To Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and sat down on the chair next to Mina's bed side. "You know Mina, Jihyo was here everyday for three days. She stayed with you so we could go ahead with work, and it worked a lot of the time. One time I came back to her just knitting and telling you a story about her sister.”

Mina huffed and crossed her arms.

"Don't give me that look, it's true. Once I came in to her singing to you, she blushed so hard when she saw me by the door. and if you don't believe that then maybe you'd believe this." Jeongyeon digging into her bag pulling out a purple sweater just the right size for Mina. "She made this for you while you were in a coma."

Mina inspected the sweater, she was touched by the gesture but she still can't shake the feeling that Jihyo is bad news.

"I washed it since Momo spilled ketchup on it the last time it was here, and as much as you love ketchup you won't love it on your sweater." Jeongyeon said.


The supermarket was super packed even for a weekday, and the group was looking around "What do you think we should get Mina?" Momo asked, the girls randomly grabbing different random items and asking each other if they could buy it for Mina.

"Hmmm what if some tomato soup since she loves ketchup and it'll make feel better." Sana said holding a can of instant tomato soup.

The others nodded. "Keeping her warm and some warm food can help speed up her healing." Dahyun said.

So all of them decided to get some bread and the can of tomato soup, the thermos might help boil the soup and make them some dinner too.

Jihyo tapped Momo's shoulder, "Mina loves ketchup?"

Momo nodded. "Yeah, she love the Heinz ones the most, oh and us too. She loves us."

The cashier rang up the items and they were back to heading to the hotel.

The late afternoon sun was warm and Jihyo got to thinking, but her thoughts were disturbed by Sana linking her arms in hers.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Sana cheerfully said, her eyes directly looking at Jihyo, slowing down in her pace to let the others go first. "And don't say nothing because I know it's not nothing. I saw how you looked when Mina kicked us out."

Jihyo sighed, might as well tell Sana she doesn't know Jihyo that much.

"Do you think Mina doesn't like me?" Jihyo asked.

Sana shook her head. "She's always like that with new people. Especially since she hasn't been around you that much and we have. Just give Mina some time. She'll warm up to you Jihyo-ya."

Jihyo nodded, shoving her hands in her coat pocket but Sana didn't let go of her arm. Her mind just going back to the day when she first visited Mina in the hospital and Jihyo saw how pale and fragile Mina looked. How the bruises on her arms and thighs would be prominent one time and appear and vanish after a few hours or minutes most of the time appearing in the shape of a bite mark, and Jihyo knew what exactly was going on and what was causing the crashes and the bruising when she asked Jeongyeon how long has that been happening. remembering that before that when Mina crashed her eyes were wide but empty, as if she was seeing Jihyo for what she really was.


The news were already floating through heaven. The sister of a second generation arch angel and was now the empress of hell, or duchess. It was all the same to the angels.

"A thousand years your sister has been giving us headaches, demons killing demons and more demon infestation on Earth, as if we don't get enough hits around here. An angel complained.

Her ears rang of anger but she must remain composed, she still needed to make her listen to her and showing her 'horns' wouldn't motivation for them. "You're right, and right now she's giving me another century's worth of headache. And I also want fixed. But we cannot march through hell and demand that they make her come back." She shrugged,her wings ruffling as she does so. "Besides, I heard it was her decision to go and stay on Earth. From the intel we got from our soldiers over the years up to the recent is that to get rid of some rogue reapers and unleashed demons, but we still have to so something about her."

"Olympiae, she is your sister. You need to do something about this. From now on she is your responsibility." Another angel said. "You need to make her go back to hell and continue her work there, she is greatly upsetting the balance of the human world, and Daughter of the Fallen or not she must obey heaven.

Olympiae laughed. "You seemed to have forgotten that heaven doesn't rule over hell, we could get to convince her father to get her to come back, but I need a way to hell."

The other angels spread their wings, "No angel will go to hell! You are to be considered a fallen once you have entered that wretched land." One sneered.

"Whatever, you were the ones that wanted to bring Ioathae back to hell." Olympiae said.

"She is no longer an angel of heaven, that name died the day she fell from heaven. We will never speak of her name anymore!" The angel shouted.

Olympiae shrugged. "Your call, Feotae. She's your sister too."

"Do not test us Olympiae. You are to go down to Earth to look for your sister and bring her back to hell and convince her to stay there." And with that the angels have left the empty throne room.


"Father why did you gave me this sisters? They act like Ioathae isn't their blood too." Olympiae said shaking her head in frustration. She made her journey to the gates of heaven taking one last look before her descent to Earth

Olympiae dropped down on earth, completely invisible to the human eye, she knows she needs a vessel and she needs one fast.


The elevator to Mina's room was so crowded, Jihyo was squished to the back of the metal box. With Tzuyu stepping on her foot and someone farting so loud in an enclosed that by the doors dinged open Jihyo was so relieved to arrive on Mina's floor.


The sight in Mina's room was truly to behold, Mina hitting Jeongyeon with the sweater Jihyo made for Mina.


"What's going on here?" Dahyun asked. "You're hitting Jeongyeon and I wasn't invited? I am very offended, Mina-ri." Dahyun's voice laced with feign hurt.


Mina rolled her eyes. "She's just being extra annoying because she knows I'm right." Jeongyeon said ruffling Mina's hair.


"Right about what" Sana interjected as she set up the thermos to heat the canned tomato soup. "Spill it Jeongyeonnie or no soup and food for you."


"It's nothing Sana-ya. Mina just needs to play. Isn't that right Mina-ri?" Another slap on Jeongyeon's arm. "I'm warning you Myoui, one false move I'll have you arrested for assaulting an officer." Jeongyeon joked, earning a another slap on her arm.


They all laughed and and exchanged stories, but Jihyo mostly kept to herself until Jeongyeon stood beside her. "Hey, sorry about Mina getting weird the minute Mina woke up. She just doesn't sit well with new people, especially since all of us have gotten to know you while she was a coma." Jeongyeon explained.


"So I was told." Jihyo smiled. "It's okay Jeongyeon, really. I'm just glad that Mina is feeling better." Rubbing Jeongyeon's arm. "I've got to run I just got a message from the hotel and I need to be there. I hope Mina feels better soon, tell her she can have all the soup she wants at the hotel." Jihyo said getting to leave.


"Well why don't you tell her yourself." Jeongyeon said. "Hey Mina-ri, Jihyo wants to say something to you."


Mina's attention was pryed away from Chaeyoung who was animatedly talking to her.


Jihyo was quiet for a while and Mina had raised an eyebrow.


Jihyo sighed, "I hope you get well soon Mina-ssi. You have unlimited soup waiting for you at the hotel. Good to see you all again. Detectives." And with that Jihyo left.


Olympiae's search for Ioathae took her to the city, her white robe just swaying in the wind while she walks. She needs a vessel to find Ioathae, a human vessel to see and get to ask humans, well she can't really go on about Ioathae, one because humans don't know that angels or demons exist, they have but just the mere construct of it and not all of it, they know of the first generation of angels and well now they're a lot of them. Olympiae being one of the second generation of angels, well archangels to be specific.


Olympiae kept going around the town, searching for special souls and bodies that could potentially be her vessel. Then Olympiae stopped by a store, a woman standing by a huge set of doors. Olympiae floated towards her, standing in front of her.

The woman can't still see her, Olympiae thought something was peculiar of this woman, so she decided to see who she was and get to know her.


Her soul is warm, a devout servant of the Father, she has been through trials but her spirit was never broken. Olympiae smiled, this woman might be just the right vessel for her, she decided to delve further into her thoughts and memories, seeing that this could be Olympiae's possible vessel.


The woman is named Im Nayeon, she's a singer by profession, her parents left her at an early age and bounced around from home to home. She grew up mostly in Catholic homes.


She was in a car accident when she was twenty-three, losing mobility in half of her body, but that what she was more devastated about is about her foster mom that took care of her since she was ten was part of that accident and was killed in the crash. That almost broke Nayeon's spirit, but it didn't. She prayed harder, she strengthened her faith and clung on to the Father even more and thus making a full recovery, the Father does grant prayers for those who pray and believe hard enough.


Olympiae was astounded as she touched her soul, she deemed Nayeon as a great vessel for her, so she settled and opened her eyes. Olympiae looked at her hands, and her face at the reflection of the glass door, conveniently for her, Nayeon doesn't have family, and she could use her to send messages up to her sisters in a a prayer, from now on Olympiae is Im Nayeon.


Nayeon thought of every possible places demons might be infesting, from the intelligence heaven gathered demons loves hanging out in cesspool and dark places, but what Nayeon didn't know was that demon has highly adapted into a 'normal' life, but their demonic powers are still eminent, and Nayeon can still sense their energy that's different from a human's.


Nayeon's wandering led her to the heart of town of Chateau Annie towering from a distance. Something tugged at Nayeon to go to the hotel, like gravity on Earth.


The entrance of the hotel is magnificent, even by angel standards, from the ornate chandelier dangling from the ceiling that reminded Nayeon of the Father's throne room. Nayeon approached the first person she could find and the person behind the desk was accommodating as ever.


"Hello there, and welcome to Chateau Annie. It's a pleasure to be of service, how can I help you today?" The lady behind the counter said.


Nayeon smiled, "Oh, I'm just looking around, say you don't know any Ioathae, by any chance do you?"


The woman shrugged, and tapped away on her keyboard, "We don't have that name checked in. But we have the Ioathae room available if you want to check in. Would that interest you?"


'Interesting' Nayeon thought. "Thank you for mentioning that, have a good day." And with that Nayeon left the building.  


Nayeon's senses were immediately heightened, the hairs on her arms stood as she felt the strong demonic power near her. She looked around but it vanished as soon as she noticed it. Nayeon did another one-eighty the energy no longer there.


Mina settled into the pillows, her hand the sweater knitted by Jihyo, a woman who Mina feels so conflicted with as the moment. At one point she knows in herself that she could've been hallucinating the whole ordeal but to say that meant she had to disagree with what her gut feel, and right now her gut is telling her to not trust Jihyo.


Mina ran her hand over the purple sweater once more, feeling the tactile aspect of the fabric, the ins and outs of the thread across the sweater, tightly and carefully knitted to perfection. Mina was astounded, Jihyo's hands are good with her craft, Mina imagined Jihyo sitting by her bedside while she knits and tell her stories. Mina smiled at the thought, somehow she wants to convince herself that Jihyo in't that bad.


The day went on slowly, Mina started to feel at ease with Jihyo hanging around, she's still very suspicious of her and her sometime super suspicious phone calls but she tries to see the good in her visits.


Jihyo would always bring presents for all of them, mostly gift baskets from her hotel but the gesture was very well appreciated, especially by Momo. Her eyes would light up every time Jihyo would come bearing with gifts.


"Hey how are you?" Jihyo asked one time during one of her visits.


Mina's voice was still a little hoarse from the intubation, being intubated for so long has some bad effects. "Doing pretty fine now. Thank you for the sweater, it really kept me warm most of the nights."


Jihyo smiled, "I'm glad you're feeling better now, the girls set you up on a two night stay at the hotel before you officially get back to the force. You just say when and I'll personally send my driver to come get you wherever you are." Jihyo said placing her hand on Mina's expecting Mina to flinch and take her hand away like Jihyo was on fire, but Mina never did.


Mina was truly touched by the initiative. "Could I have you over there as well? And the girls too? I've been so cooped up in this hospital and I really want a necessary change of scenery."


Jihyo nodded. "That would be fun, the presidential suite might be the perfect place to have a party of your return from the hospital."


Nayeon kept coming back to the hotel for quite some time, sensing the energy come and go, mostly going during the day, which baffled Nayeon as to how this demonic presence can exist in the light. The demonic energy once again when the elevator doors opened to reveal a woman in a red blouse and ripped jeans. Her short hair framing her face just right.


Nayeon used her angel eyes to see her back once she turned to get the door. and just as she thought she saw burned stumps where beautiful wing should be sprouting. Nayeon smiled, the fruit of her labor finally paid off. She found a fallen. After days of coming back and missing the energy for days by a hair and being frustrated in every fire message she had sent to heaven to the council of sisters.


Jihyo opened the doors of her hotel to Mina, Jeongyeon, Momo, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun.


"Welcome to Chateau Annie." Jihyo beamed.


Murmurs among the girls went on as they truly take in the massive space of the lobby, elegant spaces, aesthetics, and the warm homey interior of the place.


"I have to say your hotel is really beautiful Jihyo." Mina said to Jihyo who is beaming with pride.


"Let me give you girls the grand exclusive tour later once you've settled in." Jihyo said leading the group to the elevator.


Nayeon exited the neighborhood and to the back alley two blocks away, her face filled with glee as she found what she was looking for, well not exactly Ioathae but it's a demon.


She hurriedly said the incantation to start the fire message and get her message to heaven.

'Found a demon will question and investigate about her and Ioathae and if she knows about the killings. Happening around here.' She hurried write in runes and hurries back to the hotel.



The word swanky wasn't enough to describe the Chateau Annie in Jeongyeon's opinion, the presidential suite was even bigger than her and Mina's apartment.

Jihyo told them the story of how she came across to owning a hotel, apparently her mother had married a rich business man and when he died, her step-father left a ridiculous amount of money to both of them.

"Wow that is really something." Tzuyu said. "If I ever go out of work and go broke can you be my sugar mommy." She said as she laid spread eagle on the bed.


the stares from her friends apparent.


"And obviously you know I'm kidding. Right?" Tzuyu said.


And everybody laughed and went on what they were doing.

The tour of the hotel went off without a hitch, Jihyo told them of every inspiration to all the massive designs and architecture behind the hotel. Everyone was at awe.


The time came to going back to their room and the party begun.


Jihyo called up room service and ordered everything from the menu to be brought up to their room, and with each dish that the waiters tirelessly brought, everyone of them will finish. And by every one that meant Momo especially.


the party was in full swing with Sana and Momo imitating each other, Dahyun and Chaeyoung doing a rap battle with Tzuyu as their judge, and Jeongyeon just basking in the warm breeze of the night by the balcony.


Mina felt at ease finally got out of the hospital and is going to join the force again. That was until a knock came to their door when the food has already stopped coming.


Jihyo answered the door and Mina followed just behind her.


The woman behind the door had long curly hair cascading down her shoulders, eyes wide and brown as cocoa,she smiled revealing bucked but perfect teeth that only made her face look more attractive.


The woman said hello and good evening and spoke in a language completely foreign to Mina, she wanted to ask Jihyo but even she was unaware of Mina's presence.


Jihyo blinked she understood the language but it was so long ago when she used to speak it.


The woman asked again, and Jihyo is too surprised to move let alone speak.

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
14 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.