Anything you do, I want to do too

Pass the Crayons

A/N: Hi, Happy Seulrene day everyone. This is pretty much the kid version to the other Seulrene day oneshot I wrote where Irene has been drawing lately because of Seulgi, so I also thought of something cute and adorable with that same theme. Enjoy.


8-year-old Bae Joohyun is a quiet and shy little girl who keeps to herself unless she’s very comfortable with you. When she’s comfortable with you the quiet and shyness fades away and it’s like looking at a completely different person. Although, quiet and shy in general she is also a sweet kid who can be very determined at times. She is especially determined to do everything with her crush and best friend Kang Seulgi. Kang Seulgi is not only the one she feels most comfortable with. She is also the one who unknowingly inspires the other little girl to want to try things. She likes spending time with Seulgi and learning things with her. It doesn’t hurt that her best friend is also the almost adorable girl with monolid eyes, button nose, and cute lips and looks exactly like a teddy bear. Joohyun has been told she looks like an adorable bunny. It’s why she likes to think she is the bunny to Seulgi’s teddy bear, just like how Cony has Brownie.


Joohyun not only likes Seulgi so much she can’t wait to see her everyday in school. Joohyun wants to spend time with her and will do anything Seulgi wants to do, because they can be together doing it. If Kang Seulgi wanted to sing Joohyun would be right there with her singing along, even if she sometimes preferred to simply watch the monolid girl sing more.


“You have a really nice voice, Hyunnie.” Seulgi would tell her, and that not only made Joohyun blush without fail. It only inspired her to want to sing with Seulgi more. She found she liked singing, and plus she also really liked being together with Seulgi. When Seulgi started to attend dance classes Joohyun asked her mother if she could also attend the same classes. It was at first just a way to spend even more time with her crush. Joohyun found soon enough she really enjoyed dancing. She especially enjoyed being close to Seulgi as they would help each other practice.


“Hyun, you’re so good!” The teddy bear like girl would always tell her. “You move so...pretty.” Is all Seulgi would say but it was enough to cause Joohyun to have the most obvious red cheeks and heart speed up just a bit. Joohyun thought Seulgi was a really good dancer too. Now, one thing about Seulgi that Joohyun didn’t share was her instant ability to draw people in and make them comfortable. Joohyun is just a very shy and quiet person who needs time to open up to people. Seulgi can be shy too and quiet as well, but she just has this aura about her that draws people to her. Joohyun understands but she would be lying if she says she’s not bothered when Seulgi spends more time with some of the other kids than her.


She’ll sit on her own and wait for Seulgi so they can do something together. Some of the kids Seulgi talks with are so loud and just too much for her to handle. But then there are the days she really wants to be with Seulgi and tests her own courage. She will gather her courage and stand near Seulgi as she talks to the others. In the beginning she wouldn’t say a word, and find comfort in the fact that Seulgi would offer her hand to hold. It may have started off with her being silent and just holding Seulgi’s hand. But with time Seulgi slowly helped her get more comfortable and would even introduce Joohyun to others, again Kang Seulgi is her main source of comfort in school and she always wants to do everything with her, no matter what it is.


Today, Joohyun is looking through the puzzles, toys, and books to figure out what she can do with Seulgi today.


“Hey, Joohyun. What are you doing?” Sooyoung asks. At first Joohyun was very wary of Park Sooyoung. She was a troublemaker and never failed to play tricks on everyone, but Seulgi introduced them and Joohyun found the taller girl wasn’t so bad at all. She is actually very nice.


“I’m looking for something to do with Seul.”


“Aww..” A second voice interrupts and a shorter girl named Yerim comes over. She stands next to Sooyoung who immediately takes her hand. Kim Yerim was also someone Joohyun didn’t really talk to much in the beginning. She’s a troublemaker right along with Sooyoung and they usually make things worse together. At the same time they make an interesting duo.


“You still haven’t told Seulgi you like her yet, huh Joohyun.” Yerim tells her with a knowing smile. Sooyoung and Yerim both chuckle in amusement because of how red Joohyun’s face is.


“You would look cute with Seul.” The taller girl nods. “Not as cute as Yerimie and me though.”


“Of course not as cute as us, Soo.”


“You two are together?” Joohyun asks in surprise. She didn’t know that and they crack up in laughter at her shocked expression.


“We know you only pay attention to Seul, so we forgive you this time. I asked her out.” Sooyoung announces proudly.


“No, I asked you!”


“I asked you, Yerimie!”


“Oh, never mind…” Joohyun thinks it’s time to go and let these two argue it out. The bunny-like girl simply grabs some of the puzzles and heads over to where Seulgi is sitting. She waves to a few kids she knows and also says hi to Seungwan who is another friend of Seulgi’s the monolid girl introduced her too. She’s a nice kid and doesn’t really cause trouble like Yerim and Sooyoung. Joohyun couldn’t imagine how all of them could be friends, but then Seulgi can make friends with practically everyone. Joohyun smiles some as she sees the back of Seulgi’s head. The other little girl has her head down some and looks focused. Joohyun walks over and carefully placed her hands over Seulgi’s eyes.


“Guess, who?” Joohyun smiles some as she asks. Seulgi smiles too as if she could forget those hands she’s held a bunch of times.


“Hi, Hyunnie. Can you let go of my eyes first?”


“Okay, I will. Since you guessed right.”


Joohyun lets go of her face and then looks down to see that Seulgi is drawing. She hasn’t ever seen Seulgi drawing before and now she’s curious.


“Seul, I didn’t know you draw.”


“Yeah, I’ve been drawing in my own time.”


Joohyun stands behind her and looks at what Seulgi is doing. The monolid girl is really good and it’s clear that she’s been doing this a lot in her spare time. Joohyun tries to get her attention a few times but Seulgi is very focused.


“Um, Seul. Do you want to do this puzzle with me?” She asks. Seulgi doesn’t take her eyes off of what she’s doing. But does tell her maybe later on. It’s one of the first times something like this has happened. Seulgi usually likes spending time with her too, and Joohyun simply walks off to sit down at another table. She is joined soon by Yerim, Sooyoung, and Seungwan, as all three kids wonder why she’s sitting alone. She’s never without Seulgi.


“Hey, why are you by yourself?” Seungwan wonders first.


“Yeah, it’s weird to see you without Seul.” Sooyoung couldn’t believe it herself when she saw Joohyun going off to sit by herself.


“She’s drawing.”


“Drawing?” Yerim repeats.


“Yeah, she looks busy for now. I’ll talk to her later.”


It’s here she sits with the other three kids longer than any of them expected. Seulgi doesn’t come to talk to her because whatever she’s drawing has her full attention. Joohyun knows one thing. She wants to be with Seulgi doing whatever it is that the monolid girl is doing. It’s here she decides that if Seulgi likes to draw then she wants to draw too. Later on in that day when it’s time for everyone to go home Joohyun is able to ask Seulgi something.




“Hi, Hyunnie.” The slightly taller girl nods to her with a smile. Joohyun is very relieved to see that smile. She was worried for a moment that Seulgi was so busy that she had forgotten all about her. It was of course a silly worry after all.


“You’ll still come to sleepover tomorrow, right?”


Tomorrow is Saturday and this sleepover has been in the works for weeks. Joohyun had to ask her mother, who needed to also talk to Seulgi’s mother, and finally when the adults said okay. Joohyun asked her best friend if she would like to come over to sleepover for that Saturday. Joohyun really has the whole day and night planned for them. Seulgi is her favorite person after all, and she likes spending time with her most of all.


“Yeah, I’ll come to sleepover.”


“You will!” Joohyun says excitedly. This is going to be so great. She and Seulgi will have the best time tomorrow. They’re going to do a lot of fun stuff together, and best of all she will be with Seulgi.


“I will, Hyunnie.”


“Yes!” The slightly shorter child hugs her and Seulgi returns the hug. Joohyun is really excited to have the entire day and night with her best friend. She tells Seulgi she can’t wait, and hurries to meet her mom who is waiting for her. Joohyun misses the way Seulgi also says similar.


“I can’t wait either, Hyunnie.”


Joohyun is excited for tomorrow, so excited that she could barely stop thinking of getting to spend a full day and night with Seulgi. The little girl was so anxious too that when Saturday arrived she kept asking her mom if they had enough of everything.


“Mama, do we have enough food?”


“Yes, Hyun. We have plenty of food.”

“Do we have enough to drink?”


Joohyun’s mom chuckles at her daughter’s clear nerves and gently touches her cheek. “Hyun, we have plenty to drink. Your dad and I made sure of it. Everything will be fine for you and Seulgi today.”


“Don’t worry, Hyun.” Her father says with a warm smile.  “Your mother and I have everything major covered, so you just worry about having a fun time with your friend.”


“Okay, mom, daddy.”


Joohyun decides she will play games on her tablet to pass the time and ease her anxiety. She can’t help that she’s anxious. This is going to be her very first sleepover with her best friend and crush. She just hopes it’ll go well and they have fun. They usually always have fun together. It’s around 2pm when Joohyun’s mom announces that Seulgi is here. The little girl runs down the stairs to see Seulgi and her mother.


“Hello, Joohyun.” Mrs. Kang smiles. “It’s good to see you.”


“It’s nice to see you too, Mrs. Kang.” Joohyun smiles back and then looks at the orange overnight bag that Seulgi has.


“Hi, Seul. Want to take your stuff up to my room?”


“Sure, let’s go. Thank you for inviting me to stay the night, Mrs. Bae.” The monolid child says politely.


“You’re welcome, Seul. Hyun is also very excited you’re here.”


Joohyun turns away quick because she has red cheeks that she doesn’t want for Seulgi to see right now. Instead she grabs the slightly taller girl’s hand and leads her up to her room. She’s already cleaned her room in anticipation for Seulgi’s arrival.


“You really do like purple, Hyun.” Seulgi says when she notices how much purple is really inside the shorter girl’s room. Her sheets and bed are purple. The carpet on the floor and the curtains too. Joohyun laughs nervously.


“Yeah, I really like purple. Let’s put your bag down and go get something to eat. Are you hungry?”


Seulgi’s stomach answers for her and Joohyun laughs at the monolid girl’s cute expression. She takes her hand again to lead the way downstairs. Seulgi is able to say goodbye to her mother who says she will come to get her tomorrow afternoon. But most of all she just wants Seulgi to have a good time. She promises her mom that she will have fun and says goodbye to her. When they’re able Joohyun is sure to take Seulgi into the kitchen and they can have some snacks. She made sure to have extra Pringles around too, as she knows Seulgi really likes them.


“Oh, thank you, Hyunnie.” The monolid child smiles as she accepts the container of chips. Joohyun smiles back.


“I know you really like them.”


They eat their snacks together and Joohyun is eager to do something with Seulgi. She is about to start naming some things but Seulgi is focused on cartoons at the moment.


“Oh, sure. Cartoons are good too.” Joohyun says to no one since Seulgi is looking at the screen and not paying attention to anything else. The bunny-like child really just watches Seulgi for most of the time, and some of the cartoons. Finally, when it ends Joohyun grabs Seulgi by the hand.


“My daddy built a swing set outside. Do you want to swing on them with me?”


“Sure,” Seulgi agrees and they head outside. Joohyun likes this, being able to sit with Seulgi on the swings. They talk about school, their friends, and what else they will get to do together today.


“I want you to have fun with me, Seul.”


“I always have fun with you, though.”


Joohyun can’t help but grin at that. From the swings they play in the leaves that are falling off the trees and end up cloud watching. The clouds are nice but the best part of all is getting to hold Seulgi’s hand the whole time.


“That cloud looks like ice cream.” Seulgi says as she points up to one of the clouds with a free hand. Joohyun nods and points to one of her own choosing.


“This one looks like a hand.”


Seulgi laughs as Joohyun imitates the motion of the cloud with her hand. She thinks Joohyun is very cute and that she will have fun here. After watching clouds the two girls head inside to help Joohyun’s mother make some cookies that are for dessert. The two kids can’t help but to sneak some of the cookie batter anyway. Joohyun asks Seulgi later if she would like to play games with her on her tablet. Seulgi mentions she has hers too and maybe they can play together at the same time.


“What do you want to play?” Joohyun wonders.


“I have this fun puzzle game. Do you have it?” Seulgi shows her the app on her tablet and Joohyun nods that she does have that same game.


“I like this game too, Seul.”


“Yeah, it’s fun.”


Joohyun loves games of all kinds and she likes to win. But in this case she also likes to steal glances at Seulgi too. The girl is so cute as she looks quite focused on her own tablet. Seulgi ends up stopping soon and gets up to grab something out of her bag. Joohyun wonders why but she sees it’s because Seulgi has a small journal sized sketchbook pad. The monolid girl takes out a pencil and starts drawing.


“What are you drawing?” Joohyun comes over and sits down beside her.


“I try to practice a little everyday.”


The bunny-like girl sits and watches her. Seulgi must practice a lot because it looks really nice.


“Is it fun?”


“Yea, I think so.” Seulgi nods. “It’s like dancing and singing too. I like it and it’s fun.”


Joohyun thinks maybe she can get Seulgi to show her how to draw later. She really wants to be able to do all the things that Seulgi does with her. For now, it’s enough being able to sit and watch Seulgi drawing. The monolid girl is really very talented. Joohyun thinks there is probably nothing Seulgi can’t do.


“When did you start drawing?”


“Um…” The monolid girl thinks. She can’t remember when exactly. Seulgi just picked up a pencil one day and started drawing things she saw. It’s fun for her but also relaxing in a way.


“I don’t remember, really. I just picked up the pencil and started drawing.”


“You’re really good, Seul.”


“Thanks, Hyunnie.”


The bunny-like girl doesn’t get the chance to say more because her mom can be heard calling her and Seulgi down for dinner. The two kids go hand in hand downstairs to where food is waiting for them. Seulgi is sure to tell Joohyun’s mom that everything tastes delicious, and her mother thinks Seulgi is really just one of the sweetest kids. She can see how her daughter and Seulgi would be so close as they’re both really two very adorable and sweet kids. The most exciting part about dinner of course is when they finally get to have cookies. Joohyun likes the cookies but she really likes seeing how happy Seulgi is to eat them. After dessert Joohyun suggests they can watch a movie before it’s too late. Seulgi agrees and they pick out a movie to watch together. Joohyun uses this movie as an excuse to sit as close as possible to her crush. Seulgi doesn’t seem to mind and even shares some of the blanket with her. This is the best day ever so far and Joohyun couldn’t be happier to be with Seulgi.


When Joohyun gets ready first for bedtime Seulgi uses her time to draw again. The little girl is so focused once again she doesn't even notice that Joohyun is back and dressed in her purple pajamas.






“Do you want to go get in pajamas for bed?”


“Oh, yeah. Thanks, Hyunnie.” Seulgi puts her drawing down and takes her pajamas out from her overnight bag. When Joohyun is alone she can’t help but to look through the journal like sketchbook. There are a lot of drawings in here. Mostly things Seulgi has seen on tv, like cartoon characters. There’s also cute images of a bear with her name attached.


“Oh, she signed it!” Joohyun smiles and laughs at the cute signature. She can see this bear image attached to Seulgi’s name as a definite signature for years to come. Joohyun knows she will certainly ask Seulgi to teach her too. The bunny-like girl makes sure there is enough covers on the bed for them. It looks fine and she waits for Seulgi who does return soon in an orange pajama set.


“You really like orange, Seul.” Joohyun teases what was Seulgi’s earlier statement about her liking purple.


“I really do like orange.”


“Hey, I’m not sleepy yet. Are you sleepy?”


“No, not really.”


“Maybe, can we draw together?” Joohyun asks hopefully. She doesn’t miss the way monolid eyes light up. Joohyun is glad she has extra construction paper and crayons. The two little girls sit on the carpet against the bean bag chair to begin drawing. Joohyun is glad that now instead of watching Seulgi. She is drawing together with the girl she likes. It’s always much more fun when she can do things together with Seulgi.


“It’s more fun this way.” The bunny-like girl whispers. Seulgi hears her and turns to her with a warm smile.

“Yeah, I like having you to do things with, Hyun.”

“Me too.”


While they draw Joohyun will sometimes glance over and see how much better Seulgi is  at drawing. Although, she is proud of Seulgi she can’t help that she feels disappointed in herself. She sighs and puts down the purple crayon she was coloring with.


“What’s wrong, Hyun?”


“I’m not very good at this.”


“Hey, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re trying and having fun. Here, let me help.”


Seulgi moves closer and the next thing Joohyun knows the bear-like girl has her hand over her own and helping her. Joohyun is blushing hard right now as not only can this be considered holding hands, but Seulgi is helping.


“See, you got it!”


“T-Thank you, Seul.”


“Having fun is good too.”


Joohyun nods in agreement. She will remember that she needs to have fun too, and she always does have fun with Seulgi. She continue on by herself for a bit and she knows she will continue practicing on her own too. It’s time for bed soon enough and the two little girls climb into the bed and under the covers. Joohyun thinks this has been the best day ever for sure.


“Thank you for coming today.”


“I really like spending time with you, Hyunnie. Maybe next time you can sleepover at my house.”


Joohyun nods eagerly. “I like that idea. Goodnight, Seul.”


“Night, Hyun.”


The kids are barely asleep when a thunderstorm can be heard outside and Seulgi feels Joohyun tremble from beside her. She knows from a prior experience that Joohyun is scared of loud noises in particular, and thunderstorms don’t help matters.


“Hyun,” Seulgi yawns tiredly. “Are you okay?”


“N-No…” Joohyun admits softly. She is really scared right now and she feels Seulgi reach for her hand.


“Want to hold my hand, if it helps?”


Joohyun wants to hold her hand anyway, and even now she wants to hold Seulgi’s hand. The bunny-like girl takes her hand and also moves just a bit closer. She will sleep much better now that Seulgi is here.


“Don’t be scared, Hyunnie. I’m here.”


Joohyun can’t ever be scared when Seulgi is with her. The bear-like girl’s presence alone makes  everything okay. Joohyun nods against her that she is feeling better and can sleep now. She falls asleep soon enough and not once did Seulgi let go of her hand. The following morning when both girl’s wake up Joohyun immediately hugs her.


“What’s this for, hm?” Seulgi smiles sleepily as she returns the hug.


“Because you’re here, and I feel better with you. Thank you, Seul.”


“Ah,” Seulgi nods. “It’s okay, Hyunnie. I’m glad to help.”


Joohyun wants to say then that she really likes Seulgi a lot. She just can’t bring herself do it now. Somehow, it just doesn’t feel like the right time. She just wants to enjoy the rest of her day with Seulgi before her mom comes to get her. They don’t have much time but they do eat breakfast, play more games, and watch more shows together. Seulgi’s mother shows up and Joohyun kind of doesn’t want to let her go.


“Hyun, sweetie. You will see Seulgi in school tomorrow.” Her mother tells her in an effort to release Seulgi out of her hug.


“Yeah, I’ll see you, Hyunnie.”




“Yea, I promise. I had fun with you.”


“I had fun too, okay. I’ll see you in school.”

She gets one more hug in and says goodbye to Seulgi and her mother. She will see her in school and Seulgi will know she has a crush on her. Joohyun will make sure of it come Monday.


“Cony has Brownie. I have Seul.”


Monday, Seulgi arrives and says hello to everyone. Sooyoung and Yerim are too busy sticking kick me signs to other kids, but they do offer a quick hello. Seungwan says hello nicely and is trying her best to stop Yerim and Sooyoung, which is always pointless.


“Guys, will you please be good for once?”


“Haha, yeah right!” Yerim and Sooyoung answer together. Seulgi shakes her head and sits down. She knows better than to come between the troublemaker duo. She doesn’t see Joohyun yet which is odd. Seulgi simply takes out paper and has some crayons sitting there for her. She might as well draw something in the meantime. She doesn’t look up when someone walks over to her. But she does hear the chair moving and sees Joohyun.


“Hi, Hyun. Did you just get here?”


“Yeah, I had to do something.”


“What was it?”


Joohyun takes a deep breath and knows it’s now or never. She hesitantly takes out a drawing of what was supposed to be a bunny and bear.


“Um?” Seulgi whispers.


“What is that ugly thing?” Sooyoung wonders out loud at Joohyun’s picture.


“I don’t know, Soo.” Yerim sighs. “It’s really ugly.”


“Will you two go away!” Joohyun shouts at them. All she hears is laughing in response but the pair do go away.


“Don’t worry about them, Hyun. It’s a nice drawing of…. I’m not sure.”


“It was a bunny and bear, I tried.”


“Did you have fun while drawing?”


“Yeah,” The bunny-like girl nods. “I had fun because I wanted it to be for you. I really, really like you, Seul.”


Seulgi is quiet for a long minute. She smiles then and runs her fingers through her hair. She had no idea Joohyun liked her too.


“You like me too?”




“She said do you like her too!” Sooyoung screams.


“Yeah, I heard that too.” Yerim nods in agreement.


“Oh my gosh, please go away!” Joohyun complains.


“Yerim, Soo. Why don’t you come with me? I made cookies with my mom and…” Seungwan can barely finish because Sooyoung and Yerim are dragging her away to show them these alleged cookies. Joohyun is really relieved right now and can finally talk to Seulgi.


“You like me, Seul?”


“Yea, I really like you too. You’re my favorite person and I like spending time with you.”


Joohyun turns red at that moment. Seulgi is of course her favorite person too and it feels good to know that she is liked too.


“I like spending time with you too, Seul. Um, want to be my girlfriend?”


Seulgi responds by pushing a piece of paper toward her and smiles. Seulgi would really like it if her girlfriend wants to draw together with her.


“Um, would my girlfriend like to draw with me?”


“She would like to do anything with you.” Joohyun nods and accepts the paper. Everything is more than fine now that she has Seulgi. The bunny-like girl looks up and catches the monolid girl’s eyes.


“Hey, Seul?”


“Yes, Hyunnie.”


“Will you please pass the crayons?


A/N: Cuteness overload! I liked this one though, because it was a nice read and I am just imagining them little like this and drawing together and it was too cute of a chance to pass up. Hope you guys liked it too, Happy Seulrene day everyone.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: ❤
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: so cute 😭❤❤❤❤
Came back for a reread~
Chapter 1: Dropping my uwus all over
chadchad #6
Chapter 1: Ack~~ my seulrene heart it's so soft and fkuffy i'm gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
Chapter 1: Oh my goshh..... My heary is fluttering right now...

Awwwww sooo cute! They were just like 8 years old there and they are already dating... Hehe can't help my mind from imagining those things...

Ohh goshhh..... I'm smiling like a fool now... And I thankfully blame you for that author-nim! Hehe
ravenski3s #8
Chapter 1: omg cutest uwu
royalshipper2122 #9
Chapter 1: I always enjoy your lil SeulRene fics! Cuteness overload!