22 A Place I Belong

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


A Place I Belong


She sat in the chair, in a moment that is eerily similar to where she is a few months ago. She clasps her hands together underneath the table to battle her nervousness.  Who would have known she will be sitting here, trying her best to protect the place – that she did not expect to love.


Getting swept in to someone else mess is not ideal, but she can’t fault that person – situation like this will eventually happen. This is probably one of the hardest things she will face as the apartment manager and caretaker, a lot more headache when family is involved. She sighed, pursed her lips, waiting and waiting. 


Not long ago she sat in a chair in similar fashion waiting. That time she was gripping the last straw she can grip, hoping to find a place where she finally start her life, to finally feel like she belongs. Life of newly grad, 23 years old, in an economy where job is a luxury brought forth by money and connection. That was her, a few months – almost 2 months- ago.


Yet today she is here, again waiting – but this time, there is a place she can go back. A place that she can look to as her starting point, she is not willing to give that up yet and not in any foreseeable future. Because it is there, she found her footing, it is there she is learning to dream once again, play with a future that is uncertain and time the feels like it rushes you in before you could breathe. There she is finally starting to take the wheel of her life into her own hands. There Kwon Eunbi is happy.


The difference of two months, thinking about that – she let a smirk be painted unto her face. From a chair in a café to upscale restaurant, from waiting to a late but trusted kid to waiting for sleazy men in suits that can eat her up if says the wrong words.


Overall Kwon Eunbi is not out of place to where she is sitting. In fact, it looks like a place she should be frequenting, wearing a sharp looking white blouse with thin yellow, green, and red stripes, paired with a form fitting dress pants and black double-ed blazer. She definitely looks like she belongs. Kwang-bae who provided the clothing – calls it Eunbi’s battle look – fantastic how she makes everything in her life feels like it’s an anime plot or something – some kind of thinking that makes you question if she even function in the same time space as your average human being.


Either way, yes Kwon Eunbi fits in, she very well looks like a higher ranking manager or a director to a well established business.  Adding to that look is her resting face, that just feels like she about to kill some poor bloke if they happen to pass her way not to mention that she, whether she admit it or not, is one hell of gorgeous human being.


Eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, lips – perfectly styled all to kill some forsaken soul who happens to go against her way.  Those clueless souls are now walking into the restaurant door, being greeted by the staff. She fixed her seat, perks up her eyebrow and glared at their direction – the enemy she is facing – internally saying to herself;


[This is it Kwon Eunbi, show them who is the boss and remember you are not alone.]  


The two people approach her table and introduce themselves as coming from a subsidiary under Kang Enterprise, a detail Eunbi is very much aware of. One is lawyer and the other a representative – stating their purpose to buy the building – currently known as 48Diamonds Apartment. She introduces herself in return, she is the current manager, caretaker and person in charge and authorized by the owner to deal with issues.


They discuss the matter in between waiting for meals to be served. They bring up the fact that they have talk to her uncle about buying the place and they agree, in a price, which Eunbi presumes includes some more details they are not disclosing. News to her, as far as she knows, her uncle – even her parents, have no rights to the apartment yet, it still is owned by her dear grandmother… unless … unless they are saying that her grandmother can’t handle negotiation and using her old age and the accident as evidence of that. If that is the reason – the rights to a negotiation would then fall to her as the current manager and caretaker.


Wow – who would have known she has sleazy relatives. Hyewon is in fact correct; you don’t really know how far your relatives can go when money is involved. Should have trusted her words, even if she is younger - Kang Hyewon after all has slew of experience when it comes to sleazy relatives and money.  


She took a deep breathe, trying to process the revelation. She once again reiterated to them that the last time she talked to her Grandmother, which is just this week - during Chuseok, the old woman has no inkling to sell the apartment and instead put the decision on her hand.


Yes the decision will lie in her hand, the rights are with her, and if you think this are only on spoken words you are wrong, she in fact have power of attorney. She let them know about this - that whatever talk they have with her uncle has no merit. She and her grandmother are the only one who can negotiate about the place and both of them have no desire in selling it. They countered her and she showed them her authorization documents – they can’t negotiate with anyone other than her. Thank cat for Kwang-bae, securing every piece of document they needed.


The first serving come in just right on time before the conversation got too heated. She carefully took a bite of the luxurious food in front of her, some kind of sirloin with grated parmigiano cheese and truffle oil. It’s not that frequent she gets to eat this kind of food, yet she could not enjoy it that much. Her taste bud does not seem to taste anything, not the food fault – the conversation dulled her appetite.


In the end they try to insert some of the previous conversation in between each bite. Like that she should consider selling it, giving her ideas where to use the money and what she can do and including some job offers – nuts. No wonder the Carpaccio di Manzo does not in any way feel pleasant in her tongue, the sleaze of those in front of her are overwhelming, they are offending the food.


The next course came in, in between Piccatas, Tortellini Di Coda, La Pergola and some other pasta and meat dish she can’t remember the name – the conversation goes on. You know about the benefits of selling it, the quick money and how much she can save. She rolls her eyes as her stomach tries not to tumble and throw up the food she just took in – lest she unleash the wrath of certain goddess of food that is lurking around the corner.


Truthfully such food, especially today – knowing what today is, in this occasion should make her happy. In any other setting she would happily indulge the flavor that would engulf her tongue. Apologies, to the food, to the chef, to the line cook who carefully prepared this meal, to the waiter who patiently attended to them. Apologies to them all – she could not enjoy it.


She could not enjoy it – even in this special day. She could not even start enjoying today; She woke up anxious and unsure.


[What a cat damn birthday it is – yes Happy Birthday Kwon Eunbi, Happy 24th Birthday Kwon Eunbi, should we start singing now?]


She has a pained expression as she took a bite of her food – what a day, what a birthday.  She took a sip of the wine that they have been serve just to wash the feeling.


Thanks cats the meeting finally come to an end. The same pained, ambiguous expression remains on her face as she shook their hand and said her good bye. That expression hide, how much she just want probably stab them right there and then. Maybe multiple plans on how to dispose their body – whatever is convenient.


She stayed behind, waiting for them to banish from her sight, still continuing whatever murder simulation she has on her mind.


“Don’t kill them yet.” A familiar voice chuckled.


Her eyebrows perk up, she peaks beside her – where a woman, yes, a woman – with hair in half up do, one-piece cream, black, red striped dress that hug every curves of her body, an Yves Saint Laurent bag, and on her arms a Burberry coat.  Eunbi averted her gaze, covered her face with her hands and tried to look at the opposite direction from the said woman.


How the hell, did she …  how the hell is her bodyline that good – y!? when all she remembers her doing is eat left and right? Alarms are definitely blaring off – inside Eunbi’s head.


“uhhm Unnie?” The woman asks once again, she is now sitting in front of her, her eyebrow raised in a questioning manner.


“ah- its. Its … Hyewonie – Im.” Honestly what kind of reasoning can she summon, when the fact stares her in front of her face. She got captivated by Kang Hyewon – her body and the question that goes between how and why.


Let’s not jump into conclusion, she just seem to have something about – curves, perfectly sculpted women’s body. She counts it Sian, Chaeyeon, Hyewon – maybe putting names ending in n there as well. Mentally head desking herself is her only solution - to snap herself out. 


“Unnie are you sure you are ok?”


And yes – she just has to do that, before she could even recover here comes – KANG F-ING HYEWON – putting her forehead over hers, asking her if she is ok. Who in the world will be ok after that? Pray in heavens a certain red haired girl will not found out what this woman is doing right now or she be charred and thrown in a ditch somewhere and not be found even after a century.


[Heat, suddenly it’s hot].


“eh – Unnie!!!  you’re red. You sure you did not caught a cold?”


The audacity of this bit—angel to ask again after what she has done to her poor heart and what is with the head tilt- suddenly asking all innocent after the crime.


“No – I’m fine, I think we should go now.”


She is thankful that the “Angel” in front of her did not ask any further question and instead joined her as they exit the place. Don’t get her wrong – she does not like her in that way, but it’s not hard to agree that Hyewon has fine body, and that Hyewon herself knew it. Anyone will probably be flustered in face of such beauty and perfection.


 “I think I know why you look off right now Unnie. You did not enjoy your meal.” And again the girl beside her broke her thought train. Her eyebrows unconsciously rise up – a habit she develops.


“Ah... yeah I guess.” She muttered.


 “Then we’ll go and eat somewhere, does tteokbokki and ramyeon sounds good?“ Hyewon offered, looking very much a kid now, in relations to food, sporting an infectious smile.


She opened her car door and invite Eunbi to ride shotgun. The presence of the black Mercedes Benz has now been constant in the apartment. It was a calm moment, where silence was let in for a while till they purposely broke it.


“I’m sorry if this is all I can provide for help.” Hyewon muttered – In a low voice betraying her otherwise expressionless face.


Eunbi glance to her and said, “No... don’t say that. You have done well. The papers and all the necessary thing are well prepared to counter them.” Assuring her that she in fact give the best support she needed in that situation.  


That though is not enough to quench the guilt in Hyewon’s heart, she clench the steering wheel trying to concentrate on the road ahead.


“Still – it’s still me, my fault on why you are in such place today. If not for the beef between me and my father I doubt the apartment will be in danger.”


Eunbi took a deep breathe, after learning what her musty uncle is doing – it really is just a matter of time – might even be the reason her grandmother has ask her to took over the apartment in her steed.


“Hyewon-ah don’t say that. Beside it seems that my uncle is shopping the apartment around flaunting the false narrative that he has rights to it. “


Hyewon glance to her direction, brows furrowed and with her voice faltering. “I just can’t stand that you got swept in - in the mess I was in.”


Eunbi look to her direction and heave a sigh of relief and with a little chuckle, said. “Hyewon… I rather it’s a mess with you, because I know you will back me up.”


And that is the truth, it rather be in something Hyewon is involve – as the girl’s heart is in the right place. Even if she moves in a world where evil seeps in every pore it can get – Hyewon’s heart remains pristine in its right place.  


The angelic girl finally eases in her hold of the wheel and smiled.


“I’ll try to do my best… if the situation became worse… I’ll raise funds to buy it myself – if it’s ok to you.” She let out the longshot backup plan that lurks in the depths of her mind.


Eunbi hums and look out of the window, she slowly told her thoughts to the girl beside her. “I think my grandmother would like it to be you than anyone else. Though I would hate to lose the place – if it’s the only option left, yeah I would. Right now I still have the cards – I can just refuse selling it and hope that meddling uncle of mine won’t ruin it. ”


Hyewon eyed her – with a smirk… hearing a talk that they both can share the misfortune of having.


“Relatives… Sometimes they are really your worst enemy.”


Eunbi chuckled after hearing the girl mention it in a matter-of-factly manner and a deadpan tone. As funny that made it sound, she can’t help but be sadden.


“Hearing you talk like this, seems you seen a lot worse – from them - some relatives you have.  Here I thought you are an all innocent spoiled princess that will break the moment the first problem hit. ”


That was an honest observation, she really thought Hyewon is some weird kid that needs extra care to function in the world, but who would have thought how capable the girl truly is.


Hyewon can’t help but laugh at the said observation, and oh how much she wish she can go back as that innocent kid who only knows food, games and anime but that is long gone, its long gone and here she is needing to face a situation that can break most people.   


“Oh wow… hahhaha. That’s some impression. But yeah – I mean my father has practically disowned me at this point. We are basically fighting.” She said with a voice of mock confidence. “He just can’t do it upfront because grandfather is on my side. I could not even see my mom or talk directly to her… my life is such a makjang drama isn’t it… Chaewon’s too.”  She added comparing her life to that of over the top melodrama that is popular and highly addictive.


Sensing that the air has become heavy, Eunbi decided to hop in the compare your life to a drama thing.


“Ahahahah is that so, then my life is an adapted webtoon comedy that has no direction.”


Hyewon eyed her and giggled. “nahh don’t say that – Unnie.” She whined – rather cutely.  


“Allright, allright, it may not have direction but it sure has highlights and plenty of laughs.” Eunbi doubled in, her life does have plenty of stomach ache inducing comedy.


After the shared laughter and back and forth about the funny events in Kwon Eunbi’s life – they let in silence to pass by as they are near their destination.


Curious about another topic, she can’t help but bring it to the girl who has her eyes focus on the road. “... are you – sure about - you and Chaewon moving out next year.”


“hmmm, I don’t want things to get anymore worse for all of you there. I prefer it be after her graduation – depending how things will be… it’s still far.” Hyewon mused over in a this is my plan sort of narration in where she is thinking over each word.  


“Time moves fast, Hyewon-ah. I .. we will miss you.”


Indeed, it does and even if the girl still mulls over it. it’s not if we move out it’s a when we will move out and it’s the nature of an apartment like the one she manages. They move out – when they are moving on in their life – it’s a temporary place to stay but a place that her grandmother made sure feels home even if it is for a short time.


“We are not the only one who is probably moving by next year.” Hyewon sadly but calmly inform her.  


“I know… and I will miss all of you equally.” Eunbi said sincerely – she will indeed miss them.


Once they are no longer there, she will miss these unique characters, the red haired sharp eyed princess, the uber rich food lover, and that one happy virus.  They are such unique character that any scriptwriters could utilize to their hearts content – that just them in the surfaces, more so deep down the skin, they have carve a place inside Eunbi’s heart.


Sensing the melancholy, Hyewon tried to crack some joke riding the “my life is a drama genre talk” they have earlier, “What genre of drama do you think is this- Unnie?” She smiled to her while she slow down the car to prepare for parking.  


“I’m pretty sure it’s not highschool romcom – like those two.”  Eunbi chuckled pointing out two very familiar figures, not far from where they are, being chummy and clingy to each other while they point out window displays.


“ohh- cute – that is a surprising pair. “ Hyewon muttered as she looks to where her Unnie is pointing.


“Right.” Eunbi smiled, amuse at the two people she is observing.


“They really have gotten close lately.” Hyewon added.   


“They become such good friends.” Eunbi hummed, as she brushed her chin as if she has a beard and is stating an important observation about life.


Friends.” Hyewon emphasized that one word, because for once both she and her Unnie know this two barreled pass the friend line and into the unknown.


“Oh right, if someone knew about being friends, it’s you.” Eunbi smirked; she quickly removed her seatbelt and shifts her position to face Hyewon with this you know what I mean look.


“man ... our apartment has some of the best romance drama. Last season was so good. The lead nailed it in the end, with a sweet proposal, I heard.” She

mused over like she is saying her recommendation of a good fluff drama to watch – knowing that her companion knew exactly what she means. She got what she wished.  




And that is an annoyed cutely whining Hyewon.


Eunbi can’t help but laugh as she exits the car that is now finally parked, with a slightly annoyed Hyewon in tow. The younger suggested on calling the other two who are too much in their own world they are unaware that the two older somewhat chase them as they pick their parking spot.


“Hitomi, Minjoo-ah!!!”


The two teenager jolts when they heard their apartment manager’s voice. They turn to her with their eyes wide in shock, like they got caught doing something they should not. Eunbi found this amusing so she teases them with a slight eyebrow raise and a smirk.  “What’s with that look, did I disturb something?”


The two high schoolers look at each other and back to Eunbi with the same wide eyed expression, and then to the ground. Eunbi really is amused at this whole silent exchange – did she just busted two of her tenants on a date. Poor souls, the rest she could do now is well like her original intention – invite them over for a free food.


“Hyewon want you to join us to some food, you know her treat.”


Hyewon who is quietly behind Eunbi, winked to the two younger ones. A gesture the other two understood.


They nod back to Eunbi and joined them for a meal, one that hopefully Eunbi – the birthday girl can enjoy.  


They went inside a humble eatery, not far from where they parked. It’s a place that surprise Eunbi as something Hyewon would go but this is Hyewon we are talking about, the food lover, and she would go anywhere the food is good.


A pot was then put on the stove in front of them – one by one a tray of noodles, tteokbokki, some vegetables, cheese and slew of other ingredients that they can add. In between waiting for everything to be setup, Eunbi observe the two highschooler. She knows they are out earlier on Thursdays, a reason why she is not surprise Nako ask to meet up with her later.


She observes them and she can’t help but giggle and it’s the same for Hyewon – let’s just say these are two Unnies amuse at some puppies innocently flirting on the other side of the table. And it’s more so amusing to Eunbi – a reminiscent of time where her kind of love is alot more innocent.  


She stared at them with furrowed eyebrows and eyes concentrating, scrutinizing their action – like a mom observing her child’s date. Now just don’t ask her who her child between the two is, she is just having a concerned ahjumma moment –her companion is silently chuckling over. Truthfully, she is melting inside, over the two.


How can’t she? Here Minjoo would gently brush her finger across Hitomi’s cheeks to call her attention, then she would brush and tuck the stray hairs, that would find its way out of place. Those things that lingers, that looks that lingers. It’s the same with the fluffy cheek girl; she would glance to the other and giggle whenever she caught her staring to her direction. Minjoo would then avert her gaze and pretend she is not doing any of that, which would prompt an amuse Hii-chan to poke her anywhere and then they would giggle again. In their own world – too much sweetness, too much sugar for her aging heart the only thing she can do is to pretend like she is observing them like a concerned ahjumma.


Kids grew fast.


“I think they have cheese hotdog here.” Minjoo informed Hitomi with a bright smile – like she is expecting a huge reaction – and that’s what she got.


“CHEESE HOTDOG!?” Hitomi exclaimed and that’s so cute – in a way Minjoo’s heart was attacked. She chuckled at her reaction. She loves seeing that excited face, hearing that enthusiastic voice – though it was for the cheese hotdog the Japanese love so much. 


“Yeah, I saw it – right there. Do you want one?” Minjoo continued after she settled down, pointing over to the menu board. Hitomi’s eyes widen as she saw what looks like Cheese hotdog on the menu, though they are not that sure if it’s really cheese hotdog.


“I’ll ask them.” Hyewon offered.


“eh – Unnie.” The two younger reacted as they see their food angel Unnie stands up to make her way to the counter. 


Hyewon though turn around for a moment and wink to Eunbi to do whatever it is she plans to do. In Hyewon’s mind it looks fun so why not. While she is away – Eunbi put on a serious face.


“So uhm.. are the two of you on -- ? “ She asks mustering all the seriousness she can get. 


“We..we… are just looking around.” And just as she expected the two denied the fact – both of them being very flustered and using their arms to wave the idea out. 


“Really?” She can’t help but further tease them


“It’s not that Unnie!!!” Hitomi retorted, it’s easy to get her to react and what’s amusing about her reaction is that she is angry but she still looks like an adorable bunny, making Eunbi cackle like she saw the fUnniest thing in the world.


Her utter denial though seems to have a different effect on her seatmate, who look down with sad almost teary eyes, making the strawberry hearted peach looking girl to panic and immediately assure her companion. 


“NoNoNo… not what I mean. Minjoo~~” She said in a pleading voice that made Eunbi sort of guilty for instigating things and yes she is still laughing.  


“ahhh – Unnie!!!” Hitomi is really annoyed and so that adorable little thing that we know snaps inside her is here again happy to be let out, for once.  


“Eunbi Unnie—is a jealous old hag!!!” Hitomi shouted – making Eunbi stop and stare at her. [Really!? This kid!!!]


Well that is shocking – this adorable bunny has a really cheeky side, and let’s not say that burn – that kinda burn, poor Eunbi. On the other hand, when it dawned on Hitomi what she has done, when her face looks like she did the worst thing ever, Eunbi saw this and can’t help but back but in lighter manner so she can lift up the mood.


“Ahhh this kid – being cheeky now huh.” She huffed while she reaches out to the teenager opposite of her and pinches her cheeks. “Who would have thought these cheeks contains that amount of savageness.” She continues to say, cooing the girl about her cheeks which the girl tried to defend with all her might.


“wahhh – you all having fun without me.” Here comes the other Unnie wanting to join the fun and Hitomi gave up protecting her cheeks, because Hyewon will get her pinches – no matter what.


She does not know why the Korean’s adores her cheeks, but they do and it’s both a blessing and a curse.


“Sorry they are just so fluffy.” The two older can’t help but apologize to what they have done.


Hitomi pouts while she massages her cheeks, it’s that the moment that Eunbi notices that Minjoo keep stealing glances to the girl next to her.


“Does our Minjoo wants to say something?” She cooed.


“Nah.. No..” Minjoo waved her hand and tried to avert her eyes, only to catch Hitomi staring at her, making her flustered and making Hitomi smile.


“Do you want to?” Hitomi then asks her pointing to her cheeks.


“is.. is it ok?” The flustered girl tried to confirm.


“If it’s you.” Hitomi answered, tilting her head, melting Minjoo’s heart right in that moment.




Eunbi can’t but internally chuckle, smooth Hitomi smooth. 


All the needed things arrive and they started cooking the noodles, adding in the tteokboki and other ingredients and ofcourse the cheese. Let’s not forget the cheese that makes Hitomi an excited bunny and Minjoo a very amused human. Yes, cheese as the Cheese Hotdog was eventually brought in to their table and the excited Hitomi got all crossed eyed looking at it. It made the girl beside her giggle and internally wanting to frame that moment and she is not alone the two Unnies want to aswell – because Hitomi is all things fluffy and cute – that Minjoo want to tuck beside her for the foreseeable future.


[No Minjoo don’t think that way.]


“Is there something wrong Minjoo-ah?” Hitomi ask her, gently poking her cheeks.


“no nothing… I just got..” Minjoo tried to answer, while trying to point out that something got stuck to . Which the adults, those hags watching them, know is not the reason.


“Ehhhhh- here drink immediately, please.” A concerned Hitomi quickly offered.


“Thank you Hiichan.” Minjoo smiled, a smile worth a lifetime. She drinks the water looking on the opposite direction.


“The two of you looks good together.” Hyewon could not help but say, she smiled as she munches on a piece of meat she fished out of the stew. “And here I thought both of you are after Chaewonnie.” She giggled as she took some noodles and stuff them to like a happy hamster.


The girls shake their head in denial, yes both liked Chaewon before but they never really went after her, not when a whole Kang Hyewon exists. Well yeah, there is a small two weeks gap – that they both probably don’t want to talk about.


Eunbi on the other hand, her jaw drops observing how Hyewon just made sure her rivals are eliminated smoothly. Well in a normal time space that’s what it’s gonna be thought of as, but at Hyewon’s time space it’s nothing, she is just giving her honest observation.


“I would not mind any of the two of you but…” Hyewon mused but her attention was taken over by the additional tteokbokki plate she ordered.


“Let’s just go back to eating. “ Eunbi said as she hits Hyewon in the arm, who glared at her with what’s wrong with this Unnie offended look. Eunbi glared back with an exaggerated what is wrong with you look, like she gonna strangle Hyewon. This made the girls on the opposite end to laugh.


“Yeah let’s finish this!” Hyewon shouted.


They happily talk and eat their meals, Eunbi once again tried to prod the two highschoolers just for the heck of it, because yes, she is bored and she can use something to amuse herself while trying to forget that another year will be officially added to her age. Hyewon as usual, just ignore them and happily eats. How Eunbi sometimes wish she can get that unbothered attitude.


Their hamster unnie’s phone buzzed, she immediately told them she need to go and ask Eunbi if she will be coming with her, the oldest nodded and that signal the end of their impromptu meal. They bid goodbye to each other but not before Hyewon sneaked in a wink to the highschoolers while Minjoo subtly gestured a thumbs up. Eunbi did not notice this as she is walking a few steps ahead of them.


Eunbi once again ride in the passenger’s seat. Hyewon look at her by the mirror to ask where they should go next. She told her to drop her in a park not far from their apartment to meet Nako. Hyewon just smirk – something that Eunbi caught – that sort of raise her suspicion, that and the big box in the back seat of the younger’s car. There is something that is tipping her off but she can’t pin point it.


Once Hyewon’s black Mercedes Benz park beside the park entrance, they immediately saw a happy Nako waiting for them. Hyewon wave to them goodbye, gave Nako a subtle thumbs up and told the older that she will make sure to be there by dinner, and off she goes. Something is off and alarms are going on Eunbi’s head, but she can’t figure it out.


“Unnie.” Nako greeted her with a smile. Looking adorable in her oversized coat.  


“Nako-yah, why did you ask to meet me today – we can just talk in the apartment if you need anything.” Eunbi muttered in an amuse, curious tone as she follows the younger.


“Nothing, it’s because today is special.” Nako said, turning around to show the older the brightest smile she can muster.


“Is it because?” The older tilted her head; well yeah it is because today is after all her birthday. She guessed she has been really attached to her since she came to Korea, and she can say the same. Nako is a cute little sister that she adores so much, heck if she got a child in the future – she hopes that the kid would be like Nako.


Nako happily nodded, but then once again turn around and happily skip on her way around the park. It’s abit odd, that is what Eunbi is thinking – there is something off – and what is off is that…


“Are you not going to greet me?” She whined, and yes, she might be 24 according to Korean age system, she is supposed to be an adult, a mature one at that - but… but… she deserved her quota of being whiny kid from time to time.


Nako can’t help but chuckle, [too bad Unnie]. Yes too bad she is part of operation hold the fort and distract mother bunny. She cutely pursed her lips, smiled and glances back to her Unnie and from the paper bag she is holding she pick up something. She turns around and says with all sincerity “Thank you. Thank you for always being there. For taking care of me whenever I get homesick, for teaching me Korean, for being the best Unnie I know.” She handed her the light purple box with a deep purple ribbon.


Nako’s Korean have improve so much so fast, that Eunbi is thinking she is a language genius. Wishing she have the same skill, but guess she maybe too old to adapt to a new language. She carefully opened the box and inside is a cute handmade coin purse – with a rabbit patch in the middle and two cute butterflies in the corners.


“Nabi?” Eunbi muttered the word for butterfly in Korean.


“Na-” Nako smiled and pointed to herself, “Bi.” and then to Eunbi emphasizing the syllables that forms the word Nabi.

Eunbi chuckles, “You’re really clever.”


Nako look up to her, with a cute pursed lips smile, dimples showing and cutely opening and closing her eyes. She is so cute – Eunbi want to put her in her pocket.  

Still Eunbi found it odd, Nako is not giving her the greeting she ask. Does the world convened and ask everyone to never greet her a happy birthday – if she only knows.


“But still no greeting?”  She still tried and yes she saw that grin on the younger girl’s face.

Nako extended her hand to her, Eunbi gladly took it and they walk hand in hand musing and once again Nako avoided saying the words the older is asking. She has a mission to hold today you see.


“Will you use it?” She asks.


“Of course.” The older quickly replied.


There is always a curious question Eunbi wanted to ask the younger, she has sense it before but she wanted to confirm it and today kinda feels right but hopefully she will not damage the younger’s heart too much.


“Does Nako has…” But before she could complete the question the younger interrupted her.


“I do.” She said with a proud smile and eye’s looking far ahead.


“I do have a crush on you. Please don’t consider this as a confession.” She glances to the older continuing her words, walking one more step ahead before turning around to her Unnie who have stop walking and is looking to her in a curious manner, stretching their arms and emphasizing the distance between them.  


“You...” Eunbi try to form something but could not at the moment form a response – that will not hurt the young girl’s heart.  


Nako smiled. “I know I have –“


She breaks their hold as she lifts up her hand, curling her index finger to her thumb to point out her chances, “This much of a chance. But even with that knowledge I hope you allow me to continue - having a crush on you. ”


Eunbi covered as she tries to suppress a chuckle. The kid really is both brave and bold, that made her more curious. Nako seems to know what she is doing.


“You’re really calm and mature and playful… Have you dated someone before?” She asks.


It is just an observation, for someone in Nako’s position – the kid is rather mature and seems to know exactly what it is she is feeling and is handling her emotion really well.


“You’re not answering so does it mean yes.”


The younger just hummed, musing over things. Honestly, she did, it is sweet, her first love – it is bitter too, but she does not hold any grudge. She has always been like this. Nako have know what it feels to have your love returned but she also knows how love can be shut out too. She knows this is a time where her love hits a wall that it can never breach, but she is still hoping. She stops walking and inhaled the cold autumn air, she glances to the Unnie beside her, put her hands behind her back and look up to her.


“hmmm…but Unnie is the one in my heart now.”


She said teasingly and oh my Eunbi will admit that was smooth.


“ah – this kid, you really do know how to make hearts flutter huh.” Eunbi scoffed playfully.


“It made your heart flutter?” Nako tilted her head amuse and happy at her Unnie’s reaction.


Except that they both know where this is heading;


“But…” Eunbi tried to say, for one she does not want to lead the kid any longer that she probably already did, but before she could say anything – Nako put her index finger over her lips silencing her.  


“I know… also here.” The younger said; while she gave the other gift she is carrying, a small bouquet of daisies. She has for a moment an exasperated look and pained smile in her face. She took a deep breathe trying find courage.


“Please don’t tell this to them.” She asks her, looking down to the ground, to her shuffling feet.


Eunbi threw her a questioning look, trying to deduce what exactly she meant, don’t tell them what? about the flowers? but why?


The younger can’t help but chuckle at the confuse reaction of her Unnie. She hummed before dropping in her surprise – which is not part of their plan.


“Happy Birthday Unnie. Am I the first one to greet you?”


She smiled, Eunbi smiled – but tears are glistening in her eyes. Eunbi is waiting for someone to greet her, and it’s confusing how no one has greeted her yet, not a single one yet. She sometimes wonders if the world has forgotten about her measly existence, maybe because it is measly that is why it’s forgotten.


But here she is being greeted by someone she only knew for two months, who come from a different country. She looks to her teary eyed – she opens her arms wide, Nako took the invitation to hug her Unnie.


“Thank you.” She whispered because know what? She needed it.


“No worries Unnie, as always.” Nako replied, with a smile on her lips.


Eunbi let go of the hug and pinches the cheeks of the adorable kid in front of her, her expression saddens but she still needs to – sometimes telling it what it is will help that person to move on. 


She smiled and patted her head, “but you are always gonna be a baby to me though.”


Nako pursed her lips and look down and then back up trying to smile – tears seem to glisten in her eyes. She took a deep breath and whispered to herself;


[its fine… im fine]


Maybe she should contact Yujin and that dancing kid that is Wonyoung’s friend and make a club in name of unreturnable, unrequited love – something like a support group of broken hearts who have fallen in love with unbreachable brick walls. The idea returned the smile back to her face, she looks back up again this time with a genuine smile on her face.


“Unnie lets go.” She said offering her hand once again to the older – between their eyes an understanding. The older took her hand and let the younger have her moment.


Nako took her phone and send some messages, which Eunbi noticed but did not ask. Thinking the kid probably send out an update to her friends.


Their way back to the apartment is quite. A sort of guilty feeling is ghosting Eunbi’s chest – to the point she lost track of where she is. Before she knows it, she is in front of her apartment building.


“Unnie, are you ok? Are you ready?” Nako asks.


“What!?” Eunbi asks in return, confused what the younger meant.


“Allright!” The younger shouts as she opens the door hastily.




And time stop a bit for Kwon Eunbi.


There are confetti’s flying, smiles, laughter, and people shouting her name. It’s chaotic – but it’s the happiest moment she probably has been in awhile. Yes, she has been in a lot of funny moments but funny does not mean happy. But today right at this moment she is happy.


She finally found a place she belongs, a place that welcomes her, a place that accepts her as Kwon Eunbi. She could not help but cry and cry she did, resulting into panic look from everyone – but before they became too disoriented she manage to mutter;


“Thank you, thank you… I really – thank you.”

Hyewon immediately hug her, giving her the warmest hug, she could give and so the others followed. They hug their apartment manager who made this place feel like home to them. It’s not only Eunbi who found a place where she can say she belong, they too found that place here and no matter how long or short their stay, this moment will last forever.


Between all the gifts, like the recording equipment Hyewon provided, the paired outfit Minjoo and Hitomi bought, the coin purse and flowers given by Nako among the others and not to forget the food Chayeon and Sakura cooked. All of this will be part of her memory and this place too will be part of her memory.


Home is always something we wanted and looking for and sometimes we find it in unexpected places and that is what they have here. They found a place they can call home, here. Yes this is where she is… where she found her place and she is not letting it go anytime soon.


She looks to them, especially to those three, the best friends and the happy virus mood maker, she will miss them for sure. So today until the day each one of them move out – she will cherish the moments they will create together.



I really thought i would overlook this chapter - because I am itching to write the next one but lo and behold, I enjoyed writing it so much.

The title is a throwback to the first chapter ^-^. We are opening Eunbi's but not only her - there is also Nako's and part of that one other arc that been ongoing lately.

About titles - maybe I should talk about them in the author's thing after ch 24. I love titling the chapters.

I know I'm hearing the loud screeching noises... of heart being broken... I hope you still read even if it is not the pair you wanted. More than romance and drama this whole a day in the life thing is about growth. Thanks Aciel257 - yes it is really trying to show how much each of them grew, how slow or fast.

I hope you catch what Yena and Eunbi probably talk in the rooftop, and what Eunbi and Hyewon was talking about as well.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, something about this that endears it to me. Please do comment, if you have question or violent reaction [expecting some lol].

Next one is about our Ducky and next one is the 24th is .... im not gonna say :3 clue look at the birthdays lol.  long notes again...

No sketch sorry. T_T

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??